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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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after all, my obediences, they are over, and these are all, forgive me, lord, all the hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, just save from others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what you wanted from me , miracle, akhalay, makhalay, because if only i knew how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black one, and let the lads also fail, it’s time to pay.
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traditional strengthening the strategic partnership with vietnam is invariably among russia’s priorities, vladimir putin said at meeting with the country's president tolam. today is the second day of the russian leader’s state visit to the republic. development prospects, including economic relations, are discussed. our colleague konstantin churikov knows what we have already agreed on. we welcome you, but there are areas of interest that...
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in this context, i would like to mention the tangible benefits for our friends that the implementation of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union has brought since its entry into force in 2016, it significantly contributed to the increase in russian-vietnamese trade due to preferential conditions for access of goods and services on each other's market, the volume up to...
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the strategic direction of bilateral cooperation is energy. there is a russian-vietnamese enterprise producing gas motor fuel in vietnam. in addition, companies from russia are ready to join large-scale projects using liquefied natural gas as co-investors of suppliers. there are good prospects for cooperation in renewable energy. the rushydra company intends to participate in expanding the capacity of hydroelectric power stations on vietnamese rivers. according to vladimir putin , the master plan for the development of the country’s energy system has already included a joint russian-vietnamese project for the construction of an offshore wind power plant with a capacity of 1.00 mw.
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the production of russian minibuses has great prospects. vladimir putin noted that the products are in demand not only in the republic, but in other countries of the asia-pacific region. industrial cooperation is advancing in da nang on the russian-vietnamese enterprise gaz thandat is assembling cargo and passenger minibuses of the gazelle brand. last year , 1,150 units of equipment, buses, and vans were assembled at this site, some of which were delivered to other countries, to laus and the philippines. prospects for the development of the vladivostok-hashemine sea transport corridor is a large-scale infrastructure project that has been operating since 2022, it is a regular cargo line, now a container runs between the two cities every week. by as a result of the negotiations, more than
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ten signed agreements were exchanged, in particular, the russian direct investment fund and the leading private diversified group of companies tnt group from vietnam signed a strategic partnership agreement. efforts to support russian vietnamese companies entering the markets of the two countries. the corresponding agreement was signed by rdif general director kirill dmitriev and the general director of the bviim fund, he is part of tnt. for example, we signed an agreement with tnt group, which is a large conglomerate in vietnam, together with with which we will promote russian companies to the vietnamese market, vietnamese companies to the russian market, these are mutual investments. we see an opportunity to dramatically increase them, for example, the th milk company is building a very important plant for dairy products. our countries also entered into a memorandum on the construction of a center for nuclear science and technology in vietnam. rosatom general director
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alexey likhachev and the vietnamese minister of science and technology exchanged documents. more specific results of the day: zarubezhneft received a license to develop vietnam's continental shelf block, and novatek signed. memorandum of cooperation with the state company petro-vietnam. there was talk about the development of tourism. at a meeting with graduates of soviet and russian universities , the president was asked about the prospects for increasing the flow of tourists. in response, vladimir putin spoke about problems with servicing the aircraft of our airlines in vietnam and again raised the topic of payments in national currencies. according to the head of state, vietnamese banks could accept rubles. do it not difficult. it's easy to do. you just need to appoint authorized banks that are not afraid of tertiary sanctions, which do not work in third countries, technically there is nothing complicated in this, you just need to organize this work administratively. at the beginning of the day, after the first negotiations,
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vladimir putin thanked the vietnamese side for the warm welcome and explained that he meant not only the temperature on the street, but also the cordiality of the people who greeted our delegation. in the same warm, judging by... the government decided to extend for another year experiment on customs monitoring. mikhail mishustin spoke about this. the experiment was launched last spring in order to make the process of clearing goods more transparent and get rid of the remnants of the so -called gray schemes in foreign trade. participation in it is voluntary; as an incentive, on-site inspections are not carried out in companies during the experiment. the president especially noted the need to expand foreign economic cooperation with... friendly countries and develop the infrastructure necessary for such cooperation, this
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such a complex task, and one of the directions is to reduce the administrative burden on honest businesses, including through the use of modern control tools. to this end , the government has extended the terms of the customs monitoring experiment until november 1 next year and expanded the range of organizations that can take advantage of the new one. mechanism, within its framework the company provides the federal customs service with access to its information resources, which makes it possible to reduce the number of face-to-face inspections, but means reducing the costs of their support, the corresponding government decree has been signed; since april last year, such opportunities have already been available to residents of industrial clusters, as well as to authorized economic operators. the russian military continues to push. the enemy along the entire front line. our units are depriving the ukrainian armed forces of armored vehicles, long-range guns and thousands of
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militants. during the day, air defense systems shot down over 70 ukrainian drones and more than twenty hymers shells. all the latest information about during the special operation, our colleague denis alekseev collected. yes, denis, we welcome you, we see and read the news that the ukrainian formations, to put it mildly, are beginning to panic in some directions, because of serious firepower. there, what is the situation there, if we talk about what our soldiers are demonstrating, what kind of details, what are they saying in the ministry of defense? yes, well, let's get into detail, the losses of the kiev formations per day exceeded 2,000 people, serious damage was caused to the military infrastructure in the ssu, which is equipped with ukrainian rear. the massive group strike was a response to yet another attempt at sabotage by zelensky’s militants. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy facilities, the armed forces
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of the russian federation launched a group strike with long-range, air-launched precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on ukrainian energy facilities that ensure the production of weapons and military equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. the strike targets were achieved, all designated targets were hit. well, here's how... area, a command was received in the air, he was spotted during a patrol , took off, climbed, entered a given area, the aviation guidance point reached the target, identified it as foreign, carried out. grip, uh, received permission to hit the target, carried out the hit, and
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then performed an anti-missile maneuver against enemy air defense. ukrainian air defense is generally a separate genre, our aviation drones always find a way to fool the ukrainian armed forces anti-aircraft gunners, and russian lancets are so unpredictable and so fast that anti-aircraft crews don’t even have time to react to them. but here the duel is captured. ukrainian anti-aircraft installation of our loitering ammunition, who won? the answer is on the screen. good news from our southern group: the situation along the front line has improved, fighting continues for the outskirts of chasevyaar, kiev is still sending some reserves there, but the situation is changing rapidly and always suddenly. the military of another group, center, has improved the tactical situation and is developing an offensive towards the settlement of toretsk, forcing ukrainians on business trips.
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they hit ukrainian positions with long-range weapons and often drive up close, but it’s important here, in pitch darkness they create the effect of surprise, plus it’s safer for themselves. the solntspieg flamethrower systems deprived the ukrainian armed forces of several support units in the verbovoy area. realizing their essentially hopeless situation, the militants continually leave their positions, in a word, they run, they can’t go back, they won’t understand their own people there, so the call sign volga is only forward, in our direction. with hands raised, but in kiev has found a way to reduce the number of such antics, they mobilize pensioners, they don’t count on their brave actions, of course, but they don’t run away, they sit in the trenches until the last, but what’s left to run for a long time, there is no strength to run away, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for those who in the rear, against tetsekashniks, all means are good, here is a potential dolzu fighter and,
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as they say, threw off a whole group of military commissars, and they are increasingly moving on foot, calling themselves victims of partisan antics, because well, in ukrainian cities it is gaining popularity flash mob, set fire to the military commissar's car. there are already dozens of such cases throughout the country. frankly speaking, the tetsekashniks themselves are tired of running after the healers, but there is nothing to do, they have to resort to subterfuge and bribery. ukrainians are officially ready to pay for denunciations against draft dodgers and contact the military police for a fee. the white house will soon close the zelensky project, such a statement was made by the russian foreign intelligence service, and as the press bureau says, zelensky’s western handlers will easily sacrifice it when russia consolidates its successes on the battlefield, ukrainian troops will find themselves in a hopeless situation. the foreign intelligence service emphasized that zelensky has finally lost all independence, is
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on a short leash in the hands of curators from the washington regional committee, and will not be able to avoid responsibility for unleashing it. large-scale war in europe. having exhausted zelensky’s usefulness and realizing the odds of hope for russia’s strategic defeat, the white house, without hesitation, will throw him into the dustbin of history and replace him with one of the ukrainian politicians who will be acceptable to negotiate with moscow on a peaceful resolution of the conflict. in such conditions , zelensky’s hysterical statements about his intention to bring russia to its knees sound especially comical. wandering around western capitals, the self-proclaimed president, rushing about erratically, is trying to create an impression of turbulence. activities and at least somehow justify the usurpation of power, however, it is becoming increasingly clear that the zelensky white house will soon close the project. in confirmation of zelensky’s precarious position, the results of the summit in switzerland are results, well, of which, in essence, no, to be honest, the communication was not physically signed; in principle, a physical copy does not exist, as stated by the press secretary of the swiss foreign ministry, pierre aulen. that
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is, the results of the summit, the importance and significance of which was discussed so much in ukraine. looks like the text on the website, and the signatures under it are also virtual, but the inscriptions on the walls of the houses in the swiss commune where the summit took place are quite real and written there in english in the ukrainian languages, return the elections to the ukrainians. in general, even zelensky already has a wall hinting that he is illegitimate. there were no leaders of many countries, and therefore, in general, they could achieve the result they were counting on. that is, through collective efforts to develop some kind of document that was signed by the majority of participants or they expected that everyone who came would sign everything and present an ultimatum to russia, this idea failed, there was no official list of signatories initially, which is why some countries are forced to insist
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on that they did not sign this final document and are withdrawing their signatures. but also zelensky is dissatisfied that western curators are concerned about corruption in ukraine, the washington post, citing anonymous sources from the ukrainian government, writes that the meeting between zelensky and blinken, which took place in may, was tense, the ukrainian leader expressed his gratitude for military assistance in the united states, but was disappointed by blinken's focus on corruption, it is noted that many government officials argue that while corruption remains a problem in the country,
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it will not, the limit on mega-showers has been exhausted. in at the height of the day, the downpours in moscow reached incredible intensity; private weather stations in some places recorded 22 mm of precipitation in an hour, this is a third of the monthly norm. on moscow streets, in such a short period of time, two buckets of rainwater poured out for every square meter. it's no wonder that the bridge drainage crews have so much work to do right now. they eliminate the consequences of the rain, open the water intake grates, causing a storm of 10 points on the bafforth scale, the air flow pressure is 45-50 km kg per square meter. with such winds, significant
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destruction occurs; the wind knocks down trees and uproots them. this is exactly the type of incident that was caught on video. for example, on a protected area , a falling tree broke a window in an apartment. on yeniseiskaya, a torn roof profile hit a tram. two passengers received minor injuries. rescuer from a crushed suv. they pulled out the driver, he is conscious, now he will celebrate his second birthday, unfortunately, there were some casualties, on ivanovskaya street, not far from the dubki park, a man was killed by a tree, another a person died in the center of the capital, a worker was blown away by the wind along with scaffolding, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 cars, seven cars, just boom and good evening, a storm with rain today not only in moscow, but in the neighboring kaluga region, it happened here a real miracle. the woman survived after the tree fell on her, suffered minor injuries, and
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was quickly taken to the hospital. in addition, in the moscow region there was a phenomenon quite rare for central russia - tornadoes, which we predicted the day before. ominous black trunks were filmed by eyewitnesses in the lobninsky and istrinsky districts of the moscow region. now the line of the thunderstorm front runs east of moscow in the meridional direction, that is, from north to south, through the yaroslavl, west ivanovo, ryazan and vladimir regions, approximately along the line of pereslavl-zaleski, balakirevo, kerzhachi, orekhovo-zoeva , shatura, novomoskovsk. on friday, the main storm will shift to the east and north of the russian plain. the heaviest rains are expected in pomorie and the east kola peninsula. the middle volga region will be flooded with downpours, especially at the junction of tatarstan, chuvashia and ulyanovsk. areas. the cameras here will get up to 15-20 mm with the prolongation of abnormal rains on saturday. but in the west of our country, in the rear
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of the cyclone leaving to the east, barometer readings will begin to increase. this will be affected by the influence of downward anticyclone flows, which will interfere with the process of cloud formation. in moscow by noon today the air had warmed up to +24°. however, after the passage of the thunderstorm front, the thermometer readings dropped by as much as... now the capital region is in the rear of the cyclone, there will be no more stones from the sky, light rain is still possible in some places until the evening, but with the onset of friday, thanks to the anticyclone, the weather will clear up and become fresher. next night up to +10-13, during the day no higher than +20-23. the same weather conditions will continue over the weekend and early next week. in general, typical scandinavian, not hot and comfortable type of weather, limit on mega showers. exhausted, the first international forum on nuclear medicine brix started in st. petersburg, organized by rosatom and the ministry of health. the forum brought together more than 200 participants
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from russia, brazil, india, china, south africa and saudi arabia. today nuclear medicine is one of the important areas in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. nuclear medicine has already achieved certain results and... we see that of the total volume of isotopes produced, almost half is consumed by the healthcare of all countries. radionuclide products are in demand in healthcare. the development of new technologies, radionuclide diagnostics and therapy, provides increased effectiveness, safety of treatment, and of course, an increase in disease-free survival rates, as well as improvement. quality of life of patients with malignant neoplasms, a lot has already been done, a brix working group on nuclear medicine has been created, the first
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expert forum has been held, and today’s event, i think, will go down in the history of the brix countries as another such powerful initiative to push the development of healthcare. the eighth day of the brics sports games is taking place in kazan today. 34 sets are up for grabs medals in six disciplines. he comes into direct contact with the facts. stas, well, you are already directly associated with brix games. how did the contractions go? well, yes, i can say, the unofficial mascot igor brix in kazan, which for the first time on such a grand scale is holding competitions in 27 sports, well , today the final awards were awarded to the wrestlers. greco-roman style, 10 final amazing fights, truly intense, i apologize, unfortunately, live broadcast, we work
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as is, but now we have to talk. and during the national anthem of the republic of kazakhstan, well, as you understand, not only russian wrestlers received medals today, gold was also taken away from the brix games from kazan, and not only, by the way, medals, but also a tatar skullcap and, of course, the charming leopard brixik, athletes also from kazakhstan, from belarus, and of course from russia, sergei emelin is probably one of the most stellar wrestlers today, and he won a gold medal.
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23 years old, it literally took place there at the beginning of may, and he’s also the winner among, winner of the world championship among military personnel, that is, that year we fought with him in the final, i lost to him at his home, but at home i had to take revenge twice at once, that’s why, as if - i’ll say that the composition is good, then this it’s already comparable to how close it is to the european championships, i’ll say. yes. medals are being played out on lake sredniy kaban; today rowers, kayakers and canoeists have already played for medals. in the canoe doubles there was a powerful line-up; the men had an amazing 500m race. imagine, the three medalist boats were separated by just one and a half seconds. here so, such a tight fight, the world champion from uzbekistan
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didn’t even get on the podium, by the way. games, well, it’s stupid to compare, it’s just all starting, but it’s starting, today they’re comparing it to the olympic world championships , the tournament has already started to fail football, the usual favorite format, thanks to the games of the future, the russian national team
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has its first match. won in the first part on the console, well, on the floor , our guys also demonstrated their advantage, 18:2 victory over the southern team ossetia and alexander krieger, the goalkeeper and captain of the national team, we talked after the opening match. the parquet is good, the ball settles, everything is fine, of course for us there were a few small ones, the sides of the goal are a little larger, it’s hard to catch in small ones, but here they are even larger, well, that’s okay, we’ll adjust. we trained, through games i think we will find the optimal formula for success, well, brix or euro games? well, at the moment the brix games, of course , i want us to be returned to the international arena, but well, brix is ​​good, it’s an honor for me and the joy of performing here, and also medals are being played out today by fencers, swimmers, well, gymnasts, artists, colleagues have entered the fight, and the palette of what is about... will be at
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the brix games is somehow very wide, impressive, thank you, in direct communication with brix games in kazan was our correspondent, stas ridikultsev. 17:00 in moscow, we start with the main political news of the day: vladimir putin’s state visit to vietnam. following the negotiations, the parties adopted a joint statement on further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between two states. cooperation in the field of defense and security is increasing. the country's economy is switching to payments in national currencies. in the energy sector
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, moscow is ready for...


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