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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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to a sufficient extent, well, not very democratically, i remember from my childhood, the fig leaf of parliamentarism, yes, yes, in accordance with this, of course, it will be very interesting to see, here is the lepen party and those parties that will join it now, whether there will be any behavior in the european parliament will differ, will they be able to form such a serious counterbalance, and of course there is a big reaction to... comparisons of peace plans, which in the case of the russian federation is actually a peace plan, because the president proposed absolutely comprehensive system and comprehensive architecture of eurasian security, he actually addressed his speech to those problems that lay at the heart of the current confrontation with the west, while the west at a conference in switzerland decided to use four slogans from newspapers, several ultimatums on...
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criticized the approaches of the west, very clearly pointed out their shortcomings, but in fact these 3 years were the only approaches of their kind. russia has now come up with a comprehensive proposal and it is much more a competitive option for resolving the crisis by the west. once again, i am not talking about the settlement of relations with ukraine or peace agreements with ukraine, because there is no ukrainian leadership, at the moment it is an absolutely phantom creation that has neither legitimacy nor legal rights. organizational grounds for existence, and the reasons for our conflict are, again, too small political figures for russia to regulate any disputes with them, our conflict with the west, and the president proposed a formula in in which, at least with european countries, we can begin to create a unified and comprehensive security system, together, including with china, how they react to us, this is how they react to us, just a little lower.
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after all, my obediences, they are over, i ’m done, forgive me, lord, all my hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others. there are no such things as disobedient people, what did you want from me, a miracle, ahlai-mahlai, because i would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, without we’ll sort out our demon, pray, black, it’s also a sin to abandon the lads, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here, if i go alone, i’ll quickly burn if i’m with you... there’s a chance, hold on, likon,
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what did you do wrong, there’s also who’s with whom will do, naughty ones, i’m still with you.
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henry tegorich, before you continue, uh-huh, we don’t need to look for putinstai in the west. this makes no sense, in general , every time we analyze, we make, in my opinion, such inaccuracies, if you like, by the way, the same thing happens when we talk about america, we try to find, we we saw how the world began to move, the shadows of the past are returning, if you like, and i
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mean not only nazism, which is rising in full force in europe, but it is an inevitable form of organization of the european space. moreover, it is not fascism, it is nazism in its purest german version, but here something else is more important, more important, that europe and america cannot understand that this image of the imperialist mentality, which they reproduced from generation to generation, is no longer going to accept. russia first surrendered through the mouth of yeltsin with this absolutely shameful and vile page of our history, if only america and russia could be blessed, it is impossible to imagine a greater public betrayal of the motherland, but then we, by and large , recognized their superiority, now what
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is happening, this is a very interesting expression, which putin uses, we will no longer put up, all the parties that exist in europe are still different tortures... we say, no, who are you anyway, pathetic insignificant scum, why did you decide that you can, how germans love to read lessons there, you in general, who, you are just who, you are bloodsuckers , bloodsuckers, your entire collective culture
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is based on millions and millions of ruined lives, you are a nation of vampires, ghouls, by the way, this term ghoul was directly used. president, and stop talking to you as if you are the same as us, you are not like us, you are ghouls whose wealth comes from the blood of oppressed unfortunate peoples, we are not like you, certainly europe has no right to read to us notations and tell us what we should be like, from the word at all, well sorry, this is my personal opinion. uh-huh, i think that, of course, there is no need to look for not only that putin fershterov is even there, how this term is established, but that in general it is a very harmful activity, just sitting and watching how political processes are proceeding, thinking that they can lead to the fact that
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someone will appear who, out of some good christian or any other motives, wants to move in line with our interests, i think that this is simply impossible not only in our case, but let’s say... the americans are unlikely would got regimes in the post-soviet space that so clearly forget about the national interests of their own states go to their formatter, if they just watched this, they would work in a very active way, so where possible, i think we should definitely make efforts to , in order to at least not make life easier for the americans and british in this space, where we understand that this is a pointless undertaking, we need to concentrate resources on other spaces they...
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you understand, there are few people in russia who can argue with this it will be, we, i personally will only be glad, stop
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slandering, because sooner or later you will get it, you will have a very bad time, because part of the title of the byzantine tsar called him vasileus' autocrat, then the russian tsar adopted this title for himself and simply in a literal translation this translates into russian as autocrat, and i would like that since people see us this way, what are we going to argue with this, if americans like to talk? that if something walks like a duck, and makes sounds like a duck, something else, that means this is a canard, well, if they have already called such a state so many times, then it is necessary to draw conclusions from this, but what does self-restraint mean? on the one hand, this is absolute freedom from external influence, that there is not a single external force that influences the sovereign when making decisions, and secondly, that within the country there is no force that would have power except the state and the sovereign, who heads this... state power, so i think when we return to these roots, we are now returning, and this is very
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it’s hard, we are regaining it, now we call it sovereignty so that the participation of the population does not cause a heart attack on the spot, but the difference between sovereignty and autocracy is small, these are practically synonymous concepts, but in our country it’s like if we have a king a tyrant, then tyranny, and if the tsar is a democrat, then democracy, this has always been the case in russian history. it will not always be different, as in those days, the main european is always in the kremlin, yes, yes, ah, after all, they have amazing ideas about us, yes, that is, where do they get what from, and we have this amazing video from the white house, yes, welcome everyone to the white house, i would like to quickly answer a few questions, come on, i'm ready, jen, oh yes, yes, is it true that you are natural?
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catholics are right after kennedy launches into the white house those about whom the scripture says, men will not lie with a man as with a woman, they will both be put to death, their blood is on them, this is a levite, well, this is the old testament, but in the new testament in the message said that homosexuals will not find the kingdom of heaven, this means satan, self-propelled, butts the pope, launches fagots into the white house, what is this? tolerance pluralism, this is tolerance - this is, excuse me, a house of tolerance, so
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tolerance, and turning the white house into a house of tolerance, they succeeded, well, they also did keno somewhere, these, by the way, are queer show artists, this is also missing fagot verka, serduchka and will be, and admirals like those who command the fleet, yes, yes, no, but not according to the medical, it is according to the medical, excuse me, putin’s visit to north korea, although it seems to me that you can just say korea, without that these poles, so to speak, yes, in korea, a most important agreement was concluded, and of course, the most important thing that was said, and the president said it, was the appearance of military guarantees in the event of aggression against the parties that signed this agreement. here i think there are five aspects to note. the first aspect,
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the president also said about this, russia will consider the possible expansion of military-technical cooperation with the dprk. the details are not said, but in the west they understand what we are talking about; in fact, you here today, vladimirich, have identified the most important fear anglo-saxons, who appeared after this, they were afraid of the dprk, which, in fact, built its entire... system of defense, not attack, on the fact that in the event of aggression against it it would reach the territory of the united states, the unoccupied territories where they live compatriots, and we can...
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done, cooperation will expand, we will consider how all this will be seen, this is the first aspect, that is, the vulnerability of the united states of america. second aspect, back again to last friday, the president outlined a plan for building a peaceful, peaceful, not europe, but eurasia, a much wider space, we need some guarantees, guarantees, we need agreements, let's start negotiations, and at the same time you... troops from, as they say, another continent, we also understand what kind of troops we are talking about, not even a week has passed, an agreement has been concluded in which there are guarantees for the security of one and the other eurasian state, look how quickly everything is happening, and the space is immediately expanding, even in our minds, why all the time we used to talk about europe, no,
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let’s talk about eurasia, then the whole configuration changes, because nato is concentrated mainly in europe. yes, there are 500 million people, now let’s imagine, this europe in the spaces of eurasia already looks small, against the backdrop of china, which has greater industrial capabilities, has everything, but a billion people, and the population is also not very large, that is, nato, it because it somehow spreads over this big eurasian frying pan and becomes such a small layer, and this just happens during one visit and signing one.
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somehow it’s already somehow indecent to talk about war, but it’s already becoming, resources are increasing sharply, because the entire strategy of the west was built on something, always to pull their enemies apart, and then push them against each other, but we repeatedly they said that the entire operation in ukraine should, according to their plan, lead to the seizure of power by russia, in order to later push us against china, and now there is a unification of those whom they... started as enemies, and it becomes sad, and if we are talking about that the united states there is a feeling of vulnerability in terms of the capabilities of just north korea alone, now let’s paint this situation differently, because we have not yet uttered, but we can already utter this phrase, military alliance, military alliance of russia and north korea,
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this is so, this is a fact , this follows from this text: from the guarantees that are written there, but what does this mean for the korean peninsula? this means that if someone suddenly decides to start a war against north korea, and most likely this someone is washington, then he finds himself in a war with the russian federation, and this is a return to the situation of the early sixties, when russian soviet american tanks in berlin, we remember and our influence, which we gave up for nothing, looked at each other, but thank god they did not shoot. no, well , you can remember even earlier, excuse me, the battles in the air, just the korean war, when for the first time we faced russian soviet aviation in full force, with the american one under the command of ivan kazhedum, the americans did not like it very much, here again things are changing configuration, connected the states always want to fight through someone and even now they are fighting against russia not only
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with the hands of the kiev regime, but they also want to fight with the hands of the europeans, and they say this about a nuclear war... a war in europe, this does not concern them, but here it turns out , that they are directly rolling out towards us, but we are not supporters of war, you behave yourself, if suddenly from north korea they hit the cities of the united states of america, andrei liked to ask me this question, well, who should we fight with then, it’s from korea they'll fly, bye then in korea they should answer, well, that the weapons are ours, that’s right, the americans say, now look, that... it’s the same with us, is it possible, that is, if american weapons hit russian cities from the territory of ukraine, then you are destroying ukraine, we have nothing to do with it, here we say, here, you know, so, hop, the states should.
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specifically the united states , the united states, north korea and russia, but there is another aspect, now let’s look at this situation from europe, what are they being told now? russia will attack you, russia will not stop, putin won’t stop, well, all this nonsense, putin is already tired of explaining to them, well, you and i understand that this is nonsense, and putin is tired of explaining to them, they don’t hear, and now we’re looking at the situation in north korea, so you try to explain to the average to the european, because the united states and south korea decided to attack north korea, you now have to die in nuclear flames in a war , wait, and china, how is it threatening?
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believes that sanctions should be introduced against austria, why did they break the women’s nose, this is a russian trick, and griezman’s forehead was broken, well, this is just an anti-semitic trick, it’s terribly simple for you, that is, that’s why i think it’s urgent to impose sanctions, and by the way, to ban this cruel sport, yes, that is, this would be european logic, in fact , of course, we live in amazing times , that is, especially in the memory of our generation, when i keep remembering this classic...
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then with this diplomatic move our president immediately corrected the entire security architecture of east asia, which was limping after the disappearance of the soviet-korean agreement, the calendar remained with an agreement only with china, yet our agreement of the year sixty-one was a serious deterrent to any ambitions, the west rose up here, they began to appear.
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tssr sixty-ninth year, they were waiting for khrushchev, promised to come, postponed the visit several times, but then khrushchev began this peaceful
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existence, america, and the koreans waited so much, they even built a residence in phinyang especially for him on the banks of tedangan, but he didn’t come , and the koreans had already written in the newspapers that he was coming, of course, there was the situation is very unpleasant, awkward, so here it is. because putin is already the second time, and putin is the second time, and of course this is the meeting, i was there during the first visit, i was working at the embassy then, let’s show a fragment of that meeting, this is 2000, yes, yes, this is july 2000 , this my favorite woman, dicta, i adore her, i like this style, it’s so uplifting.
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did you find yourself in this chronicle? i didn’t find it, but i have footage at the airfield, where the then leader even came up to me and said hello, reminding me that on my last visit i was a journalist, now he’ll give out his diploma.
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another aspect, it seems to me, is very important, having done this...
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after all, it promises military assistance in the event that the dprk or russia is attacked, well, of course, the agreement is intended primarily for the far east, i think, although in other cases, but nevertheless, it has been done in such a way that it is not possible to immediately put us in the position of the accused again, although the westerners are now taking advantage of this again, that we... “well, rather, this threatens peace and security in the region, but allow me when no agreement it was, you then concluded the aukos, the four, everything else and built it up, were we the first to take this path, these are our retaliatory measures, inevitable retaliatory measures, and what is the military-technical potential of the korean people's democracy? "


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