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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
they definitely, of course, must understand this. on the other hand, i think that in those three scenarios that are now being considered in europe for the possible development of the world, this military alliance, a defensive alliance with the dprk, which, i suppose, will probably be joined in some near or distant other countries in the future, this is included in one of these scenarios, the first scenario of a return to balance.
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states of america, this scenario has little chance of existing, so here is the first scenario in which the dprk and russia as a defensive alliance, i personally see it as the most favorable for europe and for the world. now advertising, after which we will continue with a new lineup.
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it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight with each other, but in the end , the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
3:33 am
welcome to asia, it's beating here. today is a day of big changes, ours seem to be storming the suburbs of new york, so let them.
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these fools managed to create a unique situation that was previously impossible to imagine, that is, they managed to rally all the anti-imperialist forces against themselves and bring them to such a stage that they wanted it hotter, but it will be hotter for you. i like that we finally stop playing around, we actually started talking about who all these sbu and so on are, they they carry out terrorist attacks on our territory, which means they are a terrorist organization with all the ensuing consequences, it is very correct that goncharenko is 10 years old, i want to remind you that when this bastard came to film on one of the russian channels, and this was already after the murder of people in odessa, he was taken to the police station. and
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they interrogated him and released him, but what do you think, why did they let him go, why now they only gave him 10 years, and you are sure that he did not sign any piece of paper when he was accepted, and you are sure that he was quiet. calm down boy it’s sex, you can see from him, maybe he ’s been recruited a little bit, by everyone, and not, well, of course, by everyone, but he doesn’t keep the information in one place, it keeps pouring in, so maybe, well, that’s true, that is no, he was, he was on the verge of failure and we gave him 10 years to save the situation, we gave him 10 years so that no one would believe it, and so, well, how else will he support the legend that this freak has been pouring for a long time information for us, is he for us? encryption is transmitted every time, just now he came out from the podium, we read lips, that is, there code, you open the book, you look, so what you said, it’s clear, it means everything is fine, the blow will be, the blow will be delivered here, absolutely, that is, we know everything, we understand everything, we see everything, but they have half of our power, yes, this
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is the same, that is, there is no doubt, it’s not enough that when the situation reaches its natural conclusion, they will say that they fought as hard as they could. dear ones, what about you, and us, and here, it’s always been like this, but it won’t help, it won’t help, because some of them are tourist organizations, persecute them we will be until the end of their days, and if we finally bring the structures of the sco to a stage where there will be its own interpol, sco, its own courts, then, for example, a search warrant or an arrest warrant for that...
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with their bloody exploits, all of them got away with it, their owner zelensky, their curator, regardless of their citizenship, the executioner budanov understands that he can do anything, he can order the murder of me and my colleagues 156 times, he can
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act like this every time a pig pulled out of the freeze, that's nothing will not change and... his fate is sealed, his fate is sealed, he is a terrorist like benladan, but at least he was ideological, but this is just complete scum. in the first reading , a bill was passed on the creation of military police, which will be able to collect denunciations from deserters and break into the houses of cloners. well, it's clear why. we must send everyone alive from the rowing to the front. everything possible is being done to continue hostilities and it should be noted that they are gathering well, there are a lot of people, the number of unfortunates who were unable to escape, quite high, they are driven to the front as best they can,
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they die terribly because they are not prepared, they don’t know how to do anything, but the ukrainian government is absolutely prone to losses, shells are fired, our guys note that on the front line the enemy has everything, the skill is not enough, there are parts well prepared, but the average temperature in the hospital, let’s say, is decreasing, but ours drive very well, ours are generally great fellows, and zelensky, why zelensky, zelensky is definitely alive as long as the war continues, as he believes, in in particular.
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in every sense of the word, i say again, it’s clear why zelensky wants to continue the war, because if, as soon as it ends, elections are needed, he will lose the elections, after which the debriefing will begin. he will be hanged on the first branch, his opponents will hang him on the first branch along with ermak, everything, so to speak, the hero has passed, the hero of the nation, so to speak, the savior, we have passed this station, there is no return to it, and he understands this, therefore he will carry on this guilt ad infinitum, he is the most important the beneficiary of the war, the most important, now , so to speak, a completely different war, now there is a war to destroy the ukrainian people, not russian, but ukrainian, and this war, so to speak, does not want to end only...
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they don’t say, but more- it is less clear that they were huge, because they were talking about eight or nine brigades that were prepared for this offensive, and after that nothing was remembered about these brigades, that’s right, they disappeared somewhere, so to speak, we are now more less understand where they are disappeared, these are all trained there according to nato standards, brigades of selected fighters, armed, so to speak, with western... where are they all, like this, even on a much larger scale, it will be in the donbass, and i want to ask, here you are the ukrainian people, you are not zelensky, zelensky is clear, you are ready to pay such a sacrifice for donbass, it is worth it, these are hundreds of thousands of young ukrainian men whom you will put in order to get donbass with the population that lives there , which is exactly you are not loyal, because there in every second family people died in the war with you, let me remind you that zelensky says that... there are no losses, 31,000, and chechvarkin came to khreshchatyk was horrified, every flag is
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a person who could to live, well, i think that...
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eventually we will come, then he will go to vietnam, then there will be a whole series of trips, believe me, i think that the result from these trips will be much greater than from this swiss the coven that was there, which turned out to be, and the signatures too. there is not, there is some kind of virtual list for a friend, yes, that is, who supposedly signed up and then under some kind of cropped version, and essentially it was done, i forgot the second one in antigua, who is tambuda, barbua , barbua and antigua, antigua and barbuda, of course, but these are just both people who live there of his size, but they both spoke out for zelensky, a joke, yes, that’s
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the population there, well, if that’s all, just if you conduct a survey among the population, guys. generally know where to bury them all, and where is ukraine, generally know what’s there it’s happening, well, just for fun, the american ambassador of ukraine to the united states, he also held the post of ambassador to the united states in antigua and barbuda, so there are 100,000 people in the population, so what, we ’ll place them all in mytishchi, the whole state, let’s not have them put them in mytishchi, let them live on their own island, yes, that is, they don’t bother anyone, let’s put mytishchi there, but that’s better, you know, if we go back to those statements that the americans have made lately, who in every possible way they continue to say that they only gave weapons for a little bit, that is, in order to only ensure the defense of ukraine, in order to hit somewhere on the outskirts of belgorod only in response there or something else like that, i would like to ask a question, in response to what, in response to the 900
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blows that were already inflicted before this time, in response to more than 100 there are 100 people. sides of the barricades they can’t wrap their heads around, but how is it that they are with the people they were talking to, and then the guys from western ukraine, and these people are gone, they say: we are not, we have no communication on the other side, 500 meters there, and there is nothing there, because at a certain moment the guys arrived, checked the phones, checked, it means there are letters, correspondence, we talked to people, and a whole number of people simply disappeared, they simply
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cleaned up in every possible way the part that actually suffered, and that’s why no one can be indignant there, so they can’t... they promoted komarovsky and esniewsky kwasniewsky, yes, that is, kwasniewski, yes, then there is from this conversation it became very very clear, very important things, it turns out that they perfectly understand their responsibility for ukraine, the poles, they know perfectly well who they were for ukraine, again, they know perfectly well that in all in this story, it’s best for them to occupy the country when they act
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, supposedly, as assistants, that is, he says, if the poles go there, it’s not me who says it, it ’s posnevsky who says it
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, he named the conditions, and zelensky, so a lot of comrades said, he says, no , no, no, this everything, this is all an ultimatum, no one will do it, no one will accept anything, there was an active discussion in western public pages, a very active discussion began, and you know, this is the marker that appeared, the marker appeared that they began to give this content in every possible way , new content with the term: demilitarization, denazification there, these are the things that we are promoting, he says, you know, but... this is not to clear the territory of military organizations, of military structures, but this is simply to move a few kilometers from borders, which means that we will promise something there...
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i was wrong, but he at least once accurately quoted putin, vasilyich never, was at least once, was at least once for me to be mistaken, no, because i
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very clearly and clearly i listen attentively to our president, i also listen to putin, well no, you just want to hear something of your own, but you need to hear what vladimir vladimirovich says, the will of the people, right, right, that’s it, this is not discussed, what it will be the will of the people of odessa, but if it’s better, the people didn’t vote? that russian cities are waiting for their liberation, as for the words of taste, mind you, zelensky and ermak will be hanged, stefanchuk will have
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to really think, well, well, you try to hang him, you won’t get hanged anyway, even if you want to, there is no such rope yet, well, that is, yes i ’ll tell you something here, you won’t be able to drown, i agree, that is, they will have to come up with something, but it’s impossible to drown the entire ukrainian government. but if we take koch’s words seriously, he really does ask the question: do ukrainians want such a fate? but as if someone asks ukrainians? yes, that is, they don’t want to, and even western propagandists already admit this, he is in the times newspaper, the times newspaper, which constantly works to promote the ukrainian regime, to promote russophobic anti-russian sentiments, they are already doing it there in ukraine, and indeed in europe in general the report there, that means from...
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offers, that is, well, well, they already write it everywhere, they say it, and yet, we understand that ukraine is regarded by ukrainians primarily as expendable material, that is, in this, well, no longer necessary doubt.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. to bring russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like? ?
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look, now they arrested the son of some vinnitsa it seems, well, another bribe, of course, but pay attention to the amount already 20.
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many people don’t want to see and hear when in the west they are discussing, we will fight with russia, we must be prepared for a war with russia, they call different dates: 2027, 2029 in britain they recently said, and so on, but you understand what are they talking about, they are saying that by this time they believe that ukraine will no longer exist, because then they will have to fight directly with russia, the whole task of ukraine is to grind off as well as
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completely, but... to inflict as much as possible .


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