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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the samara court postponed the case, but buryat legislators are awaiting a decision from the constitutional court, which will not only put an end to the story of homeless animals in the republic, but will create a precedent for other regions. we can only hope that homeless animals will retain their right to life. vlada egorova, dmitry shevelev, artyom morin, lead the duty unit. and at the end of the issue again, news from the lenten informa agency, more than 85 tons. products capable of causing botulism were seized in moscow, more than half of them have already been destroyed at a waste incineration plant, this is reported on the website of the capital’s rospotrebnadzor department. the entire operational feed of legal news is in telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective. that's all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. this is russia 24, we continue: russia
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will work on promising weapons and increase supplies of the most modern weapons to the troops, including drones. vladimir putin stated this. today he met with graduates in the kremlin military universities. the president noted that today the grandchildren face the same threat as their grandfathers did eight decades ago. grandchildren today. the great-grandchildren of the heroes of the great patriotic war worthily preserve the military traditions of their homeland, reliably guard its sovereignty and security, protect our land of our citizens in the donbass in novorussia from neo-nazis. in fact, they prove that our army and its offspring, the officer corps, the centuries-old cohesion and unity of our multinational people are an all-conquering force. dear friends. russia consistently
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advocates strengthening stability on the planet and for a fair and democratic multipolar world order. we are ready for a broad international discussion of these key, vital issues, both with our colleagues in the shanghai cooperation organization, the cis, euroses, brix, and other international associations, including european nato states.
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effective financial and economic solutions at a modern, modern level, keeping in mind current trends in the field armed struggle in the field of military...
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the triad as a guarantee of strategic our plans include further development of nuclear deterrence and maintaining the balance of power in the world. a military court sentenced a resident of the lipetsk region to 20 years in prison, who was found guilty of financing terrorism and the state was changed. according to the fsb public relations center, the attacker was detained last year. according to investigators, he sent more than 130,000 rubles in cryptocurrency to ukrainian neo-nazis. it was established that the defendant repeatedly transferred funds to including in digital currency, accounts of the armed forces of ukraine for the purpose of purchasing weapons, communication drones, military equipment, radio stations for the needs of ukrainian armed forces, nationalist battalions, far-right and extremist organizations conducting military operations against. unit of the armed
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forces of the russian federation. after a short commercial, our broadcast will continue with the senate program. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i will open this place to everyone and decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse. it’s good that friends helped with the repairs and with opening a business. sberbank supported me in everything at the start, they opened an account in one click, helped me with accounting and legal issues, quickly connected the cash register, all this is free, with
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is a symbol of hospitality and kindness. barjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes. and gives a feeling of lightness after eating, open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness, i wanted it turns out that you can open a deposit at 18%, it turns out that you can open a deposit at 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial marketplace. from the moscow exchange: collect auto entry without extra expenses on avito. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov.
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we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening capacity development regions and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events. the kiev regime regarding children was presented to senators. this is the result of a parliamentary investigation, which sets out facts, figures, everything they do to children in ukraine. a memory train through the cities of military glory of russia and belarus, the start of a large-scale youth cultural and educational project. you, of course, have already won. you, of course, can already consider yourself the heirs of the winners in that great patriotic war. regional days in the federation council, kirov region, what are people complaining? as for benches, trash cans, public toilets, this is a complete disgrace.
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the mayor of the city of kirov needs to be given a serious message. and the implementation of large-scale projects with the support of the federation council. which ones are your priority? additional incentives for socio-economic growth, as projects for integrated development of territories are being implemented in the regions, these are precisely the territories where there was dilapidated housing, today we see... only this is being transformed. high scores are the most popular specialties in russian universities have launched an admissions campaign. applications will continue to be accepted until july 25. well, the main stage of enrollment is august 3-9. and a single target technique. what is important for applicants to know? this year , it will remain possible to apply to five universities, choosing up to five areas of study in each of them instead of ten, as was previously the case. parliamentary commission of inquiry.
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more than 12 international legal acts aimed at protecting the rights
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of minors were violated, and we reflected this in the second chapter of the report: contrary to the signed and international documents ratified by kiev, the targeted physical extermination of the civilian population of donbass, novorossiya and the russian regions bordering ukraine does not stop. all this happens under the patronage of the collective west. yes, the report was sent to the president to the government, valentina matvienko noted that the commission fully fulfilled its task, their attempts to accuse russia of allegedly taking children out of new territories look especially cynical, in russia children, the attitude towards children is such a sacred thing value, and russia rescued children from the combat zone, took them out...
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the osce assembly will stop paying this organization. valentina matvienko instructed the relevant committee of the federation council
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to prepare a draft decision of the upper house by july 3. the reason was the refusal of visas by the romanian authorities to a member of the russian delegation who planned to take part in the session of the osce parliamentary assembly in bucharest on june 29. according to the speaker from this federation , the exclusion of our parliamentarians from its work undermines european security. valentina matvienko added that the assembly has become a fully engaged organization. we have a lot of patience, we tried for a long time to explain the osce parliamentary assembly, the existing regulations, the existing norms, that no one has the right to limit the participation of national delegations in meetings of the osce parliamentary assembly, only the osce will lose, the parliamentary assembly will lose, only with the participation of russia can we talk about equal , indivisible security for... the state as a whole and for european security. among
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important laws approved this week are a document that extends the preferential regimes of a free economic zone to certain territories adjacent to ukraine, the dpr, the lpr, the zaporozhye and kherson regions. after coming into force, this law will only at the first stage make it possible to support about 270 companies employing about 800 people. another law extends the moratorium on debt collection until january 1. 2026 from state and municipal enterprises of new regions for obligations arising before september 30, 2022. according to senators, this law blocks any claims. as for the new entities themselves, this week the integration council was able to make progress in resolving issues of state support for the organization of the tourism industry in donbass and novorossiya. senators will also prepare a bill that will allow agricultural land to be quickly brought into circulation. according to the governor of the kherson region vladimir salda, it is necessary to simplify the procedure
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for registering the transfer of abandoned sites into operation and develop a legal mechanism managing them. another proposal is to recalculate the pensions of kherson pensioners, focusing on the average salary in the country, and also to give administration employees working on the contact line under constant shelling the status of veterans or combatants, there are not many of them, then you will need this statistical information on be sure to prepare for the number of people, send ours, we are interested in the ministry of labor and others, i ’ll just say this as an example, we are asking not for everyone, but for those who... worked, well, at least 3 months or more, because whoever comes to the military zone of a special military operation, even if they come for a short time, they already have the right to receive veteran status, and these workers, well, do not have any, being there constantly , another proposal concerns residents of the region who did not have time to take advantage
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of state housing certificates before november 3, 2023, according to vladimir sald it is necessary... to allow their implementation now, but only in the territory of the kherson region, this will not only support the economy of the region, but most importantly, people will have a chance to get housing. now let’s take a closer look at the implementation of integrated development projects for the territory, which becomes an additional incentive for socio-economic growth for russian regions. today our guest is senator andrei shevchenko. andrey anatolyevich, hello. today, from government officials, we increasingly hear references to the complex mechanism. development of territories, and we have discussed it several times, this mechanism is mentioned as the main one an instrument for urban development, and in general for the entire spatial development of the country, what is its effectiveness? this is in demand by the regions for many reasons, if we are talking about how it was before the adoption of the law, then the development of the territory, unfortunately, could go on, what is called
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infill development, the territories there were not fully developed, the entire infrastructure did not change. and today this law allows, well, firstly, to involve built-up areas in the krt project, and secondly, the entire structure of housing and communal services is changing economy, networks, this is very important, and another, of course, very important mechanism is that this one project can involve all the other programs that were adopted before, and accordingly, comprehensive development allows us to transform our cities today, especially if we are talking about cities where the old, so-called... regions of russia launched this mechanism, well,
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i want to say right away, of course, about the leaders, let’s say this, of course, the moscow region. there are about 70 krt projects, this is the kirov region, 31, this is tyumen, this is penza, and so on further and so on, but really how it is developing today, just recently we were there, we held a visiting meeting of our committee in the city of tyumen, and it was very important for us, we looked at the implementation of this krt project, the project is indeed very interesting, the project has been launched and is working , resettlement has already begun, and this project is today.
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if this project itself is being built, this is the crt, then an infrastructure arises around it, which was impossible before, this is also very important, and we see today how much the subjects in in their programs and projects, they propose to introduce the crt project for the development of regions, firstly, it is possible to attract budget funding here, which is what all subjects are asking for today, secondly, this is extra-budgetary, and well, the most...
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what priorities could you highlight? in your work regarding the further development of the crt mechanism. well, in 3 and a half years, we see today how much the documentation itself has progressed and the finished projects that have already been launched in the regions, but our task, of course, today is to really study that practice that is being developed in the regions, this is tyumen, this is kirov, this is the moscow region, there is a very...
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there is a separate story regarding izh, it is still emerging, although each region solves it independently, in general today i would like to say that violations of rights there are no big ones, but due to the fact that the mechanism is not fully spelled out, it does this, stretches it out over time, this applies to garage owners, the same ones who, under the garage amnesty, received the right to register, they are located in the territory that is today the committee of rt comes in, this also needs to be resolved by all mechanisms, and in the near future we, together with our colleagues from the state duma and certainly the ministry of construction, we will of course
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resolve these issues. russian regions must create conditions for the maximum involvement of women in the economy, education and cultural environment, valentina matvienko stated. in the upper house, the results of the second all-russian competition of support and export centers, support leaders, and women in export were summed up. in the competition accepted. we will definitely survive, we will definitely win, but this is a very good indicator: the share of women, in the conditions that we are now experiencing, at the head of small medium-sized companies, as
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well as among the self-employed, is already more than 40%. the number of women exporters in the non-resource sector, which is very important, increased by almost 30%. now a short advertisement, we... we'll be back soon, stay tuned. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. turns out. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. our money will also fly away, yours is safe here in any of 185 countries, the same conditions for roaming with beeline
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