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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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in a tatar suit. stas-ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and alexander stalmoshevsky, news from kazan. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. he held out alone under enemy fire for a week. he shot down baba yaga with a machine gun and broke through the mines to his own. the incredible story of a fighter with the call sign miyagi. denazification machine. the fab-300 with a module was used for the first time in the northern military district zone.
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vladimir putin made a statement today during conversations with journalists during press approaches in hanoi, with what, what else were asked president, and what the answers were, we’ll find out from elizaveta khramtsova. elizabeth, good evening. hello. special operations. yes, indeed, after all, any press conference of the russian leader is a large -scale event. without exaggeration, the whole world followed vladimir putin’s asian tour. the way the russian leader was greeted in the dprk and vietnam and, of course, the number of agreements signed, suggests that our country intends to develop mutually beneficial relations with friendly countries, despite attempts by the collective west to create obstacles. pyongyang, like no one else, knows what it is to live under.
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very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad, and what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, it was a blockade when people were starved to death. hunger, there are losses, as you know, in my family on this matter, my brother died, practically from starvation during the blockade, fell ill there and died, but what is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but introduce , say, restrictions associated with labor migration, it looks somehow strange, because this leads to what, it leads to the fact that families...
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the position of our country in this regard will immediately change. moscow is open to dialogue based on the points that were on the table back in minsk and istanbul, but the key factor remains the situation on the ground. it was not we who refused to negotiate; the ukrainian side forbade itself from negotiating. not us, we are for it, and we have never given up on this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, but on the basis of those agreements that i want again repeat. were reached during difficult
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negotiations, one and a half months of negotiations almost in istanbul and minsk. it is on this basis that we are ready to continue our dialogue with the ukrainian side. where are they?
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threshold of use, in particular , ultra-low-power explosive nuclear devices are being developed, and we know that in expert circles in the west there are ideas that such weapons of destruction could be used, and there is nothing particularly terrible in this, it may not be terrible , but we must pay attention to this, and we we pay attention to this, and this is related to my statement that we are thinking about possible changes in... strategy, a preventive strike, we don’t need it yet, because in response to a counter strike the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed. now that russia and the democratic people's republic of korea are united by a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement,
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moscow does not rule out that it will lead to expanded cooperation in the military sphere. those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, that’s what i said number. further, we can also say this in the same way, the westerners are supplying weapons to and i don’t exclude this, and where and where they will end up in ukraine and they say: but we don’t control anything here anymore, and it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we can too say, we delivered something to someone, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about...
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at the same time they say that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia , for russia this means... those who are interested in the continuation of the ukrainian conflict are again pushing the kiev regime to a new attempt at a counter-offensive, those
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who call themselves the leaders of ukraine need this in order not to hold elections, however, vladimir putin is sure that zelensky, the western authorities will be removed in the first half of the future years, when he implements all unpopular decisions, such as, for example, lowering the conscription age. as for attempts to defeat russia on the battlefield, everything is obvious here. yes, we know that...
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we will have to pay, it becomes even more obvious when a statement is heard from kiev and western countries that negotiations are possible only in the event of the withdrawal of russian troops, and president vladimir putin once again emphasized that we do not intend to retreat. elizaveta khramtsova spoke about statements vladimir putin made to journalists in hanoi. well, we continue. his comrades considered him definitely dead, but he not only survived, but actually did nothing... perhaps this is the dramatic story of a russian volunteer with the call sign miyage, who took part in the assault back in the spring
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defensive lines of the armed forces of ukraine in the south of the donetsk republic, but due to intense enemy shelling, he was cut off from the main offensive group and was forced to improvise, well, in fact, here are the footage of those events: a fighter is riding on a motorcycle literally by miracle, dodging the explosions of mortar ammunition and cluster bombs, and then the ukrainian formations find, well, frankly speaking, not the most reliable shelter in an abandoned position, actually out in the open... in addition, by this time our serviceman had already received a severe concussion due to arrival in pividron, that is, it would seem that he turned into the most convenient target for militants, however, even in such, to put it mildly, extreme conditions, miyage managed to hold his attention for almost a week, and moreover, when necessary, he gave a tough rebuff to the enemy, will confirm anton podkovenko, anton, hello, greetings, well, the will to live is simply incredible, and incredible heroism, he fought off the enemy. and came to his people. assault on a motorcycle under mortar fire and cluster
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munition attacks. twenty-four-year-old fighter with call sign miyagi broke through to enemy positions across the field, at speed, between gaps. this is a video from our reconnaissance drone. first , cassette guns fall around the attack aircraft, everything is missed, then the ukrainian armed forces are hit with mines, but again they do not hit, but then an enemy fpv still flies into miyagi’s motorcycle. the fighter lost consciousness and received a serious concussion on both ears, when miyagi woke up, realizing that staying in the open was mortally dangerous, he was able to gather his strength and enter the positions abandoned by the kiev militants. who is he, a fighter with miyagi's call sign? a native of the altai territory went to his volunteer zone in october of that year, and made a rapid push in the ugledar direction this spring. after the concussion, i spent 3 days.
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to death, this is exactly what we saw in the video with the fighter miyagi, this is what allowed him not only to survive, but to complete the combat mission in order to somehow... allay his hunger miyagi ate leaves, then came across a damaged armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces, there he found some food, while constantly watching the sky and not in vain, because baba yaga arrived, heavy ukrainian drone, they even put a thermal imager on it, and this drone carries a variety of ammunition, but baba yaga is large and not too fast, miyagi shot her down with a machine gun into
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the ice, this requires great skill and courage, sometimes it’s even difficult to knock her out. courage, courage, bravery, of course, luck was on the side of our soldier, he works together with professionalism, the main thing is not to get confused, he worked, he made the right decision and won. on the eighth day from the moment of the assault and shell shock, miyagi walked almost 3 km in the open air, he had to hide there was simply nowhere, and most importantly, he managed to get through the mine unharmed. fields, either the training courses helped, or front-line luck, miyagi went out to his people, to his battalion, luck, but on a hunch, yes, you know, when such heightened feelings open up, this is character, fighting spirit, exactly these qualities define a real soldier, a real soldier miyagi, is now being treated in
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a hospital and intends to return to the front line, even with such a character, and an invincible soldier, well, including, thanks to such heroism of individual soldiers and entire units, the russian military continues to occupy more advantageous positions in all key sectors of the northern military district; positions have been improved in the kupinsky, donetsk, ovdeevsky and southern donetsk directions. among the destroyed enemy equipment was a haimarc rocket launcher, a german panzer-howitzer gun, a pair of american armored personnel carriers and a maxpro armored car. denis alekseevich will tell you what losses the kiev regime suffered in manpower. the losses of the kiev formations per day exceeded 2.0 people, serious damage was caused to the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, which is equipped in the ukrainian rear. the massive group strike was a response to yet another attempt at sabotage by zelensky’s militants. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy facilities, the armed forces
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of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air-launched weapons, as well. unmanned aerial vehicles at ukrainian energy facilities, ensuring the production of weapons and military equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. strike targets achieved, all assigned objects are hit. footage from our pilots, the su-30 crew in their area of ​​responsibility are usually quite large targets, but sometimes training on targets is several times smaller. the pilot of this fighter reported an accurate hit on a ukrainian drone. he was spotted while patrolling the area. the command has arrived. air, took off, climbed, entered a given area, at the command of the aviation guidance point, reached the target, identified it as foreign, carried out a capture, and received permission to hit the target, carried out the defeat, uh, after which performed an anti-missile maneuver against enemy air defense. ukrainian air defense is generally
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a separate genre. our aviation drones always find a way to fool the anti-aircraft gunners in the ukrainian armed forces. and russian lancets are so unpredictable and fast that anti-aircraft crews don’t even have time to react to them, but here is a duel of a ukrainian anti-aircraft installation of our loitering ammunition, who won? the answer is on the screen. good news from our southern group: the situation along the front line has been improved, beyond the outskirts fighting continues in chasevyaar, kiev is still throwing some reserves there, but the situation is always changing rapidly and suddenly, the military... of the other grouping center has improved the tactical situation and is developing an offensive towards the settlement of toretsk, forcing ukrainian commanders to transfer part of the formations here, including from the watchmaker. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in this area are about 400 people. zaporozhye direction, the tactics of our military there vary, they hit ukrainian positions with long-range weapons,
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and often drive up close, but it’s important here, in pitch darkness they create the effect of surprise, plus it’s safer. for themselves, the solntsepiog flamethrower systems deprived the ukrainian armed forces units of several oporniks in the verbovoy area, realizing their hopeless situation, in fact, the militants constantly leave their positions, in a word, they run, they can’t go back, they won’t understand their own people there, so the call sign is volga and only forward, into our side with our hands raised, but in kiev they found a way to reduce the number of such antics, they mobilize pensioners, they don’t count on their brave actions, of course, but they they don’t run away, they sit in... until the last minute, but what remains, there’s been no strength to run for a long time, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for those who are in the rear, against the terrorists, to run away, all means are good, so the potential fighter stepped on the gas and, as they say, threw off. tail is a whole group of military commissars, and they are increasingly moving on foot, calling themselves victims of partisan antics, because in ukrainian cities the flash mob of setting fire to the military commissar’s car is gaining popularity,
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there are already dozens of such cases throughout the country, frankly speaking, the military commanders themselves are tired of running after the henchmen, but there’s nothing to do, they have to resort to subterfuge and bribery; ukrainians are officially ready to pay for the denunciations of scientists, and turn to the military police for a fee. denis alekseev, lead. a drone reconnaissance officer calculates the camouflaged location of ukrainian militants in a three-story building, and a few seconds later an epic detonation occurs next to him, as it should be when the russian military sends a high-explosive parcel weighing 3 tons, that is, an fap300 aerial bomb, to the armed forces of ukraine. judging by the geolocation of the extremely spectacular video, it was dropped on kharkovsky front of the northern military district, and what’s important is that in this case the pilots placed a special emphasis on accuracy, because according to the information. this is the first documented episode of the use of such a powerful weapon with an installed planning and correction module, which, let me remind you, turns a free-falling
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ammunition into a controlled one, but was previously used only for half-ton and one-and-a-half ton fabs. now it turns out that it has reached a fundamentally new level and opens up the possibility for our armed forces the widest range of possibilities, evidence will be provided evgeniy tishkavets, evgeniy, hello, good evening, as i understand, the fact that the bomb did not hit the house itself did not save the enemy. of course, alexey, even if there are still living dryers in the house, there are definitely no combat-ready ones among them. three-ton greetings to the ukrainian nazis from russian pilots. the first use in ukraine of the russian fab-3000 with a planning module has been confirmed. on the other side they claim that the blow hit the new post office building in the village of leptsy. of course, all the inhabitants of this place left a long time ago, and inside there were only ukrainian soldiers, to our soldiers still need to get used to the new ammunition, as you can see, the explosion occurred a little away from the high-rise building, but
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it’s hard to say that the dry land workers were lucky , despite the fact that the building survived, everyone who was in it either died or received serious injuries injuries, the ceiling collapsed in places, all the windows were blown out, that is, the pressure drop was extremely high, the most important thing was the borertrauma, which, well , this is at least... a severe concussion, possibly even death. the fab-300 itself is an ammunition with a long history. three-ton we have had aerial bombs in our arsenal since the middle of the last century, their power is prohibitive. boeziad 1.200 kg. according to some data, the radius of complete destruction, that is, the guaranteed death of all living things, can exceed 200 m. the radius of destruction by fragments is over a kilometer, but the main feature. not even that. the ammunition was used with a planning and correction module specially developed for it, that is, a three-ton bomb was literally placed on the wing. the ompc is a complex
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that transforms any ammunition into a controlled and highly accurate one. imagine, a blank weighing 3,000 kg with such a body kit is capable of flying tens of kilometers to a target. this means that fab-300 carriers, for example, tu-22 bombers, do not need to enter the combat zone. action to shoot at enemy positions, the enemy in no way can prevent the arrival of this denocification machine. to shoot down a bomb, you need an air defense system, preferably they should work on such an object, well, something like shells and tori, which is what we have, but the ukrainian armed forces don’t have either shells or tori, but they don’t have this kind air defense, officially a three-ton bomb can be thrown by a tu-22. our good craftsmen were able to make our beloved su-34, here’s a small exclusive for you, throw this bomb. why
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such power? experts explain. fab-300 is a kind of opener for the most protected enemy targets. of course, there is no object that can withstand this very bomb at the moment, well, except for some bunkers, probably. or something like that, which is right for a nuclear war, it’s clear that no standard shelters, no buildings, no factories, they won’t survive a hit from a three-ton bomb. well , let’s not forget another of the damaging factors of russian factories, psychologically, it is well known that in terms of the morale of the armed forces of ukraine, high-explosive bombs hit no less effectively than on concrete near fortified areas. it is quite indicative that in response to the news about the application... they do not mince words. the fact that this is, of course, shock therapy
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is psychological. this therapy is for the ukrainian military, this is unambiguous, it is no coincidence that its use occurred in leptsy , kharkov region, because now it is the most combat-ready units of the ukrainian military are being transferred in the direction, and this is such a powerful psychological blow, hitting the nerves of the ukrainian units, as is known. the new russian ammunition is more powerful than the previous one, the range of russian high-explosive bombs does not end with fap 300, there is fap-500 and even 9.00. for some reason, there is not the slightest doubt that if necessary, we will put them on the wing. evgeniy tishkavets is a nightmare for the ukrainian armed forces. the united states will transfer several hundred more missiles to kiev for air defense systems, including
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patriot. this was stated in the white house. to this end, washington changed the priority of supplies of military equipment in favor of ukraine, which means that other customers will receive it with a delay. as the biden administration reported, the key moment of the conflict has approached, and the united states will try to do everything to prevent moscow from winning, although they are not sure of the result, notes the american press. either something passed through, or there was an impact, in general, the bridge is tired, and no one knows why. this is exactly how the kiev authorities are now commenting on the reasons. pedestrian part bridge in the central area of ​​the ukrainian capital. the engineers shrug their shoulders, saying there were no signs of trouble, and the bridge is regularly checked for stability. but local deputies, who are in a hurry to score points against the backdrop of the emergency, are in a hurry to voice the ugly truth. 60% of bridges in kiev are in disrepair, but instead of large-scale repairs, the city authorities are busy only with small projects, well, for the sake of creating a wow effect. it is interesting that mayor klitschko previously called such messages nothing more than
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russian. information operations, well , they say, the conversation is that the kiev bridges will collapse and the metro will flood, moscow needs it to drive ukrainians into depression. against the background of really falling bridges, it is difficult to oppose anything to attempts to shift responsibility to some kind of ipso. breathing incense, the ukrainian infrastructure speaks for itself, especially in the part that concerns energy, since the collapse of this sector was brought closer not only by targeted russian strikes, but also by the ukrainian authorities themselves, evgenia nipyt will confirm. evgeniya, greetings, hello. well, it turns out that if it is not destroyed, it will fall apart on its own. this underfunding during the independence years, as well as an effective manager, like klitschko, also contributed. repairs are being delayed, and residents are having to sit longer and longer without light. the kiev regime always has one culprit, be it a collapsed bridge or a rolling blackout, moscow is to blame for everything. but russia strikes in response to attacks by ukrainian armed forces and only at those targets that are tied to the military sector, as
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the ministry of defense says. directly states: the fact that we are striking at critical infrastructure, at the energy sector, this concerns a decrease in the defense potential of ukraine, but since the infrastructure as a whole has not been updated for a decade during the entire period of ukraine’s independence, there is also an avalanche effect. over the past two days, drones and missiles have destroyed energy facilities in dnepropetrovsk and vinnitsa. dpr in the kiev region, precisely those capacities that are tied to the military machine. this includes the production of drones, both underwater and surface, this includes the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, this includes a repair facility, which means the base that they have preserved, and for what purpose requires huge amounts of electricity. they have a surplus, some, this must be recognized for the simple reason that
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about 12 million... ukrainians are in europe, the reduction in electricity allows, firstly, to spend less of it on the territory of ukraine, and secondly, even supply some surpluses to europe, and europe demands this. nuclear power plants alone, which never become targets for russia, generate up to half of the energy ukraine needs. and yet, local authorities are not able to organize the work process in such a way to avoid long-term regular blackouts, plunging entire areas and large cities into darkness. the country has lost. the lion's share of energy-intensive industry, then the margin of safety for generation increased, became double, well, for networks it’s about the same story, that is, they had an increased margin of safety, and this is also confirmed by ukrainian statistics; in the nineties, ukraine consumed 300 billion kilowatts in a year - hours of electricity


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