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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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for the first time, official data has appeared regarding people who, as a result...
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it seems to me that we are not entirely, we underestimate the role of the british, the influence on the political elite, last week yulia vladimirovna went to britain, apparently she went there, politicians have become more active, they already feel with their noses that something is actually happening, they need to somehow lie down under someone, work with someone, and i want to tell you, vladimirich, there in ukraine, in today's ukraine, there are no friends, there are no friends, yes, absolutely, absolutely no friends, and to rely, for example,
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on the capabilities of some deputies, well , these scraps are opzzzh, i don’t want to discuss this at all, for the pre-political parties, please, persecute the russian orthodox church without any problems at all, yes, that is, seize russian assets, they everyone, they all vote for this, these are the people who, i remember on may 9, who walked like this with ribbons, talked about the great victory, and then vote for the laws that they consider.
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for a long time now, even in your studio very rarely, but we touched on the topic of black transportologists, it periodically surfaced in ukraine, that’s what they wrote, well, somehow it surfaced, it was closed, it surfaced, it was closed, there was a war, and can you imagine the number, we ’re talking about the dead, we’re talking about the wounded, we’re talking about limbs, that’s it people who professionally work with the wounded, professionally work with people who are generally lost, and yet there are... a lot of them in ukraine, there are people, since they are lost, no one can find them, where are they in prison, not in prison, killed , not killed, so this bastard together there are 12 more doctors, just the other day, they were taken, they were covered, and searches were carried out in several institutes,
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these are a dozen doctors, so-called doctors, they are accused of organizing, and illegal natural transplantology, and the export, sale of these ultimate...
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this is what ukraine is today, you know, every, every week, i myself am surprised, where is this country, where did it go, where is this country, now concerns our dispute, which you announced at the beginning of the program, i listen carefully to vladimir putin, i’ve been listening carefully lately,
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let me express my version, the state is making the russian state an enemy, that’s right, the state. a respected diplomat says: the west also wants peace, and the conference in switzerland, and maybe also, they want peace, so if russia wants peace, the west wants peace, who doesn’t want it, well, who doesn’t want it, who doesn’t want peace, who from the west said that he wants
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peace, wait, wait, wait, peaceful, you yourself said, it’s obvious that they want peace, i said that their analysts they are trying to provoke people to tell this story, that is...
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wake up, our lands are occupied, so until we liberate our lands and give the people of new russia the opportunity to express their position on the nazi ukrainian state, we will have no one to talk to, so you calm down, calm down, we haven’t heard this, the people of novorossiya, i heard, the region, the intelligence service of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies for...
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they hid for 2 weeks in the basement of a destroyed at home surrounded by ukrainian armed forces firing points, how to get out if there are three children nearby, it’s impossible to wait any longer, there’s not even water, this is the same sos signal to the russian military from a family from volchansk, on pieces of iron they wrote in white paint: children of the doctor sos worked, for us the drone dropped the news.
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a master of such aerobatics: to fly so that the evacuees understand the routes, at the same time so that the enemy does not notice the uav, and most importantly, so that it does not interfere with the rescue operation. notice how there is open space everywhere and look at how our guys are focused. yes, in fact , the pilot did a very great job, this is experience, he showed that he is the az in this matter, and he is where he should be, show the route, convey to them, this is very, this was not the only thing done. flight, then conduct it, tell people to follow the drone, this
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is also not easy, to take it out from under fire and not be discovered by the enemy, it is definitely a heroic act, to evacuate a large family, russian military personnel stopped artillery fire, everything to to ensure security, the command made a simply stunning decision, but stopped artillery fire; there was no artillery fire from russia for half a day. for half a day, russian military personnel patiently led the family out of a seemingly hellish and almost impossible situation, but they did it. this once again shows that our army is invincible. the russian army is an army of salvation. and here are the first shots after the culminating part of this special operation, women and children walking towards the russian military along a forest path. excited, but on their faces a half smile appeared. now... we can finally breathe out, the smallest soldiers are immediately picked up and carried in their arms, this is such
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generosity on the part of our servicemen, when they wait in the forest, when they meet a mother with children, when they take a little girl in their arms , when they immediately give you water, remember when they brought them to the resting place, after all , some food and some drink were immediately laid out there, but what about the dryers who set up their firing points around the houses? even evacuating a family with they didn’t offer three small daughters, no, they only offered to take the children, they told us, they came in, they’re trying to evacuate you somehow already, when they were fighting or something else. the worst and most cynical thing is that when the family turned to the ukrainian military for help, they refused, they said that they could take the children out, but what does it mean to take the children out? this means that the family may never see them again, because we know that, unfortunately, ukrainian children disappear, they are resold, but
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why do russian military personnel with a drone, in addition to the news, they dropped two tourniquets, so you... the evacuees, they didn’t even give water, the russian drone of the vsushnikov scared him off, scared him off at the very moment when they were throwing grenades at the cellar of a neighboring house, and there were people there, no, no, he asks him , why throw a grenade, he threw it, without asking anything, they threw it, then your drone was flying, that they were a drone, a drone, run into the house, they left,
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it turns out our door, they didn’t break it down and didn’t do anything, just about this, prochere. so who are they protecting in the ssu then, if firing a burst from a machine gun through the cellar, where civilians are located, themselves? and against this background, russian soldiers, drone operators, are real saviors who, even in the most difficult conditions, provide assistance at altitude. if everything looks like the wild west, then the law there is one, shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. in during the assault, he single-handedly entered the enemy
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trench and disarmed the military units of the armed forces of ukraine. fighter of the third separate. special forces, that's why special forces are in order to act as efficiently as possible in such situations, our fighter takes away their machine guns, the guardsmen who have just been captured obey unquestioningly, sit in a trench, hands up, not even trying to resist,
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four prisoners, skip, skip, come here, four prisoners, come here, skip, i found it once... i found everything, we didn’t shoot, skip is the call sign of the equipment, you can’t get away with it, they say our soldier called a comrade in arms, the prisoners actually had a walkie-talkie and in general a complete set of non-combat equipment, that supposedly they were drivers and did not pull the trigger at all, there were such moments when the command set the task to take prisoners, well, as always, when a prisoner was taken, they are as always...
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the second one comes to me, come on, they don’t understand what they are fighting for, we understand what we are fighting for, we are fighting for ours, for our own, for the russians, for our russian land, for their original russian land, but they understand that everything is sent to them for meat, that’s what else our soldiers say that in that assault there were two groups of special forces, the second commander, who had this favorite phrase: i will walk until i wear myself out, in the sense... his group stormed the enemy’s stronghold in the ssu for days, they tried to knock them out with artillery, the commander, his deputy, also a very experienced fighter, died, but not alone. the warrior they trained in regard to the fact that the commander died did not flinch, the sergeants took command, the special forces soldiers fought to the death. the platoons and the guys themselves
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pulled out the deputy commander, it always develops in a well-coordinated teams have a kind of hierarchy, and people understand who is capable of what, and even if three remain, still from these three, even if there are two, from these two someone will take on the team. “ god grant that all our guys return home alive without wounds or shell shocks. in the end , they held out until the arrival of the company commander, did not give up their support, and took more prisoners. there are a lot of brave guys in the russian army, who are ready to go alone against an enemy of superior strength , well, special forces are a selective unit where they recruit the best, most motivated, where the guys are being trained for our special forces, they are afraid. ukrovoy. when the special forces returned from the mission, the guys’ first words were when the next assault would be. the group is completely ready for battle. this is character, this is the will to win.
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entire trenches surrender to such fighters of the armed forces of ukraine. and this is our disarming argument. the ruble continues to strengthen against the dollar and euro; after the moscow exchange suspended trading in these currencies, their rates went down. for example, on june 12, the dollar was worth 89 rubles. behind. 95.7. as of june 19, the bank of russia set the following rates: dollar 87 rubles. 3 kopecks euro 93 rub. 29 kop. let me remind you that from june 13, the bank
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of russia uses bank statements, as well as information received from digital over-the-counter trading platforms, to determine the official dollar and euro exchange rates. and the demand for currency from commercial organizations is mainly associated with the yuan. market nicks and other currency pairs. as the regulator noted, over the past 2 years, the role of the dollar and euro in the russian market has consistently decreased, while the yuan, on the contrary , has grown. in may, the share he held at
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the auction was 54%. so chinese currency and became the main one on the stock exchange. experts explain that the depreciation of the yuan occurs against the backdrop of a temporary decrease in trading volumes. some transactions moved to the over-the-counter market. an additional positive for the ruble is the recovery. dollar - ruble and dollar - euro, completely elementary. the ruble has become one of the strongest currencies among countries with emerging markets, even against the backdrop of sanctions, according to
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bloomberg economics experts. by the way, in january-may of this year, the current account surplus of russia's balance of payments increased by 80%. the figure exceeded $38 billion. in 2023 in the same period it was at the level of $21 billion. faster strengthening of the ruble. in response to new restrictions - this is a fairly typical reaction for the national currency exchange rate, economic factors are still important, but as we see, and with those economic water restrictions on the flow of capital, the exchange rate is always in such a fairly stable equilibrium. as experts say, the actions of the central bank played an important role in the stability of the ruble exchange rate; the regulator managed to prevent panic in the market immediately after the introduction of new sanctions. in addition, the tax period begins in russia in the coming days. usually, at this time the ruble strengthens even more. this time everything will take place under new conditions, so
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we’ll see how the situation develops.
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the twenty-third year of falling successes, we were preparing for new shocks, sber became the most attacked company in the world. an elderly woman was kidnapped, a new scam call center scheme, we're increasingly dealing with cyber armies, interesting times, it was very scary. production brought to the status of a work of art, when we have enough energy we can do anything, you understand that everything is not in vain, we worked with the mood to win, we succeeded.
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vladimir putin arrived on a state visit to vietnam at the invitation of the secretary general. communist party. this is putin's fifth trip to this country. in hanoi he will meet with the entire top leadership of vietnam, the leader of the communist party and the president , prime minister, as well as the chairman of the national assembly. planned to discuss development of strategic partnership in trade, economic, scientific and humanitarian spheres, as well as exchange views on international and regional issues. as a result of the negotiations, a joint statement and signing of about twenty bilateral agreements is expected.


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