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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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russia attaches great importance to strengthening friendly ties with north korea, based on the tradition of a common history, these are the words of vladimir putin. the president summed up the big results. and detailed, as he put it, negotiations with kemchen-in, noted that they managed to discuss all issues of practical interaction, they talked a lot about international security and countering western sanctions. according to vladimir putin, moscow and pyongyang pursue an independent foreign policy and do not accept the language of blackmail and dictatorship. reproducible time after time westerners' propaganda clichés are no longer able to disguise their aggressive geopolitical plans, including in the region. northeast asia. our assessments
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regarding the root causes of the escalation of military-political tensions coincide. this is a confrontational us policy to expand its military infrastructure in the subregion, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the scale and intensity of various military exercises with the participation of the republic of korea and japan that are hostile to enider. such steps undermine peace and stability. peninsula pose a security threat to all countries of northeast asia. attempts to place responsibility on the democratic people's republic of korea for the deterioration of the situation are categorically unacceptable. fhian has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability, ensure national security and protect sovereignty. russia is ready to continue to make political and diplomatic efforts in the interests of eliminating the threat of a relapse into armed conflict. vladimir putin also
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commented on the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement signed with pyongyang, stated that it would raise interaction to a new level in economics, politics, education, military affairs and other areas, and separately included an agreement on mutual assistance in the event of external aggression against one from countries seem. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides , among other things, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants in this document. i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states of other nato countries about the supply of high-precision weapons systems, large, large radio systems, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons and equipment. to strike
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russian territory, yes, in fact, this is not only a statement, this is already happening, all this is a gross violation of the restrictions assumed by western countries within the framework of various kinds of international obligations, in this regard, the russian federation does not rule out development of military-technical cooperation with the korean people's democratic republic in accordance with the document signed today. korean friends occupy an objective, balanced position...
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when traveling to the far eastern region of russia. putin's visit to pyongyang is seen as an opportunity for him to gain support on the ukrainian issue. cnn emphasizes that the parties signed a comprehensive partnership agreement. the new york times sopaskoi writes that the russian leader’s main priority on this trip is victory over ukraine. and a special military operation brought the heads of russia and the dprk even closer together. american publications, including the bbc, are speculating. what did the leaders of the two
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countries agree on? the bbc material expresses concern that pyongyang may supply ammunition to moscow or send volunteers to the front line, and moscow will provide technological support in response... no one officially confirms these assumptions, but hysteria has begun in the american british media. warming ties between moscow and pyongyang have raised concerns in the west that russia may provide technical assistance or transfer military technology to the dprk. two months after kim's visit to russia, phinyang announced its first successful launch of a military spy satellite. but the guardian is paying attention. details and emphasizes that vladimir putin was very warmly welcomed in pyongyang. the publication fears that cooperation between russia and the dprk will increase military pressure on ukraine and increase tension on the korean peninsula.
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the german media have also suggested what was agreed upon in pyongyang. bilt writes that russia and the dprk they want to create trade settlement mechanisms that the west cannot control. vladimir putin no longer feels tied to sanctions, he strives for a new world order in which old rules no longer matter and he establishes new ones. unconditional support is the subheading of an article about vladimir putin's visit to the dprk in the austrian courier. the material emphasizes that this is the first visit of a russian leader to a neighboring country in 24 years. and the german spiegel adds that putin was greeted pompously and publishes a photo.
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what exactly is the essence of the main provisions of the report? what else were the deputies working on today? hello, colleagues, but i note that the investigation was carried out not only in the state duma, but together with the federation council . but even before the start of the plenary session, anna kuznetsova, speaking with the press, announced terrifying figures, only on one of the points that were announced today as crimes of the kiev regime against minors. violation of the rights to life and health, murder of our children. more than 2,400 children are just victims in criminal cases, more than 4,500 criminal cases, more than 300 dead, thousands of wounded, today the number of child victims
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under the actions of the kiev regime exceeds 100,000, if we talk about border territories. the parliamentary commission counted so many crimes of the kiev ... regime that they had to be divided into 10 categories for more convenient familiarization with them and parliamentarians, we are talking about, in addition to murder and injury, we are talking about a crime against sexual intercourse immunity, anna kuznetsova gave a terrifying example that in the liberated territory a torture room was discovered in a boiler room, where the director of the local lyceum brought children for militants, ukrainian militants, in addition, a crime was recorded... in the issue of black transplantology, unfortunately, at this time moment, as anna kuznetsova noted, ukraine became number one in the whole world in this area. in addition, today ukraine occupies a leading position in child abductions. since the beginning of the conflict in 2014 with
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on the territory of ukraine, 160,000 children disappeared, 65,000 of them were taken abroad from regions that today are already part of the russian federation. nothing is known about the whereabouts of these children at the moment, there is only an assumption that they may be on the territory of 13 countries, these are fragments of lugansk, the first shelling of foreign-made shells from nato countries, two children were wounded, i was in their hospital, it was shelling residential residential area, the spread of shells is colossal, dear colleagues, today we must once again carefully... analyze and see the reasons for the silence of international organizations on this issue while holding nato-made shells in their hands . anna kuznetsova focused her attention on the fact that international organizations for the protection of children’s rights continue to remain silent about the crimes of the kiev regime, but following the results of the report
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, parliamentarians have already proposed recognizing the kiev regime as terrorist, as well as carrying out work to support and rehabilitate the victims. the commission prepared 64 ukraine, and we see how the ukrainian western media inflate a mythological bubble around this situation, i call it deportation, forced removal, as a result, misinformation negatively affects the families themselves, since relatives do not trust, do not contact, and families take a long time to reunite, so the ukrainian side politicizes children themes interfere with the humanitarian process and are directed against the children themselves. in addition, today the federation council in the state duma discussed the issue of russia’s participation in the osce parliamentary assembly
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this organization became completely biased, ukranized, we tried to convince them, but the latest example, when romania refused to issue visas to a national delegation, is of course the same trait. supported the decision together with colleagues from the state duma, as the head of the russian delegation to the osce parliamentary assembly, pyotr tolstoy, noted, the dialogue there has practically stopped today. the discussion is openly russophobic in nature, our delegation cannot participate; in fact, we are simply denied visas, we are up to the last minute. fought, but now that our participation is completely blocked, our delegation believes that the potential for dialogue with these people
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has been completely exhausted. pyotr tolstoy also proposed suspending the payment of russia's contributions to the osce, and vyacheslav volodin supported this proposal. instructing the relevant committee on international affairs to prepare a corresponding state duma resolution on the suspension. participation in the work of the osce parliamentary assembly, you and i represent the interests of our citizens, washington and brussels must understand that they do not they allow the citizens of the russian federation to speak, what kind of democracy is this? we stand for dialogue, for a multipolar world, for a fair world order; this is how we differ from those who are trying to impose their own world order. to increase well-being at the expense of other countries, we will not finance this
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coven, which has nothing to do with parliamentary structures, and which are playing to the tune of the united states of america. vyacheslav volodin during the plenary session, which, by the way, is still ongoing, noted several times that the lack of dialogue leads to a lack of trust, and russia, in turn, today not only advocates dialogue, but also advocates... thank you , anna voronina spoke about the main topics of the plenary session of the state duma. urgent news comes from donetsk: two people were killed and two were injured as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. militants fired on public transport in the petrovsky district. according to the head of the dpr denis pushilin, among the wounded were a child and a woman. her condition is serious, all the victims are necessary medical care. well, now about the situation in the special operation zone, almost 2 thousand ukrainian militants were killed over the past
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24 hours, the ministry of defense reported. according to the military department, in almost all directions our fighters were able to improve their positions and occupy more advantageous positions. in addition, the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment was defeated in 124 regions. air defense forces shot down more than 40 ukrainian drones and 10 us-made shells during the day. russia continues to increase volumes. weapons production, military and special equipment for the needs of the northern military district, and it is necessary not to slow down the pace of this work, mikhail mishustin spoke about this today. the prime minister held a meeting of the coordination council to meet the needs of the armed forces and specifically focused on state support measures that those who perform military duty should constantly receive. to make it easier for our defenders to take advantage of the assistance measures they are entitled to, the combat veteran certificate is now issued not only on... in a paper form, but in electronic form. this is essentially a combined
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bank and social card, which entitles you to federal and regional benefits. we have also extended the non-declaration assignment of monthly payments to receive such support; there is no longer a need to collect and submit supporting documents; the departments themselves will do everything necessary to accrue funds. it is very important that those who perform military duty are provided with... constant state assistance. in rostoven-don today the verdict was announced for those accused of the murder of battalion commander motorola, as well as the attempted murder of head of the dpr alexander zakharchenko. the defendants received sentences ranging from 12 years. up to life imprisonment. the main defendant, alexander pogorilov, received the maximum sentence. in total, there were four defendants in the shamya article. hearings on the case lasted about a year. according to the indictment, the commander of the military unit of the dpr armed forces , arsen pavlov, call sign motorola, died on october 16, 2016 as a result of an explosive device on the roof of the elevator in his
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house. and in august 2017 in a restaurant where he often the first head of the dpr, alexander zakharchenko, visited. the police discovered explosives, thanks to which the terrorist attack was averted. in moscow today they may choose a preventive measure for those involved in the criminal case of mass poisoning of people. there are four of them. the latter's arrest became known this morning. this is the cook of the company that produced beans. according to the investigation, on the instructions of the actual head of the savank company , vladimir shin, normatov prepared the beans and packaged them in a vacuum container. for the purpose of subsequent storage and transportation warehouse local kitchen company. all this was done with minimal costs and violations of safety requirements when organizing public catering. the investigation intends to petition the court to elect normatov and three other defendants in the criminal case; preventive measures involve imprisonment
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. previously, the general director and head of the quality department of the local kitchen company, which produced poor quality products, were detained. salad, as well as the head of a bean manufacturer. they are accused of manufacturing, marketing, producing and providing services that do not meet safety requirements. infected products ended up in delivery services and chain stores. in moscow , more than 120 people were poisoned, 55 in serious condition. and according to the latest data, the number of cases of votulism in the nizhny novgorod region has increased to 16. six of them are connected to hf. 15 victims sought help from doctors in tatarstan. rospotrebnadzor already. seized more than 172 tons of dangerous products. four russians died this year during a pilgrimage to saudi arabia. this is reported by the russian hadjiya. official the data should arrive this evening, but i will add that the total number of deaths during the hajj this year exceeded 550 people. this was reported by agence francepress, which cites a diplomatic source. according to
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preliminary data, the majority of the dead were egyptian citizens, the death was due to the heat, and also yes. fires in tents, well , i note that this year almost 2 million pilgrims arrived in mekah for the hajj. the white house has canceled a high-level meeting with israel scheduled for tomorrow due to israeli remarks. premiere, axius reports. a day earlier, benjamin netanyahu complained that states were not supplying weapons to his country quickly enough. the news about the cooling of us-israeli relations comes against the backdrop of a new aggravation in the region. israeli aircraft carried out several strikes on the facility. the lebanese hezbollah movement, and the israeli foreign ministry stated that the country is ready for full-scale military operations in lebanon. at the same time, the idf operation in the gas sector does not stop. the un agency report states that israel in gaza systematically violated the laws of war, which require minimizing the number of civilian casualties.
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another competitive day of sports games of the brics countries continues in kazan. today, 35 sets of awards will be drawn, including his. unusual sports such as horse riding. my colleague stas ridikultsev is watching the tournament. so, stas, greetings, how is the competitive day at the games going? yes, alexey, welcome, well, naturally, the brix games are hot and hot, even despite the fact that today the weather has changed dramatically in kazan and the downpours have fallen, especially in this sense we sympathize with the canonist, canoeists and kayakers who on the mushroom canal on... lake sredny kaban today share six medals, but now, i think you feel and you hear how strong the wind is rising, for the rowers this is not the best, but the weather situation is not the best, but the competitions did not stop, were not postponed, because it turns out that even a torrential downpour, if the water does not rise, and here everything is in order, did not rise, then -
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the competition continues, in this sense , the girls, participants in the second semi-final race at... 200 m, the ropers, well, i had to really sympathize, the weather conditions were very difficult for them, but the famous russian mushrooms are performing here, in particular, maxim spesivtsev was eager to compete mushroom channel to kazan, champion of the 2013 universiade here, that immediately after the european championship, where he had just competed, he came here to kazan and after his semi-final race we talked to him, i didn’t race here, that's how it works. 11 years, that is, when i was in kazan for a drive, it was as if i had never been here anymore, and there is such a little nostalgia, but in general, well, the weather conditions are like that, windy now , as it were, for us. plays a big role, here everyone is already ready, as if for weather conditions, that is, well, we never remain dry, in any case, when we work in training, we go out, often just
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wet through, and that is, well, sort of rain is just an additional factor, that is, it doesn’t really interfere, but it’s a competitive the day at the brix games began at the kazan hippodrome, where one of the most amazing disciplines of the games... dzhigits from six countries of the world competed for awards, in addition to russians and belarusians, athletes from turkey, mongolia, kyrgyzstan also took part, well, we talked with the kazakh athlete zhalgazbek suleiminkulov, and he told me why he loves horse riding so much, when for 100 meters at a hundred-meter distance on a golope you need to demonstrate skill and various tricks, six of them are stated in the program. athletes, well, from one of the names, for example, the ural pinwheel, in general, this is an extremely beautiful mixture of such a sport of art, the word to the competitor . jigeting is a very
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interesting sport, and i used to work in a circus, after the circus, i do sports jigetting, now it’s very cool. the costume, yes, this is a national kazakh costume with ornaments and - we performed last year in moscow, it was in... everyone was impressed by the costumes, this year we also wore this costume, yeah, in the men's blitz chess tournament i won andrei yasipenko, and ekaterina lagno made a golden double for women already at the brix games, she scored a fantastic 10 and a half points , won the second igor brix gold medal in chess this time in the blitz, in general, we are following the developments here on...
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russian currency, despite all the restrictions, it wins back positions against the dollar, euro, and also the yuan. today at the opening of trading, the yuan dropped below 11 rubles.
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for the first time since may of the previous year. alena logvinova will tell you more about everything. alena, so good afternoon, what are the reasons? alexey, good day, trading volume has temporarily decreased; in addition, our currency is supported by rising oil prices. the ruble continues to strengthen against the dollar and the euro after the moscow exchange. suspended trading in these currencies, their rates went down, for example, on june 12, the dollar was 89 rubles. per euro 95.7. as of june 19, the bank of russia set the following rates: dollar 87 rubles. 3 kopecks, euro 93 rubles, 29 kopecks. let me remind you that from june 13, the bank of russia uses bank statements to determine the official exchange rates of the dollar and euro, as well as information coming from digital over-the-counter trading platforms. the demand for currency on the part of commercial organizations is mainly associated with the yuan, among individuals it is mainly associated
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with the habit of hard currencies, but again, given that carey is now being drawn in the yuan and the yield on the yuan is quite high, the population will gradually readjust to yuan. on wednesday , the yuan fell at the opening of trading on the stock exchange. below 11 rub. and this happened for the first time since may 2023. against the backdrop of the introduction of new sanctions, the bank of russia announced that the yuan ruble exchange rate will become a reference point for market participants and other currency pairs. as the regulator noted, over the past 2 years, the role of the dollar and euro in the russian market has consistently decreased, while the yuan, on the contrary, has grown. in may, the share he held at the auction was 54%. thus, the chinese currency became the main currency on the exchange. expert. explain that the depreciation of the yuan occurs against the backdrop of a temporary decrease in trading volumes. some transactions have moved to the over-the-counter market; an additional positive for the ruble is the recovery of oil prices.
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quotes on. dollar - ruble and dollar euro, completely elementary. the ruble has become one of the strongest currencies among countries with emerging markets, even against the backdrop of sanctions, according to experts from bloomberg economics. by the way, in january-may of this year, the current account surplus of russia's balance of payments increased by 80%. the figure exceeded $38 billion in 2023; in the same period it was at
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$21 billion. the rapid strengthening of the ruble in response to new restrictions is a fairly typical reaction for the national exchange rate currencies. economic factors are still important, but as we see, and with the economic conclusions that exist, restrictions on the flow of capital, the exchange rate is always in such a fairly stable equilibrium. as experts say, the actions of the central bank and the regulator played an important role in the stability of the ruble exchange rate. managed to prevent panic in the market immediately after the introduction of new sanctions. in addition, the tax period begins in russia in the coming days. usually, at this time the ruble strengthens even more. on that since everything will take place under new conditions, so we’ll see how the situation develops.
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honest detective, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in
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your questions, what in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product, now economic news, briefly: the fourteenth package of eu sanctions will limit the supply of russian liquefied gas, and this is reported by the eu-observer portal. also, according to the publication, the list of sanctions against the oil tanker fleet includes restrictions on access to dual-use technologies. at the same time , only germany and hungary remain doubtful about the new package; according to sources, the publication has already agreed on the restrictions. the final decision on them should be made on june 24. russians are becoming less and less common.


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