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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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only after serious research, the chuvash was, well, an exporter of electricity some time ago, due to the fact that production was not loaded, now we are undergoing powerful development, the enterprise is increasing its pace, or the entire business must decide , together with the authorities, how to create new ones power, as more...
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shows an example of how to move forward, and in all areas, now we will move on to other areas, thank you very much, anton viktorovich, a question for you, now we are talking a lot about technological sovereignty, about what financial instruments need to be used for this, which ones can you highlight as priority and green bonds, financing of this kind, to what extent can it play any significant role here? thank you, well, first of all, i would like to thank olegavich and the leadership of the chebava chuvazh republic for the invitation to the forum, we are a partner of the chuvazh republic, and even how can i say, such curators of the republic, through the line of the union of mechanical engineers, are therefore ready to implement here and are implementing variety including projects that are new to us, the second thing i would like to note is that you said that...
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we will, as it were, leave the high road of civilization and, in general, all the profits will be received by others, and the world market, despite what is actively developing, and here’s another once i say that the reorientation to the east, and there everything is also very strict in this regard, if you want to issue green bonds on the hong kong stock exchange, then you will have to disclose information about everything about the entire chain of suppliers , they all must... green in that including, if
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russian suppliers get there, then if they are not green, then they will not be, they will be excluded from the process, but if we talk about the russian market, then once again i will remind you that in 2022 there was a slight decline, but now it is recovering again, which indicates that companies are following this path, and in general the state has developed and approved a strategy for socio-economic development in the context of several carbon emissions until the 60th year, this is a large program,
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but the cooperation that we offer is absolutely devoid of any confrontation in relation to third parties countries, it is mutually beneficial, and , of course, absolutely meets the interests of our partners. well, this is what the world press writes about vladimir putin’s visit to hanoi. the indian newspaper economic times emphasizes that vietnam welcomes vladimir putin and his trip is a great incentive to strengthen ties between the countries. the article recalled that moscow. hanoi has enjoyed good relations for many years and that us sanctions have failed to change this. the authors of the article also noted that the parties continue to cooperate in the fields of energy and security. the swiss publication watson emphasizes that the president’s visit to hanoi is not just a tribute to the good relations between russia and vietnam. we
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are also talking about an important opportunity for russia to influence the region. in general , the european american media write more about putin’s visit to phinyang. the financial times, for example, drew attention to the fact that japan and... the csto will build a new eurasian security architecture, the foreign ministers of the organization’s countries agreed on this. this topic has become one of the main summit in almaat. the work will continue, despite the threats posed by nato to try to interfere with the alliances, said sergei lavrov. summing up the meeting, he also answered questions from journalists. moscow about the conference on ukraine in switzerland. the chief of our central asia bureau, robert frantsev, will talk about the main statements and decisions of the summit. the almaty summit of csto foreign ministers was another step towards building a new system of collective security in
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eurasia. confirmed again during the meeting main principle: the interests of all countries of the eurasian continent must be taken into account, but outside interference is unacceptable. minister. foreign affairs of the csto discussed current challenges and timely responses to them, in particular, the need to build closer relations with other regional structures, such as the sco, cis and osian, was voiced. we are talking about building a multi-level partnership in finance, energy, logistics, and of course, the security dimension is also one of the most important areas of cooperation, since the geography of threats is growing, challenges come from different... directions, but from one source, and as sergei lavrov noted, the fact is that nato is now seeking to monopolize all approaches to ensuring security, based solely on its own ideas about what it is safety. nato wants to privatize all
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security mechanisms in the asia-pacific region, which the alliance calls the indo-pacific region, creating fours, threes, and others there.
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in switzerland, under the high name mirnaya conference on ukraine, all of them, including the americans, the leaders of the united states. also during the meeting, an exchange of views took place on other topical issues, in
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particular the fight against terrorism was discussed, the situation in afghanistan was also discussed, in particular, a project to strengthen the tajik-afghan border was approved, coordination of actions within the csto in the direction of peacekeeping was separately discussed, confirmed the need to intensify work on biological safety and peaceful space exploration. robert frantsev, arman baydauletov, tatyana safarova almaata, kazakhstan. central asian news bureau. mikhail mishustin visited his almater, the legendary machine tool. today it is the moscow state technological university. at one time, the prime minister graduated from the faculty of automated production process control systems, and then graduate school. today the university has over 5,000 students, including foreign students from more than 70 countries. mikhail mishustin remembered the times of his studies and even showed one of the notebooks. believe me, yesterday i was preparing for visiting stankin, i was just going through
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my diploma, looked at my documents, i found this, read it, interchangeability, yes, this is our department, these are my notebooks for 30 years, give us, no, this is nikolai nikolaevich markov, and dmitry nikolaevich we have , nikolai nikolaevich unfortunately died, he was exceptional, he was a professor, he was a dean, that’s strictly speaking. i can even show you, this is, in fact, what was read at your department, how many years ago , dmitry nikolaevich? 30, no, that turns out to be 38 years ago, i don’t think anything has changed, there are even gluings, landing tolerances, we study from nikol nikolaevich’s textbook, yes, well, he naturally underwent revision, but i won’t give it to you, the process of obtaining benefits for svo participants and their loved ones needs even more simplify and automate. it will allow you to receive
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the necessary certificates for social support online at government services or at the mfc. this opportunity may appear by mid-summer. a candle of memory was lit in moscow today. the start of the annual event with this name was traditionally given in elokhovsky epiphany cathedral. there they held a ceremony where they caught fire. in memory of all former republics of the ussr, cities of heroes and cities of military glory of russia. a memorial service followed. participants in the action will deliver candles to the synagogue’s cathedral mosque, lay holy ones at the eternal flame on the poklonnaya hill, and take another candle to the saur mogila memorial complex in the dpr. today it has become a living, common bonfire of memory, you see, because there are millions of candles that will be lit all over the world. they are very symbolize the most important thing, that by our actions, by lighting a candle
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, we confirm our rejection of fascism in any of its manifestations. for us , it is fundamentally important that a candle of memory becomes a living monument. today in moscow, at the shape of russia exhibition, a forum on urbanism opened, it is one of the industry events of brix. about 75% of people live in russia. cities, international experience is extremely important for improving the quality of life in sustainable development. at the forum of the member countries of the association exchange best practices and their vision of creating cities, developing the construction industry and conducting examinations of capital construction projects, which is included in the area of ​​activity of the heads of state expertise in russia. as noted by the minister of construction and housing and communal services, erk faizulin, today each russian has about 30 km of total housing area, and this value is growing. over 5 years, it was possible to introduce almost half a billion
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square meters of housing, or 513 million. on average, the level of security per resident of our country increased from 26 m to almost 29. by the thirtieth year it is planned to increase this figure to 33 m per person, and by the thirty- sixth to thirty-eight, in general , the housing stock will be updated by 20%. the minister also spoke about improving the quality of public services. the work is being carried out as part of a new program for modernizing the housing and communal services infrastructure. the president gave the corresponding instructions .
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to improve the quality of life in support settlements by 30% by 2030 and by 60% by 36, here we are in the process of selecting 200 important support settlements for which the quality of life will be improved. in in the tambov region, 177 m of new housing was put into operation, which is 11% more than last year. deputy prime minister khusnuli reported this. during his working trip, governor maxim egorov spoke, marat khusnulin also visited the altai republic, the deputy chairman discussed with the acting head of the region, andrei turchak, a comprehensive master plan for the development of the gorno-altai agglomeration. and right now from the broadcast from the kremlin. vladimir vladimirovich putin. i ask
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you, please, comrade officers, dear friends, opening this solemn ceremony, i would like first of all to congratulate you on the successful completion of your studies, a very important, without exaggeration, fateful stage in your life, you completed your studies with dignity. by tradition, we honor the best graduates of military academies and university institutes in
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the st. george hall of the moscow kremlin. this is one of the symbols and guardians. warrior of the glory of the fatherland. here you feel in a special way the inextricable connection between the history of our army and the history of russia, with its sovereign strength and greatness, with victories that will forever remain in the grateful memory of our people. we cherish every page of the military chronicle of our homeland, honor the names of the heroes who did not spare themselves for the sake of its freedom and future. they were tempered in difficult battles. this is love for the motherland, unparalleled perseverance and courage; it was they who decided the outcome of battles and wars that more than once determined the fate of our fatherland, like unity,
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consolidation of our people, true unity of the front and rear. for several days we will celebrate the significant memorial date of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. recently we talked about this with the president of belarus. you know that this daring, large-scale operation was called bagration, in honor of our outstanding commander, the hero of suvorov’s campaigns in the patriotic war of 1812. the soviet troops acted boldly and...
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in fact, they prove that our army and its offspring, the officer corps, the centuries-old cohesion and unity of our multinational people are an all-conquering force. dear friends, russia consistently stands for strengthening stability on the planet, for fair and democratic multipolar world order. recently, at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs , i outlined our vision of work to create equal and indivisible security in eurasia. we are ready for a broad international discussion.
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as well as other international associations, european nato states, including, of course, when they are ready for this, at the same time, taking into account the difficult international situation, the emergence of new...
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serial production. in our plans , the technology that is being widely used today further development of the nuclear triad as a guarantee of strategic deterrence to maintain the balance of power in the world. of course, we will strengthen the potential to increase the combat capabilities of all types of armed forces and branches of the military, put on combat duty the pride of our designers, engineers, workers, the latest complexes, which have been confirmed. their qualities, truly unique characteristics, to work on promising models, we intend to further improve the system of command and control of troops
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with weapons, increase the intensity and quality combat training, conduct training exercises, including with the participation of states friendly to us. let me emphasize that the effectiveness of all work on... the stable and progressive development of russia largely depends on the effectiveness of the law enforcement system and special services. here in this hall there are
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officers who will continue to serve in the ranks of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard, the ministry of emergency situations, the fso, the investigative committee of the prosecutor's office and the armed forces. you will have to deal with a wide range of responsible and important tasks. first of all, to protect the rights and freedoms of russian citizens, to fight. with crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism. the priority remains active assistance to our military personnel in conducting a special military operation, first of all, in ensuring law and order, legality and the peaceful life of people in the liberated areas. in the investigation of the crimes of neo-nazi punitive forces, who must answer for their atrocities, for crimes against civilians, for terrorist attacks, for the shelling of our cities and villages. i'm sure you you will work quickly and competently, achieving specific results in all assigned areas. dear friends,
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the citizens of russia believe in you and expect that you will fulfill your responsibilities in an exemplary manner, applying the knowledge you have acquired in practice, acting as your teachers and mentors taught you, and choosing a difficult path for yourself to continue. as a testament to you, to all officers of russia, i wish you and all graduates of the class of 2024 health, success, all the best. good luck to your
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teachers, mentors, and your loved ones. thank you. minister of defense of the russian federation, andrey removich pelausov. comrade, supreme commander. comrades, officers, in this hall there are representatives of the new generation of defenders of the fatherland, those on whom we place special hopes when we talk about the present and future of our homeland. now our country is at the forefront of the struggle to establish a fair and equal world order. the collective west seeks to restrain its development and break
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its independent political course. jeopardize the security of the state. during times tests, our armies and navy have repeatedly proven that they are capable of adequately responding to the most serious threat challenges. and today, during a special military operation, russian military personnel honorably fulfill their military duty, effectively defend national interests, and resolutely fight the followers of nazi ideology. thanks to their courage and dedication. and professional work, we have the initiative along the entire front line, consistently reducing the enemy’s combat potential. in these difficult conditions, personal the responsibility of commanders and chiefs at all levels increases many times over. comrade officers, in the troops you will be required to have maximum dedication, courage in decision-making, composure, integrity, and knowledge acquired in academies and schools.
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implementing. in operational combat training, experience in special operations, advanced methods of conducting armed struggle, show commanding concern for your subordinates, take care of them, always remaining an example of military valor and devotion to duty, following the orders of alexander vasilyevich suvorov, cultivate in yourself the personality of a professional warrior, a citizen-warrior, a military defender, a victorious warrior, and serve your homeland faithfully. the russian people can have no doubt that the armed forces will be able to ensure state sovereignty, protect peaceful life, and create conditions for the further development and prosperity of the country. comrade officers, i congratulate you on your successful completion of educational institutions, wishing you good health, firm faith in yourself and new achievements for the benefit of the fatherland. good luck. military graduate
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academy of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, major general alexander vladimirovich romanenkov, comrade supreme commander of the armed forces of the russian federation, allow me, on behalf of all graduates of military educational institutions, to express my deep gratitude to you for your personal parting words.
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we have acquired solid knowledge of military science and stable skills in command and control of troops and the use of weapons, based on combat experience in the conditions of modern armed struggle. comrade supreme commander-in-chief, on behalf of allow me to express my gratitude to all graduates personally to you, the leadership of the ministry of defense of the armed forces of the russian federation.


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