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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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what should happen in order to simply end up with banal theft. the prospect of military defeat and political collapse of the kiev regime frightens the united states of america and its allies, frightens it even more, and there is no doubt that this same stolen money will be used for military purposes, for the purchase of weapons for the kiev regime, and this will help prolong the fighting. this decision in the legal field would be called... a criminal
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conspiracy, and this in turn only strengthens the guilt of each of its participants, thus crediting the kiev regime, they in fact, they undertake to continue stealing someone else’s property for a long time, and naturally, no one asks the people of ukraine how they will give back and whether they are ready to give, but then they will tell the ukrainians how they will pay and with what? on the sidelines of the g-7 summit, kiev signed a so-called security guarantee agreement with washington and tokyo. zelensky already has more than a dozen of them, but not a single one is an international treaty. chimera, absolute. carnality towards our own citizens, we need at least something bring. here the papers are stamped. because why do we call it pieces of paper?
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but this is done exclusively, but even this clause is inserted into such an agreement with only one purpose, in order to help the liberal democrats in the white house with the election campaign, because the issue among us citizens is, so to speak, on the full agenda growth, where is the money, they ask biden, well they know he won't answer for a variety of reasons. loshka dyoktya for zelensky and his allies decided... to add
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after the summit on june 17, the eu council announced the creation of a commission to combat corruption and theft of aid supplied to ukraine. how long will it be? in more than two years? what is the commission? what kind of corruption? there is not corruption in ukraine, there is banditry that has grown into terrorism. yes, by the way, this is exactly what always happens. absolute permissiveness and impunity, which at first.
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zelensky, and they understand that this money is simply going into some kind of black hole. well, as for the scale of the theft of their transatlantic nature, no one , of course, has doubted this for a long time. apparently, in kiev they expected to end the tour with a triumph, the so-called peace conference, as they call it in ukraine, in switzerland on june 15-16, but something went wrong, it turned out exactly the opposite. a complete fiasco, by the way, in addition to our assessments, this is exactly how the western press itself views it, i would say the ukrainian one, only in ukraine there has long been nothing independent from the point of view of the media. yes, in general, the federal department of foreign affairs in switzerland itself, that is, their local foreign ministry, confirmed the same assessment. on june 17, we already published detailed comments on this matter, but...
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therefore, i will not repeat it, i will only add that the alpine gathering clearly demonstrated the west’s desire to play the ukrainian card in confrontation with russia in any way.
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complete it and, so to speak, expand it with specifics in the form of the initiative of russian president vladimir putin, which he voiced in this very hall on june 14, meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs, all this was live, everyone saw it and we heard, and the transcript is on the kremlin’s website on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs, this is the working formula, this is the real prospect of a settlement, by the way, about the russian language. as if no one understands how important this is, not just a sensitive, but a fateful topic for ukraine, and there is an irreconcilable struggle against the russian language and its speakers that is not slowing down, not only that the country has a legislative ban on its use,
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in almost all forms of spheres of life, this is science, culture, education, media, advertising, and so now the followers of bandera and shukhevych intend... to control now even personal communication, but it seems to me that shukhevych’s bandai is beyond the power, only oruel described this in his novels, or other directors who made feature films about the people of the future who will become victims, so to speak, of this very liberal permissiveness, now all this is flourishing not in artistic forms, but in very realistic ones on the territory of ukraine. open persecution of those who dare to speak native language, at least even in an unofficial setting, is literally gaining momentum in the development of the words of this linguist obbudsman taras kremen, that schoolchildren and teachers during breaks should also speak only ukrainian, although even ukrainian
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discriminatory legislation does not contain such requirements in the form of a norm, and so in one of the schools in lvo a corresponding language patrol was created. according to media reports, it consists of local children, who, between classes, must ensure that the children immigrants from the east of the country did not speak their native russian, well, the next step is to control their thoughts, how they will implement it, suddenly these same immigrants from the east of ukraine will think in russian. i’m already afraid to imagine what these same children from the lvov language patrol will do to zelensky if they suspect him of continuing to think in russian, and even, i’m afraid to say it, talk, which is what he does every day,
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what are kids supposed to do? will, i wonder what actions are supposed to be taken in the event detection of so-called violators is not specified. however, it is obvious that the very fact of dividing children into overseers and persons under investigation, again, on a linguistic basis, on a national basis, is not only about morality, but is a manifestation of precisely that very fascist system that furiously enjoys the kiev regime and is criminally supported by the west , while the residents of the country themselves clearly do not agree with this state of affairs...
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in ukraine, according to the ukrainian constitution , article 10. however, on the same day, taras kremen the organizer of the event promised a direct quote from law enforcement agencies that they would react harshly. i’m interested in the osce, where is all this human rights camarilla in the osce, which receives money, colossal salaries, only for the fact that they must promote freedom of speech, protect national minorities, take care of linguistic diversity, where are all those who call themselves defenders in the osce human rights, ukraine, osce member? previously, this very linguistic, god forgive me, ombudsman in
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ukraine, sprechen fuhrer, as he is called, was there however, he ordered the employees of the territorial center of recruitment and social support, that is, the military registration and enlistment offices, to speak exclusively in ukrainian, declaring that this is a direct quote, is the key to the unity of strengthening the defense capability of the state, lord, what insanity have they reached, what kind of strengthening? the defense capability of the state, if everything that is now used in the armed forces of ukraine is supplied from the west, the inscriptions there are not all in ukrainian, or kremen does not know, it’s just not flint, but some kind of cobblestone, more absurd, of course, the expression of thoughts is difficult to even imagine, for now...
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but with examples of the main trends, all this once again confirms the relevance of the tasks of a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize ukraine and eliminate threats emanating from its territory, all these tasks and goals will be, as the russian leadership has stated more than once, it will definitely be fulfilled, by the way, a little more detail about how the two gatherings ended, the first is the family group we talked about, the second is...
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with the statement of the seven about funding the kiev regime at the expense of profits from the management of frozen russian assets. as i already said, we are talking about 50 billion dollars, repaid by withdrawing income that the west can receive in the future by reinvesting foreign exchange reserves belonging to the russian federation. well, this is true, if you reproduce their own wording, and if we speak in simple russian language, then russian money. and have not given the west peace, by the way, for centuries. it is obvious that today any country can lose its
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sovereign assets in western jurisdictions, only because, for one reason or another , the united states, its satellites, are dissatisfied with its domestic or foreign policy. everyone sees perfectly well how washington, brussels, london and the like , under various pretexts, are expanding restrictive measures against those they dislike. and this is not only about russia, about china, all the countries of the world majority. come up with anything, human rights in the broadest, irrelevant interpretation,
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everything can and will be used in order to freeze someone’s foreign assets, reasons will be easily invented, without regard to right, especially to morality, because all this has already been trampled and trampled underfoot by the collective west. we spoke more than once, so this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. well right now. to the urgent messages that are coming from phinyang right now and they relate to the actual content of the agreements that were reached during the meeting between vladimir putin and kimjong, it became known that... and north korea signed an agreement on the construction of a bridge across the river tumannaya or tumangan is a river, which runs along the border of our countries, a road bridge will be built. in addition, russia and north korea signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of healthcare, the kremlin press service reports this, and of course , details of the content of the fundamental document on
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a comprehensive strategic partnership that was signed by the leaders are already emerging. it is known that subscription. russia does not rule out the development of military-technical cooperation with north korea. these are the messages that they arrive now with the mark lightning on the information agent’s tape. we will monitor incoming information. well, let's continue with the topic of negotiations in phinyang. it is known that the meeting of the tetatet leaders took about two hours, which, by the way, was twice as long as planned. in general, communication in different formats lasted almost 5 hours today. moscow and pinyan have concluded a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which will replace
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the main bilateral documents that were signed in 1961, 2000 and 2001. also assistant to the president of russia yuri ushakov said that during the meeting the leaders exchanged gifts. and it is known that vladimir putin gave kimchenyn an admiral’s dirk, a tea set and another aurus. the first one, let me remind you, was presented during kemchanyn’s visit to the far east in september
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last year; it was there, as we saw the day before, that the north korean leader met the russian president at pchenya airport. well , actually, regarding vladimir putin’s gift from kimchenun, yuri ushakov retained some intrigue, it is known that these are works of art, creations of north korean masters who are associated with the image of the russian president, well, here are actually all the details that are known about kimchin’s gifts to vladimir putin. the russian delegation in phinyang was received truly warmly and cordially. many negotiators and journalists have already paid attention to hospitality. occupying countries, as vladimir putin noted, russia and the dprk have been linked by strong friendship and close good neighborliness for many decades; our cooperation is based on the principles of equality and mutual respect. about the atmosphere of the meeting and negotiations in the report of our special correspondent in pyongyang, alexey konopkom.
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there has probably never been such a meeting in pyongyang. the main square named after kimmersen is all decorated with the flags of russia and the dprk. portraits take center stage. leaders of the two countries, the first to appear near the podium is kim jong-un, followed by the russian delegation, more than representative lavrov, manturov, novok, belousov, starovoyt, murashka, a dozen and a half leaders, here is the governor of primorye, which borders skorei, here appears the motorcade of the main guest, the square explodes with a solemn march and greetings that are chanted by thousands of koreans. both leaders greet the ministers and governors and the russian anthem is played first. and immediately followed by the traditional military parade for this square, crews of all branches of the army and a cavalry unit. in convertible, standing, vladimir putin and kim jong-eun drive around the entire square accompanied by fireworks, balloon launches and the wideness of
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my native country. you can clearly hear people chanting the name of the russian president. korean-russian friendship, unity, we we welcome putin. last year, the countries celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of bilateral relations and friendship; it was with putin’s first visit here that the resumption of full-fledged partnership after the zaki of the nineties was associated. there are protocols on cooperation in education, science, transport, medicine, and now there will be a comprehensive strategic partnership. russia and... interests towards each other, last year, as a result of your visit to russia, we made significant progress towards building our interstate relations, and today
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a new fundamental document has been prepared that will form the basis of our relations for the long term. despite the relative closedness, the dprk trades with more than a hundred countries of the world, the first places in terms of turnover, of course, are china, india, and vietnam . the volume of trade with our country increased ninefold last year.
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military operation in ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests, and territorial integrity. vladimir putin has a busy program, after negotiations in a narrow and expanded format, the most important tet-tet meeting and signing of documents. the ceremonial part for today is also not over yet, the hosts promise a state reception, where the leaders will be able to raise glasses for the development of relations, and a concert even more grandiose than the meeting on kemersen square. alexey knopko, oleg makarov, alexandra terpugova, gennady korneev, news from phinyan, north korea.
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achieved, but to raise our relationship to a new qualitative level. well, now urgent messages from pinyan continue to arrive, this is mainly a statement leaders of the two countries, kim chinin said that the agreement between our countries will accelerate the creation of a new multipolar world, and the new agreement between russia and the dprk is peace-loving and defensive in nature. in turn, vladimir putin emphasized that security issues and the international agenda took a significant place in the negotiations with north korea, but north korea’s position towards ukraine proves the sovereign nature of the dprk’s foreign policy. the official part of
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vladimir putin's visit to penyan has not yet been completed. the russian leader plans today visit the temple of the russian orthodox church. but for now, the most striking details and colorful details of this trip have been collected by the author and presenter of the moscow kremlin-putin program pavel zarubin. then we will see that on the red carpet, kinyn will now approach russian air force one a few minutes before putin leaves the plane. and
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everyone noticed what his look was like when communicating with the president of russia for the first time in the last 24 years, vladimir putin is back in the dprk, the first handshake with kimchenun, we together with you, we will continue to follow every stage of this absolutely important and exciting visit. the leader of the dprk is hospitable and courteous, offering to change places on the move. and then the leaders took quite a long time to decide, so who would go on which side of the car, each wanted to give way to the other. 3:00 am, but every, just every window in pakhenyana is glowing, the residents received such an order from the local authorities, putin has been asleep for several hours,
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soon the official ceremony begins in... i arrived in my aurus, now we see, is heading here, to the central part of the square, here, by the way, there are drones flying everywhere, which are apparently broadcasting live, and in a few minutes the president of russia will appear here. when the president of russia arrived at exactly noon, the musical accompaniment of the ceremony was somewhat surprising: listen, please , what kind of music is pyongyang greeting vladimir putin, kim chenin, this is the music to which the beginning of the official welcoming ceremony takes place, look here, please, let’s take a break for a second, here we need to look at the people’s reaction, close-ups, let's show you, please. but
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something else impressed me even more: this is some completely unique conducting, the orchestra conductor stands facing the leaders, with his back to the orchestra, and conducts the orchestra. in general, there is a festive atmosphere throughout. during the passage of vladimir putin and kimchenyn near the guard of honor, there was another musical touch. i don’t know another country like this, where a person breathes so painfully, you get tired, this is the melody now heard here on timer square, and then the leaders went to negotiations, our the film crew, together with north korean cameramen, kimchin’s personal cameramen are forever very diligent, and not only
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them, of course, are on the program on sunday. wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i’m only saving others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what they wanted from me, a miracle, akhalay-mahlai, maybe i knew how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black man, cheating on the gang is also a sin, it’s time to pay.
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i’ll burn down from here if i go alone, sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, it’s bad i didn’t make them children, there were other people who did it to whom, disobedient people, i mean you?


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