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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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massive attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the krasnodar region. our air defense forces shot down less than four people this night as a result of ukrainian drones in several areas at once. so in seversk, a uav fell on the territory of the ilyinsky oil refinery, after which a fire started. and as the head of the region, venyamin kondratev, said, the fire has already been eliminated. in temryuksky, debris fell on a guest house in the village of volna. there was serious damage and no casualties. krasnodar itself was attacked, a building there was damaged.
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countries, despite attempts at collective west to create obstacles. pyongyang, like no one else, knows what it is to live under powerful pressure, and this experience of the people of the dprk evoked difficult but very deep associations for the russian president. some of the sanctions that were imposed against north korea, to put it mildly, somehow look very strange. as you know, i come from leningrad, and what leningrad experienced during...
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during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, this is a blockade, and what is happening now with north korea, you can treat it however you like to regime, but to introduce, say, restrictions related to labor migration, this looks somehow strange, because this leads to what, it leads to the fact that families, even if they are in a very difficult financial situation, do not have the opportunity to earn money somewhere and feeding your children, it doesn’t resemble anything. and is this humane? now that russia and the democratic people's republic of korea are united by a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, moscow does not rule out that it will lead to expanded cooperation in the military sphere. those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, i said, including in payongyang, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people’s democratic. i
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don’t exclude this either, and where and where they will end up next, we can also say this in the same way, so the westerners supply weapons in ukraine and say: but we don’t control anything here anymore, and it doesn’t matter how they are used, well, we too we can say here we delivered something to someone, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about this topic, the topic of the ukrainian conflict with vladimir putin’s trip to the dprk and vietnam is directly connected, protecting our own...
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especially in those areas that we we consider important, including taking into account what is developing in asia, and we see what is happening in asia, however, the bloc system is being put together in asia, nato is already moving there as if for a permanent place of residence, and this, of course, creates threats to all countries in the region, including russian federation, but we are obliged to react to this and will do so, and to treat russia, a strategic enemy, is trying to take a position that is so familiar to it.
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means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises: why should we be afraid? isn't it better then to go to the end? by rejecting moscow's peace proposals, those interested in continuing the ukrainian conflict are once again pushing the kiev regime towards a new attempt at a counter-offensive. yes, we know that mainly americans, europeans are pushing, pushing ukrainians to ensure that at any cost, again, i want to emphasize this, at any cost, again at any cost, which means
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it becomes even more obvious when from and that this price will have to be paid, kiev and the countries the west is hearing a statement that negotiations are possible only if russian troops withdraw, and president vladimir putin once again emphasized that we do not intend to retreat. the european and american press discovered an amazing fact. it turns out that vietnam chooses cooperation with russia, and not with western partners. ekaterina rodaeva found out how they react to this. hanoi sees moscow as a strategic
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protector and vietnam warmly welcomes vladimir putin, ignoring us policy. bloomberg points to this. russia is ready to provide the necessary support in a variety of areas, from energy. to weapons. vietnam and russia have had a long relationship dating back to the times of the ussr. hanoi has brushed aside western criticism over its invitation to putin, who last visited vietnam in 2017. so that at least to somehow divert attention from the real results of the visit, western journalists tried to emphasize the fact that vladimir putin’s plane was developed in the soviet union. however, they themselves eventually admitted that liner is extremely reliable and rather demonstrates resilience and strength. russia, which never abandons its allies. cnn directly points out that putin's tour of asia caused extreme irritation in the united states. the financial times considers whether vietnam might eventually break with the states for good. the general conclusion is that moscow is strengthening its presence in southeast asia, and washington ultimately will not
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risk threatening hanoi, is not the situation now. i have a question related to the visit of russian president vladimir. putin to vietnam, how concerned are you about the agreements the leaders have signed on oil, gas and nuclear power, does this force a rethink of the us strategy to attract vietnam as a friendly supply chain destination? vietnam is a country with which we have deepened our economic ties, president biden visited vietnam last year and we improved our relationship. demand for a severance of relations with russia and china. the number of countries that support russia is too large, including in asia, and
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the united states cannot ignore this, experts say. this is a comprehensive strategic partnership, this is the highest level of international relations. vietnam is not interested in russia being isolated and weakened in the long-term strategic perspective, because it is a major player, a member of the un security council. so, north korea, vietnam, brix, brazil and so on are a notable support group that is expanding. the united states was so concerned about the russian leader's visit that assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs daniel krietenbring immediately went to hanoi to clarify the current mood in vietnam. ekaterina radaeva, news. and now footage from telegram channels, this is the usa in manhattan, a building caught fire. the flames engulfed almost half of the building. plumes of smoke rise to a height of several tens of meters. the victims have so far
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unknown. and the fsb declassified documents about how nazi germany disguised the preparation of an attack on the ussr. publication on the department's website. stalin and molotov, as well as the fact that the soviet union allegedly leased ukraine for 90 years, in return receiving freedom of action and relations between england and india. the disinformation campaign was successful; in the west they began to think that germany would continue to conquer europe and not go to the east. the investigative committee has irrefutable evidence that hitler's germany was going to exterminate soviet people. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, stated this in an interview with ryan news, he said that the facts
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of nazi atrocities are confirmed by archival materials and investigative actions carried out, including interrogations of former concentration camp prisoners and relatives of victims of fascism, as well as data from storage sites and the results of various examinations. there is a special military operation in the novgorod region on the territory of the ilyinsky cathedral a memorial campaign was held a candle on... from the state duma may consider a bill on indexation of pensions for working pensioners,
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tell us what funds will be needed for this? tatyana, until the twenty-seventh year 533.5 billion rubles. i'll tell you the details now. indexation of pensions for working pensioners will require more than 500 billion rubles in the next 3 years. in 2025 96.5, then 177 and 260. about this. stated in the financial and economic justification for the relevant bill. the necessary expenses will be provided for when drawing up the social fund budget. the relevant state duma committee may consider the documents already next week, so that, as the president has instructed, it will be accepted at the spring session. the fourteenth package of eu sanctions against russia will affect the military-industrial complex, financial sector and energy. this was stated by the head of european diplomacy, jose. eu ambassadors have already agreed on the document, now the decision of the ministers is expected. according to the newspaper
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politician, eu sanctions will be directed against russian liquefied natural gas for the first time. we are talking about the re-export of lng to other countries through european ports, as well as an attempt to close it for european business the opportunity to finance our lng terminals in ustilug and the arctic lng project. the consequences of these sanctions are relative. russian liquefied natural gas will simply be a redistribution of markets, that is , russian gas carriers will go to those markets where gas carriers from other countries went, maybe from the middle east, maybe some other suppliers, those who have the opportunity will supply gas to european markets, that is, in europe it will certainly become more expensive. sberbank will hold an annual meeting of shareholders today based on the results of 2020. year in the form of absentee voting, holders of
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sberbank ordinary shares as of may 27, 2024 can take part in it. the supervisory board recommended paying dividends in the amount of 33 rubles 30 kopecks. for each ordinary and preferred share. after 10:00 am, watch a documentary on our channel dedicated to people who are changing the world together with sber. the twenty -third year was a year of decline in success. we were preparing for new shocks. sber has become the most attacked company in the world. elderly the woman was kidnapped. a new scheme for fraudulent call centers. we are increasingly dealing with cyber armies. interesting time, it was very scary. we, our clients, overcame sanctions. will they build a small factory? production brought to the status of a work. art, when we have enough energy, we can do anything, you understand that everything is not
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in vain, we worked with the mood to win, we succeeded, at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 85, ruble 41 kopecks, euro i have 91.45 for this so far all. we are located next to the new american embassy building, it was built in the late eighties, each brick was packed with cellophane. the americans were afraid that we would build something into these bricks, about this. now we’ll tell you that the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, with the help of the americans,
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of course, ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, there’s nothing new in technology, only... it’s not intelligence among themselves, the state competes, intelligence and counterintelligence are fighting among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policies, and now about the consequences not the weather in moscow, two people died and more than thirty others were injured as a result of a ten-force storm in the capital, the consequences of the weather apocalypse are still being eliminated: hurricane winds tore roofs off houses, overturned cars and tore them out. trees with the root. and this is the picture now in kubinka near moscow. the downpour flooded the streets. a third of the monthly rainfall fell in an hour. also, moscow residents witnessed a tornado, which the weather forecasters had promised the day before. but today the weather will improve, there are no promises of rain, it will be sunny. leningrad avenue. the dyagenev festival opened in perm. this is one of the largest music
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forums in russia. the program includes symphonic chamber concerts, opera performances and experimental music. projects and much more. experienced masters and children's creative teams. svetlana belskaya will tell you everything in detail. are you nervous? no, no, somehow everyone is worried, but you are not worried. but they are not worried because large-scale preparatory work has been carried out. the musicians, the main choir of the musica eterna orchestra, the guys from the moscow children's choir vesna, have been preparing for the opening of the perm dyagelev festival 2024 for almost a year. all so that today perm residents and festival guests can see and hear one of bach’s most complex and rarely performed works, the st. matthew passion. that's two orchestra, two choirs, plus a children's choir and eight soloists. it is quite difficult to assemble
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such a team. traditionally, during festival days perm comes alive. diaghilevsky's first events started at the club. here is a platform for young people, in the morning artyom volkov, a soloist of eterno music, arranged a rehearsal with young musicians. closer to lunch, the first guests were able to attend the play a dream for all introverts, a treatise about themselves, and listen to indoor flowers sing. if you put on headphones, you can hear how it sounds individually every plant. the most sung one in the green choir turned out to be zantedexia. at the same time, in the choral cape. boys, a master class for young opera singers was given by irina tserakidis from greece. she devoted a little more than half an hour to each individual, but the knowledge that the musicians received from the unique greek performer turned out to be priceless. i am very pleased that they are working with us and giving us valuable information.
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there are 10 days of music, laboratories, creative experiments, more than 200 events, remixes, etc. ahead. touch the croque star burger king, votper on fire, taste, my new invention for a clean toilet, with bref there is an easier way,
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a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here. and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone. and i decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse. it’s good that friends helped with the repairs, with the opening of the sber business, in sber i was supported at the start in everything, an account was opened in one click, they helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sbera’s support it’s easier and faster to start a business. opening the way to business, sberbusiness.
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washington promises to transfer hundreds of air defense missiles to ukraine. according to john kirby, we are talking about interceptor missiles for the patriot and nasa air defense systems. he did not give an exact figure, specifying only that the first missiles will be sent to the ssu by the end of september. but in the media, citing pentagon sources report that kiev is still dissatisfied. that's why maria skorodilka will tell you about it. this trial in france was deliberately called unequal and very expensive. macron goes into battle with journalists herself. they called her transgender. as evidence, they cited photographs of a certain man who bears no resemblance to the first lady of the country. and although the journalists’ arguments are so -so, the video was watched by millions. the first lady demands satisfaction, a lawsuit is being heard for libel . french society is not good. in the country same freedom of speech emmanuel macron. throws mud at his colleagues, makes a statement dangerous for the country, the matter comes to him, turns on the regime of repression and loses points. recent polls have already shown that the upcoming elections will see a tsunami
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hit france. so, we see approximately the same picture in all eu countries. this will be a big surprise for everyone. macron's party faces a crushing defeat. marine lepen's party is preparing to win the parliamentary elections. in this case, jordan will become prime minister. in germany federal elections and chancellor, despite the forecasts and obvious discontent in society, he dreams of maintaining his post, but it’s a disaster, experts say. germany
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is unable to do anything, they do not have armed forces, no one has them, including america. 5000 people ready to fight, who can pay for it, we cannot, europe cannot, and russia knows this. american analysts claim behind this image is a brave cowboy who wants everything. the united states simply hides its desire to enrich itself at the expense of others. we've been doing this since world war ii, and even earlier ones, we carry out coups d'etat, choose sides in civil wars, do the same things as we did in ukraine. plus, of course, full-scale invasions, for example, of iraq and other countries, simply for the sake of control over their resources. washington is completely changing its supply policy; the biden administration will give back.
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i believe in the reality of what is happening, to be honest, i don’t even believe that he is a living person. pumping ukraine with military aid is a strategy of failure, writes the american conservative.
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positions in the armed forces of ukraine by next year. not will strengthen, and even zelensky already understands that the kiev regime can forget about donbass and crimea forever, journalists write. maria the card maker, news. let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. in kuban this night they repelled a massive attack by ukrainian drones. there are people injured. according to the head of the region, the debris fell on the territory of the ilyinsky oil refinery, where the fire broke out, and it has already been extinguished. the boiler house buildings and yuzhny bus stations were also damaged. emergency services are on site. camouflaged equipment and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed crews of su-34 aircraft. the strike was carried out with high-explosive aerial bombs, without entering the enemy’s pvu strike zone. all targets hit. officers of the state security department of ukraine accused their leader , zelensky’s personal bodyguard maxim dons, of unauthorized seizure of power. they said that after the removal of the previous head of the department, he himself issued a decree on his
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promotion. the officers also stated that danetsk ordered them to join the security detail without weapons. in addition, part of the employees. the use of kaspersky lab software has been banned in the united states. this will increase the growth of cybercrime, the company notes. they noted that they intend to maintain relations with partners. in other countries there are no restrictions. my obediences are gray, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle?
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this can be assembled in 5 seconds, without your own demonstration let's figure it out, pray, black, it's also a sin to abandon the lads, it's time to pay, i'll water, that if one gets beaten, i'll quickly burn, if there's a chance with you, hold on, likon... i did it badly, there's still someone who will do it to whom, disobedients, i counted with you.
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now let's talk about sports, alexander, the spanish national team became the second team at the european championship to guarantee themselves an early exit
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from the group. tell us about yesterday's italy-spain match? tatyana, good morning, spain won the second match in a row after 3:0 against croatia, 1:0 against italy. so, the spanish national team is the second team that has guaranteed itself early exit from the group to the european championship. in the second round , the spanish team played in gelsen-kirchin against the reigning european champions, the italian team. the spaniards controlled the match, eloquent statistics of shots on goal 2:4 in favor of the spanish team. but the spaniards won thanks to an own goal. bologna defender riccardo calafiori cut the ball into his own goal. this happened in the fifty-fifth minute. this is already the fifth own goal in the current tournament. spain won their second match in a row according to the results of the group stage, it will definitely remain in first place in its group b. italy in the last round of the match against croatia will only be satisfied with a victory. slovenia and serbia played in the derby of the former yugoslav republics.


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