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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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economic relations. the authorities of angodar reported that the city managed to restore the supply of electricity after the apu strike on the luch substation. the ukrainian military used a drone for the attack. this time there were no casualties, but the threat of repeated attacks remains. the area around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is regularly shelled, and enemy drones are periodically spotted in the sky. in the donyat direction , motorcycles are being used more and more actively, fighters of the assault detachments of the vostok group are rapidly breaking through to ukrainian positions and catching the enemy into brood. new tactics with the effect of surprise allow our fighters to move forward. today is the eighth competitive day of the brix sports games in kazan. athletes will compete for 34 sets of awards. gregory wrestling, kayaking and horse racing, equestrian sports, swimming, pitting, etc. the day before, russian athletes
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won 25 gold medals. and now we return to the main topic of the day, this, of course, is vladimir putin’s state visit to vietnam. already now messages are coming to the news agency feeds that russian-vietnamese negotiations with the participation of the leaders of the countries ended; they lasted about an hour and a half. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague anastasia efimova, she’s joining me. nastya, good morning again, as promised. what has changed during this time? a solemn welcoming ceremony in hanoi right next to the presidential palace. vladimir putin is greeted by tolam for the post of head of the socialist republic, he was appointed quite recently, less than a month has passed. yes, yes, exactly a sign. this is local
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law. vietnam - parliamentary a republic is, accordingly, the highest body of power, a unicameral national assembly, which also elects the president. the executive branch is represented by the prime minister, and the leading role in society, according to the constitution, belongs to the communist party. that is why the program of the state visit includes a meeting with four leaders at once and the president of vietnam is one of them. immediately after the obligatory protocol photography, in fact, the first round of negotiations. in an article published on the eve of the visit, the russian leader noted the similarity of the positions of russia and vietnam on issues of international politics and the global agenda at today’s meeting will certainly not go unnoticed, especially since strengthening relations with hanoi is among moscow’s priorities. first of all, i would like to congratulate comrade tolam on his personal election to the position of president again. most recently, you were also in russia
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as minister of public security. trade and economic ties are steadily developing. last year , trade turnover grew by 8%. over it tight intergovernmental commissions are working on both sides. the growth of trade is certainly facilitated by the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between euroaz and vietnam. we coordinate our actions in the international arena. russia attaches great importance to the development of dialogue with the association of southeast asian nations, one of the leading members, which is vietnam. the west, of course, is closely monitoring this visit, like the previous one to the dprk. bloomberg even writes that vietnam, quote, ignored the position of the united states, but they called for not allowing russia to advance its point of view on current events. however, let’s correct it, bloomberg ignored the not quite appropriate word, in response to washington’s usual attempts to dictate who should do what.
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the action is planning to discuss today: trade, economic, scientific, technological and humanitarian spheres - the traditional list of issues. the historical context remains important. tolam emphasized that he remembers and appreciates russia’s contribution to vietnam’s struggle for independence, and vladimir putin has already invited colleague to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the great victory in moscow, so it can almost certainly be assumed that the meeting will not be limited to the traditional protocol agenda, but right now there are new personnel from vietnam. kính thưa quý vị, trong quân khổ chuyến thăm cấp nhà nước đến cộng hòa dội chủ nghĩ việt nam của tổng thống liên ba nga vladimir ic putin sẽ thông qua tuyên bố chung giữa nước cộng hòa shọ chủ nghĩa việt nam và liên bang nga về làm sâu sắc hơn quan hệ đối tác chiến lược toàn diện nên kỷ niệm 30 năm ngày ký hiệp ước về các nguyên tắc cơ bản của quan hệ hiếu nghị giữa việt nam và nga. ladies and gentlemen.
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following the state visit of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin to the socialist republic of vietnam , a joint statement of the russian federation and the socialist republic of vietnam will be adopted. on further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership in the context of the thirtieth anniversary of the implementation of the russian-vietnamese treaty on fundamentals. sau đây xin bắt đầu lễ trao các vân kiện được trong khuôn khổ truyến thăm cấp nhà nước. việt nam của tổng thống vladimirovich putin. the ceremony of exchanging signed documents begins as part of the state visit of the president of the russian federation. dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, deputy prime minister of the government of the socialist republic of vietnam let hang
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exchanges an agreement on cooperation in the field of higher education.
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friends, ladies and gentlemen, first of all i would like to express my gratitude to the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam, you, comrade thulam, as well as the prime minister government of vietnam, comrade to all vietnamese friends for organizing our state visit, for your warm, welcoming hospitality.
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strategic relations, strategic partnership relations, and these relations continue to develop progressively in the spirit of equality, mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. our country is united by the pages of a common history; next year we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. at one time , the soviet union, as is known, did a lot to help the young vietnamese to the state. to survive, contributed to the creation of economic facilities, infrastructure, personnel training, and increasing the defense capability of the state. in addition, just the other day i turned 30 years old. since the signing of the agreement on the foundations of friendly relations between the two countries, this basic document has opened up wide opportunities for
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strengthening and developing a new complex, a new level of the entire complex of our relations, gave them a powerful impetus to growing dynamics, and today comrade president and i adopted a statement that supports the principles of the russian-vietnamese comprehensive... partnership, announces new guidelines for our joint work for the future, the negotiations that just ended, i really agree with this , took place in a constructive and business-like atmosphere, the key areas of bilateral cooperation were discussed in detail, the most relevant international and regional issues, significant attention was naturally paid to trade and investment interaction. at the end of last year, trade turnover increased 8%, this year growth continued in the first quarter by more than a third compared to
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the same period in 2023. in this context, i would like to mention the tangible benefits for our friends that the implementation of a free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union brings. since its entry into force in 2016, it has significantly contributed to the growth of russian-vietnamese trade due to preferential conditions for access of goods and services to each other’s markets, as well as increased investment, exchange of technologies and innovation. it is equally important that our countries are consistently switching to national currencies in financial transactions and striving to build sustainable ones. channels of credit and banking cooperation. last year, the share of transactions in russian rubles and vietnamese dong provided more than 40% of the volume of
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bilateral commercial transactions. in the first quarter of this year it was already almost 60%. a key role in servicing foreign trade transactions between our countries is played by the joint vietnamese-russian bank, which has successfully operates in the vietnamese market. for almost 20 years, the bank has maintained positive dynamics in its key indicators, consistently providing vietnamese and russian clients with a wide range of financial credit services. the strategic direction of bilateral cooperation is energy. over the decades of development of oil and gas fields in vietnam, the joint venture has produced about 250 million tons of oil. in turn, the petro-vietnam corporation, which since 2008 has been implementing projects in the nenets autonomous okrug in russia
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in the difficult conditions of the far north, has already extracted about 35 million tons of oil. there is a russian-vietnamese enterprise producing gas motor fuel in vietnam. in addition, companies from russia are ready to join as co-investors. suppliers to large-scale projects using liquefied natural gas. there are good prospects for cooperation in renewable energy, in particular, the general master plan for the development of the national energy system of vietnam has already included a joint russian-vietnamese project for the construction of offshore wind electricity generation in binhuang province with capacity. i would like to note that russian specialists helped design the construction of energy centers in vietnam with a total capacity of more than a third of
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the country’s entire current hydropower generation. hydrogeneration. and our company rushydro intends to take part in the reconstruction and increase in the productivity of hydroelectric power stations on vietnamese rivers. more. minibuses of the gazelle brand. last year , 1,150 pieces of equipment, buses, and vans were assembled at this site, some of
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which were delivered. to other countries, to laus and the philippines. cooperation on a large-scale infrastructure project, the vladivostok-khamin maritime transport corridor, seems promising. a regular cargo line opened in 2022, with container ships operating on a weekly basis. bilateral partnerships in agriculture are developing, and mutual supplies of agricultural products are growing. are expanding, their range is expanding. the vietnamese holding th group will set up milk processing enterprises in several russian regions at once, including kaluga and region and primorsky krai. thus , last year the creation of the first stage of a livestock complex in the moscow region for 6,000 heads of dairy cattle was completed.
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a truly lively and dynamic character. are russian-vietnamese cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. over the past decades , tens of thousands of vietnamese specialists in a variety of fields have been trained and improved their skills in our country. several thousand received advanced degrees. currently , more than 3.00 undergraduate and graduate students from vietnam. speaking about academic exchanges, i cannot help but mention. many years of effective activity in vietnam as a bilateral tropical research and technology center, within which russian and vietnamese specialists conduct joint research, including in such important areas as ecology, nature conservation, medicine, and the fight against infectious diseases and epidemics. it has become a good tradition to hold
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mutual cultural days on a regular basis. which actually help russians and vietnamese learn better about history, customs, being each other. the next such days of vietnamese culture in russia will take place very soon, from july 1 to july 7, they will be held in moscow and st. petersburg. national film weeks, exhibitions of paintings, photographs, and performances by creative groups are also very successful in russia and vietnam. tourists are being considered, tourist exchanges are developing, russians are happy to visit vietnamese resorts, which is significantly facilitated by the presence of direct flights between our two countries. i would like to note that flights to vietnam from irkutsk this year has regular flights on the moscow-hocheminh route. naturally, we also considered a number of issues on the regional agenda, and also touched upon
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current international topics. he emphasized that the positions of russia and vietnam on them largely coincide or are close. our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, coordinate efforts at key multilateral platforms, including the un, as well as within the framework of the russia-ocean dialogue east asian summits. when discussing the situation in the asia-pacific region , there was. non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no place for a closed military-political bloc. in conclusion, i would like to once again thank comrade president and all our vietnamese friends for their hospitality and meaningful negotiations. this visit will undoubtedly
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contribute to the further... development of the russian-vietnamese partnership, in all areas, in all directions, thank you for your attention, xin cảm ơn hai nguyên thủ ạ, xin cảm ơn tất cả các quý vị, cảm ơn các bạn phóng viên của báo của đây chúng ta kết thúc ạ, these were shots from hanoi, where the ceremony of exchanging signed documents took place, also... negotiations, the leaders of russia and vietnam spoke with a press statement. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate the public consciousness with information.


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