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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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is determined by the quality of politics and the state, in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country is stronger at the russia exhibition.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the potential of brix is ​​growing rapidly, and more and more countries are declaring their desire to join. the russian foreign ministry emphasizes that one of the key criteria for admission or inclusion among partners means non-participation in the policy of illegal sanctions against members of the association. prix ​​is ​​a rather unique formation in world practice.
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this is not a union of states in the traditional sense of the word and not a bloc, it is rather an agenda that the participants fill with the content of their mutually beneficial work, that is, the main principle of brix is ​​mutual benefit of interaction. the association appeared in 2006, initially there were four participants, brazil, russia, india and china. south africa joined in 2011. and from january 1 of this year egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, ethiopia and saudi arabia, and about 30 more countries want to join brix in one form or another, said russian ambassador to china igor margulov. for example, malaysia considers participation in the association to be economically beneficial and plans to begin the official accession process soon. to do this, she just has to wait for a final response from the south african government. very different countries with very different economies can join brix.
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confirmed thailand, among those wishing to become turkey, pakistan and zimbabwe are also members of the association. zimbabwe is ready to join the progressive brix alliance, which offers alternative and favorable conditions for free trade with other countries. the brix model allows not only to overcome ideologically. restrictions, but promotes economic growth based on mutual respect, shared progress and prosperity. zimbabwe, like many other countries, is confident in the ability of brix to resist the dominance of western powers and challenge their attempts alone decisions. venezuela expects to join brix this year; moreover, in the near future it will receive investments from the association, said president of the republic nicolas maduro. is connected with brix, within the framework
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of economic sovereignty, in accordance with the constitution and the provisions of the anti-blockade law, we have already signed contracts so that major investments and technologies from brix will arrive in the near future. this will contribute to the full restoration of the manufacturing sector and workers' incomes. industrial businesses will have access to unlocked technologies and new markets. brix provides more than a third of global gdp at purchasing power parity and is therefore ahead of the average.
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countries are working to strengthen interbank cooperation. another promising direction is the creation of the brix grain exchange. vladimir putin supported the corresponding proposal. union of exporters, especially since brix members account for about half of the world’s wheat and rice harvest, which means it is possible to regulate the market, experts say. after this idea was announced, many other countries rushed to brix, since the main producers of grain crops are located in brix, and accordingly, this initiative became very interesting to everyone, it is being implemented, it is...
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studio 5 is on the air. my name is anton potkovenko. we are discussing vladimir putin’s visit to the dprk at the invitation of the country’s leader kimchenun. negotiations ended at. at the highest level in the delegations, now communication is in format, communication between leaders is in format, and now the footage from the beginning of today’s meetings speaks for itself for myself, everything is very solemn. stated that a document that will form the basis of ours , in particular, has prepared a new fundamental relationship, relations between moscow and pyongyang for the long term, and the leader of the dprk noted the role of russia in the world and expressed full support for the special military operation that russia is conducting in ukraine, the significance and atmosphere we will discuss this visit with... alexander zhebin, leading researcher at the center for korean studies at the institute of china and
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modern asia at the russian academy of sciences, now we are in contact with the fifth studio, alexander zakharovich, hello, hello, so, this is vladimir putin’s second visit to pyongyang, the first time he was in the dprk in 2000, and kimchenin, accordingly, was in russia in september last year, well, there is such an increase in activity communication and contacts at... the highest level, this is what we should really expect from today's meeting, current meetings, and what can be said now, well, the dprk and russia are united, in general, they have a similar understanding of common challenges, common threats and general tasks. it is known that russia, the president emphasized this in recent addresses to the federal assembly and other speeches , is one main thing. considers the central tasks to be increasing the well-being of the russian people;
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in the dprk, similar tasks are also being set, major programs are being solved, housing construction is being carried out, the development of local industry is being set, in particular , the task there is to create modern factories every year in every county, that is, similar social. economic problems are solved in every country. we are faced with similar challenges. in the far east, the united states, japan and south korea are strengthening their military alliance. it was announced the other day that they plan to sign a military agreement in addition to the agreements that were reached in kem david last year. so here, too, we are faced with the fact that we... need to jointly confront the clearly increased threat to our security on our
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borders. and, of course, we take similar positions on many nearby issues, on many international issues. we stand for multipolar world, we oppose the use of force in international relations, the imposition by a sovereign state and people of certain development models that the west considers. exemplary, we stand for sovereignty and equal cooperation without any conditions, much less unilateral illegal sanctions, on the international agenda in general there are practically no significant disagreements between russia and the dprk, much less differences in approaches, so here it opens, in my opinion, precisely a wide field for... global strategic partnership for many years, but as for
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the economy, the composition of our delegation will indicate that the parties will seriously take up the restoration and development of our economic cooperation, which, yes, indeed, unfortunately, in recent years clearly does not correspond to the opportunities that we have we exist, because russia and the dprk are countries that have a common...
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action against western sanctions, now you know what i would like to ask about, to emphasize a little about the new fundamental document that vladimir putin mentioned, here is the document, which will form the basis of relations between russia and the dprk, here’s a little more detail, that is... what we can talk about here, in the context of the fact that the president also noted that moscow and phinyang have made significant progress in building interstate ties today, what’s behind these so -to-speak wordings, what’s new here, maybe a documentary foundation will be laid? well, first of all, we are talking about coordination and a similar approach or the same
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approach to solving a number of international problems include construction. much of the polar world, cooperation with the countries of the global south, here, too, the dprk can play a role, since it is a member of the non-aligned movement, a member of the group of seventy- seven, which, by the way, regularly expresses its solidarity with the position of the dprk on a number of international issues regarding the situation on the korean peninsula, i think that a global partnership just... implies that we will cooperate more closely, possibly coordinate our actions and consult on a number of international problems, which have now gained particular relevance in the light of the policy of the collective west of sanctioning
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pressure on states they do not like, imposing their will on a sovereign state and people. just alexander zakharyevich, regarding the position of the west and the fact that western countries are very closely, if not jealously, following vladimir putin’s visit to the dprk, this is what is connected with, what dictates such close attention, a large number of reports, there, in particular, even expressions such as a historic visit are heard, these are actually western journalists. they talk about this, this is what all this is connected with, similar accents, so to speak, probably, here we are talking about a unipolar world from the point of view of the west and a multipolar world, the one that we are starting to build, we are building, well on one point i agree that the visit is truly historic, this is exactly what the leader of the dprk, kim chenin, called it when opening negotiations with our
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president, as for these concerns, they were expressed on the eve of the visit, and some western observers, even politicians, argued that the cooperation of the russian andrei poses some kind of threat, we have repeatedly stated, and none, that it does not pose any threat to other countries, on the contrary, because for many years we have invited south korea to trilateral cooperation, because there have been and, in my opinion , there are still projects. connecting railways, laying korean roads, connections with the trans-siberian railway, there are other projects in which the two koreas, north and south, could participate, these are electric lines electricity supply and a number of other projects, a gas pipeline was also discussed, that is, we
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never tried to create some kind of closed economic bloc with the dprk, on ​​the contrary. we proposed to both south korea and even japan at one time, let's participate, let's create such a common zone of co-prosperity in this part of the world, based on equal, mutually beneficial cooperation, unfortunately, the usa and south korea, under their influence , refrained from this participation , it is no coincidence in...
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in those projects that are unconditionally profitable and for her, and for the korean demonic republic, for russia and, which would significantly revive economic exchanges and cooperation in this region of the world. in the context of western sanctions, which you have already mentioned several times, both moscow and pyongyang are under unprecedented real sanctions pressure from the west, which ones? here there may be prospects for jointly countering this really tough pressure in the context of vladimir putin’s current visit to the dprk. well first of all there are, so to speak, certain gaps in the sanctions that can be exploited, the sanctions do not prohibit many
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types of cooperation there, well, in particular, we have already begun to develop tourism, this is indeed a promising industry for russian citizens, now trips to some countries are associated with well-known difficulties, the dprk is a neighboring country, located nearby naturally. conditions are very similar to our coastal region, transport accessibility is also very attractive, so to speak, why not organize mass tourism in this the country, of course, will require serious investments and efforts to develop infrastructure and so on, but this is in any country in which there has not been much cooperation between countries in what industry is required. investments, even political will to move this forward, but it must be said that the first groups have visited, this is just the beginning, this is not done in a week or even in one year,
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but the prospects here are from the point of view, as i already said, of natural and climatic conditions , geographical proximity are very good and taking into account the situation that has developed in the world, we have the opportunity to work on restoration. north korean energy, which was created exclusively almost entirely with the help of the soviet union with our technical and economic assistance, there are great opportunities to work in the field of agriculture, in the dprk there is a clear lack of arable land, this is a predominantly mountainous country, and here there is an increase in productivity, selective breeding work and other issues with... related to the development of agricultural production, increasing productivity have a huge importance for the normal provision of both the north korean population and
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future tourist flows, too, you know, in a sense, continuing what you are saying now, this is what i wanted to ask you about: western propaganda, western media they have built and are building a huge number of horror stories around the dprk, but... this is what the dprk really is like, here we are in these frames of the current visit, we see a well-lit city, excellent roads, a modern airport. vladimir putin noted that pyongyang has significantly improved in compared to his previous visit, so to speak, there is a very positive development, that’s what you say, i know that you have worked a lot in this country, that’s what the dprk really is and how real these western horror stories are. looks like crap? unfortunately, indeed in the world, and in our press, there is an opinion that this country is so gloomy, they only make missiles
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and do nothing else, but this is not at all true, firstly, one of the most widespread words in the world is about the isolation of the dprk, but north korea, by the way, is a member of the organization united nations, it has diplomatic relations with more than 160 countries of the world, it is a member of more than about 200 international organizations, but what kind of international isolation of this country can we talk about? yes, maybe the americans and their allies would like this, but in reality this is not the case. secondly, about the closedness of the country, but the dprk has been holding the april spring festival for many years, artists come from all over the world, including the so-called collective west from capitalist countries, film festivals of non-aligned and developing countries, where
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the cinema of the global south is widely represented. the dprk is open to those who do not seek to undermine its system or harm it, because i’ll name just one little-known fact, maybe we have it, although it deserves the widest coverage in...
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if you just go out on the street, take a walk, see newspaper kiosks, in them you will find several dozen discs with various soviet films, especially popular, of course, are military films, historical films, but there are modern films, such how to love in russian, or the irony of fate with light steam, that is, koreans are open to everything that is not, they do not believe that it... interferes in their affairs, interferes with culture or seeks to undermine their moral, political foundations. and the final question, if i may, we have just a minute left with you, from the point of view of financial security, interaction between russia and the dprk, for example, the creation of an independent system of mutual settlements, from your point of view, how promising is this, well, the first step towards
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this done, problem. north korea's debt to russia has been settled, moreover, a korean bank has created a fund in the region of about a billion rubles, in my opinion, which is intended to finance joint projects in the field of culture, education, energy, it has not yet been practically used due to a number of circumstances, that is, here too there is. certain opportunities, then we know that many countries are switching to trading in national currencies, we need to see what can be done in this area, i can say that the dprk has very valuable reserves, minerals, minerals, very interesting for us and certainly for many countries of the world, and especially, say, rare earth metals,
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there is potential for... the studios talked about vladimir putin’s visit to the dprk. this was the fifth studio, see you. along with turbodub. 215 horsepower. power reserve - 1.0 km. increased cross-country ability. climbability. 60°. saves the company to 9 people. and everyone is here.
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join yours. first, negotiations in an expanded format, then the tetatet meeting. today is the main part of the two-day state visit vladimir putin in penyan. what was on the agenda and what was the content of the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement that the two leaders signed. submarines, corvettes, landing craft and dozens of other modern ships. the international maritime show begins work in
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kronstatt. what does the business program demonstrate and what? ask our correspondent. supplies that, according to washington , should contribute to stability in east asia are arms supplies. pentagon approves missile sale to taiwan drones for $360 million. two ex-presidents spoke at once. russian pranksters in avany lexus talked with former leaders of poland. we managed to discuss the deplorable state of the polish army and its fatigue.
11:01 am
partnership he


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