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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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moscow’s peace proposals on the ukrainian crisis will not last indefinitely, but the kiev regime is clearly not interested in ending the conflict. vladimir putin pointed out this, answering questions from journalists in hanoi, emphasizing the withdrawal of our troops from the northern military district zone in exchange for some kind.
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which were introduced against north korea, they, to put it mildly, somehow look very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad, and everyone knows very well what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, this is a blockade, and what is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but introducing, say, restrictions related to labor migration, it looks somehow strange, because what does this lead to?
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well, i said, including to the hungarians, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, i mean our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic, i do not exclude this either, and where and where they will end up next is we can also say in the same way, the westerners are supplying weapons to they say to ukraine: we don’t control anything here anymore, and it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we can also say, we delivered something to someone and we don’t control anything anymore.
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but the situation in the world is developing in such a way that it requires strengthening the regulatory framework with our partners, especially in those areas that we consider important, including taking into account what is developing in asia, and we see that in asia this is happening, however, the bloc system is being put together in asia, nato is already there moving as if for permanent residence, this, of course, creates threats for all countries in the region, including...
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russia's defeat on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia? for russia this means the end of its statehood, that’s what it means, it means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, and then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn’t it better then to go to the end? rejecting moscow’s peace proposals, those who are interested in... the europeans are pushing the ukrainians to, so that at any cost, again, i want to emphasize this, at any cost, again at any cost, that means, they push our units onto the state border line, plans to present this as... a major - a major success in 2024 in
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connection with the upcoming nato summit, and then the us elections. well, let's see what will actually happen, but this is this command at any cost, i assure him that it is so, i know what i'm talking about, of course, if it is not based on reality, then it will again be very expensive for ukrainians armed forces, and that this price will have to be paid becomes even more obvious when a statement is heard from kiev and western countries that ... are possible only in the event of a withdrawal of russian troops, and president vladimir putin once again emphasized: retreat we don't intend to. so, the production of liquefied natural gas, shipbuilding, construction of railways, modernization of power plants and many other projects in which russia and
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vietnam are interested were discussed in hanoi. another topic was defense and security. details visit of the russian leader to alexey golovko. break through the famous. hanoi traffic, and this is a mass of mopeds rushing in all directions, can only be done by an experienced driver, yet a bus with russian journalists reaches the gates of the presidential palace, and here there is already a column of vietnamese komsomol members. on the streets of hanoi there is forty-degree heat and almost one hundred percent humidity, but despite this, tens of hundreds of vietnamese students gathered here at the entrance to the presidential palace to greet the russian leader. we love russian culture that's why we love putin. the weather is such that the musicians of the military orchestra were allowed to fan themselves with non-statutory viers, only the staunch honorary guard kept his pace as usual. vladimir putin is met by the president of vietnam to lam, the visit has the status of a state visit and
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at the same time, along with the sounds of the russian anthem, fireworks sound. the president greets members of the delegation. are taking the parade of the honor guard company, then lam has been in his current position for less than a month, before that he headed the vietnamese intelligence services and was the minister of public security. getting to know vladimir putin they begin on the steps of the palace. tolam shows the views. the palace, surrounded by greenery, was once the residence of the governor-general of french indochina; everyone in this country is grateful to the man who drove out the colonialists. victory. victory in the vietnam war would have been impossible without the support of the soviet union. it was ho chi minh, a marxist, a leninist, who found a common ideological language with moscow and ensured independence for his country. vladimir putin and tolam take a photo together, and then another something is discussed for a long time through translators.
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russia and vietnam have a rich joint history. next year, the countries will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. now the main emphasis is on economic development. last year, trade turnover grew by 8%, intergovernmental commissions on both sides are working closely on this, the growth in trade certainly contributes to the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between the eu and vietnam. we coordinate our actions in the international arena. russia attaches great importance to development dialogue with the association of southeast asian nations. one of the leading members is vietnam. vladimir putin also invited his colleague to moscow to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. russia and vietnam have similar views on many historical and current events. vietnam pursues an independent, peaceful, multi-vector foreign policy. at the same time, we always attach great
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importance to the development of traditional friendship and a comprehensive strategic partnership with russia. we consider our relationship to be one of foreign policy priorities. while negotiations are underway , photographers are transmitting photographs directly from the carpet of the residence to the editorial office. the protocol service maintains order. a girl in a bright national dress. vladimir putin also began his statement to the media with a hint of unusual weather. first of all, i would like to express my gratitude for organizing our state visit, for the hospitality, the warm, welcoming welcome. when i say warm, i mean not only the temperature outside, but also the warmth with which, as we see, the meeting.
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agreements are signed in various fields from healthcare to nuclear energy, the two countries are actively exchanging technologies and trading, our countries are consistently switching to national currencies in financial transactions, and are striving to build sustainable channels of credit and banking cooperation. last year, the share of transactions in russian... rubles and vietnamese dongs provided more than 40% of the volume of
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bilateral commercial transactions. in the first quarter of this year it was already almost 60%. rosatom is already working in the vietnamese market, creating center for nuclear medicine and technology, there are further plans. i think that the resumption of our negotiations on the construction of nuclear energy capacities in socialist vietnam is not far off. and some of vietnam's technologies are interesting to russia.
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in vietnam, the executive branch is elected by the local national assembly, in turn, in this parliament, 485 seats out of 500 belong to the communist party of vietnam, a meeting with its general secretary, nguyen phuchong, one of the central points of the visit program, the opportunity to compare watches foreign policy issues.
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the whole hall of the hanoi opera sings along to this song about troubled youth in russian , graduates of soviet and russian universities have gathered here, someone remembers their student youth at the military university of rostov-on-don, a russian girl will like nadon in rostov, there are very beautiful girls there, and this military man wrote a book about putin, understands why russia is conducting a special operation in ukraine, now i’m taking on the neo-fascists.
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let me introduce myself, my name is do hongkon. honkon in russian is red army. for me, you are a symbol of strength, i wish you good luck and return to vietnam again. i note your russian language, you speak practically without an accent, well, practically without an accent and that’s great. has anyone even been so confused in two languages?
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i’m very glad when you studied in st. petersburg, your name was probably anya there, yes, yes, anechka, and of course, all these doctors, engineers, military men, scientists, friends of russia are interested in its culture.
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and to divide according to nationality, to limit according to nationality, means to prohibit something according to nationality or the state principle, this is complete nonsense, you just need to enjoy art and give people the opportunity to do the same, so tchaikovsky, and mozart, and schubert, and liszt, and borodin, musorsky, and glinka, these are all people who made a tremendous contribution in the development of world art and... we need to give all people around the world the opportunity to enjoy this creativity here at the opera the cultural part of the visit on stage installation of a figurine of a horse among the birches and if you turn it, the shadows form a portrait of vladimir putin, also in the program russian and soviet musical classics performed by vietnamese artists, a little later
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at a gala reception on behalf of the president... vietnam neglects western partners in favor of cooperation with russia, this is indicated by the german handelсblad building. hanoi describes its relationship with moscow as, quote, filled with devotion and gratitude, which the british press is already lamenting. ekaterina radaeva will tell you why the west is so upset. hanoi
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sees moscow as a strategic protector. accepts vladimir putin, ignoring us policy. bloomberg points to this. russia is ready to provide the necessary support in a variety of areas, from energy to weapons. vietnam and russia have had a long relationship dating back to the times of the ussr. hanoi has brushed aside western criticism over its invitation to putin, who last visited vietnam in 2017. in order to somehow divert attention from the real results of the visit, western journalists tried to focus on the plane. vladimir putin that it was developed back in the soviet union, however, they themselves ended up recognized that the liner is extremely reliable and rather demonstrates the resilience and strength of russia, which never abandons its allies. cnn directly points out that putin's tour of asia has caused extreme irritation in the united states. the financial times wonders if vietnam could finally break with the states? general conclusion:
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moscow is strengthening its presence in southeast asia, and washington will ultimately not take risks with... vietnam is a country with which we have deepened our economic ties. president biden visited vietnam last year and we have improved our relationship. you're right that we do see vietnam as a country that could be part of our supply diversification efforts. i can say that the condition of our partnership is not the requirement to sever relations with
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russia and china. the number of countries that support russia is too large, including in asia and the united states. this is a comprehensive strategic partnership, this is the highest level of international relations. vietnam is not interested in russia being isolated and weakened in long-term strategic perspective, because it is a major player, a member of the un security council. so north korea, vietnam, brix, brazil and so on are notable support groups that are expanding. the united states was so concerned about the visit of the russian leader that it helped. "the serbian national football team may refuse further participation in the european championship if uefa does not apply sanctions against
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albania and croatia. fans of these teams called for the murder of serbs and provocations at the tournament in germany, daniil mahalin. in broadcast of the match between albania and croatia in the middle of the second half , the chants of fans of both teams can be clearly heard. kill, kill, kill. the albanians and croats do not hide their hatred of the serbs, for good reason, the banner of kosovo was hung in the most prominent place - this is albania, because of such naked impudence, the serbs threatened to withdraw from the championship, we demand that uefa take the toughest sanctions, otherwise we will not continue to participate in european championship. this is a real scandal and we don't want it to ever happen again. this euro in germany is like was expected to be teeming with all sorts of provocations, unstable conditions, fan brawls
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and security problems. a couple of days earlier, the same albanians persuaded english fans to attack the serbs sitting in a bar, but as it turned out, there was the son of serbian president danilo vucic and elite cobra special forces soldiers in civilian clothes. the british received it in full, and
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flags with the inscription “belgorod” and other russian cities appeared in the stands of the football team, but the football federation of ukraine promptly complained to uefa and now any russian tricolors are prohibited from being brought into the stadium, so the fight between turkish and georgian fans did not stand out from the general level of tournament organization, along with the leaking roof of one of the stadiums, from which streams of water poured onto the spectators in dortmund. daniel makhalin, alexander. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 21, 1579, the detachment of otaman
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ermak timofeevich entered the service of the stroganov merchants. and this was the beginning of a long journey, the development of siberia. ural merchants invited the cossacks to protect them from the regular attacks of the siberian khan kuchum, and yarmak had more than 500 people for... in the battles, yermak soon went on a campaign to the center of western siberia to the main headquarters of the khan. kuchum’s army was larger, but the weapons were poor, yermak defeated him and entered the city of kashlyk, abandoned by the tatars. representatives of local peoples began to bring gifts, furs, fish to the cossacks, and the taman accepted everything and promised to protect them from enemies. sent messenger to moscow to report to ivan the terrible about his successes in conquest of siberia. the king granted him two coats of mail and a detachment. out of 300 warriors , reinforcements, but the cossack squad melted under the onslaught of the tatars, yermak soon died in 1585 , he was mortally wounded and drowned in the rtsh, so
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the legend says, but the memory of the ataman has been deeply rooted in the people for almost five centuries, legends, songs, books have been written, many places and objects bear his name, and even the world's first arctic-class ice-float, built at the end of the 19th century, was named yarmak. on june 21, 1941, the ussr adopted the now famous katyusha, a military rocket artillery vehicle bm-13. why was the weapon called that? there are several versions: perhaps because of the then popular song of katyusha by matvey blanter, and the soldiers called the sound of her work a song, perhaps from the index to, this meant the komentern plant, where the first combat vehicles were produced. katyusha was developed and designed in moscow at the jet research institute.
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stalin approved the start of mass production to change position and avoid retaliation. bm-13 on june 21, just a few hours before the start of the great patriotic war. and the combat katyusha’s baptism took place already in mid-july in belarus near the orsha station. when the battery under the command of ivan flerov destroyed a concentration of fascist military equipment there. the germans called katyusha stalin's organ. the howl of shells reminded them of the sound of this musical instrument. on june 21, 1957, the fbi arrested soviet intelligence agent rudolf abel in the united states. his real name is william fisher, but he called himself an american in order to complicate the investigation. he had been working illegally in the united states since 1948 and was supposed to receive information from sources at nuclear facilities. then, under the name of the artist emil goldfus,
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abel settled in new york for... a cover he opened a photo studio, in fact he managed the entire soviet intelligence network. they were able to reveal it only because of the betrayal of another soviet agent, kgb lieutenant colonel reino heinenin. they wanted to recall him from the united states for his excessively wild lifestyle, and he surrendered as an american. well, at the same time he handed over fischer and several other soviet intelligence officers. abel was arrested in new york and sentenced to 32 years in prison, but 5 years after his arrest he was exchanged for the american pilot francis powers, who was shot down on...
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she was open, did not hide her emotions, helped build hospitals, open kindergartens, met with the poor and homeless, but at 33 eva peron died from a serious illness. the argentines were heartbroken, the whole country mourned for her, more than 2 million people came to say goodbye to eva. the musical soon settled on broadway in the usa; in 1996 , based on weber's musical, the film evita was released. the favorite of argentina was played by the singer
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madonna, the film itself has become a cult, especially in latin america, this is how this day in history was, who is after you, no one decided to hide behind children. family song competition, let's get burned, let's break through, naughty people, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. we are located next to
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the new american embassy building, it was built in the late eighties, each brick was packed with cellophane, the americans were afraid that we would build something into these bricks, we’ll talk about that now. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate the public.


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