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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 20, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] an exhibition of avant-garde artists from three centuries, 130 works, 80 from the largest russian museums, including from the hermitage and tretyakov galleries, opened in the capital's gs2 art space. sofia sergeeva was one of the first to see the exhibition. in the gs2 cultural center there is a square and space. an international project that became a real challenge for the curators. hundreds of works by domestic and foreign suprematists were combined. i've been thinking about this space for a long time. malevich wanted to burn it in a museum, he fought against this very phenomenon, but today it is they who protect his black square. here in gs2 there is a real dialogue between architecture and art. the idea of ​​the black square came to malevich while working on sketches, scenery, and costumes for the futuristic opera victory over the sun. a nondescript monochrome without a plot or characters became
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a symbol of a new pointless reality. defining the artistic practice of future generations. alexander rotchenko contrasted malevich’s white on white with black on black, and after this color triptych he completely abandoned painting and went into black and white photography. at one time, we made a museum quartet so that the museum could become friends. here there are more than 130 works, and more than 80 - these are from our best state museums, that during this time, yes, such a friendship was created. the exhibition includes a symbolic tribute to the contribution of private collections, a cubic portrait of picasse ambroisavart, the main european philanthropist, as the artist noted, the most beautiful woman in the world was not painted as often. according to legend, messiah valar bought 150 paintings in one fell swoop, unknown to the public of young cézanne. this exhibition, this one is unique in general, the complex, a unique space, is very harmoniously connected, one complements
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the other, as it feels. this is not just some empty space, it lives, it works. the english square, unlike the russian square, has two meanings: geometric and urban, therefore the entire exhibition space is designed in the form of streets of squares, a walk along which promises an unobtrusive acquaintance with art. ges-2 is called a house of culture; it is not just an exhibition space and in no case a museum. most painting objects the sculptures here are presented without glass, but compliance with all the conditions necessary for... painting, which allows you to overcome barriers and build a trusting relationship with art. sofia sergieva, evgeny turchak, andrey mashkarov, news! dedicated to our older loved ones. convenient loans. excellent deposits, in the branch and online. special conditions,
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especially relationships. try more this summer, free delivery from yandex food. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. custom jewelry, who will buy it? show, because you are doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open an account for business in alfabank, alfabank is the best bank for business, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame it, sausages
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will help, executive class, unique grille radiator, electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior for your maximum comfort. gac m8, first place. i have a question for you: do you have a clear picture of your future? such thoughts scare you. you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term savings program in the npf-future. one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she surfs the internet all the time. hurry up to connect megapowers to unlimited before the end of summer so that the internet does not was ending. and there will be jago-jago only in
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a megaphone. stay in cean for a daily stay. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone and decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse, it’s good that friends helped with the renovation, with the opening of the sberbank business, sberbank supported me at the start in everything, the score open. we open the way
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to business, sber business. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 at buenos? no, i have ice deluxe. so, third? i do not have. up to 30 million rubles per month without restrictions without commission on these operations; it’s up to you to decide how to manage the limit: there are no daily restrictions on the amount. the only thing is that one operation cannot be more than a million. if you need to collect money in one account, for example, for
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a large purchase of several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. by law, banks do not have the right to limit the number of transfers or set commissions on them if the amount of all transactions does not exceed 30 million per month. if the bar passed, commission half a percent, but not more than one and a half thousand for the transfer. if your bank has a limit on the daily volume of transfers, even between your sbp accounts, additional steps may be required. within the framework of current legislation, from may 1, a person can transfer transactions worth up to 30 million rubles between his accounts completely free of charge, without any restrictions to different banks.
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any. if the operation takes place at a bank branch, since this is more labor-intensive, second, if you transfer using a card number rather than a phone number, but in this case, it is no longer sbp. before transferring money and confirming the operation in his mobile application, a person should once again pay attention to which phone number he chose and which system he chose, for example, if a... a person wants to transfer money using a fast payment system, then he selects a phone number, his or his friend’s, to whom he wants to transfer, be sure to use
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the options in the transfer by phone number section, where the logo of the fast payment system is displayed, if the client makes a transfer to himself between different banks in their mobile application within the framework. rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, you will need to pay half a percent of the commission from the excess, but not more than one and a half thousand for one transfer. the history of transfers between relatives is actually active now. is developing in russia, many banks are investing in this, positioning their services as services for family transactions, and a certain social graph of the family, basically, between relatives and there are no restrictions, these are
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standard transactions for 100,000 rubles per month of transfers, a number of banks are trying to develop create conditions so that these relatives are somehow recorded logically at... the level of banking systems. how can increasing the limit and eliminating commissions help you? the main advantage is that it has now become much easier to transfer your savings between banks and you can choose which financial organizations. offer more favorable conditions. by the way, clients should receive reminders that your deposit is expiring at least 5 days in advance. this requirement is in the very law that established an increased limit on free transfers. how decide in which account you want to store the money and, in general, how you are going to manage it. in addition to the websites and applications of the banks themselves, special portals and financial platforms will help you. for individuals they are free, but they are responsible for their work. bank of russia. there are currently nine platforms operating in the country
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that are included in a special register of the central bank. not all of them may suit you personally; we advise you to go in and choose for yourself. it is important that a deposit opened using the financial platform will be protected, and you will find information about it in your profile on public services. the high key rate allows us now to use various tools that professional participation securities offer. and the profitability on... them will be comparable, even higher than bank deposits, and the level of risk is not much higher, for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general, their profitability is comparable to bank deposits, the risks there are extremely low, they can be purchased through a broker, many management companies have such exchange-traded funds in their product line; they are in great demand among our investors. so, let’s repeat the main thing: transfer to yourself through the fast payment system without commissions. up to 30 million rubles per month, for other individuals up to 100 thousand,
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the number of transfers to yourself is not limited, now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, transfer it to the bank that offers greater income on the deposit. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how to choose financing instruments or about tax benefits for investors, write to us on telegram and suggest topics. we'll ask you about everything experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank, alfabank - the best bank for business. rich and bright image,
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when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out you can do it right away. different for money your marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame. sausages, dad can. when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach, it can let you down. open bespatalin duo for the pain of bloating so as not to lose your rhythm. you are not alone, we are duo, duspatalin duo, order in
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air tickets. this alpha friday, june 21, we are giving 30% cashback on all flights within russia. not
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just profitable, alpha profitable. well, here we directly have a premium segment designed for such an expensive buyer, and this is natural malakh, technical director of the serpukhov elevator
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plant alexey bykov tells us. this elevator plant was modernized, more than 2 billion rubles of investment were invested, and as a result , since the restoration, more than one and a half thousand elevators have been produced. now the plant employs 350 people, and plans to produce 3,000 elevators this year, says slz manager, leonid chernonog. the main type of our activity is everything related to elevators or, in the so-called professional language, lifting and transport equipment. this applies to design, installation, engineering development, respectively, manufacturing and subsequent maintenance of elevators and handling equipment at all stages of its life cycle. test assembly, cabin compartment
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before sending to the customer. product quality is monitored at all stages of assembly. by the way, the highest in russia and eastern europe. the lift height is about 90 m; nine elevators can be tested here at a time at speeds of up to 8 m/s. all the components that come with our elevators, both our own production and those purchased. before they arrive to the customer in the form of a finished elevator, we every component we carry out a full range of tests, load, passport, resource and so on. do you perform crash tests? yes, we definitely carry out crash tests, there’s no way around it, because for various reasons sometimes
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emergency situations happen, we must always be sure that if an emergency situation occurs, and people who... in russia , according to the ministry of construction, operate more than 6,000 elevators , by next year more than 140 thousand cabins will have to be updated, the approximate cost of such work is estimated at 300 billion rubles. every year they fulfill the assigned period more than 20 thousand elevators, which now means that there are 78 thousand elevators in the housing stock that have already completed their intended service life. this is a very large number, considering that we replace about 18 thousand elevators annually. in 2022
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, a large number left the russian market. production of this type of product in russia , we are engaged in the development and actually launching of the federation from russian units and components, there are difficulties with electronics, electronic components, in high-rise housing of business class and business heights. usually installed high-speed elevators that move from 2 seconds to a second were previously purchased from western companies; now
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russian manufacturers are also engaged in such developments. so the serpukhov plant is developing a mechanism with a movement speed of 6 meters per second. similar work is being carried out at other large russian enterprises. in the meantime, developers are purchasing elevators in friendly countries, for example, in this housing complex in the north of moscow, which they originally planned to purchase. the guide mechanism dampens vibrations and ensures smooth operation. cargo, passenger, or is it both passenger? both are
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passenger, only one is larger, the other is smaller. another difficulty is the solution that russian manufacturers of frequency converters are currently working on. this is a device that converts alternating current from one frequency to another. the company plans to soon launch production of such devices, which until now were purchased abroad. one of our goals is to maximize localization of production in russia in order to be less dependent on international supply chains, from exchange rates, from various logistical problems that may arise, and the new product just meets these goals. american manufacturer otis sold its assets, including this plant in the northern capital, 2 years ago. the deal led to the appearance of... now the company is working on increasing production capacity, says general director igor,
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mayurov. the company's immediate plans, of course, are the development of new types of products. we face this task every year; the meteor lift company is actively working to create product at speeds from 3 to 6 m/s. because in russia there is an increase in the construction of high-rise buildings, where such are required. but unfortunately, such products have not yet been mass-produced in russia. localization already reaches 90%. production in st. petersburg is constantly being improved, for example, conveyors have been introduced to make it easier and faster to move components for assembly. this kind of automatic robot helps transport various materials. thanks to this, tractors are not used at the plant. not
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a source of increased danger, we are in door laboratory, here we undergo cyclic tests of our doors, we test all door safety components, the minimum number of cycles per test is a million, even the door passes, the door passes a million opening-closing movements, each control station. undergoes a 100% testing process, the elevator operation is simulated in all modes, absolutely, regardless of which elevator came here, which control station came here to this workplace, it undergoes 100% control according to a specific program, and by the way, our engineers made the tester themselves with their own hands. recently, a ceremony was held at the plant to mark the production of the 100,000th cabin. this elevator will go to a building under construction at one of the schools in st. petersburg. the company not only designs and manufactures elevators, but also installs and
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maintains them throughout their life cycle. which in russia is 25 years old, a year and a half ago, a new cabin was installed in this residential building in the center of st. petersburg, electrician dmitry vasiliev performs routine inspections. we check the status of call and order posts and communications. can you hear us, checking connection? okay, for the safety of the engine room you need to wear caste glasses. fine. this is the elevator compartment machine, the main drive winch, speed limit and control station are located here, this happens according to the regulations that are specified in the elevator operating manual, respectively, this happens once a month, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance, in fact, stops occur extremely rarely, this is mainly due to improper operation of the elevator, but sometimes they simply hold the doors, break them,
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overload the cabin during construction work, and that’s equipment failure. happens extremely rarely, because the equipment is quite modern and reliable. in russia today there are three dozen elevator manufacturers operating in different regions. according to the russian elevator association, almost 43,000 elevators were installed over the past year, of which just over fifteen were from foreign suppliers. according to the development roadmap industry, in russia they support equipment manufacturers by allocating funds for their own
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development of critical components. will act indefinitely, but the kiev regime is clearly not interested in ending the conflict. vladimir putin pointed out this, answering questions from journalists in hanoi, and emphasized: the withdrawal of our troops from the northern military district zone in exchange for any prospects for negotiations will not happen. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what else the president was asked about and what answers he gave. i followed vladimir putin’s asian tour without exaggeration
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the whole world, how the russian leader was greeted in the dprk and vietnam. and, of course, the number


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