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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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here, of course, this will give us the opportunity to maintain the pace of production activity, which today we have achieved very well and through this we ensure, including budgetary security, and of course, all this is accompanied by appropriate conditions for doing business, this first of all, tax regulation, within the framework of our powers that are given to us as regions, we use everything...
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the chuvavar republic today is the only region, with the exception of the far east and the arctic, that has a master plan meeting all the requirements that are presented to such documents in accordance with the instructions of the president, remember, there are corresponding instructions from the president, and we are here, one might say, in this direction, well, in order to apply these approaches, including ours developments,
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projects to complement the complexity and appropriately ensure the development and support of various projects and people. as a result, we managed to exceed the plans that we had approved for ourselves before the twenty-fifth year by the end of 2023, and here we are it was precisely using this experience that we began to plan, that is, we are now at the stage of developing a new comprehensive program until 2030. which should become
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just a kind of master plan, one might say, for the development of the region until 2030, and here it also worked out very well, you and i know, today there is an order from the president to develop a new version of the spatial development strategy, new national projects, of course, we will take everything into account here, arrange it accordingly, in addition, we have set ourselves the task is to fix all these plans by the end of the year, and to accompany them accordingly through a digital platform. we are now working on this task, and i think if we succeed, it will allow us to have a real, almost online , opportunity to analyze all the processes that occur in all spheres of life in territories, municipalities, and make operational decisions on adjustments, and so on. undoubtedly, in a comprehensive plan, in addition to the master plan for the cheboksan urban agglomeration, which will become part of this comprehensive program, we also take into account the individual program of socio-economic development... of your
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republic, which is being developed by 10 regions, you know, there are such a dozen - with the worst indicators of socio-economic development, the chuvar republic was in the first part. remains for the second stage, we have also completed the first part of the program almost completely, but we still have until the end of the year to reach the finish line and accordingly achieve the results we need, well, now we are developing a new one program, an individual program for socio-economic development, and this is an opportunity to specifically finance those areas that i also spoke about, in particular, we provide there, for example, the development of hop production and the corresponding... support for this process, well, that’s it, that’s briefly, if possible, i, i, thank everyone for their participation, in the development of the comprehensive program, i participated in the first version, many federal experts, our
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colleagues from the chuvazhsky republic, thanks to this, it turned out like this the subject matter allowed us to move quite confidently, i would like to express confidence that we will continue... we will also work very closely, closely, and we will gratefully work on their implementation, and report accordingly, create best practices and share with to everyone who will be interested in them. oleg alekseevich, thank you for such a detailed and interesting story, thank you very much, yes, if you allow, according to tradition, we address several questions to you, in fact, probably, the conditions of economic development and its prospects cannot be discussed in isolation from general economic ones. processes that are taking place in the country, and here now, of course, everyone’s attention is drawn to the tax changes that are being discussed in the state duma, which we touched upon today partly during a business breakfast, how do you evaluate these proposals from the point of view of the chuvazhsky republic region, what are the possibilities open, what risks
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exist in your opinion? well, we proceed from the fact that these tax changes are introduced from the perspective, with at least 6 consistency years, this is a very good measure, second: those additional revenues that, on the one hand, are accumulated in the budget of the russian federation, it, of course, maybe strains us a little in the regions, but at the same time, the government of the russian federation indicates to us through their approaches use, direction towards the implementation, first of all , of national projects that are aimed at people, and here it is very important to have clear development plans, which i just talked about...
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the types of activities that are needed are aimed at creating high-tech, high-performance areas of activity, it seems to me that in general this is a very positive approach, including, as i already said, through long-term planning, but finishing with personal income tax, we estimated that if in the russian federation it was said there about 3%, then in the chuvaz republic, that means...
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last year 20 was almost 2%, this year so far 20.1% in nominal terms, well, in real terms you can calculate it, i’m sure that in the next few years the number of people in our country will exceed, but already they will be psychologically and morally prepared, understanding what this money is used for. oleg alekseevich, and one more question, if you allow, now we will definitely give the floor to all speakers, but i take this opportunity for you too, another factor that cannot but be touched upon, in my opinion, in the business community now. the topic of returning some property to state ownership, objects that were illegally privatized or used to the detriment of the state, as vladimir putin said, is being actively discussed. tell me, in the republic there is similar objects of the enterprise, company, in
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which the interest of regulatory supervisory authorities has arisen? no, we do not have such facilities and companies in our republic. thanks for the answer, thank you very much. well, we continue now, at least. for the republic of belarus this is a very good question; in fact, exports are generally
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one of the pillars of the country’s development. somewhere in 2001-2002, the first medium-term development program for the country was adopted, and three priorities were announced: exports, housing, food. in fact, here's for twenty years they have all been developing successfully. today, the foreign trade turnover of belarus.
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for which we are grateful to russia, as part of the recent visit, after the inauguration of vladimir vladimirovich in minsk and the discussion at the government level of the prospects for the development of the union state over the next 3 years, the topic of regional policy, regional work between our countries was designated by the two leaders as key, here therefore , we have never had such... intensity of contacts, such level of interaction history, they state absolutely accurately, we have
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a record level of trade turnover in general between russia and belarus of 54 billion dollars, our country has been one of the five most important trading partners of russia for several years in a row, my russian colleagues themselves often make this comparison that china has trade turnover with russia is 240 billion, it seems to be five times ahead. the republic of belarus, but if you compare the population, then naturally there is nothing to even talk about here, so we value these relations and we are developing these relations in every possible way. last year only about 130 official delegations from russian regions visited our republic, 38 of them were headed by governors, that is, in fact, on average, every second governor of russia visited our country, and the same number.
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what is not taken into account is that it comes through other regions, through moscow, st. petersburg, smolensk, which is why i sincerely believe that our trade turnover is higher, but even these official figures, let’s say, they already exceed the pre-covid level, the level of 1919 , and this is, well , approximately the middle, let’s say, of our standings, a huge number of new areas, these are the areas in which we began to interact, and we are meeting with alekseevich. this is not the first time, his official visit to minsk will soon take place, a meeting with the country’s leadership, the days
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of the bashkir, the days of the chuvash business, the chuvash supplier, as we call them, the days of culture, so i think that many of those sitting in this hall , they will visit our republic and evaluate the prospects for the direction of our cooperation, while top companies are working, as we say, this is...
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this is the topic of electric transport, our minsk automobile plant is involved in updating trolleybuses, today i very actively visited the chiboksar trolleybus enterprise, these are very good plans, i tell alekseevich, considering that you have declared this direction a priority in your development program , i will ask our colleagues to make you a presentation during your visit to minsk.
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excuse me, please, as an intermediary, no, i’ll also promote, the chuvash acquired at the expense of - such a preferential loan the house of the russian federation 96 modern trolleybuses, yes, well this project is led by alexander arsakov, house of the russian federation, so i don’t think it’s a coincidence.
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is it possible to talk about some kind of stable exchange rate for the foreseeable future, what should it be? well, it’s clear that the sanctions on the bridge exchange influenced the situation, but they influenced rather emotionally, that is, those who are nervous began to buy currency even for 200 rubles per dollar, respectively, they lost big, because there are objective factors that determine the exchange rate of the national currency, and not the platform where it is sold there or
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exchanged for... another country, but since the demand is among other things, because of these measures , foreign currencies are falling, well, first of all , the dollar and the euro, since they are countries that imitate these currencies and have imposed sanctions against us. accordingly, to be honest, i am concerned that the exchange rate will fall, because for me , well, as a person and worked in business and in banks and... there is an understanding that the best exchange rate of the national currency is a stable exchange rate that does not swing in one direction or another, if it begins to strengthen at a high cost, then this means that imports will become more expensive, and so will our imported goods. are needed, and accordingly, it will cost us more to update production facilities, and we do this, among other things, through imports that come there through roundabout routes, sometimes even directly to the russian federation from europe and the united states
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of america. he is like that, he is a politician listens, but does it in his own way, and excessive strengthening of the ruble harms the exporter, so yes, it is beneficial for exporters, but at the same time, we still need to first of all make sure that the domestic market is closed, so you said there, do you think in order to export hops, we first need to close the domestic market and do everything to prevent them from being sold abroad, even in the current conditions. and here hops were consumed so that the consumers of this hop could satisfy their needs. well in in general, do you think this will not lead to a double exchange rate between the state and the black market and will not lead to a ban on the circulation of the dollar and the euro? there will be no ban, because we are not interested in this, but from my point of view , the market should determine, and not from my point of view, any sane person will say that the best rate is the market rate,
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if... oleg alekseevich it was affected in the sense that the water became cloudy due to the fact that the water level, the level of the volga, the chesar gwest was not raised to the design level, then accordingly the water, which we also drink, has serious tests, that is, therefore, of course, the topic of the cheboksary hydroelectric station, from my point of view, should not be closed, we must study all the consequences of raising the level volga is still well...
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