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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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all this is a priority, so we just recently in one of our science cities talked about the prospects for the development of russian science and determined the main directions of the task of this development, in order to achieve obvious results in this most important area, in what health is connected with and the duration, the life expectancy of people, of course, we need to pay the necessary attention to caring for the environment, and this is also one of the directions, but the endless exploitation of natural resources, thoughtless exploitation, it is already in modern conditions, especially in the context of climate change, becomes almost impossible, but we must approach this very carefully, with an understanding of where we are in terms of the development of alternative... direction in energy,
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what role, from what historical perspective, what role will be diverted by hydrocarbons, i’ll wrap it all up now, then to our cooperation, we must ensure the security of our countries, and this means we must think about modern means, sad as it is, but about this we also need to talk about modern weapons, including those based on new physical principles, and this is...
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university, i studied in russia in the late nineties, in 2000, and although i returned home quite a long time ago, i continue to work with the russian language , i always want as many of our fellow citizens as possible to be able to visit russia, to see the vast, beautiful country, with its wonderful and kind people, and i want... for
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as many vietnamese as possible to become, like me, a connecting bridge between our countries, v in connection with our joyful events and activities today, i want to ask the following question: now many of our students, schoolchildren, as well as their parents, are asking how the russian language, knowledge of the russian language will help them in their future career? so i want to ask what russia plans to do, in what areas will you work in the coming years to help vietnamese students studying russian expand their job prospects, thank you very much, thank you for such love for russian language. you study and teach russian,
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and this is already a specialty, why? because you were just talking about russian history, about russian culture, but this is also a field of knowledge, russian. literature, art in the broad sense of the word, is part of world culture, and of course, in order to navigate in general, in the achievements, in what has been achieved by humanity in this area, in the field of culture, of course, knowledge of russian culture is very is significant, but knowledge of the russian language itself makes it possible to discover not only russian. and russian art, but use it to obtain relevant knowledge, which you did, and are doing by 3,000 people currently studying in russia, and 7,500 who graduated from universities in the russian federation and the soviet union, and
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some of them are here, but you need to choose those areas that are of the greatest interest to you, i already talked about what we are doing in russia, what we consider promising, but this is only... only what came straight to mind, in order to achieve results on all in these areas, we, for example, will be actively engaged in the development of artificial intelligence, and have achieved very good results, i want to tell you, we have companies such as yandex, such as cbir, which are, of course, achieving leadership positions, or , for example, the undisputed leader in the field of such... innovations as research in the field of nuclear technology, i will now say two more words about rusatam, but this is a real leadership position in the world, there are practically no such developments as in russia in any country
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world, is this promising or not, yes, it is very promising from the point of view of theoretical physics, nuclear physics, we have just launched in one of our sciences: grad, which i, about which i said, is world class, an installation that studies, explores issues related to the beginning of life of our universe, the first seconds, the first seconds of the existence of the universe, studies after the big, so-called big bang, this is interesting, very, but not only from the point of view of knowledge - how the world works, how remember, einstein said, why did you ask him... with physics, because he wanted to understand where everything came from, how it all began in the world, what the world consists of, these studies are being carried out, including in dubna, but in some our other centers, including the kurchatov institute of nuclear physics, but there is a practical, practical
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direction for this research, this is a peaceful atom, our company rusatom is a leader, the undisputed leader in the world, building 22... units for power plants v a number of foreign countries, in russia we are developing this direction, these are the most reliable and safe power plants, nuclear power plants in the world, or now we have agreed with our colleagues that we will create a nuclear research center in vietnam, a scientific center, a scientific center, it it is connected with something, including toftology, opportunities for treating people, for preventing diseases, including creating additional ones, sorry for the genetic nature, there is something
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to work on, but i’m not even talking about others areas, including those related to defense and security, we have many areas of research that we can be proud of. and which are very promising, including because we have outlined fairly large budget investments in certain areas of this research, each according to his own interests, of course, this is primarily related to the interest of a person, can choose for himself the most promising direction of training and decide on their future profession, therefore, the choice is up to those who are committed to searching for yourself, your path in life, and the sooner this is done for any person, the better, thank you for the very interesting
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answer for lemin, and we remember that the russian language is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, but we there are many reasons to... learn the russian language more expensive, thank you, now, please, and also, do you want more, and say something, hello. vladimir vladimirovich, my name is an, it is a great honor for me to be here next to you, before that i only watched you on tv, now in the same space, and i am the head of the eye surgery department here, so i would like to say that russia is generally our second homeland, i have a grandfather, a father and i, we all studied in russia, my grandfather was...
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ndc eye microsurgery, and this has always been my dream, how to do this, to
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organize the same eye bank here, so that we can do corneal transplants in vietnam, and this is the question, and also in the end i would like to thank you for deciding to come to vietnam to wish you good health, for me you are a symbol strength, i wish you good luck and return to vietnam again.
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svyatloslav fedorov is one of our outstanding surgeons in the field of vision treatment , he created such a world-recognized system for treating his patients, put this treatment on stream, achieved outstanding results, and of course, you are lucky that you got it to the right place, that’s great, thank you, thank you very much for the interesting information.
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dear comrades, friends, first of all, let me introduce myself, my name is do hongkon. in russian this is the red army, this is mine, i was a student and then a graduate student at the moscow state conservatory named after pyotr ilich.
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and as you know, russia, like vietnam , has heroic, historical traditions, these are very glorious traditions and... we are proud of this, please tell us, vladimir vladimirovich, how is the education of historical traditions organized for young people in russia today? and the second question: please ask one question then the second question. thank you very much,
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thank you, this is a very interesting question, please, yes, thank you very much for given to you.
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a way to overcome the negative trends associated with this is to be more convincing in the information field, and there are such opportunities for the peoples of the former soviet union, for russia today, and for vietnam , precisely because of the outstanding examples of patriotism and heroism in this case of the vietnamese people , especially related to the pages... of the struggle for independence and their sovereignty, for the unification of the country, this is where young people need to be educated, because young people, you just need to do it with talent, not condovo, as we say, of course, you can educate entire generations on this, but of course this must be done elegantly in a modern way, with modern ways
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of bringing this information to the right target audience, this is... not an easy job, but of course, if we if we want to have a future, then we need to do this today in this way, as i said, first, second, this does not mean at all that the forms that have developed in your country were in the soviet union or initially, originally in russia, that these forms need to be destroyed somehow, no, these forms certainly need to be preserved, but only filled with the necessary, interesting content, and as it is now at our
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level, it is almost impossible to do this, but it seems to me that by understanding all these components of educational work, i understand them, build work in a modern way, every day this work must change, because life changes every day, then success will certainly await us, and a very, very important
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answer, and we understand. that it is the future generation that gives meaning and power to our history, our past. thank you very much and our the conversation is coming to an end, so we thank the composer, the second question, he will send it to you later. as for the role, you know, i
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just before - i left the territory of the russian federation, first to the korean people's democratic republic, then here, i was in yakutia, this is a very large region of the russian federation, it is in area . it’s about the same as the whole of india, it’s such a huge, yes, huge territory, well, in this, in this audience, there’s probably no need to talk, you probably know about this, and there already at the beginning of 2000 a school was organized, a music school for children, and they, the local authorities , bring children from all over the republic, gather talented children from all over the republic. they study music there, and they study like, at first they just study at school, well , a specialized school, a music school, and then it all goes right here, right there
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on these same grounds they all go to the conservatory, the higher school of music, this is how musicians are trained for republics, and for all of russia, the children there also asked me questions about music, about culture, about art, of course - you just asked about... education, but education should be based primarily on our traditional values ​​on the values ​​of our culture, and national culture first of all, but based on that that the national culture of every people and every state is part of a multinational world culture, of course we should be proud of this and, above all , focus on this, but as for music, i would like to say the same thing that i said here in yakut, this is precisely...
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universities in this sense, i feel, have not yet lost such a student status, they are students , they are always connected with a certain with
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a certain student democracy, so let us go beyond the scope of our official meeting, directly on one issue by sector from here, from here, from here, just if you want, just raise your hand right here...
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our meeting we will enjoy the concert, now allow me to express my gratitude for the very open and deep
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answers of the president. yes, yes, i’ll ask a question now, i haven’t studied vietnamese yet, i hope that, uh-huh, ah, hello, our president, vladimir vladimirovich, i, my name is anh, i completed my master’s degree at st. petersburg state university, now, you and i are the same people, they call it, i’m very happy
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for that, i’m very happy. now i am engaged in tourism tourism and i now have the following question for you: what measures will russia and you take to solve modern difficulties in the area specifically in the field of tourism, firstly, now we have between...
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it is very difficult for us to continue to develop tourism between the two countries, you, you, when, when you, when you studied in st. petersburg, your name was probably anya there, yes, yes, anechka, here is anechka, thank you very much for these questions, i will now explain why, because you drove the puck, as it were, towards russia, i will now send you a response puck, that’s the point, of course we must resolve these issues from both sides, of course an exchange, a tourist exchange is from a humanitarian, from an economic point of view a very important area of ​​our cooperation, this is a fact, well, with some countries, with turkey, for example, our turnover is tourism, our tourists...
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the distances are different between russia and vietnam, but nevertheless, the growth potential of our very neighboring state, of course, there is a big one here, but unfortunately, there are also elements of influence from outside, well, for example, the vietnamese operator refuses.
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a simple condition and this is a problem that we must solve together, first, second, regarding the calculations, which means there are problems here, which we discussed at every level of today’s negotiations, with the president, with the prime minister, with the secretary general, there are issues related to calculations, and this is also not ours, not ours, i mean russia and vietnam, well, not created by us. problem, and also a problem created from the outside, but it can also be solved, here the issues are related to switching to settlements in national currencies, including rubles, this is easy to do, you just need to appoint authorized banks that would not be afraid tertiary sanctions that are not work in third countries, technically nothing.


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