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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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russia, please excuse me, and at the same time, yes, we are now seeing statements from some baltic states and european figures that finland has now stated that look, there is much less russian military equipment on our border, thanks to ukraine, russia will have to rebuild its armed forces for a long time, i know there are experts who will tell you more about this, but they clearly don’t understand one thing, the level of the military economy that is now... which means it’s promoted, yes, it will quickly make up for all the losses with interest, well done our counterintelligence officers, even if these idiots think so, i understand perfectly well that now we are reaching precisely that level of military production, which, well, then finland won’t have much use for, but you see, they nevertheless indulge themselves with illusions, let's weaken russia as much as possible now, and then in '27, '29 , '30 it will be possible to fight with her, so what?
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we have seen these attempts more than once in different eras, and we know how it ends, and the latter is now being fulfilled on the issue of goncharenki, which 10 years ago they took me here, they released me, yes, for some reason, they beat my nose in the crimea, they also released me, 10 years ago, remember, just in these days , under happiness, it means they carried out a massacre, aidarovtsy, which means nazis created from maidan militants, yes, then lugansk metal. the miner, which means the volunteers, means they were smashed to smithereens - this is taidar near lugansk, then many prisoners fell into our hands, remember, there was such a nadya savchenko, a pilot, supposedly, yes, she also participated in this nazi formation , you remember, howling all over europe, all over the world, screams, the ukrainian pilot, that means she needs to be released, someone will now say: where is
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the pilot, she was released, remember, then they imprisoned her in ukraine, like a russian one , yes, that is, this hero of ukraine, yes, someone now will say where is she, why not one, not a single western bastard stood up for her when she was imprisoned in ukraine, this is how they will treat everyone, they will hang zelensky or even stefanchuk, i don’t know how, you understand , in the west they won’t make a peep in the same way if they hang it correctly.
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memory of them - a school in honor of them, monuments every year, thank you very much to our luhansk community , yes then it seemed to us that the guys died , and that now almost every week brings tragic news, while today it became known that the otran who accompanied the groups also died ntv officer, just few people understand that those accompanying and, of course, their feat are these people working in military structures, military personnel who risk their lives, trying, when such situations arise, to save our guys, so honor and praise to them, working with journalists, somehow separately, then i might make a whole film about it, because i know these guys well, they work with them every week, they are amazing people, real. heroically so very
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correct, i want to start with the fact that, of course , it is very important for me that in this studio there really is, as it were, the nerve of war and the nerve of events, because literally... all the last weeks we have been discussing the situation with north korea, oh how big a role it can begin to play in all these events, and not primarily only that it can really help a lot, as it were, in a military sense, and above all as a special factor, because today north korea, after the signing of this treaty, becomes that very, like a safe or dark room that... . will allow both russia and china, without which, of course, the signing of such an agreement would probably simply not have taken place, given the special attitude towards korea and china, to create a space into which no one who could, as they say, would have access. , try to harm, because for the same huge china
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, for it now there is indeed a very serious factor of pressure on it, they are trying to provoke it, and nevertheless, i say again, now a completely new geopolitical space has been created, again they ask the question, that’s why this agreement it was needed today, and simply because in the 2000 agreement, let me remind you, this was the first agreement signed by putin, who was then still acting, it was then, because he would have restored it in fact, this treaty, after in 1996 we practically terminated the previous one on mutual assistance friendship, and so the current treaty, of course its main difference is that it has a huge component related to security...
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let’s stand up, so for me this is very important in our communication precisely because we do not pour empty things into empty things, and we are, to some extent, engaged in futurology, maybe close, but futurology, and this is very important, if we talk about the situation at the front, then i’m all i remember the time right here
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these days, what happened last year, last year at this time there were the heaviest battles, probably the heaviest battles in general in our modern history after the great patriotic war, when all...
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the offensive and onslaught that happened before, and today it is absolutely obvious that even against the background of the fact that today they seem to be saying that we gave ukraine everything, it is obvious that all this is not enough for anything other than really trying to defend itself, no, well, you and me we understand well, they will now give up everything they have, they need to get to the summit nato will give at least some result, the second point is the us elections, because it is clear that during the election campaign biden will be told, you’re next.
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they are constantly dragging, and they are dragging due to the fact that they are already exposing the front in other directions, i have already said that, for example, when talking with sasha borodai, who commands a brigade at the zaporozhye department, he himself says that now... it has become much quieter , because a lot went there to kharkov, it turns out at the moment that ukraine is still plays in trichkin-kovtan, and this is already obvious to everyone, yes, there is a huge call-up, but we understand that the call-up needs to be trained for at least 2-3 months so that they at least represent something, but even this call is already does not cover, this is a call to action before the american elections, i wanted to say that this is a call that they will throw into battle in about 2-2 months. this is august-september, this is a matter of bets, but you need to understand that, indeed,
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just the other day i was counting, so to speak, according to all my records and assessing the minimum standard for average daily losses, moreover, i most often rely on the data that ukraine itself periodically provided, they named the average daily losses several times, that is, only those killed, it turns out that the minimum number of deaths is 420-450 .
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our own, because we understand perfectly well that we will have to pay for this, as koch again said, with thousands of lives, and these
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lives are paid every day, so it is quite obvious that, of course , today we also face a very serious task, because, as if not to drag out the war, but also not to rush, because until we grind through this entire, well, how to say, this entire reserve, which has been created, of course, in this case, simply at the cost of the lives of our people, go forward . our unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, this was
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obvious, now the development of unmanned aircraft is underway ; they act as fighter aircraft against aircraft the same as the classical one, it starts with a bomber, then fighters, attack aircraft, that is, it will be the same here, but we need to be one step ahead , for this purpose, all bureaucratic obstacles are necessary, so take it away with a strong hand, how many months have we been talking about balloons, or more precisely about balloons. they exist, but now the most important thing is that they are not only thanks to civil society, which uses its own money, but thanks to the fact that an express train will start working inside the ministry of defense, like this, well, let’s see, that is, this should always be done, everyone here is our own pros, cons, but now vladimir vladimirovich set the task this way, yes, that is, you need to be one step ahead all the time, for to achieve this goal, it is necessary to reduce all bureaucratic obstacles, to destroy them that exist, please, yes. i would start with the international track, if we talk about the conference in switzerland, it became the turning point after
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which the west began to suspect that the situation was empty, that mr. atoman had no cash desk, everyone began to slowly make reservations or formulate a plan b. the first such interesting news - this is o'brien, this is trump's former national security adviser, he actually published trump's program, the foreign policy program, everything is said there regarding ukraine. simple, but if europe wants to prove that it really supports ukraine, let it accept it, let it pay for everything, and trump will negotiate with russia, but the united states.
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but again, this is not a problem of the united states, europe has moved to the level of vassalage; in this regard , it no longer has its own voice, and the current national security adviser, jake selevan, actually stated that the agreement that was signed, yes, it is an intergovernmental one, but does not require no ratification and any next government can withdraw from it as well.
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states in minsk explained that, generally speaking, the budapest memorandum does not oblige anyone to anything, it was not ratified, yes, that is, in this regard, in general, the states were the first to say, i remember how loudly they said it in 1914 , that the budapest memorandum, how could it be that russia violated it, so excuse me, the states were the first to say that this piece of paper was not us, we did not violate it, we did not ratify it, by the way, like ukraine, it’s natural that this piece of paper is worth nothing.
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but the most important marker is the black rock investor meetings, yes, that is, somehow the news went unnoticed that the restructuring of the ukrainian debt by $20 billion was postponed, it was not agreed upon, payments should, in general, begin, and black rock has already today he is the owner of almost all significant ukrainian assets, including ukr-zaleznitsa, ukroboronprom, and ukrainian. how will you answer and what else can be taken from you, given that the obligations under you failed in payments, that is , the vultures have already gathered, and this is a vulture, and what to take, these are ours, well, they, they want
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to get before, before, there’s nothing to get, there’s nothing, come tomorrow, there’s nothing, that’s it . yes, tomorrow is tomorrow, and tomorrow there will be nothing at all, why am i asking within what boundaries the news is accepted, that ’s the point, optimism, no, well, here, again, only the baltic countries show optimism, here is the ambassador of estonia made a remarkable statement regarding ukraine’s accession to the eu, that in less than 10 years ukraine, of course, will be in the eu; in less than 10 years, how can the baltic states not exist in the same form? well, again, this is the pace of estonia’s thinking.
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will receive, of course, ukraine will win, and of course, zelensky’s plan will triumph, what doubts there may be about this, in any case, lithuania has no doubts about it, that is, in this regard
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, this support zone is narrowed to lithuania. well, the last thing that can be remembered in this regard is the moment that the new york times, well, it’s clear that these are soros, suddenly discovered that the telethon was destroyed in freedom of the press in ukraine, the new york times is not soros, the new york times is still older than soros will be. no, i mean a custom-made article, because the article also cites as a negative episode the surveillance of co-operatives in ukraine, that they were engaged in anti-corruption investigations in the interests of the united states, they were taken like that , listened to, how bad, but this is a hand, this is how it happens, they actually stated that the telethon practically destroyed the freedom of the press, that is, in this in terms of preparation, there is a deep thought, that is, not zelensky, but a telethon. he is right that these treaties will, of course, serve the interests of america, they
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did it that way, it is very convenient to sign a treaty on security guarantees when, in general, you have no obligations, i’ll just remind you that before that there were security guarantees britain gave ukraine, i want to ask, britain gave security guarantees, there was more security in ukraine, and then there was france, then there was germany, now... the united states of america, and then there’s the european union is preparing security guarantees for ukraine, there are more and more guarantees, but somehow there is less and less security, somehow the situation is developing. in relation to mr. koch, well , in principle, it’s very good, probably, that they turn on rational thinking and start asking the right questions, but in fact, what he voiced is nothing new for me personally, because that we have discussed this topic many times and talked about the fact that... of course, for zelensky, war is the habitat, without which it cannot exist, by definition. the end of the war is the end of zelensky's power. this is obvious to everyone . the only thing, you know, is that when he
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calls zelensky the main beneficiary of the war, after all, this is not true, this is not entirely true. the main beneficiary of the war is the united states of america, but he cannot voice this, being there in the west, but he does not have such a right, there is democracy there, it is so special, you see, you cannot afford it there either.
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in the city of kyiv in the capital they will simply take it, they will take away the shopping center and send it right there, so to speak, to the war, the same for electricity, did you notice, yes, well, well, of course, the capital, it must be kept in some special conditions in order to she did not rebel that they came up with, now they say that there is no electricity in kiev, there is a shortage of electricity and so on, but experts say that there is more than enough electricity for the city of kiev, but what they do not give to people. electricity is for an exclusively political purpose, which should solve one big problem: they increased tariffs by 70%. now they are just trying to break these people, yes, well, so that they don’t go on strike, don’t rebel against raising tariffs, they deprive them of electricity and, against the background of the lack of electricity, then they will do a good deed, they will say: you know, well, this is how you live without electricity, it’s bad , but it’s bad, well, expensive electricity is better
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than its absence and that’s all. they will solve this problem, they are not interested in kharkov, poltava, regions - this is all secondary, they are interested capital, that’s why they don’t provide electricity today in order to form a public opinion that would look up to the authorities and say, listen, let it become more expensive, give us at least some electricity, we can live without it impossible, although i say again, in fact, there is no shortage of electricity there, at least for the city of kiev. still, my obediences, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you will be saved yourself, just save from there are no other former disobedients, what
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did you want from me? where is the ahlay-mahalai, the demonstrator would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demo, pray, black, throwing the gang away is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here if i’m alone, so quickly sleep if there’s a chance with you , hold on!
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