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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin pointed out this when answering questions from journalists in hanoi, emphasizing that the withdrawal of our troops from the northern military district zone in exchange for any prospects for negotiations will not happen. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what else the president was asked about and what answers he gave. vladimir putin’s asian tour was followed, without exaggeration, by the whole world - how...
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the russian leader was greeted in the dprk and vietnam, and of course, the number of agreements signed suggests that our country intends to develop mutually beneficial relations with friendly countries, despite attempts by the collective west to create obstacles. pyongyang, like no one else, knows what it is to live under powerful pressure, and this experience of the people of the dprk gave the russian president difficult but very deep associations, opportunities for each other, and some sanctions that were imposed against north korea. to put it mildly, they somehow look very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad and what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, this is the blockade when people were starved, there are losses, as you know in my family, on this occasion, my brother died practically from starvation during the blockade, fell ill there and died. but, but, what
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is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but to introduce, say, restrictions related to labor migration, it looks somehow strange, because this leads to what, it leads to the fact that families , even if they are in a very difficult financial situation, did not have the opportunity to earn money somewhere and feed their children, this it doesn’t resemble anything, and is this humane? less than a week has passed since president vladimir putin made peace proposals that would finally resolve the ukrainian conflict. the first reaction of kiev and its leaders, who called moscow’s position nothing more than an ultimatum, was expected, according to the russian president, but this does not mean that our country’s position in this regard will immediately change. moscow is open to dialogue based on the points that were on the table back in minsk and istanbul, but the key the situation on the ground remains a factor. they sounded there. it’s not we
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who refused negotiations, the ukrainian side forbade itself to negotiate, not us, we are for it and have never refused this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, on the basis of those agreements that i want again repeat, were reached during difficult negotiations, one and a half months of negotiations almost in istanbul and minsk, on this basis we are ready to continue our dialogue with the ukrainian side, and where they will take place, it... matters whether in minsk, istanbul or switzerland. we have these proposals on the table, from our side, please, it is no longer up to us, when all the subjects interested in these negotiations will take what is on their table and start these negotiations, even tomorrow, but when they deign to do this, that is their business, until the conflict is over, the atmosphere.
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continues to heat up, the circumstances in which russia could use nuclear weapons are spelled out in nuclear doctrine, and changes in in this document are possible, but only in the event of a threat from potential adversaries, new, new ones appear, and in all cases we know that the potential adversary is working on it, new elements associated with the reduction, with the reduction of the use of nuclear weapons, with the lowering of the threshold of use . in particular , ultra-low-power explosive nuclear devices are being developed, and we know that in expert circles in the west there are ideas that such weapons of destruction could be used and there is nothing special about it there is nothing scary, there may not be anything scary, but we must pay attention to this, and we are paying attention to this, and my statement that we are thinking about possible changes in our strategies is connected with this.
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those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, i said , including in hinyan, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the democratic people's republic of korea , i don’t exclude this either, and where and where they will end up next, we can do that too to say in the same way... in this way, the westerners supply weapons to ukraine and say: we no longer control anything here, and it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we can also say, here we supplied someone with something, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about it . the strategic
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partnership agreement signed by moscow and pyongyang turned out to be a surprise for american intelligence, and this is surprising, vladimir putin noted. yet washington still tries to dictate.
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is moving for permanent residence, and this, of course, creates threats for all countries in the regions, including the russian federation, but we are obliged to respond to this and will do so. i call it, and treat russia as a strategic adversary, trying to position itself in a position of dominance that is so familiar to him, this is the key
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mistake. indeed, we see it, we observe it, they are constantly raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently counting on the fact that at some point we will be scared. but at the same time they talk about that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia, for russia this means the end of its statehood, that’s what this means, this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, and then the question arises , why should we be afraid, isn’t it better? then go to the end, so i think that those who think so, and especially say so, are making another big mistake. rejecting moscow's peace proposals, those interested in the continuation of the ukrainian conflict is again pushing the kiev regime to a new attempt
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at a counteroffensive. those who call themselves the leaders of ukraine need this in order not to hold elections. however, vladimir putin is sure that zelensky will be removed from the western authorities in the first half. the department on the state border line plans to present this as a major success in 2024 in connection with the upcoming nato summit, and then the us elections, well, we’ll see what
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will actually happen, but this is this team at any cost, i assure you, what so it is, i know what i’m talking about, but... it, of course, if it is not based on reality, it will again cost the ukrainian armed forces very dearly. that this price will have to be paid becomes even more obvious when a statement comes from kiev and western countries that negotiations are possible only if russian troops withdraw, and president vladimir putin once again emphasized that we do not intend to retreat. so, liquefied natural gas production, shipbuilding, railway construction, power plant modernization and many others projects in which russia and vietnam are interested were discussed in hanoi. it became another topic. security, details of the visit of the russian leader from alexey golovko.
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only an experienced driver can break through the famous hanoi traffic, a mass of mopeds rushing in all directions, but a bus with russian journalists reaches the gates of the presidential palace, and here there is already a column of vietnamese komsomol members. on the streets of hanoi there is forty-degree heat and almost 100% humidity, but despite this, tens, hundreds of vietnamese students gathered here entrance.
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the presidents greet the members of the delegation and receive the parade of the honor guard company. to lam has been in his current position for less than a month; before that, he headed the vietnamese intelligence services and was the minister of public security. they begin their acquaintance with vladimir putin on the steps of the palace. tolam shows the views. the palace, surrounded by greenery , was once a residence. governor general of french indochina, everyone in this country is grateful to the man who drove out the colonialists. victory of the vietnamese revolution and victory in the vietnam war would have been impossible without the support of the soviet union. it was ho chi minh, a marxist, a leninist, who found a common ideological language with moscow and ensured independence for his country. vladimir putin and tolam take pictures together, and then discuss something else for a long time through translators. russia and vietnam have a rich history together, next year. the countries will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, but now the main
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emphasis is on the development of economic ties. last year, turnover grew by 8%. above this is how inter-rights on both sides work closely. the growth in goods certainly contributes to the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between euroaz and vietnam. we coordinate our actions in the international arena. comprehensive strategic partnership with russia, we consider our relations to be one of
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vietnam’s foreign policy priorities. while negotiations are ongoing about the residence , photographs are being sent to the editorial office by photographers. the protocol service, a girl in a bright national dress, keeps order. media statement vladimir putin also began with a hint of unusual weather. first of all, i would like to express my gratitude for organizing our state visit, for the warm, welcoming hospitality. when i say a warm welcome, i mean not only the temperature on the street, but also the cordiality with which, as we see, our delegation is greeted by the residents of hanoi on the streets, the heads of state immediately make it clear that they were talking about foreign policy, our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, interference in the internal affairs of other states, when discussing the situation in the asia-pacific region , mutual interest was expressed in...
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strive to build sustainable channels of credit and banking cooperation. last year, the share of transactions in russian rubles and vietnamese dong provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions. in the first quarter of this year it was already almost 60%. rosatom is already working in the vietnamese market, creating a center for nuclear medicine and technology.
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there are further plans. i think not for the resumption of our construction negotiations is just around the corner. nuclear power facilities in socialist vietnam, and some technologies from vietnam are of interest to russia, we see, for example, the potential for bringing electric vehicles from vietnam to the russian market, so there is a very large potential for many russian companies, including working to create an industrial technology park. hanoi is traditionally interested in military-technical cooperation. in general, in our portfolio of orders, traditionally air force equipment takes up half of the development. pilots today are generally a hit; on the streets of hanoi , another russian development received increased attention; wherever the presidential aurus stopped, people immediately lined up to take photographs. vladimir putin is in vietnam for the fifth time; the head of government, fammentinh, showed him photographs from previous visits. in vietnam , the executive branch is elected by the local national assembly. in turn, in this parliament, 485 of the 500 seats belong to
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the communist party of vietnam. and meeting with its general secretary. parties of our state, people, and we welcome all members of the russian delegation. and these negotiations lasted much longer than planned. with the president's schedule including several memorial ceremonies, vladimir putin laid flowers at the monument to fallen heroes. this is a reminder of the defeat of the french under the dnf, and then visited the mausoleum of ho chi minh city, a man who, although he did not live to see the defeat of the american troops,
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did everything for the freedom of his homeland. the president of russia visited this mausoleum, created by soviet architects. snack and baker will beat the night to this song about troubled youth in russian, the whole hall of the hanoi opera sings along, graduates of soviet and russian universities have gathered here, someone remembers their student youth at the military university of rostov-on-don, the russian girl will like nadon in rostov, they are very beautiful there girls, and this military man wrote a book about putin understands:
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many miss the russian language, but here is the opportunity to speak it with the president of russia. let me introduce myself. me do's name is hong kong. in russian this is the red army. for me you are a symbol of strength, i wish you good luck and come back again. i note your russian language, you speak with almost no accent. something practically without an accent - and that’s great, someone even got confused in two languages, they are so familiar now, i, yes, i ’ll ask a question now, i haven’t learned vietnamese yet, hello, our president vladimir vladimirovich, and i me name is an, i
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completed my master's degree in st. petersburg. when you studied in st. petersburg you probably their name was anya, and of course, all these doctors, engineers, military scientists, friends of russia are interested in its culture. i want to know , tell me what is your favorite russian song. in general, i just love russian folk art, indeed russian classics, but i wouldn’t even share. according to nationality, according to some state principle, this musical art, i think that to divide according to nationality, to limit according to
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nationality means to prohibit something on a national or state basis, this is complete nonsense, you just need to enjoy art and give people the opportunity to do the same, that’s why tchaikovsky, and mozart, and schubert, and liszt, and borodin, mussorsky. iglinka, these are all people who have made a tremendous contribution to the development of world art, and we need to give all people around the world the opportunity to enjoy this creativity. here in the opera there is a cultural part of the visit, there is an installation on stage, a figurine of a horse among the birches, and if you turn it, the shadows form a portrait of vladimir putin. also on the program is russian and soviet musical classics performed by vietnamese artists. a little later, at a gala reception on behalf of the president of vietnam, vladimir putin quotes ho chi minh city. in any business, think first of all
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not about yourself, but about your compatriots, about the whole people. be in the forefront when it comes to hardship, take the back seat when it comes to rewards. the two-day state visit once again showed that even though russia and vietnam are separated by thousands of kilometers, these two countries are. vietnam neglects western partners in favor of cooperation with russia, this is indicated by german edition of handels blad. hanoi describes its relationship with moscow as one of loyalty and gratitude, it's a quote that the british press laments. washington is very upset about why catherine will tell. hanoi sees moscow as a strategic protector and vietnam warmly welcomes vladimir putin, ignoring
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us policy. bloomberg points to this. russia is ready to provide the necessary support in a variety of areas, from energy to weapons. vietnam and russia have had a long relationship dating back to the times of the ussr. hanoi brushes aside criticism the west in connection with the invitation of putin, who last visited vietnam in... presence in southeast asia, and washington general conclusion: moscow is strengthening its own and in the end will not risk threatening hanoi, the situation is not the same now. i have a question
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related to russian president vladimir putin's visit to vietnam, how concerned are you about the agreements that leaders signed on oil, gas and nuclear energy, does this force you to rethink the us strategy of attracting vietnam as a friend? year and we have improved our relations. you are right in president biden has visited vietnam in the past and we do see vietnam as a country that could be part of our supply diversification efforts. i can say that the condition of our partnership is not the requirement to break off relations. experts note. this is
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a comprehensive strategic partnership, this is the highest level of international relations. vietnam is not interested in russia being isolated and weakened in the long term strategic perspective because it is a major player, a member of the council un security. so, north korea, vietnam, and the united states are so concerned about the visit of the russian leader that assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs daniel hrittenbring immediately goes to hanoi to clarify what the current mood is in vietnam. ekaterina radaeva, news. the russian army launched a group attack with precision weapons and drones on ukrainian energy facilities that support production. weapons and military equipment. all targets were successfully hit. groups north, west, east and south occupied more profitable frontiers. zelensky’s formation lost almost 2,200
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soldiers and officers per day. mercenaries, 11 armored vehicles were destroyed, almost all american, as well as 23 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems, air defense forces shot down 74 combat drones and 21 highmass rockets. in moscow , two people became victims of hurricane edgar, one was crushed by a tree, and scaffolding fell on the other. another 18 people were injured, the wind knocked down more than 700 trees, and three hundred cars were damaged. the consequences of the ten-force storm continue to be eliminated, here's dead wood, the guys don't clean it up, and people are now to blame for what, 1 2 3 4 5 6 all cars, wind with gusts of up to 25 m/sec tore down advertising boards, overturned cars , carried away building materials, in the north-east
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of moscow metal sheets flew into. .. tram, two passengers were injured, another victim was locked in a dry closet that had fallen with the door down, the man needed the help of rescue doctors. in an hour , a third of the monthly rainfall fell in moscow, and several streets were flooded. well, tornadoes formed in several areas of the moscow region. fallen trees blocked the road between kubinka and narofaminsk. a powerful atmospheric front has already left the capital's affairs. and this is the chechen republic, which was also hit by a storm, eight people were injured, strong winds tore off roofs and advertising structures, knocked down trees and street lamps. there was hail in some areas. 83 thousand consumers were left without electricity. one
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of the oldest children's hospitals in moscow, st. vladimir hospital will soon receive a new building. the latest technical equipment will be purchased for it, 15 state-of-the-art equipment will be equipped operating rooms, and comfortable rooms will be created for patients. sergei sabyanin checked how construction is going. we are actively continuing the program to modernize the inpatient unit and clinics in moscow. it's being built here on this site. the building of the st. vladimir children's clinical hospital, one of the most key facilities in the field of children's healthcare, is modern, comfortable, convenient; all types of treatment, from diagnostics to surgery, will be located under one roof. major construction work currently underway are coming to an end, installation of utilities is underway
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. the stage of finishing work has arrived, next year the clinic should be launched, the head of the moscow region andrei vorobyov visited the children of the special operation participants in the podorofaminsky health camp, how are they in the mood, great! a new plant for the production of medicines has started operating in st. petersburg, which will be supplied to the pharmacy, dmitry akimov found out. a new
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enterprise for the production of full -cycle drugs. what does it mean? here, in this building on the third floor there is a laboratory, there are new medicines are invented. further experience at an industrial site, where from one tablet production increases to hundreds, then at the next stage the count goes into millions. well, now they are packing capsules on this line, but in general it is absolutely universal, and here you can pack anything. anything from powders to tablets, the production of tablets will triple to one and a half billion tablets per year, we will start the production of capsules here from scratch, this is about 500 million capsules per year, and here it will be possible to produce about 150 million sasha. today, 70% of the packages of medicines that lie on the shelves of pharmacies are made within the country, but it is important to develop exactly those like this enterprise.


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