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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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visit to north korea, the president arrived there at the invitation of the dprk leader kimchenun. he personally met vladimir putin at the phinyang airport, together they walked along the red carpet, and after vladimir putin invited kimchin-in to his aurus. katesh drove through the streets of phinyang, which are decorated with russian flags. ying personally accompanied vladimir putin to his residence and, as the korean central news agency reported, the leaders had a detailed conversation about the development of relations on the way from the airport.
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countries, and today the official negotiations, including in format. what topics will be in the spotlight and how did the dprk prepare for the meeting of the russian leader. this is a report by alexey golovko. pyongyang has changed over the years, and this is clearly visible from the air. capital of north korea. these are entire blocks of new high-rise buildings. a plane with journalists lands at the international airport. and there are already flags and banners hanging here. words of greeting, but the full scale of the solemn meeting becomes noticeable on the road to the city, russian and north korean flags along the entire length of the way, and next to them are portraits of vladimir putin, on which it is written that the country warmly welcomes its dear comrade. the main largest square of the country, kimersen square, where the ceremonial meeting of the russian president kimchenung will take place, is especially decorated. the leaders are also scheduled to hold talks, followed by statements to the press, and there will be guests from russia in honor.
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is developing railway and air communications, but of course, the leaders will talk about foreign policy. the local press carefully records the entire chronology of russian-north korean relationships. here is the famous magazine korea on its cover, vladimir putin and kimchen shaking hands with each other. this is their meeting at the vostochnaya cosmodrome. well, under conditions of external pressure , russia and the dprk continue to develop relations. now tourists can come to what was once the most closed country in the world, see the sights of the capital, and visit the ski resort. massikro, it feels like yes, they definitely wanted to, uh, surprise us, well, surprise us so that we would definitely like everything, usually somewhere at a resort, uh, with a board, you yourself, uh, you put it in a pocket there, in the lift, you pick it up yourself, no one cares about you, and there a special maintenance and staff approached us, who took that board, put it there, when you go down, he takes it, and of course, in north korea they still love russian culture, katyusha and evenings near moscow, not from...
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4 years vladimir putin is back in the dprk, the first handshake with kimchenung, together with you we will continue to follow every stage of this absolutely important exciting visit . well now the movement has begun, vladimir putin and kim chin-in are now together in this car, in the aurus car of the russian president, and you and i know that timchinin now also has an aurus car, but where exactly is it?
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now we will find out during this visit, we will try to find out. the meeting between the leaders of russia and north korea testifies to the invincibility and strength of the union of the two countries, it was reported. the agency notes that russian-korean relations serve as a citadel and locomotive in the defense of international justice. moreover, our visit the presidential ceremony takes place at a special time when cooperation between the two powers has reached a new level of development. the media emphasize that vladimir putin and kimchin in have already exchanged views on the development of relations. and i will note that today will be the main day of the meeting, the heads of state will hold negotiations in different formats. and now the news that is being discussed on telegram channels is that a court in vladivostok sentenced the american soldier black to three years and nine months in a general regime colony in the case of threatening to kill and theft, the defense is reportedly planning to appeal the verdict. and to other topics:
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the un’s participation in the conference on ukraine in switzerland violates the organization’s charter. our representative to the un, vasily nebende, stated this at a meeting of the security council. the conference on ukraine in switzerland without the participation of russia was not peace negotiations, this was emphasized by the united states, and the president of serbia said that if the west continues these games, then the third world war is not far off. maria the quick-birther will continue the topic. you are in germany, this is not the place to. "i'm german too, don't make me laugh, stop insulting me, i'll call the police, in my country you have to stick to the local culture, here people wear different clothes. this is not just a dialogue about culture, it has long been a cry about a problem that is creeping across germany again." nationalists attacked a schoolgirl, a girl
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was wounded, experts are trying to figure out what to do, aggression towards migrants is becoming too obvious, the germans are already afraid for their children. is strong, but it is also under significant pressure, and yes, i mean , looking at everything, we see that our democracy right-wing extremism and growing russian and chinese espionage activities. having stated this, berlin doesn’t even have statistics about certain spies, the german authorities say they simply exist, that’s the end of it, because it is necessary to somehow justify the generous assistance to ukraine, against which the germans have long been protesting. the narrative is that we must continue
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to supply weapons to ukraine, continue to support it, then we will supposedly defeat russia, but the reality is different, it does not work, all the offensive actions of ukraine. zelensky expired, which incriminates him, it is necessary admittedly, many people in europe, not the stupidest ones, think so. the united states has already spent as much money on ukraine as would have been required to restore europe after world war ii, writes figaro. journalists assure that washington is afraid of powerful
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russia, and the white house also remembers very well the behests of brzuzinsky, who argued that in order to ensure the geopolitical dominance of the united states, it is necessary to quarrel russia and ukraine, the article in nato says.
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i prefer nuclear armageddon, and this despite the fact that the ukrainians themselves, tired of corruption and lawlessness in their own country, are increasingly advocating for peace, offering their own solutions to the problem. and someone understands that there is...
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they note that high performance was largely achieved thanks to the management of fund balances in a single treasury account and income by agreement between the participants of the ip. at the same time, treasury expenses amounted to about 72 billion rubles. they from... the sector this year will be able to receive at least 3.100 billion rubles, and a maximum of 3.600 billion. the estimate published in march was almost a trillion lower. this is due to growth business, historically low contributions to reserves and the fact that margins fell less than expected. forecast for next year. also increased, but only slightly. the maximum result will be 3,200 billion rubles. in addition,
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the central bank adjusted the forecast for the growth of individuals' funds in the country's banks. this year they will increase from 14 to 19% instead of 8:13, which was previously expected. saving activity is stimulated by a tight monetary policy and an increase in interest rates. the increase in citizens' incomes also has an impact. i will add that in regarding... individuals, the regulator's expectations have not changed; their funds in banks will increase from 7 to 12%. the portfolio of financing projects for integrated development of territories by domf bank has grown by more than a third since the beginning of the year and exceeded a trillion rubles. this was announced by the vice-president of the credit organization anton medvedev. he noted the comprehensive development of the territory, the creation of a comfortable urban environment increases the attractiveness of objects for buyers. our practice shows that such projects sell better, their sales rates are 60% higher than in similar projects,
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the selling price is also 12% higher than analogues, and fully covers costs. the forecast for the us budget deficit worsened by 10%, largely due to additional assistance to kiev and israel, which was approved in the spring. back in february, it was expected that from twenty-fifth to thirty- four, the country’s expenses would exceed income by... 20 trillion dollars, now it is more than 22 trillion, while the us national debt continues to grow, in 10 years it will approach the mark of 51 trillion dollars, this is more than 122% of gdp. let me remind you that at the beginning of this year there were more than 34 trillion. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 87 rubles 3 kopecks euro 93.29. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news, now a short advertisement, and after that we will talk about
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the offensive of our assault troops in the southern donetsk direction. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. magnet mayonnaise ryaba 74.99 magnet - price, what you need, your business needs acceleration, use instant business transfers from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank, open a current account on and your business will gain momentum. vtb, we help things.
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the shells flew into the air and exploded; according to local media reports, the explosions were heard in the distance. up to several kilometers, according to local authorities, several people were injured. and now a special military operation is underway, the offensive of assault groups in the southern donetsk direction, supported by snipers of the vostok group. they eliminate mortar crews and machine gun firing points. the enemy is hiding from the riflemen in the trenches, our soldiers lure them out with cunning. sergei samokha will tell you all the details. heavy snipers of the fortieth naval brigade the infantry are actively working. in the southern donetsk direction, they are now breaking through the ukrainian defense; the task of high-precision riflemen is to support the advancing attack aircraft. the enemy is scared, he already knows about our presence. we've disrupted a lot of their rotations, and they're moving much less often now. previously, there were professionals, how they would have responded more actively to our actions. now this is no longer the case. the main
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targets are mortar crews and machine gun firing points. large-caliber rifles hit without missing a distance of one and a half kilometers. art our snipers have mastered camouflage to perfection, and they shoot excellently. thus, they have disrupted more than one rotation of the ukrainian armed forces on the line of combat contact. however, patronizing colors alone are not enough in a modern war. the skies are flooded with reconnaissance drones equipped with thermal imaging that respond to human body temperature. the field lay under donches and thermal capes, that is, they do not provide. using an enemy thermal imager to detect body heat, observed, worked, where snipers appear vostok grouping of the ukrainian armed forces, losses begin to increase. knowing about the presence of our riflemen on the front line, enemy soldiers do not appear from the trenches. the partner decided to lure him in, got out, showed himself, shone a flashlight, that is, he did a little work, the enemy decided to get out
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and have a look. and, as it were, this was his last observation. now the heavy snipers of the fortieth brigade are helping the attack aircraft of the vostok group from buryatia in urozhainy. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. and now a short advertisement, then we’ll tell you how engineers the popular front is helping our fighters. dedicated to our older loved ones. convenient loans. excellent in the club, in the branch and online. special conditions, especially relationships. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. hair lacks vitality. gliskur - exceptional
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with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, and now footage of telegram channels from the usa, where they still cannot cope with forest fires. do not cover more and more territories, and it is reported that they are now going to evacuate, there is a mandatory evacuation of a village of 800 people in the state of new mexico. engineers from the kulibin popular front club help fighters of a special military operation and increase the efficiency of completing assigned tasks. this was stated by assistant to the president of russia alexey dyumin. he visited an exhibition at vdnkh where the latest russian samples and developments.
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the fastest time to carry out testing, approbation, and most importantly, make the same time for their serial production. the best developments of domestic engineers in the field of the defense-industrial complex, many new products, some rap systems are just getting ready to be sent to the front, others have already proven themselves well there. thermal imagers do not see the varan tracked platform, so it can quietly drive behind enemy lines along with... electronic warfare and reconnaissance systems scan the frequency range in 2 seconds enemy and suppress them. the projects of russian engineers deserve great attention
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and high awards. the development of these drones began in 2022, as soon as the supply of nato equipment to ukraine was announced. it was this drone that for the first time managed to destroy an american abrams tank worth more than $2 million. to compare, the production of one such uav is significant. cheaper than 60,000 rubles. our first uses were on the dnieper; these were foiled the enemy’s plans to cross the dnieper river. success in destroying armored vehicles nato - these are abrams, leopards, bradleys and so on. the popular front all for victory award was established on behalf of the president of russia. this is a badge to reward volunteers who help svo participants and their families. i read out vladimir putin's address. dear friends, i welcome participants and guests of the popular front forum, everything for victory. during this time, employees of the fund
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created by the all-russian popular front did a lot to help participants in the special military operation. among the nominees are leaders of public opinion, who opened collections and delivered the necessary help to the front, inventors, doctors and simply caring people doing everything possible to bring the common victory closer. we united, and today this unification is around our president, and the help, such times, our country always gathers from all over the country, even those people who just sew socks at home, knit socks, pass it on, the guys are doing all this. the project “everything to win” is 2 years old, the largest fundraising campaigns in the history of modern russia, ammunition and equipment for svo participants. head of the executive committee of the popular front mikhail kuznetsov. which has already been sent
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to the guys, almost 9,000 sights and manoculars, night sights, more than three thousand generators, 230 atvs, 25,000 body armor, 78,000 first aid kits and several thousand cars. in honor of the project’s second anniversary , the popular front organized thematic lectures and master classes; everyone could take part in weaving camouflage nets and creating small toys. fighters and postcards, and, of course, from every visitor there was an opportunity to write to the participants with their wishes for the uaz, which will soon go to the front. maria valieva, maxim bragin, dmitry novikov and daria leonova, lead. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if.
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it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with... well , russia is stronger at the exhibition, after all, my obediences are over , not all of them, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save you
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from others. there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, hakhalay, makhalay, i wouldn’t know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black one, throwing the gang away is also a sin, it’s time to pay, water there will be people from here, i’ll go through alone, they fell asleep quickly, there’s a chance with you, hold on, he did something bad, there’s more, who will do it to whom, disobedient people, i’ll also tell you.
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sports news alexander the georgian team made its debut at the european championship the day before. tell us about the first ever georgian match at the european championship. tatyana, good morning. the georgian team lost with a score of 1-3 to the turkish team. at the european football championship, the last matches of the first round were played by representatives of group f. the portuguese national team made its debut at the tournament in a match against the czech national team. the match, as expected, took place with an overwhelming gaming and territorial advantage of the portuguese national team. but robert martinez's team risked not winning this match. in the middle of the second half, the national team opened the scoring slavia prague striker lukasz provod scored a beautiful goal for the czech republic from outside the penalty area. 7 minutes later, the portuguese pulled back and were helped by an own goal from the czech defender. well, the favorites scored the winning goal in stoppage time. this was done by porto striker francisco canzeisao. 2:1 victory for the portuguese team. cristiano ronaldo spent the entire match on the field.


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