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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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difficult, but very deep associations and capabilities of each other. some of the sanctions that were imposed against north korea, to put it mildly, somehow look very strange. now, as you know, i come from leningrad, and everyone knows very well what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war. this is a blockade when people were starved to death. there are losses, as you know.
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which were lying on the table back in minsk in istanbul, but the key factor is still the situation on the ground, not us refused negotiations, the ukrainian side forbade itself to negotiate, it’s not us, we are for it and have never refused this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, on the basis of those agreements that i want to repeat again, were reached during difficult negotiations, almost a month and a half of negotiations in istanbul and
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but when they deign to do this, it is their business, until the conflict is over, the atmosphere continues to heat up, the circumstances in which russia can use nuclear weapons are spelled out in the nuclear doctrine, and changes in this document are possible, but only in the event of a threat from potential adversaries, new, new ones appear, and in any case we know that a potential adversary is working on this, but...
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the use of nuclear weapons, with a lowering of the threshold of use, in particular , explosive nuclear devices are being developed , elements associated with reduction, with reduction of ultra-low power, and we know that in expert circles in the west there are ideas that such weapons of destruction could be used and there is nothing special about it there is nothing terrible, maybe there is no terrible thing, but we must pay attention to this and...
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those who supply these weapons believe that they are not fighting with us, well, i said, including in pahenyan, that we then reserve the right supplying weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic, i do not exclude this either, and where they will end up next, we can also say this in the same way, so the westerners are supplying weapons to ukraine and saying : we don’t control anything here anymore, and no matter how they are applied, well, we can also say: the strategic partnership agreement signed by moscow and pyongyang turned out to be a surprise for american intelligence and this is surprising, vladimir putin noted. nevertheless, washington is still trying to dictate terms to countries and almost entire regions, but what such a policy will lead to is well known. as for the pressure from washington and... other western countries, yes,
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it works for some, not so much for others, but in any case, i want it to emphasize, believe me, that this is actually happening, the rudeness with which... the american authorities do this, it does not always benefit them, in strategic terms it only harms them, because no one likes this snabberism , and no one will ever forgive this, even in the medium-term historical perspective, the topic of the ukrainian conflict with vladimir putin’s trip to the dprk and vietnam is directly connected, protecting its interests on the western borders, russia does not forget about the threats that may arise in the east.
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in asia, and we see that this is happening in asia, however, the bloc system is being put together in asia, nato is already moving there as a permanent place of residence, and this, of course, creates threats for all countries in the regions, including the russian federation, but we are obliged to react to this and will do so, and treat russia, a strategic enemy, is trying with the position of dominance so familiar to him, this is the key mistake, we really see it, we observe it, they are constantly... raising the temperature , escalate situation, apparently, they are counting on the fact that at some point we will be afraid, but at the same time they say that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia, for
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russia this means the end of its statehood, that’s what it means, it means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think that this is for...
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this team at any cost, i assure you that this is the case, i know what it’s about i say it is, of course, if it is not based on in reality, it will again be very costly for the ukrainian armed forces, and the fact
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that this price will have to be paid becomes even more obvious when a statement is heard from kiev and western countries that negotiations are possible only in the event of the withdrawal of russian troops. and president vladimir putin once again emphasized: we do not intend to retreat. production of liquefied natural gas, shipbuilding, construction of railways, modernization of power plants and many other projects in which russia and vietnam was discussed in hanoi. another topic was defense and security. details of the visit of the russian leader from alexey golovkov. cut through hanoi's famous traffic, which is a ton of mopeds.
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rami was allowed to fan himself with the musicians of the military orchestra, only the staunch honorary karau kept his pace as usual. vladimir putin is met by the president of vietnam.
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the victory of the vietnamese revolution and the victory in the vietnam war would have been impossible without the support of the soviet union. it was ho chi minh, a marxist, a leninist, who found a common ideological language with moscow ensured independence for his country. vladimir putin and tola. they take pictures together, and then discuss something else for a long time through translators. russia and vietnam have a rich joint history; next year the countries will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. now the main emphasis is on developing economic ties. last year, trade turnover grew by 8%. intergovernmental commissions on both sides are working closely on this. the growth of goods certainly contributes to the implementation of the 2015 agreement year on free trade between eurozest.
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rosatom is already working in the vietnamese market, creating a center for nuclear medicine and technology, there are further plans, i think that the resumption of our negotiations on the construction of nuclear energy capacities in the socialist country is not far off, and some technologies of vietnam are interesting to russia, we see, for example, potential for introducing electric vehicles. from vietnam to the russian market, there is very great potential for many russian companies, including working
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to create an industrial technology park. hanoi is traditionally interested in military-technical cooperation. in general, in our portfolio of orders , wb technology traditionally takes up half of the development. drones are a big hit today. and on the streets of hanoi , another russian development attracted increased attention; wherever the presidential aurus stopped, people immediately lined up for it. queue for photography. vladimir putin is in vietnam for the fifth time; the head of government, fammentinh, showed him photographs from previous visits. in vietnam , the executive branch is elected by the local the national assembly in turn. in this parliament, 485 out of 500 seats belong to the communist party of vietnam and a meeting with its general secretary, one of the central points of the visit’s program, is an opportunity to compare notes on foreign policy issues. close positions on many pressing international issues, we share the ideas of building a fair,
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democratic, multipolar world order, based on international law, american troops did everything for the freedom of the youth of their homeland, the president of russia visited this a mausoleum created by soviet architects, a song and a song about this alarming song in russian, the whole hall of the hanoi opera sings along, graduates of soviet and russian universities have gathered here, someone remembers their
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student youth at the military university of rostov- on-don, russian girls will like nadon in rostov ? with applause, we would like to warmly welcome comrade vladimir putin, president of the russian federation. many people miss the russian language, but here is the opportunity to speak it with the president of russia. let me introduce myself. me name is do hongkon. honkon in russian is
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the red army. for me, you are a symbol of strength, i wish you. when you studied in st. petersburg, your name was probably anya there, and of course all these
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doctors, engineers, military scientists, friends of russia are interested in its culture.
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musical classics performed by vietnamese also in the program russian and soviet artists a little later at a gala reception on behalf of the president of vietnam vladimir putin quotes: ho chi minh city, in any business, think first not about yourself, but about your compatriots, about all the people, the idea is in the first rows, when it’s difficult, i take the last place, when...
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cars, the consequences of a force ten storm continue to be eliminated, here’s the dead wood, the guys don’t clean it up, and people are now to blame for what, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, all the cars , in the north-east of moscow, employees of the russian guard helped the driver and passengers get out of the car, on which a tree collapsed during bad weather; as a result , no one was injured. after the hurricane , the car was covered, they couldn’t even get out, employees of the russian national guard arrived, sergei mikhailov, thank you very much, they helped, found
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a hacksaw, cut the trees, well, the wind with gusts of up to 25 m/s tore down advertising boards, overturned cars, carried away jet materials in the north-east of moscow , metal sheets flew into a tram, two passengers were injured, more... . one victim was locked in a dry closet with the door down. the man needed the help of rescue doctors. in an hour , a third of a month's worth of precipitation fell in moscow, and several streets were flooded. well, tornadoes formed in several areas of the moscow region. knocked down trees blocked the road between kubinka and narofo-minsk. a powerful atmospheric front has already left the capital region. the storm swept through the chechen republic, eight people
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were injured, strong winds tore off roofs and advertising structures, knocked down trees and street lamps, and hail fell in some areas. 83 thousand consumers were left without electricity. on the eve of the day of remembrance and sorrow, the all-russian forum “recent history without myths” is being held in moscow. the movement was blocked by the immortal regiment with the support of the presidential grants fund. more than 150 experts from all regions are exposing fakes about the events of the great patriotic war. about how they fight against attempts to distort history, margarita semenyuk. the witnesses leave. and along with them, the truth about that time leaves in the west. her place is taken. pseudo-historical facts created by western authorities, for example, allegedly germany and the soviet union held a parade in brest in the fall of 1939, invaded
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poland in 1939, or the polish banner fluttered over the berlin reichstag in may 1939; these and other myths were exposed in the new documentary film of the immortal regiment of russia, the second world lie of western countries. it was fundamentally important for me that experts took part in the film, there are experts from... the united states, from france, from germany, from austria and they tell their vision, but these are honest historians, they tell how it really was. for 5 years, director tatyana borch and her team collected archival evidence refuting the false rhetoric of western propaganda. with the support of the presidential grants fund, the documentary was filmed. memory of the exploits of the soviet people are protected at the constitutional level, historical justice and organization are defended. immortal regiment of russia it is difficult to overestimate the work that the immortal regiment of russia movement is doing, and of course, each participant in the movement is a kind of fighter not
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only for memory, but in the information war, in these realities, when western authorities are trying to destroy our history to create a different one a distorted picture of the world, in which, for example, the united states saves japan from the fictional aggression of the soviet union, defend the historical justice means laying the foundation of the future... of the country's sovereignty, what happened in ukraine, it started with history, it started with history textbooks, this is a project of reprogramming the memory of the people, it is technologically possible today, and it is the west that uses this kind of technology. recent history without myths, the sixth all-russian forum is being held in the main military-historical museum of russia, about a hundred participants from all 89 regions of russia came to the capital, guests on behalf of vladimir putin was greeted by sergei novikov, head of the russian presidential administration for public projects. over
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the past years, yours. a large-scale, truly national movement has united millions of people in our country, and far beyond its borders, and has won high public authority and recognition. you sincerely strive to contribute to preserving the truth about the great patriotic war. activists of the movement hold patriotic events, lectures and concerts. the largest event and dearest to the hearts of millions of russians.
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dear colleagues of the federation council, the russian federation, first of all, i would like to express words of gratitude, last year mr. krasnov was in china on a visit, this time i came to visit you in russia, yesterday detailed negotiations took place between me and mr. krasnov, only that my negotiations with the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, mr. bastrykin, have ended, and we have reached particularly important agreements.
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dmitry akimov found out a new plant for the production of drugs that will be supplied to the pharmacy. a new full-cycle drug production facility has opened in st. petersburg. what does it mean? here, in this building, on the third floor there is a laboratory, where new drugs are invented. further experience at an industrial site, where from one tablet production increases to hundreds, then the next stage. the count goes into the millions, well, now they pack a capsule on this line, but in general it is absolutely universal, and here you can pack anything you want, from powders to tablets. tablet production will increase by three times up to one and a half billion tablets per year, we will start the production of capsules here from scratch, this is about 500 million capsules per year, and here it will be possible to produce about 150 million sachets, today 70% of
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medicine packages. lying on the shelves of pharmacies are made within the country, but it is important to develop exactly like this enterprise, the country’s minister of health said at the opening and production. it is also necessary to say that pharmaceutical substances, that is , full-cycle production, is growing, this is precisely one of the key tasks in order for the full cycle of the drug to be produced on the territory of the russian federation. st. petersburg is a leader in the launch of new pharmaceutical production, in the last 3 years alone 14 factories have been opened here, this is also due to the fact that we create appropriate conditions for investors, the city is investing, it is important that you support innovation, it is innovative, well, the city is innovative, there are good personnel here, good science, as you said, and 14 enterprises - this is a very good record, in addition to well-known and in-demand drugs
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are being worked on at this enterprise...
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above the sun. a nondescript monochrome without a plot or characters became a symbol of a new pointless reality.


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