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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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it's a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country.
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anatoly leonidovich, hello, good afternoon, i propose to start with small medium-sized businesses, after a significant increase in the key rate and maintaining it at a high level for quite a long time, what is happening now with lending in this segment, what trends are you observing, have loans decreased or are they also taking loans, in general, we really thought that lending to legal entities would decline even traditionally. the first quarter is a low season for corporate lending; in the spring , lending rates usually increase, but we saw that in the first quarter the market grew and, accordingly , the savings account grew along with the market, and in the second quarter the growth rate is still positive, that is, even despite such a high level of rates that has developed for the corporate portfolio, corporate credit growth still continues portfolio in sbery in the whole country, if we talk, for example, about smes, that is...
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and this is always a risky segment, so how do you check the solvency of such clients, evaluate it? indeed, for beginning entrepreneurs it is quite difficult to build a so-called cash flow model for running their business, at this moment we offer so -called welcome loans, but they are for a small amount, this is an amount of up to 200,000 rubles. but an entrepreneur already has the opportunity, first of all, to try what a loan is, to understand that it is not difficult, because 80% loans are issued remotely without providing any documents, as they say. at home, on the couch or in the office and
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accordingly the funds are credited to the account, so how to try small welcome loans, showing that you are a really reliable borrower, servicing the debt on time, you can go further and get a more significant loan for running a business, i suggest switching from a small business to medium-sized and then large, according to your estimates, how large russian companies feel, what trends in this direction do you are you watching? here we see that working capital continues, because enterprises cannot operate without working capital, the active construction industry, the real estate industry are still operating, and we see an increase of about 10% in the loan portfolio since the beginning of the year in the field of housing construction, traditionally, where sber occupies such a dominant position, more than half of the square meters in the country are built by sber, and apparently new directions are the tourism industry, strange as it may be, but thanks to the appearance... of the forty-first
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resolution, when, accordingly , enterprises can attract a loan for the construction of a new hotel accommodation facility at a preferential rate of 7.5%, then this of course stimulates demand, because domestic tourism is actively developing, growing, there is a demand for accommodation facilities, both in traditional places and in completely new ones, and such iconic projects are appearing in the far east, these are probably the trends - housing construction, the tourism industry. and well, we hope that after all the level of rates will decrease and this will make the possibility of long-term investment projects more feasible for medium-sized projects. how has the company’s external economic activity generally changed over the past 2 years? in your opinion, has the reorientation to new markets been successful, and if so, which markets are these primarily? indeed, the external economic activities of russian companies have changed dramatically; it is clear that the main market for sales of products and imports, accordingly, is ...
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southeast asia. and here, actually, sber follows trends in a sense. our number one currency in payments for foreign economic activity is now the ruble. and then they go. yuan and rupee almost simultaneously, which take up about 30% in settlements, that is, 70% is the ruble, then yuan, obviously the currencies of unfriendly countries are currently not available to sberbank clients, but the most important thing is that the volume of settlements has grown by about 1 year on year ,7 times with our clients, we see that our companies have already established what is called rails for export, import, and decided logistics the tasks that they faced and... the volumes are becoming more and more stable. sanctions continuation of the topic: has the work of your branches in india changed in any way in connection with the latest sanctions? here, india expressed its principled position 2 years ago, and international sanctions do not apply
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to the territory of india, and the introduction of june 12 did not in any way affect the work of the indian branch of sberbank, as we did. more than a thousand payments a day and we continue to make probably our main we are proud that we make most of the payments within one day, which contributes to the development of partnerships with a company from india and russian business. well, you have already mentioned that settlements in national currencies, the ruble, are growing , of course, if we talk about rupees, you noted the overall share, what general trends are there in settlements with rupees, and accordingly, are they growing or are they still remaining the same? level, the ruble is becoming more and more popular as a currency, well, firstly, if you look at it fundamentally. to rupee, then rupee a very stable currency and over the past 10 years the rupee exchange rate has not been volatile, in fact, if we say so, it is somewhat similar to the dollar, that is, in this sense it is a very stable currency, for the first time we have a demand for deposits in rupees,
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that is, if earlier there was such a term as frozen rupees and that’s how the rupees are stuck and nothing can be done on them, but now , on the contrary, enterprises, russian enterprises, respectively importers or exporters , have a surplus somewhere. rupee liquidity and they want it accordingly place, and here we offered rupee deposits for the first time 2 months ago and see active demand for this instrument. well , finally, one more important topic, it was announced that in june sberbank will launch three full-scale branches in donetsk and lugansk. how does the company currently operate in these republics and also in crimea? yes, indeed, work in new territories is a top priority. from june 25, services for legal entities begin. we will be able to offer assistance in opening a business, respectively, assistance in opening settlement accounts, receiving so-called ns tokens for respectively working with reporting and signing documents, in other words, and of course paying for cash services, if
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we return to work in crimea, then the bank in crimea has already opened accounts for more than 16,500 clients, probably that we what makes me most happy is that every fifth person took out a loan, right here - we believe that the level of lending penetration in crimea is even higher than the russian average, which in general makes us very optimistic, i would like to wish then good luck, thank you for answering our questions, thank you very much. how the federal budget is being implemented, how the russian economy has adapted to external shocks, and how they are implementing a program to reduce dependence on western technologies. prime minister mikhail mishustin discussed these issues with the cabinet of ministers. he began with issues
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of business support; the government decided to extend the experiment on customs monitoring until november 1, 2025. this will reduce the number of fcs checks for bona fide companies - noted prime minister. the government has extended the terms of the customs monitoring experiment until november 1 next year and expanded the range of organizations that will be able to take advantage of the new mechanism. within its framework, the company provides the federal customs service with access to its information resources, which makes it possible to reduce the number of face-to-face inspections, which means reducing the costs of their support. since april last year, such opportunities have already been available to residents. industrial clusters, as well as for authorized economic operators, including large manufacturing or trading companies that have a special status in the system of foreign economic activity. as for business inspections, in the twentieth year the country adopted a new law on control, its main tasks are to replace inspections
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with prevention, introduce a risk-oriented approach and establish feedback. according to the ministry of development, for the last 2 years only social and especially dangerous industrial facilities have been inspected. at the same time, according to the data majority. in general, over 4 months, gross domestic product added 5.1% according to preliminary estimates. i note that this was achieved taking into account the continued record low unemployment at 2.6% in april. in many ways, this is the trend, namely the growth in demand for specialists and investments above 14% in the first quarter, with...
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projects in the social sphere and industry were completed on schedule, the prime minister also spoke about how the program is being implemented to reduce the dependence of our economy on western supply technologies . in almost every industry today , a state import substitution program is actively being implemented, which is aimed at creating sustainable economic sovereignty. there are significant results in the energy sector, in the aviation industry, in the food industry, in shipbuilding, and in the field of mineral fertilizers. the production of domestic products has been effectively organized, which , we have already spoken about this many times,
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allows us to provide ourselves with grain, vegetable oil, fish, meat, potatoes, milk, vegetables and other types of food. food. the domestic economy continues to adapt to the changing conditions of the global market, timely legislative changes are a joint effort. the government and inzatrabank helped reduce many risks in the financial sector, support business, increase the capabilities of the domestic market, and stabilize. prices for a number of socially significant goods, to prevent their shortage, thanks to the restructuring of logistics and production trade chains, as mikhail mishustin said, the government will continue to implement measures aimed, among other things, at reducing the administrative burden, increasing the number of small medium-sized enterprises, maintaining stability in commodity markets and the economic justification of tariffs. all this will contribute to the further development of competition in the country.
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let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello. on june 21, 1579 , the detachment of otaman ermak timofeevich entered the service of the stroganov merchants and this was the beginning of a long journey of exploration of siberia. ural merchants invited the cossacks to protect them from regular attacks by the siberian khan kuchuma. and yarmak had more than 500 battle-hardened people. and soon yarmak went on a campaign to the center of western siberia to the main headquarters. hana. kuchum's troops were larger, but the weapons were poor. yarmak defeated him and entered
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the city of kashlyk, abandoned by the tatars. representatives of local peoples began to bring gifts, furs, and fish to the cossacks. the chieftain accepted everything and promised to protect him from enemies. he sent the messenger to moscow to report to ivan the terrible about his successes in conquering siberia. the king granted him two chain mail armor and a detachment of 300 warriors as reinforcements. however, the cossack the squad melted away under the onslaught of the tatars, and soon died. eermak. in 1585 he was mortally wounded and drowned in the rts. so says the legend. but the memory of otaman is deeply rooted in the people. for almost five centuries. legends, songs, and books have been written about him. many places and objects bear his name. and even the world’s first arctic-class icebreaker, built at the end of the 19th century, was named yarmak. on june 21 , 1941, the ussr adopted the now famous cat.
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on june 1, 1957, the fbi arrested soviet intelligence agent rudolf abel in the united states, his his real name is william fisher, but he called himself an american in order to complicate the investigation. he had been working illegally in the united states since 1948 and was supposed to receive information from sources at nuclear facilities. then, under the name of the artist emil goldfus, abel settled in new york, opened a photo studio as a cover, and in fact managed the entire soviet intelligence network. reveal it. they were able to do so only because of the betrayal of another soviet agent, kgb lieutenant colonel reinu heinenin. they wanted to recall him from the usa because of his excessively riotous lifestyle, but he surrendered american. well, at the same time he handed over fischer and several other soviet intelligence officers. abel was arrested in new york and sentenced to 32 years in prison, but 5 years after his arrest he was exchanged for the american pilot francis
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powers, who was shot down by reconnaissance aircraft in the sverdlovsk region. in the ussr, rabel, also known as fischer, continued to work. he helped intelligence agencies train young specialists and participated as a consultant in the creation of the film dead season, in the plot of which facts from his biography were used. june 21, 1978 in london the premiere of the musical by andrew lloyd weber and witt took place, dedicated to evva peron, the wife of argentine president juan peron and one of the most famous women in politics of the 20th century. the youngest of five children, coming from a poor provincial family, eva dreamed of becoming an actress; at the age of 15 she went to buinosaras to build a career, where she met colonel peron, the future head of state. despite the 25-year age difference, their union was happy, people
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loved him, she was open, did not hide her emotions, helped build hospitals, open kindergartens, met.
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you can now transfer money between your accounts in almost any amount without commission. we will tell you in 5 minutes in the instructions what rules and tariffs the bank of russia has established for the fast payment system. from may 1, you can transfer up to 30 million rubles. per month without restrictions without commissions on these transactions. how to manage the limit is up to you. there are no daily limits on the amount. the only thing is that one operation cannot exceed a million. if. you need to collect money in one account, for example, for a large purchase several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. by law, banks do not have the right to limit the number of transfers or set fees on them if the amount of all transactions does not exceed 30 million per month. if the bar is passed, the commission is half a percent, but not more than one and a half thousand per transfer. if your bank has a limit
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on the daily volume of transfers, even between your sbp accounts, additional steps may be required. within the framework of current legislation, from may 1, a person can transfer between his accounts completely free, without any restrictions, to different banks, transactions worth up to 30 million rubles. the bank has no right to establish any restrictions on the number, amount of transfers, or frequency of transfers. moreover, banks do not have the right to impose any obligations on clients. and in order to take advantage of free transfers to yourself in different banks, buy or connect some other bank service, for example, biometrics. the rule about zero commission there are two exceptions: first, if the operation takes place at a bank branch, since this is more labor-intensive, the second, if you transfer using a card number rather than a phone number, but in this
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case it is no longer an sbp. before transferring money and confirming the operation in your mobile application, a person should once again pay attention to which phone number he chose, huh? what system he chose, for example, if a person wants to transfer money using the fast payment system, then he selects a phone number, his or his friend’s, to whom he wants to transfer, be sure to use the transfer by phone number, options, where the logo of the fast payment system is displayed, if the client makes a transfer to himself between different banks, in his mobile application within the limit established by law, i repeat, this is up to 30 million rubles. then in the commission section there should be a zero, because these
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transfers to yourself in different banks, in accordance with the law, are free. the limit on transfers to other people is 100,000 rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, you will need to pay half a percent of the commission from the excess, but not more than one and a half thousand for one translation. story. transfers between relatives are, in fact, now actively developing in russia, many banks are investing in this, positioning their services as services for family transactions, and a certain social graph of the family, basically, but between relatives there are no restrictions, these are standard transactions for 100,000 rubles per month of transfers , a number of banks are trying to develop conditions so that relatives are somehow recorded logically at the level of banking systems, how can increasing the limit and canceling commissions. the main advantage is that it has now become much
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easier to transfer your savings between banks and you can choose which financial organizations offer more favorable conditions. by the way, clients should receive reminders that your deposit is expiring at least 5 days in advance. this requirement is in the very law that established an increased limit on free. translations. how can you decide in which account you want to store your money and, in general, how you are going to manage it? in addition to websites and applications the banks themselves will help you with special portals and financial platforms. they are free for individuals, and their work is monitored by the bank of russia. there are currently nine platforms operating in the country that are included in a special register of the central bank. not all of them may suit you personally; we advise you to go in and choose for yourself. it is important that the deposit opened with the help of finance. the platform will be protected, and you will find information on it in your profile on government services. the high key rate allows us to now use various
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tools that professional participants offer market securities, and the yield on them will be comparable, even higher than bank deposits, and the risk level is not much higher. for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general, their returns are comparable to bank deposits, the risks there are extremely low. you can purchase them through a broker; many management companies have such exchange-traded funds in their product line; they are in great demand among our investors. so, let’s repeat the main thing: you can transfer up to 30 million to yourself through the fast payment system without commission. rubles per month, for other individuals up to 100 thousand. the number of transfers to yourself is not limited. now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, transfer it to the bank that offers a higher return on your deposit. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how to choose instruments for financing or about tax breaks for investors, write to us on telegram, suggest topics, we will ask
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experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions, shoplifting, robbery, gas, you five times fled from the orphanage, six to those who got away from the hands, but all hope is for you, completely wild guys, we need repelled mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, i only save others, you yourself will be saved , i didn’t have any contact with you either, but what did you do, stop lying, you disobedient people.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not
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a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly the number helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is it, our product,
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i’m looking at the work schedule of the leadership of our country, well, we saw it, today, by the way , i read this from dmitry gennadvich, very accurately, that it’s fantastic, but now it’s vietnam, tomorrow morning there’s an official meeting in the kremlin, and look, today.


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