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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, bastards, throwing the gang away is also a mistake, it’s time to pay, i’ll pour from here, if i go alone, i’ll quickly burn, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, he didn’t do anything bad with these guys, there’s someone else there with who will he do? naughty ones, it’s evening with you.
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we didn’t expect everything else from ourselves, i remember when the special military operation was just beginning, we talked with the officers, they said, listen, well, we grew up watching soviet cinema, that’s how... there
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were dugouts there, it’s interesting, but we ourselves - then we can, we not only were able to, we surpassed our cities are underground, and they are so competently made, vladimirich, well, you yourself have been in them, you have seen it, well, the legendary engineering troops under the command of lieutenant general yuri mikhailovich stovisky, who is a legend, that is, the standards of comfort, speed and construction are so that there, well it’s just that apartments are created with televisions, with command posts, everything is done very competently there with laboratories and 3d printers, and when you... then you see the enemy trenches that they took, it’s like this, well, a hole of some homeless people, that’s all sketched, there is nothing there, this is of course a completely different level, but in fact there is folk wisdom that says that we get leaders for our sins, well, often about leaders, you know, we are very lucky, because lately we we see how much our military-political leadership is ahead of the west, just one step ahead, we were one day ahead of the swiss conference, we knew. world,
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look what they agreed on, they agreed on the rules of war, which is not we’re shooting at nuclear stations, so that’s it, please, don’t touch the black sea, shipping, there’s something else there, that is, this is not about peace at all, this is about war, well, by the way, we often meet and see about this, the peace fund the european one is financing the war, that’s what it’s all about. but the west, probably in some part of its reflection is belated, they do not have time, we have already moved two steps forward, they continue to process what happened before, because what happened in north korea is the conclusion of this strategic agreements, this it’s a completely different story, because we understand perfectly well that after some time there will be an increase in efforts in ukraine, we understand that nato units will go there, and i remind you that today the last obstacle has fallen to the appointment of a new nato secretary general. from
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the second candidacy they said: we are giving all our air defense systems to ukraine, well, you can see some kind of internal agreements there, and i’ll remind you what orban said before, when he was persuaded to support mark ruty, he is not hiding together with vucivic said what i was told that when we send nato troops into ukraine, there will be no questions for you as for hungary, please stay away and so on, this means that this plan has already been drawn up, and we know about it, and... conclusion north korea also knows the agreement, and north korea knows, in fact, the americans have something to fear, because when karine jeanpierre, the press secretary of belgomsk, was asked about this, oh well, the situation there will intensify a little, tension on the korean peninsula, no,
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they probably don’t fully understand what we have in north korea there will be a complete exchange of, well, intercontinental ballistic missile technology and so on, this is a direct threat to the united states, north korea, etc. russia are two countries that were not afraid to directly confront america, because the rest of the world is trying to come to an agreement there, to pretend that somehow this is possible, but we were not afraid, and north korea generally directly said, as soon as it moves in our direction, we will strike at the united states; in a very short period of time they have increased their weapons to such a level that in some parts they have surpassed the united states, hypersonic complexes and so on. north korea is the world leader in 600mm diameter. kn-25 see how it works. north korea is a leader in military technology. let me remind you that it so happened that south korea has always been agricultural, food was grown there, and the north was mountainous. so north korea now has more than 180 military factories, mostly underground, in dungeons, just under the
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rocks. 10 of them are only for the production of artillery shells, and not only of soviet caliber, of which there are dozens millions are lying in warehouses, this is also their specialized 107. mm kaksan guns, which hit at 50 km, they have set the bar for themselves, they need to demolish seoul, which means folding artillery and very serious developments, of course, in rocket artillery, you have already said that in addition to small calibers, they have super-heavy, actually operational-tactical missiles, six missiles on one installation, which fly at a distance of 600 km, that is, in terms of power it is more powerful, a more powerful charge than our iskander, but there also quite high accuracy, testing the appearance of these types of weapons at the front, these can be serious problems, the americans understand this. well, let me also remind you that north korea is the leader in quantity, given that f16s should be 500 km from the front line, the emergence of this kind of jet systems threatens all
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the airfields where 16 are planned to be based. well, by the way, judging by according to the footage that we saw when kemchinin was touring his underground storage facilities, it’s just galleries of this ready-made equipment and shells go into the distance, but let me remind you that north korea still has the largest number of permanently active special forces troops , more than 200,000. north korea is the only one that has battalions of snipers, that is, they calculated what would happen if the americans landed in our mountainous part, how it would be necessary to fight, they saw that the battalion of snipers simply dissolved in the mountainous forest and simply stopped this column , as our legendary sniper wrote, by the way, back in the second world war, which means that he said that he had hares in stalingrad, a sniper squad can stop a company, or even a battalion, in an offensive, because they begin to mow down, regarding sniper weapons, they do not hesitate to copy many elements, including advanced ones, very similar to ours some means weapons, they themselves produce
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snipers, they produce them themselves, yes there is some similarity with labaev’s rifles there and so on, but that’s not the question, they quickly launch it straight into series, because... technologically they get the ability to machines, for components from i think if they turn to vlad, vlad will simply help them directly, they came to buy from him before, that is, there are no complaints to anyone, yes, that’s why all the sniper rifles here, they are very friendly each other are actually similar according to the same principle, the most important thing is how the hardening occurs, the formation of the barrel, its accuracy, survivability, these nuances are connected with they say, the equipment sets the same for everyone, but one hits him and falls, and the other does not , so here, yes, rifles... they are all similar, but one hits, the second one somehow, but it is important to look into the future, what will happen at the next stage, because we see that now there are conversations, the so-called will call us for peace, now the first swiss conference seems to have ended, in their understanding, they such a message is sent to the world,
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we agreed among ourselves that we will offer russia, here is the second summit, we will come and say, these are our demands, go russians agree, in fact, this, firstly, will not happen, because we have our own demands already... with the article that at least 80 the f-16 will be delivered to ukraine, and you already said, this is air supremacy, because the f-16 is not only a platform for delivering strikes with high-precision weapons, with the same scalps as the shadow, it is also an element of air defense, because they are located in the air, with missiles, air, air from external illumination, they are trying to shoot down drones, by the way, this is exactly how israel covered part of the plane when there was a raid from iran, but we really have something to answer, because we have been studying all our lives fight against nato technology. so at the same time we’ll see, well, by the way, here again we can also turn to north korea, i think they also
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thought for a long time about how to fight against nato equipment, at the same time they will test it, so i think that in the near future without a new stage of escalation, it may not immediately come to the use of tactical and nuclear weapons, but you already talked about super bombs today, let me remind you that the americans made the most powerful non-nuclear bomb, they called it the mother of all bombs, and then we made a six-ton ​​one, in my opinion and... an even more powerful non-nuclear bomb was called the father of all bombs or the king of the bomb , they call it, when it explodes, this flu is formed, very similar to a nuclear explosion, well, i don’t know whether this bomb was placed on the wing or not, but i am sure that similar work will already be carried out somewhere in some part, we will have something to offer, and mikhail mikhailovich, criticizing the representation of the ukrainian delegation, simply cannot know that there in general this delegation is entirely represented by candidates of sciences, just about all sorts of sciences , they were caught, searched all over country.
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there is at all, no, no, well, there, there, probably, well, there is no bottom at all, even if it exists, they will dig the earth there, deep somewhere deep into the depths, go deeper, deeper and deeper, into regarding zelensky, i think that until the end of the presidential elections in the united states, nothing threatens him, because, in fact, it would simply be illogical and not in favor of presidential candidate biden, well, take some measures against zelensky, relatively speaking .
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you can stop shooting, but that doesn't mean that peace will return to ukraine, a civil war will begin in ukraine, because through negotiations it will be possible to achieve peace and settlement only if the ukrainian side is ready to sacrifice the interests of those people who for 10 years determined the foreign and internal policy of this country, where to put them of these people, 2000 units of firearms alone, this is only unaccounted for firearms loss.
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not their own, of course, it will be funding from the west, but sooner or later it will happen, whether they want it or not, it’s sooner or later will happen late, and there’s no getting around it, because you yourself have created such a situation of irreconcilability within the country, from which you won’t be able to get out without this internal conflict, it won’t be a bad fight, relatively speaking, as it was before, they bumped
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their stomachs there in the supreme rada and separated, the country is different, the country is different, the situation is different. hundreds of thousands of people, millions of people passed through the front, hundreds of thousands of dead people, where, as you want, to solve this problem, against the backdrop of the fact that some were eating, others lost your loved ones, you want to get out of this conflict softly, yes, fall out of this conflict on soft paws, it won’t work, when mr. koch said yesterday that they will hang zelensky ermak , they will hang him, and not only zelensky and ermak will hang tetsekashniks, they will hang everyone.
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but now the kharkov region, for example, is not part of the russian federation, but then it can join, what do i mean, the conditions are, in principle, public, open. now, if we take the side of ukraine, i absolutely agree with lutsenko and everyone that zelensky must refuse that he will not negotiate and will not sign agreements.
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another thing is that the situation has changed again, because in the russian federation the question will remain: who is zelensky? is it possible to sign with him? oh, you know, with whom? well, sit down for negotiations with whom? now with whom? no, well , from the american side, it’s clear, but this can only be in january, after the inauguration, that’s not the point, but from the ukrainian side there’s still no one, now with side of ukraine, you know, i’ll now turn to the side of ukraine, it was very important for me
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to hear the report, i think it will be important for you, vladimirovich specifically for... and doesn’t want to hold normal elections in accordance with the constitution of ukraine, that is, they they will forever delay the ceasefire, they are interested in our troops remaining in these territories, because they are not interested in holding elections, that’s all. heard, it means uzhgorod will also be free,
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in principle, there is also a way out as an option, and why not, this is one of my goals, personally, of course. so regarding this, how miraculous is the russian passport? this is exactly how she returns, ennobles , returns common sense to the lost, anna yurievna kuznetsova, but she gave a report, the final report of the parliamentary commission on the criminal activities of the ukrainian authorities in kidnapping children. by the way, yesterday in your program i spoke about black transplantologists and... to one of the conclusions of or or or now public public coverage of criminal prosecution criminal cases in ukraine, this same deputy minister of health means about this. children igor olegovich markov said such a thing that he personally, in my opinion , as far as i remember, in 2012 he was the initiator of the bill, in 2008
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fate threw me into the ministry of family affairs, youth, youth sports in ukraine , this ministry was often reformed, in in general, yura pavlenko became a minister and invited me as an adviser. vasiliyvich, please look at one or two corruption schemes, we need to break them, well, support me, okay, break or redirect, break. well , listen, i’m a normal, professional person, the first thing, as soon as i started to understand the topic, they told me it’s all there, sports, buildings, these are children, i didn’t believe it, volodya, i didn’t believe it when i plunged into this topic, having access to information from law enforcement agencies, security services, i couldn’t believe that in ukraine, it’s 2008, what a war, what, what, it’s just the orange ones there, some noise and so on and so forth.
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how my activity ended, you know what, i was kicked out, i was fired, they told me that wait, i got to, well, i was there, then a group of people, i was not alone, a lot of people who were normally thinking, who were, well , what are called statists in ukraine, helped and so on, when when i put the documents on the minister’s desk and said go to the supreme council, go to the lab, and so on and so on, the next morning he told me, you know, well, vasily, you’re a good lad, but go for a walk, i’m just fine,
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what has ukraine become? what have these people become? what have they become? all the so-called pro-russian parties, factions and leaders? yes, they have never been different. you ask those who brought them here.
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vasily dmitrievich. that's all, see you on sunday. we are located next to the new american embassy building. it was built in the late eighties. each brick was packed with cellophane. the americans were afraid that we would build something into these bricks, we’ll tell you about that now. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies intelligence to manipulate public consciousness. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited; i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me. ukraine, of course, is very active with the american proposal. you can’t come up with anything new, it’s new in technology, it’s not the intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, the intelligence services, the exploration industry fights with each other, but in
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the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy, in our case, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday. .. that people, we love traditions, honor our history, value family, strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming , there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country.
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moscow’s peace proposals on the ukrainian crisis will not last indefinitely, but the kiev regime is clearly not interested in ending the conflict. vladimir putin pointed this out when answering questions from journalists in hanoi and emphasized the withdrawal of our troops from the ied zone. in exchange for any prospects of negotiations will not happen, which was also asked the president and what answers he gave, elizaveta khramtsova will tell. our country intends to develop mutually beneficial relations with friendly countries, despite attempts by the collective west to create obstacles. pyongyang, like no one else, knows what it is to live under powerful pressure, and this experience of the people of the dprk evoked difficult but very deep associations for the russian president.


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