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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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that new new ones are appearing and in any case we know that the potential adversary is working on this, new elements are associated with a decrease in the decrease in the use of nuclear weapons, with a decrease in the threshold of use, in particular, they are being developed for ultra-low power explosive nuclear devices and we know that in expert circles in the west there is an idea that such... weapons of destruction could be used and there is nothing particularly terrible in this, there may not be anything terrible, but we are obliged to pay attention to this attention, and we pay attention to this, my statement that we are thinking about possible changes in our strategies is connected with this. what about a preemptive strike? a preventive strike, we don’t need it yet, because in response to a counter strike the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed. and you just said that...
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the republics recognized by us at that time, and what became the determining factor for kimchenyn to go to sign this in such a difficult situation, when this undeclared war is being waged against russia? this agreement, you ask him, and for you too, as i can say, but as for the essence, i have already said, this almost completely reproduces ours - the agreement, which, due to the expiration of its term , has ended its validity. therefore
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, there are some kind of impositions here, no, well, let’s do it this way, to satisfy your curiosity, but what is the korean crisis forever, there is also the ever- evolving korean crisis, which can also theoretically develop into full-scale hostilities, which in this case is for you were decisive signing this agreement, as if taking into account these circumstances, well, i said it twice, i can repeat it a third time, we reproduced the agreement of the sixtieth or sixty-second year, which ended. the existence, yes, of course, of the korean crisis, it has such a smoldering character, but we proceed from the hope that our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic will be to a certain extent a deterrent factor so that this crisis does not develop into -the hot phase. newspaper businessman andrei kolesnikov, can the use of western long-range weapons be considered an act of aggression
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? can shelling of belgorod - and russian territory in general - be considered an act of aggression? well, this requires additional research, but this is close to what we are analyzing, because what we are talking about in this case is that those who supply these weapons believe that they are not fighting with us, well, i said, among other things hinyan that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, meaning our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic, i do not exclude this either, and where... the westerners are supplying weapons to ukraine and saying: but we don’t control anything here anymore, and it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we can also say, here we delivered something to someone, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about this topic, so at this stage, the most important task for us is to repel these blows. now vladimir vladimirovich, tas agency.
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but let me switch a little from political on the economic agenda, in your opinion, and what are the prospects for today’s negotiations in hanoi from the point of view of trade and economic partnership , given that the united states is constantly and categorically putting pressure on both vietnam itself and other countries in this region, let me ask in addition to this question, let me ask you today that russia is ready to establish direct long-term supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam, including lng, what kind of projects these could be for novatek, are they just infrastructure projects or entry is really into... in the construction of appropriate capacities for liquefaction, or you can supply us with our liquefied gas from the territory of the russian federation, and so
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it is possible and so, that is, it is possible to take part here , and so it is possible, here there are also prospects, there are corresponding blocks, on which they can work to carry out the production of liquefied natural gas, that's what... they do good, they do not always work for them on a strategic plan, only to their detriment, because no one likes this snabberism, and this is the rudeness with which the american authorities this no one ever, even in the medium term historical perspective. will not forgive, please, yes, but we have already learned to overcome, we have learned to overcome, look, our production is growing, and but if oil has dropped a little, then this is due to our voluntary restrictions within the framework of ofek-plus, and the goal is this is to keep prices at
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an acceptable level, well, in principle, everything is working out for us, there are difficulties, but there are also ways to solve all these difficulties. yes, victor sinek, mitz news. vladimirovich, here is a ukrainian diplomat, kuleba recently gave interview, where when asked why ukraine doesn’t do anything to get a legitimate leader, doesn’t hold elections, doesn’t follow the procedure, although it’s obviously negative now, he answered in the spirit that let russia withdraw its troops, then we’ll have everything will be alright. how can you comment on such words? it turns out that we , their leaders, need their legitimacy more than they do, if you may. refrain from saying that if
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the negotiations are connected with the withdrawal of ours , but in this case i still can’t troops, which is what the kiev regime dreams of, then , apparently, this will never happen. because the kiev regime does not want to leave power and does not want to hold normal elections in accordance with the constitution of ukraine, that is , they will forever delay the ceasefire, they are interested in our troops remaining in these territories, because they are not interested in holding elections, that's all, i wanted to ask you about yours in the dprk, did you expect the reception to be like this...
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i certainly didn't expect the scale, but individual things were completely, completely unexpected, this concerns such a private program, but what unites us is issues related to interstate cooperation and the development interests of north korea and the russian federation, and in a variety of areas, in the field of security and economics. let's. hello, dmitry laro, izvestia newspaper. south korea is already saying that the new agreement between russia and the dprk threatens their security. information appears in the media that siu may reconsider the supply of lethal weapons to kiev. are there any plans, or
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is there even such an opportunity to call the leadership of south korea in order to dot the i’s, and how moscow sees it in general now. settlement of the korean problem, thank you, and as for the concerns of the republic of korea, judging by what you said, i will build on this - south korea, the republic of korea, has nothing to worry about, because our help, in the military sphere, in in accordance with the agreement that we signed, arises only if, in relation to one of the signatories this document of the parties, aggression will be carried out, as far as i know, the republic of korea is not planning aggression against the korean people's democratic republic, which means they are afraid of our cooperation in this area. there is no need, as for the supply of lethal weapons to the combat zone in
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ukraine, this would be a very big mistake, i hope that this will not happen, if this happens, then we will also make appropriate decisions that are unlikely to please today's leadership of south korea. well, let's.
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well, you can roughly look, everything is written there that in the event of martial law,
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this means that these powers are transferred, including the powers of the supreme commander-in-chief, passes to the speaker of the rada, well, everything is written there in the law on martial law, it is also written that presidential elections are not carried out, but it doesn’t say that... his powers are being extended, which means that’s it, the train has left, well, finally, the decision of the constitutional court, listen, it’s written in black and white, there is a decision constitutional court in 2015, where it is directly written that the term of office of the president is 5 years , that’s all, well, what we are talking about, it’s just that in the west they don’t want to change it now, the time has come, i already said, but this seems obvious to anyone . a person, this is obvious, which means that all unpopular
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decisions will be pinned on him, including lowering the draft age, everything, and then they will change it, i think it will be somewhere in the first half of next year, let’s have a final question, let’s get the news now vladimir vladimirovich, hello, like this or else you were asked about this during the press conference, but the westerners are constantly raising the temperature, constantly escalating the situation. indeed, we see it, we observe it, they are all the time, as you said, raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently counting on the fact that at some point we will get scared, but at the same time they say that want to achieve a strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia? for russia this means the end of its
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statehood, that’s what it means, this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn’t it better then to go to the end? this is elementary formal logic. which is not long for me, there, in my opinion, we only had formal logic taught at the university for six months, but i remember it well, i even remember the teacher who taught this course to us, therefore...
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americans, europeans are pushing, pushing ukrainians to they at any cost, again, i want to emphasize this, namely, at any cost, again at any cost, which means they pushed our units onto the state border line, plans to present this as a major, major success in 2024 in connection with
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what is expected. in fact, what will happen, in any case, as we understand, and i said that we don’t have any goals there to approach kharkov and so on, well, this is still a tactical, tactical direction, and the enemy will try to convey it like a strategic success, if he succeeds at something, well,
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let's see what he actually has it will work out, but it will happen, it is already associated with big losses, i think. that most likely the situation will develop in this way, it is very difficult to give any forecasts, because after all, this is combat operations, this is a difficult situation, there are people walking under bullets, suffering losses, you know, so it’s difficult to say now, but my assessment of the situation is something like this, yes, please, gleb ivanov, argumenty i fakty newspaper: yesterday , after negotiations with the north korean leader , you said that sanctions...
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which you have just raised, council security, as a key body of the un, arose after the second world war based on its results, based on the results of the second world war, based on its results, and of course, the situation in the world is changing, this requires some kind of reform of this international institution, but here we need this kind of stamp already our ministry of foreign affairs, it is necessary that this is based on this... the reform is based on a broad consensus, because if this is some kind of behind-the-scenes decision, a group of countries of one country, then this will not give anything good to the international community, because it will simply lose this instrument for resolving disputes, no matter how difficult it may be, no matter what the costs, but still, one way or another, the security council works, and therefore we are for reform, but i only
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repeat on the basis of broad consensus, and as for review of sanctions. relations - the democratic people's republic of korea, yes, i said this, but i am aware that in today's situation, it will be almost impossible to do this using ordinary methods, but we need to work on it, and it is necessary to show, as, for example, with labor migration, that individual instruments were proposed, agreed upon at the time, of course, under the arrangement of the united states, which they are losing. every strength, meaning and humanitarian principle - for the sake of which they were introduced, therefore - we intend to begin this work, continue, uh, that means, as our people say, water wears away stones, let's see, that's all, well, let's finish, on i’ll end with this, good evening, alexey konopko,
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russia tv channel, after your yesterday’s negotiations with the dprk, the american press began to write that american intelligence is amazed at the pace of moscow’s rapprochement with phil-yan, beijing and tehran, and comrade kemchinin also noted that the agreement was signed just a few months after you had the idea with it? in this document, where does such speed come from, is it russia that has become such a more attractive partner, or is it third countries as a whole that have somehow rethought their attitude, well, to world realities, to diplomacy, or what? yes, no, but i don’t know how it is, it’s difficult for me to comment on what was said, because i don’t know how to this is what is happening in the intelligence community in the united states, well, this is one of the most powerful intelligence services.
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we consider it important, including taking into account the fact that, especially in those areas that we are developing in asia, and we see that asia is happening, however, the bloc system
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is being put together in asia, nato is already moving there as a permanent place of residence, and this, of course, creates threats for all countries in the region, including the russian federation, but we are obliged to respond to this and will do so, thank you very much, all the best, goodbye. these were shots from hanoi. vladimir putin answered questions from representatives of russian media. well, we continue. russian president on a state visit to vietnam. this trip is his fifth visit to the socialist republic. in hanoi, the russian leader was warmly greeted by vietnamese president tolam. after the greeting of taking photographs together , the leaders left for negotiations. as a result , a number of important statements were made, documents on cooperation in various fields were signed. well, let's talk more about the statements. vladimir putin called the strengthening a comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam is one of russia's priorities. he recalled that these days mark
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the thirtieth anniversary of the treaty on the basics of friendly relations and added that all this time , regular and meaningful political contacts have been maintained between the countries. also, according to vladimir putin, russia and vietnam agree that the asia-pacific region needs a reliable security architecture, without closed military blocs. and position. so both states firmly defend the principles the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. in addition, putin noted that a company from russia as co-investors in suppliers ready for lng production projects together with vietnam. he also added that energy is a strategic area of ​​bilateral cooperation. in turn , vietnamese president tolam said that russia and vietnam intend to... increase bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and security and expressed gratitude for the help and the support that our country provided in the struggle for independence and reunification of the country
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in the past, emphasized that the friendship between russia and vietnam was built by many generations of leaders of the residents of the two states. also, toolam called economic cooperation with our country one of the most important pillars during the negotiations. russia and vietnam agreed to increase trade and investment, to increase the efficiency of interaction in... the energy and gas industries. russia and vietnam signed 10 important documents, including the head of two states adopted a statement on further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership in the context of the thirtieth anniversary of the implementation of the russian vietnam treaty on the basics of friendly relations. also, in particular, bilateral agreements in the field of higher education were signed between russian educational institutions, the presidential academy, the higher school of economics, and the far eastern federal university. everyone
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took pictures in front of the aurus limousine in which vladimir putin arrived for the negotiations. police officers from the residence also approached the parked luxury car. in addition, hanoi residents took pictures in front of the aurus near the vietnamese government office building. one of the girls photographed herself in front of a car with flags of russia and her home country. i note that aurus is a russian brand of executive cars, used in particular in presidential motorcades. chairman of the russian government, members of the cabinet of ministers. the head of state travels in this limousine, including during of their foreign visits. but, of course, vladimir putin’s visit first to north korea and then to vietnam did not go unnoticed by the media. so, what does the world write? the british guardian notes that the russian president’s visit to vietnam was a continuation of his high-profile visit to phinyan. and it reminds that moscow is a long-time friend of hanoi. his. in
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vietnam, many still remember the support that the soviet union provided to the country in the past. the american new york times notes that putin went to the dprk vietnam to strengthen critical partnerships in the region. the publication draws attention to the fact that, despite relations with the united states, khannoy is suspicious of washington and last year was looking for ways to purchase russian military equipment. and now the british bbc reports that the vietnamese value ancient ties with russia. sees the valuable contribution of millions of russians to the country's tourism industry. well, let us remind you that on the eve of his trip to vietnam, the russian president paid a state visit to the dprk. there , vladimir putin and kimchin-eun signed an agreement on the comprehensive strategic partnership between moscow and pyongyang. and today , details of an exchange of gifts between the leaders of the two states appeared in the north korean media. this is how vladimir putin presented kimchin inna new auruus. by the way, this is already
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the second one like this.
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