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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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the introduction of this part of the agreement into force , including the second, does this relate to the situation in ukraine, does this relate to the situation in ukraine, and do you allow the possibility of involving the air force, volunteer soldiers from the dprk, in the development of the military-technical sphere, the third question, here is russia and the dprk are in the number, we are the only ones.
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began aggression, but not against russia, he began aggression against the lugansk and donetsk people's republics recognized by us, before they were part of the russian federation, now about the possibility of somehow to use each other’s capabilities in this conflict, but we don’t ask anyone for this, no one offered this to us, so there is no need, what’s there? also regarding sanctions, and sanctions, yes, look, regarding sanctions, i already said, in my opinion, at a meeting with your colleagues, heads of world news agencies, i then said that some of the sanctions that were introduced against north korea, to put it mildly, it somehow looks very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad and so on. experienced leningrad in
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the years of the second world war, during the years of the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, this is the blockade, when people were starved, there were losses, as you know, in my family on this occasion, my brother died practically of starvation during the blockade, he got sick there and died, but what is happening now with north korea, you can treat it any way you like.
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refusal of the conditions you proposed for a peaceful end to the conflict in ukraine, after all, you could hardly not have expected such a reaction, and what lies behind your decision to publicly name the conditions for a peaceful the end of the conflict, which seemed to be the subject of behind-the-scenes negotiations, or have hopes for them now been completely dashed? well, you know, we conducted these behind-the-scenes negotiations, on... these hopes really have not yet
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been justified, as for the reaction of our western, so-called partners, you said that i apparently did not expect, no, quite the opposite, i expected. exactly such a reaction at the first stage, but what will happen later, time will tell, depending on how everything will change the situation on the ground, and i think that some sensible politicians will still think about whether the new proposals made are realistic, objective and appropriate - corresponding to the interests, interests of all contracting parties.
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were acceptable to the ukrainian side, what happened on the ground, on the battlefield, that allows us to put forward some additional conditions that are in no way related to our agreements in istanbul, there are no such, there is nothing
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like that that could somehow change the position another negotiating country in in this case of ukraine, so i don’t think that such a thing...
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even tomorrow, but when they deign to do this, that’s their business, but i repeat, everything will depend on what happens in real life, then, of course, we will proceed from this, but in principle, the principled approach will be like this, yes, now
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vladimirovich, hello, ekaterina lazreva, i have a question about nuclear weapons, you recently said that you admitted the possibility of making changes to our nuclear... doctrine, so i wanted would like to understand at what circumstances, is this possible, what conditions should exist for this to happen and what changes in general, and do you assume that among these changes there will appear in our nuclear doctrine a clause on the possibility of delivering a preventive nuclear strike, you know, we, i think i said about what we are now thinking about the what and how in this nuclear doctrine, in the strategy, you can...
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on your part there is also no request and soldiers, but at the same time, if we understand correctly, article 4 of the treaty implies, well,
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actually collective defense, in this case aggression, in the case of aggression, yes, in those conditions when against russia already, i have already answered this question, aggression was on the part of the kiev regime against two republics that were not recognized by us at that time, and what became the determining factor for kimchenyn for that , so that in such a difficult situation, when it is being waged against russia. this undeclared war, go to sign this treaty, you ask him, how can i say, but as for the essence, i already said, this almost completely reproduces ours - the treaty, which, which due to the expiration of the deadline, i finished my actions, so there is some kind of imposition here, well, let’s do it in such a way as to satisfy your curiosity, what is cinnamon. the crisis is eternal, there is also the ever-simmering korean crisis, which can also theoretically develop into full-scale hostilities,
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which in this case was decisive for you when signing this agreement, as if taking into account these circumstances, well, i said it twice , i can repeat for the third time, we reproduced the contract of 60 or 60 of the second year, which ended its existence, yes, of course, the korean crisis, it has such a smoldering character, but we proceed from this hope that... newspaper businessman andrei kolistnikov, and the use of western long-range weapons can be considered an act of aggression, the shelling of belgorod and russian territory in general can be considered an act of aggression, well, this requires additional research, but it’s close to that, we are analyzing it. that we then reserve
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the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people’s democratic republic, i don’t exclude that either, and where and where they will end up next, we can also say this in the same way, so the westerners supply weapons to ukraine and say: but we don’t control anything here anymore... it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we can also say, we delivered something to someone, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about this topic, so at this stage the most important task for us is to reflect this, now vladimir vladimirovich, tas agency, let me let's switch a little from the political to the economic agenda, here's your perspective on the prospects for today's negotiations in hanoi from the point of view. the united states is constantly and categorically
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putting pressure on both vietnam itself and other countries in this region, and let me ask, in addition to this issue: today you said that russia is ready to establish direct long-term supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam, including lng, what are these? there may be projects for novatek, that's simple. infrastructure projects or entry really in production projects, here you are, ask mikhelson, he will tell us in more detail, there are different options, you can do it this way, that is, here you can take part in the construction of appropriate liquefaction capacities, or you can supply us with our liquefied gas from the territory of the russian federation , and this way and that is possible, here too there are prospects, there are corresponding blocks on which work can be carried out.
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no one will ever forgive, even in the medium-term historical perspective, please, yes, but we will overcome we’ve already learned, we’ve learned to overcome, look. our production is also growing, but if oil has dropped a little, then this is due to our voluntary restrictions within the framework of opec plus, and the goal is to keep prices at an acceptable level, well, in principle, everything is working out for us, there are difficulties, but there are also ways to solve them all these difficulties also exist, and victor sinek, mitsivestia, vladimirich, here is
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a ukrainian diplomat, kuleba recently gave an interview where, when asked why ukraine does nothing to ensure that...
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they will forever delay the ceasefire, they are interested in our troops remaining in these territories because they are not interested in holding elections, that’s all. i wanted to ask you about your, i heard, and about your trip to the dprk, did you expect that the reception would be such a large-scale, magnificent and - the informal part was very memorable, how you drove the aurus, how you said goodbye for a very long time. at the airport, what kind of relationship do you have with the leader of the dprk and what do you think is it based on? i think so, first of all, i didn’t expect it, i imagined myself, of course, approximately how it will be, there are certain protocol standards in the korean people's democratic republic, i know them, but i certainly did not expect that it would take such a scale, and some things were
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completely, completely unexpected, this concerns such a private program, but what about us? unites, these are issues related to interstate cooperation and the development interests of north korea and the russian federation, and in a variety of areas, in the field of security and economics. come on, hello, dmitry laro, izvestia newspaper, south korea is already saying that the new agreement between russia and the dprk threatens their security. appears in the media. information that sium may reconsider the supply of lethal weapons to kiev, are there any plans, or is there even such an opportunity, to call the leadership of south korea in order to dot the i’s, and how, in general, does moscow now see the resolution of the korean problem?
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thank you, regarding the concerns of the republic of korea, judging by the fact that you... in the military sphere in accordance with the agreement that we signed, arises only in if aggression is carried out against one of the parties that signed this document, as far as i know, the republic of korea does not plan aggression against the korean people's democratic... republic, which means there is no need to be afraid of our cooperation in this area, as regards supplies of lethal weapons to the combat zone in ukraine, then this would be a very big mistake, i hope that this will not happen, if this happens, then we will also make appropriate decisions, which are unlikely to please the current
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leadership of south korea, so yeah? will affect global stability and security? strategic nuclear forces , how russia perceives this step and how the russian federation is always in a state of full combat readiness, so what they are doing now... in western countries worries us little, but of course we are closely watching this in case of any increase threats we will respond to this accordingly and adequately. this is the verkhovna rada of ukraine, one of illegitimate, the only legitimate body -
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and you have already said more than once that zelensky tried to send signals to the deputies, maybe he wanted to negotiate with you, maybe we are holding secret negotiations with someone and informally, how much have you slept on the deputies are happy, i don’t know this, then you said. i have repeatedly said, i didn’t say anything, i just carried out an analysis, well, not even me, our lawyers carried out the analysis, this is a legal analysis of the constitution of ukraine, i called these articles, the eighty-third article the constitution directly states that this period is limited to five years, there are 109, in my opinion, 110, 112, well, you can look approximately, everything is written there that in the event of martial law, that means that these powers are transferred, including including the powers of the supreme commander-in-chief are transferred to the speaker of the rada, well, everything is written there,
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the law on martial law also says that presidential elections are not being held, but it doesn’t say that his powers are extended, which means that’s it, the train has left, well, finally , the decision of the constitutional court, well, listen, this is it’s written in black and white, there is a decision of the constitutional court in 2015, where it is directly written that the term of office of the president is 5 years , that’s all, well, what are we talking about, it’s just that in the west they don’t want to change it now, the time is not right, i already said , but this seems obvious to me to any person, this is obvious , uh, which means that all unpopular decisions will be pinned on him, including lowering the conscription age.
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all the time, as you said, they are raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently counting on the fact that at some point we well, we really see it, we observe it, they will be scared, but at the same time they say that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia, for russia this means the end of its statehood, that’s what it is. means this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn’t it better
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then to go to the end, this is elementary formal logic, a course that won’t last long for me, there we have i think it was only six months formal logic was taught at the university, but i remember it well and... even the teachers who taught this course to us, so i think that those who think so, and especially say so, are making another, big mistake, thank you, yes, now, well, let’s have a couple more questions, please, thank you very much, vera desyatova, radio vesti fm, from the north military district zone they are reporting that the ukrainian armed forces is preparing a new counter-offensive in the kharkov direction, is there such information and are our military ready to repel it, yes , well, our military... possible development of the situation is being prepared, as for the kharkov direction, i already said, there is no secret here, i said that six months ago i said that if the shelling of our
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settlements along the border continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone on ukrainian territory, they continued these attacks, and we did what we said, what we talked about, yes, we know that... that the americans and europeans are pushing, pushing the ukrainians to ensure that at any cost , again, i want to emphasize this, at any cost, again at any cost, which means they pushed our unit onto the state border line and plan to present this as a major major success in 2024. in connection with the upcoming nato summit, and then the elections in the united states, well , let's see what will actually happen,
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but this... this team at any cost, i assure you that this is the case, i know what i mean i say, it - of course, if it is not based on reality, then it will again cost a lot to the ukrainian armed forces forces, well, let's really see what will happen, in any case, as we understand, and i said that we have no goals there - to approach kharkov and so on. and the enemy will try to present it as a strategic success, if he succeeds, well , let’s see what he actually succeeds in, but it will be, it will already be associated with large losses, i think that most likely the situation will be like this will develop, it is very difficult to give any forecasts, because after all, these are military operations, this...
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it’s a difficult situation, there are people walking under bullets, suffering losses, you know, so it’s difficult to talk now, but my assessment is that the situation is something like this, yes, please, gleb ivanov, argumenty i fakty newspaper, yesterday after negotiations with the north korean leader you said about that the security council sanctions against north korea should be revised, and the question, yes, now this has been repeated, the question, how to do this, does it take into account? that the main initiator of these sanctions, well, is categorically against this, is it worth talking about sobyaz reform here, as some of our friends are calling for this , yes, as for the reform of the un and the un security council, this is a problem that goes far beyond the topics that you have just raised. the security council, as a key body of the un, arose after the second world war as a result of its
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results. ae according to the results of the second world war, according to its results, and of course, the situation in the world is changing, this requires some kind of reform of this international institution, but here it is necessary, this is such a stamp of our ministry of foreign affairs, it is necessary that this reform be based on a broad consensus, because if it is some kind of behind-the-scenes decision, a group of countries of one country, then it will not do anything good.
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to do, but you need to work on it, and you need to show how, for example, with labor methods it will be almost impossible to migrate, that individual tools proposed and agreed upon at one time, of course, under the arrangement of the united states, that they lose all power, meaning and humanitarian beginnings of what they were introduced for, therefore we intend... to begin this work, to continue, which means, as our people say, water wears away stones, we’ll see, that ’s all, well, let’s finish this, good evening, alexey konopko, russia tv channel, after your yesterday’s negotiations with the dprk , the american press began to write that american intelligence was amazed at the pace of moscow’s rapprochement with pyongyang, beijing and tehran. and comrade kemchinin also noted
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that the agreement on... in the usa, well, this is one of the most powerful intelligence services in the world, i think they are well informed one can hardly expect such a reaction, because we are openly talking about this, and here there is no need to engage in electronic intelligence or intelligence in order to understand where things are going and what stage they are at, we worked openly and ...


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