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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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recognizable features of the past, that's what we're talking about let's talk today. to call the province novorossiysk is a decision that is more than 250 years old. the place of novorossiya in the history of russia. conversation with a program expert. leonid lukov, a native of mariupol, who made films with an open soul. 260 years ago, in the spring of 1764, the panin brothers, general pyotr ivanovich anshev and the actual privy councilor, nikita ivanovich, submitted to catherine a second project for the development of the province of new serbia. this part of the former wild field, recently recaptured from the ottomans, was actively populated by crimean tatars . from the balkans. prominent dignitaries of panina
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they proposed to call the new province catherine, but the empress wrote on the project: to call the province novorossiysk. this is how the word “novorossiya” came into official use. in september of the same year , at the request of local residents , the little russian town of kremenchuk was included within the boundaries of novorossiya. until 1783, it was the center of the novorossiysk province. towards the end of the reign. through the efforts of pyotr rumyantsev of zadunaysky and grigory potemkin of tauride, the novorossiysk province extended from slavyanoserbsk, now the regional center in the lpr, and bakhmut, now artyomovskaya, to crimea, transnistria and odessa. in fact, catherine the great realized peter i’s idea of ​​​​developing the azov-black sea region. true, peter expected that the settlers would be mainly representatives of the orthodox.
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slavic peoples, catherine went further, she called on not only orthodox slavs, armenians and greeks to settle in novorossiya, but also protestants, catholics and even... catherine ii, with her manifestos on religious tolerance, called on foreigners to settle for the development of our crafts and trade, according to in essence, it formed the country’s new human capital due to the influx of brains. in addition, she in every possible way encouraged the settlement of new lands by little russians and great russians from other provinces of the empire. as a result, novorosiya became not only a military outpost in the southwestern direction, but also one of the most. socio-economically developed regions of russia. for 260 years, the borders of novorussia have changed more than once. its historical territories were part of different states, but the unique historical path, the principles laid down
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by catherine’s transformations, are still largely determine the unity of views and ideas of today's residents of the region. their basis is love of freedom, selfless work, economic entrepreneurship, and rich military traditions. novorossiya is a fusion of various national cultures, primarily russian and ukrainian. and, perhaps most importantly, the russian state is perceived here as the main and natural defender of its interests. today in the west, and in ukraine itself, a lot of effort is being made.
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melitopol, genichesk, berdyansk and of course, taganrok, the first city in russia built according to the so-called regular plan, it was he who became the prototype of the future st. petersburg, but not only in this taganrok was a pioneer, from here russia’s advance to the south historically began. taganrok seemed to stand on the path of further development of a large territory of novorossiya, a wild field, and we can say that probably taganrok, it seems to be located on the border of novorossiya, in principle.
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collapsed, these territories, precisely because of these historical collisions, passed into the ukrainian ussr, although it was wrong. as you know, history does not teach anything, it only punishes for mistakes, and in order to avoid making them in the future, it is extremely important to convey the knowledge of its key chapters to everyone. in the very center of moscow there is a modular exhibition dedicated to the history of russia’s advance to the south. this is a kind of reference book, accessible to any passerby. walking along the boulevard, everyone can familiarize themselves, for example, with excerpts from...
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we saw the walls of kherson, so that it would stand by the dnieper for centuries. these shots were taken in 2003, then for the celebration of the 225th anniversary of kherson there was finally, the monument to the founder of the city, his serene highness prince grigory potemkinkin, the closest associate of catherine the great, the organizer of all new russia, was restored. despite petitions from nationalists, potemkin was placed on a pedestal. at the referendum , more than 90% of kherson residents supported the establishment of the monument. for some reason, the relationship between russia and ukraine is strained, in my opinion, in the opinion of kherson residents, this is an artificial tension, the words spoken that day by the city mayor vladimir salda, and now governor of the kherson region, after two maidans and 10 years of war in
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the donbass, seem even somewhat naive, then no one could have thought that the situation would go so far. the most impressive set of materials on the enemy, and on the ukrainian country, is literature, here is a publication, here you go, such a colorful comic book, prince vladimir. items that are meticulously collected by employees who are part of the inter-museum group for collecting exhibits related to
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what has been happening in the donbass in recent years. in total, more than 10,000 of them were collected during the work; many formed the basis of traveling exhibitions in different cities of the country. these projects, however, tell not only about the recent history associated with the northern military district, but also about the historical background of everything that is happening. the term novorosiya, it began to be revived already in the early 2000s, primarily through efforts. intellectuals of the russian movement in odessa, of course, in the donbass, but here, unfortunately, this topic of the history of new russia turned out to be again the lot of highly specialized professionals, in in general , it was absent from the public consciousness in the mass consciousness, and this was especially clearly manifested, of course, after february 24 , 2022, when society was shocked and, frankly, many did not understand what kind of region it actually was, why russia came there. that is why it is now so important to show the continuity of history and the interconnection of events. we walk through the halls of the main
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exhibition of the museum; there are many exhibits dedicated to the donbass of the 20th century. carts, like those in the early years of civil war, old man makhno, he requisitioned deineka’s posters from the german colonists of novorossiya, agida, and, of course, entire halls dedicated to the great patriotic war and the post-war restoration of donbass. tens of millions of people lost their lives for that victory, and the turning point... was here in stalingrad, on granite slabs near the eternal flame on the mamayev kurgan, an endless list of names of privates, junior sergeants, officers. ukrainians and russians seem to be slavic brothers, but people should know, of course, what is happening in ukraine now, what our soldiers are fighting with now. in this city on the banks of the volga the connection between the times of generations is especially acutely felt, and it is all the more surprising here, in the museum of the battle of stalingrad, to see the exhibits being sent back today.
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today military organizations of ukraine are using it, this is very strange, in this sense , the space of museums, lecture halls and libraries is now the same battlefield, only the battles here are of a different order, but no less important, for the minds of the memory of generations, the challenge has been accepted in a different way as we don't have a chance to win. anna yafimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. about why today it is important to talk about the history of novorossiya and how the events of the recent or
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distant past help us understand today, we will talk with our regular expert, historian and political scientist, alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon, good afternoon. there has been a lot of talk about historical education lately; the state’s attention to this problem is evidenced by the latest may decree of president vladimir putin. what is the place in this... historical information field when we talk about a historical term in a broad education in general, then adequate, as this decree also says, based on scientific achievements and ideas. history itself, this is generally the basis of identity, this is the basis of some kind of
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civic consciousness, yes, our troubles and tragedies of today, they are largely connected with the fact that this term was consigned to oblivion, so you can, you know, prohibit calling something , remove the word, yes, the phenomenon itself does not disappear, on the contrary, it always turns out that those who ignore historical reality, and then... they feel it quite painfully, so to speak, at such critical moments. the history of new russia began to be systematically studied almost from the moment the province itself was created, well, i’m exaggerating, but 50-60 years later. after its occurrence, that is, this process is already almost 200 years old, what has changed during this time? the first book, and it was a three-volume work, so to speak, for a minute, which was called the ancient and modern history of new russia, it was published, by the way, in paris in 1820, and it was written by one of the associates of the duke of resiliers, who, as we know, was general
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governor of the novorossiysk territory, in fact, this was the first book, yes, ah... which tried to comprehend this, so to speak, history of the regions of integrity, starting from ancient times, by the way, which is quite curious, then there was a whole series of works, who was called such a herodototus or nester of novorossiya, but this is appalon skalkovsky, and an odessa historian, and that means this was the next such stage, one might say the first half of the mid-19th century, but then dmitry bagalei, kharkov historian, yes, that means he published it. his work on the settlement of the novorossiysk region, then, then such an interesting moment came, so to speak, and after the turbulent events of the civil war and revolution there, this term began to go away, but it was declared obsolete there, almost counter-revolutionary, that the same bogaley, in the twentieth year he republished his work in ukrainian in kharkov, it was already called
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the history of southern ukraine, if i’m not mistaken, it was in parentheses of the novorossiysk region and zaporozhye, then it seemed to turn out that this area of ​​historical knowledge was, as it were , handed over to ukrainian historians, yes, and we remember that then ukrainian historians were headed by mr. grushevsky, yes, so to speak, a political figure, who again denied in general, the subjectivity of navorossia, i also considered this to be southern ukraine, the soviet such a classic body of large works on the history of novorossiya, yes, and elena druzhinina, which means such a rather prominent soviet historian wrote them, and the awakening is interesting interest in this topic is again in the capital, but here it is. the first work is about the kuchuk-karnazhir world, in the post-war years stalin’s interest in the problem of the straits sharply increased, yes, and the problem of the straits immediately turns into the problem of novorossiya, catherine, it turned out that this topic has been updated, but it’s interesting that there are already 60- the 1970s, when they went out to work as a squad, and they were also called the northern black sea coast, southern ukraine, and they ended up with all this work
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eventually, well, in the middle of the 19th century already there were simply no more recent works... closer to us in terms of the coverage of historical periods, and that is, since the eighties, again in moscow, interest in the topic died completely, and historians in ukraine, well, we know very well , it was absolutely politicized, why even in soviet times, yes kornilov wrote about it beautifully, why in soviet times it was impossible to defend or write a dissertation on a book about the bolsheviks who fought for the donetsk-troubled republic, revolutionaries, everything is fine, the same thing , we have neither one soviet...
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simplifies, yes, by order of the governor-general of resiliers, skolkovsky’s works were written , by and large, by order of governor-general vrantsov, and bogoley’s work was written by order of the black sea fleet, which asked him to give lectures on history to its officers in nikolaev region, that is, all the time this topic, it could always be seriously developed by historians when there was a certain serious request from statesmen for this, but now here i hope that...
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that’s when the history of novorossiya as a discipline was gaining momentum, there were some socio-political cataclysms, and there was a breakdown, yes, that is, this topic was falling out of use again, that’s why it’s important to talk about how we can now work with this topic, yes, because some kind of institutionalization is still needed, we definitely need a department and, probably, more than one, and both in the capitals, yes, and locally, yes, it could be sevastopol, mariupol, and donetsk, obviously. we need some centers in the capitals, because we have archives st. petersburg, moscow, yes, that is, such old scientific centers, we certainly need a periodical publication that would accumulate, yes, all these moments, this... topic in the context of our general historical education and to which, so to speak, at such a high level we are clearly paying serious attention to this in full.
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thank you very much, sasha, for the interesting , detailed story. in soviet times, donbass became not only a place of grandiose labor achievements and global economic transformations. large-scale atmosphere attracted changes. the attention of artists, writers, cinematographers, there was something to shoot and show here, independent and bright people, rapidly growing industrial giants, silhouettes of terikons and vast expanses of the steppe. the first soviet sound documentary film was shot here; in 1930 , the film “enthusiasm”, symphony of donbass, directed by dzigivertov, appeared. sub-marches of dmitry shustakovich, miners went to the slaughter, ore was melted in furnaces, donbass cities changed before our eyes. charlie chaplin called vertov's film one of the most impressive
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sound-visual symphonies. in 1937, director sergei yutkevich made the feature film miners at linfilm. a mining town in the steppe, new methods of coal mining, party leadership and the fight against class enemies. everything was very... recognizable, the film became the first big film role of the legendary actor and singer mark bernes. in 1948, director sergei gerasimov filmed the novel by alexander fadeev, the young guard. filmed in krasnodon - the current lugansk republic. the story of young underground fighters and their martyrdom the death was so vivid in the memory of the krasnodon residents that the set of the execution scene had to be cordoned off. people could not contain their emotions, open, uncompromising in their assessments, hardworking and sincere, it was precisely
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these people that director leonid lukov, a native of mariupol, spoke about in his films, and even though not all of his heroes were with donbass registration, the director often took them as a basis character traits of their fellow countrymen, about a man who made films with an open soul, in the story of olga mokhova. leonid lukov's childhood and youth occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. mariupol at that time was a large industrial center in the south of the country. as a port city, it has a very colorful population with a mixture of different cultures. the lukov family, they rented an apartment in this house on metropolitanskaya, lived poorly. he was 14 years old, he had already played chatsky in a young drama club. several cinemas were located in the block at once,
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and it was also a time of craze , the building of one of them, which was then called a cinema, in mariupol there is literally one giant, they are just now restoring it, it severely damaged during the fighting, it was here that twelve-year-old leonid lukov was brought by his mother; at first he worked as an assistant projectionist. lukov was instructed to turn on the emergency light in the hall, when the gas showed the main lighting, while he quietly opened the door into the hall, a whole bunch of boys ran in and sat down in front right on the floor, it was customary to call this lukov’s row. the boy, who was in love with cinema, took on any job, cleaned the mechanic's booths, cleaned the cinema equipment... managed the flashlight and only then gave him entrusted to turn the crank of the movie camera. he became the organizer of a society
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of soviet cinema lovers in the city of mariupol. they had their own apparatus and produced several documentaries . another passion of leonid lukov was writing. one after another, he sent his stories and essays to various editors, when he turned 18, his script vanka was accepted for production at the newly opened kiev film studio. leonid lukov called donbass a land of strong people with beautiful souls and great hearts, dedicated a number of film lands to it, the very first of them came out in the thirties of the last century, this is an italian film about the participation of komsomol members in the restoration of the coal industry, and i love about three generations of one family working in a pre-revolutionary mine, this film, by the way, is considered the first feature film about the donbass, this film has already shown that from samou...
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the next film, “big life,” brought lukov stunning success. lukov knew how to convey all this in a simple, understandable, accessible language, without any frills, without any directorial bells and whistles, like now they would say. and the heroes themselves are shown in such a way that you recognize them as absolutely ordinary people. they say the actors loved filming with lukov for his attentive attitude towards them. another feature of all lukov’s films is incredible musicality, are you waiting for lizaveta, dark night, scows, all these songs immediately crossed the boundaries of the screen and still live their own separate lives, like the main song of donbass, dark mounds, in forty-second on tashkenskaya film studio director is making a film alexander parkhomenko about donbass during the civil war, and a year later luka released the film two fighters with mark bernes and boris andreev, just without pathos...
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he showed the front-line friendship of a blacksmith from the urals and a welder from odessa, so much so that he made the whole country fall in love with them. a lyrical display of the war, yes, there was still a lot of time left before it would become important for soviet cinema, but lukov was ahead of his time and showed it just like that, in no way departing from the theme of patriotism, the theme of victory, he just did it your own way... some kind of look after the war leonid lukov now decided to film a continuation of his great life at the gorky film studio, about how the restoration of his native donbass was going on, showing flooded mines, poor living conditions, endless feasts, the film was put on the shelf for more than 10 years. lukov absolutely showed, without any embellishment, yes, without absolutely any kind of cover, the real situation that was in the donbass, that’s what outraged stalin, this film received the absolute best.
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that's all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon meetings!
3:00 pm
russia attaches great importance to strengthening friendly ties with north korea, which are based on the tradition of a common history. these are the words of vladimir putin. the president summed up the results of large and detailed, as he put it, negotiations with kemchen-in. he noted that all issues of practical interaction had been discussed. there was a lot of talk about international security and countering western sanctions. according to vladimir putin, moscow and pyongyang pursue an independent foreign policy and do not accept the language of blackmail and dictatorship. reproducible time after time westerners are no longer able to use propaganda cliches.


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