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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day, in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka will start the broadcast with news from the president of russia. russia will work on promising weapons and increase supplies of the most modern weapons to the troops, including unmanned aerial vehicles. this is
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a statement by vladimir putin, the president held a meeting in the kremlin with graduates of military universities, also spoke about the development of the army based on the experience of the northern military district, and about the conditions for possible interaction with nato. well, we’ll find out all the details from our colleague anastasia efimova, nastya, welcome, please tell us about the main topics of this conversation. yes, colleagues, hello, this is exactly what i will devote the next few minutes to. love for the motherland, unparalleled perseverance and courage, qualities that have always distinguished him. russian soldiers, from private to marshal. the president recalled this today in the st. george hall of the kremlin, where the best of the best graduates of higher military educational institutions are traditionally honored. as the head of state emphasized, each of them today faces the most important task - ensuring the security of the homeland, each ready for execution. by tradition, we honor the best graduates of military academies and university institutes. in the st. george hall
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of the moscow kremlin, it is one of the symbols and guardians of the military glory of the fatherland. here you feel in a special way the inextricable connection between the history of our army and the history of russia, with its sovereign strength and greatness, with victories that will forever remain in the grateful memory of our people. we cherish every page of the military chronicle of our homeland. they are the names of heroes who did not spare themselves for the sake of her freedom and future. the legendary ones were tempered in difficult battles traditions of our military school, those qualities were formed that have always distinguished our soldiers from privates to marshals. this is love for the motherland, unparalleled perseverance and courage. it was they who decided the outcome of battles and wars that more than once determined the fate of our fatherland. as from... cohesion,
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consolidation of our people, true unity of the front and rear. the front and the rear, in their true unity, must act today, because today the grandchildren are again faced with the same threat that 80 years ago their grandfathers again defended their homeland, again saved world. today, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of the heroes of the great patriotic war, worthily continue the military traditions. in fact, they prove that our army and its offspring, the officer corps, the centuries-old cohesion and unity of our multinational people are an all-conquering force. dear friends, russia consistently advocates strengthening stability on the planet, for a fair
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brix, as well as other international associations, european nato states, including, of course, when they are ready for this. how the president recalled a week ago at a meeting at the ministry of foreign affairs, he voiced his vision of a new system of collective security in eurasia, and these proposals are ready to be discussed at all levels, both with colleagues pashos or brix, and with european countries, including nato. however, this will only be possible when they are ready for it. russia, taking into account the difficult international situation, will continue to develop its armed forces.
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nuclear triad, including, given the difficult international situation, the emergence new challenges and risks, we will continue to comprehensively improve.
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these nuclear triads as a guarantee of strategic deterrence and maintaining the balance of power in the world. the effectiveness of all the enormous work to strengthen russia’s defense capability, vladimir putin emphasized, largely depends on those who gathered today in st. george’s hall, on the officers, because in the near future they will be the ones who will lead the formation, military units and units, and as the president is sure , everyone will make every effort to master modern weapons and equipment, high-quality training of personnel, as well as to become an example of professionalism and decency for their fellow soldiers. you will have to solve a wide range of important important tasks, first of all, to protect the rights and freedoms of russian citizens, to fight
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crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism. active assistance to our military personnel in conducting special military operations remains a priority.
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advanced methods of warfare. show commanding concern for your people subordinates, take care of them, always remaining an example of military valor and devotion to duty. following the orders of alexander vasilyevich suvorov. the russian people can have no doubt that the armed forces will be able to ensure state sovereignty,
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protect peaceful life, and create conditions for the further development and prosperity of the country. in order for the modern history of the fatherland to be as heroic as the glorious past, graduates today.
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concentrated in the regions immediately adjacent to our country, is perceived in bayonet, and is probably perceived through the prism of the main direction of western aspirations. to suppress russia and all its activities, on the one hand it is predictable, on the other hand it causes complete misunderstanding, because cooperation with our partners is aimed exclusively at increasing the welfare of the peoples of those countries that participate in this interaction, what the united states will put pressure on all our partners, we have no doubt, but the cooperation that we offer is...
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western media continue to analyze the visits of vladimir putin; their assessment is full of alarm. the bbc believes that in the short term , putin and kimchenin will reap the benefits of their solidarity in what they have called a war against the west. the new york times emphasizes. that the putin-kim alliance worries washington and its allies, especially seoul, because it threatens to undermine their efforts to rein in pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs. the guardian focused on how the visit itself went. putin was greeted by huge welcoming banners, cheering crowds and russian flags, the newspaper writes. the arab media also reacted somewhat solemnly. al jazeera writes that it was a show of strength and unity. indicating that they believe and want other people to believe in a new era in their relationship. and also many media
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began to consider the visits of the russian leader in the context of the ukrainian crisis. according to cnn journalists, part of putin's plan is to maintain pressure until the public in western countries will get tired of supporting kyiv. newusik also writes that help from north korea could further complicate the situation in this country. the russian military destroyed almost 400 drones, and almost a third of this number was shot down last night. the ministry of defense presented a summary for the week. the ssu lost almost 14 thousand militants in 7 days. rszzo, hymers and mlrs launchers, made in the usa, were destroyed. denis alekseev collected the latest data on the progress of the special operation. yes, denis, welcome. what does the ukrainian armed forces consider to be its main problem at the front today? yes, greetings, this is the second day in the media, on social networks they are actively discussing the use
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of three-ton fabs by our pilots, for example, delicately, efficiently and powerfully, but in the video that appeared the day before, this is not even important, although this is also the case, the arrival was recorded in the leptsov district in the kharkov region, behind which the vseushniki stand to the death, for them this whole line is important both strategically and psychologically, and therefore the ukrokomdirs do not change. they are organizing meat assaults, familiar from other failed operations, and as for our tactics, we are acting carefully, according to reconnaissance, using long-range artillery and aviation, aerial bombs with a universal planning module are ideal, by the way, the main thing here is to choose the right mass, it depends on the target, and there are many targets, but our arsenal is impressive, in a week the russian military carried out more than ten group strikes on strategic targets apu. from june 15 to 21, the armed forces
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of the russian federation carried out 14 group strikes with high-precision ground-based airborne weapons, as well as attack unmanned aerial vehicles. during which are affected: storage of military-technical equipment, infrastructure of military airfields, electrical substations that ensure the operation of the enterprise-industrial complex of ukraine and places of preparation for the use of unmanned boats, as well. temporary deployment points and the formation of nationalist foreign mercenaries were affected. and tonight, the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed six ukrainian unmanned boats in the area of ​​the crimean peninsula. the vostok group continues to develop its offensive in the zaporozhye region. following rabotina staromaisky took control of the village of zagornoye. the successes of our military in this area are destroying the last hopes of strengthening the ukrokommodovanie. here, at least to gain a foothold, further advancement is obviously out of the question
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. the southern group is systematically clamping down on the formation of the ukrainian armed forces from two flanks in chasyar. the logistics of the militants were significantly disrupted by attacks on crossings across the seversky donets canal and donbass. she is still in the donetsk direction, the south group has made good progress along the front line in a week, the situation has improved, a serious defeat was inflicted on the living the strength and equipment of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. everyone got the landing too. then to motorized infantry units and the ukrainian mechanized brigade, losses of more than 4,000 people, the avdeevsky direction of the center group continues to squeeze out the formation of the armed forces of ukraine west of nitaylov. there is the karlovka reservoir, which the militants use as a defensive line, they themselves settled in karlovka, launch attack and reconnaissance drones, our anti-aircraft crews quickly deal with them, they discovered such a new, so to speak, front in terms of the fight against fpv kamikaze, that is, we and jammed them and simply practiced on them,
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so in principle , all the guys in our unit are universal soldiers, just... the consequences of not arriving, as pro-ukrainian online publics present, are universal , and this is the ukrainian rear, on the mobilization screen , which has turned into a daily nightmare for residents of ukrainian cities. after consulting, those who had a problem launched a campaign with calls to burn the cars of military commissars, and they do burn them, posting new footage every day. tec students have to contact the police, but not for the purpose of filing a complaint. arsonists, no, with the goal of quickly catching them and sending them to the front where they should be. these are the kind of patrols now all over the country, but it’s not enough for commander-in-chief syrsky, he has new tasks to launch a 2:0 offensive on the eve of the us elections. and if you believe sources in the general staff of ukraine, so far
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the mobilization has covered only 2/3 of the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, but there is another question: should we take new ones? and how to return the former fighting spirit to soldiers who have been howling for a long time, because if he were on the rise, there wouldn’t be such stories, this wounded ukrainian soldier realized that for a long time in he couldn’t survive the trench and decided to surrender, our fighters brought him in with a drone towards the russian positions, but the military forces didn’t give theirs a chance, they didn’t even spare the fpv drone, the whole essence of the ukrainians in one video. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. get prizes in the new game mega tower from megamarket. explore the floors of the mega tower
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ambassador to the ministry of foreign affairs to protest in connection with the agreement signed with the dprk, according to which military assistance is provided in the event of an attack on one of the parties. georgy zenoviev, at a meeting in the ministry of defense, declared the unacceptability of blackmail threats against our country. this is how he commented on this story to our tv channel. yesterday the position of the government of the republic of korea was already officially published, and today the south korean colleague made a number of additions, which i, naturally, i will pawn it in moscow in accordance with the established procedure. for my part, i noted the futility of attempts to talk with russia in the language of blackmail and threats. i also noted that our country is interacting with the dprk. in full compliance with the principles and norms of international law, and russia is ready to continue political and diplomatic efforts to strengthen peace and stability in the
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northeast asian subregion and on the korean peninsula. well, by the way, zinoviev also recalled the statements of vladimir putin, who at the press approach following his visit to the dprk said exactly the following: south korea has nothing to worry about.
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the fsb has declassified new archival documents about the brutal crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war. one of the declassified documents speaks of atrocities against the inhabitants of stalingrad. the national center of historical memory under the president, at a press conference in tas , presented the act of the emergency state commission to establish and investigate the atrocities of the nazi invaders and their accomplices dated june 27, 1943. in him it is said that the troops of nazi germany during... the occupation of the derzhinsky district of stalingrad from mid-september to november forty-two forcibly sent 15,000 residents into slavery. the document also notes that initially the german
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command tried to deceive residents to go to germany, they promised work, good treatment, food, but of course, no one believed them. and when local people did not come to the collection, nazi troops began to forcefully send them under threat of execution. towards implementation. genocide the nazis approached in different spheres, in different aspects, military, political, ideological, medical, police, and for this, to carry out this genocide , a whole range of departments of the hitler regime was involved, all the victims that we remember on june 22 are victims. hitler's directed policies, also declassified documents about the nazi killing of children and wounded soldiers in crimea, among them there are testimonies of witnesses,
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eyewitnesses, and... mass atrocities committed by the nazis during the years of occupation of crimea. the document talks about mass executions of civilians, including children, in an anti-tank ditch near the village of novosergeevka, simferopol district. in addition, testimonies of witnesses about the facts of the destruction of the civilian population of the village of laki and the bakhchesarai region by hitler’s punitive forces by their accomplices were published. there is no justification or forgiveness for monstrous crimes. the documents reveal information that... elena govalova, the sister of the head of the partisan detachment pavel berberi, was tied to a bed in her own house, and then doused we set fire to the kerosene. declassified archival materials complement and detail the documents of the republican and city emergency state commissions known to historians, reflect the testimony of eyewitnesses to the atrocities of the nazi occupation regime , point to the perpetrators of these crimes,
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presented in the documents. the composition and activities of the sd, security service and guf units, and field gendarmerie operating in simferopol are covered in detail. the russian fsb also published a declassified document with testimony from a former subordinate reich propaganda minister joseph goebbels about a large-scale disinformation campaign to conceal germany's plans to attack the soviet union. as noted in the department, to make an attack on the ussr. suddenly , the germans, through many channels, were engaged in disguising their plans and spreading false information, both within germany and throughout europe, but already in the mid-summer of the forties , the wehrmacht began preparing for an attack on the ussr, although at the beginning of the year hitler declared friendship and peace between germany and the soviet union. "all
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but my obediences, they are over, they are all from them, forgive me, lord, you have all the hope, you are completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, miracle, akhalay, makhalay, wouldn’t you know how to put this together in 5 seconds? we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, malya, throwing the gang is also stupid, it’s time to pay, i’ll be sick from here if i’m alone, so we’ll quickly sleep if there’s someone with you chance, here you go, i didn’t do anything bad to the children, who else will the servants have fun with?
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today mikhail mishustin visited the moscow state technological university stankin, this is the almomatorium of the russian prime minister, one of the prestigious technical universities in the country, that is, mikhail. neshustin graduated from it, it turns out, in what year? in 1989? yes, it seems that it was quite recently, but today this is one of the key areas that should be developed in a variety of areas that are very much needed in the market today, probably including the prime minister , which is why he came there. well, by the way, this one university - today mstu stankin trains specialists in the field of machine tool engineering. university staff organized a tour for the head of the cabinet of ministers.


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