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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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citizens, taking into account a comprehensive assessment of need, this term combines three conditions: first: the average per capita family income is not more than the subsistence level. secondly, the property of family members fits into the established list. for example, if a family has an apartment and a house, this is not a reason for refusal, but if we have two cars, then this is a reason even with a low income. third, adult family members had earned income or an objective reason for its absence, for example, the husband has wages for the entire pay period, he has good reasons there is no need to confirm it, but the wife’s income is only an allowance, it is not earned income, and she will have to justify the lack of income, for example, having many children or caring for a child under 3 years old, a universal allowance is assigned for 12 months, then, if the family retains a small income , submits...
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a new application. next week. senators will discuss additional measures to defund the economy. legislative issues in the field of development of consumer cooperation will be touched upon. will consider mechanisms for improving procurement procedures in order to improve the efficiency of public administration. see you live. see you on the senate program. hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander karyevsky, time to sum up some results of the past week, talk about the main topics, and the main political event of the week. this is, of course, our
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president’s visit to the east. this is where business activity is shifting on a global scale. let me remind you that turning to the east is not a necessity of recent years, but a long-term strategy. on the political consequences of the visit we’ll talk a little later, now about how it will affect the development of our far eastern regions. conclusion of an agreement on strategic interaction and deepening cooperation with the dprk. we talked about this with the minister today. development of the far east and the arctic by alexey chakunkov. alexey olegovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, of course, there is something to discuss, first of all, this is the visit of our president to the dprk, to vietnam, but in the dprk it directly borders us, of course, this visit is also important for development far east, this entire region and are there already any specific plans for cooperation with the dprk, well.
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to get to know each other better and from there all subsequent developments take place. yes, alexey alegievich, well, there is a certain image of north korea that was propagated, including by the western media and so on. there are many myths, and as i understand it, these myths will now develop, and accordingly, what you are talking about is very important in order to convey the true state of affairs in this country, yes, there are features, we probably all know this, but there certainly is.
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but if we approach it no longer from humanitarian, cultural things, to pure economics, as i understand it, these are still projects that are possible, and there is a lot of talk about the fact that the labor resource is northern.
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investment projects in educational cooperation, we will see more. at the dawn of my career, more than 20 years ago, i met north koreans who worked with us in the coal mining industry, in the far east, and i know that they worked exceptionally well, i think that this can, this experience may come in handy. and alexey olegovich, well, my question is that you especially noted the problems that we face. in the far east in this region, this is a shortage of qualified labor, including, recently they literally proposed to solve it in different ways, after all, let’s move on to our country, it is clear that, of course, our
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president’s visit to yakutia is now planned development of such a high-tech cluster there, but is there still an understanding of how to solve these problems, i mean labor resources in the far east? there is an understanding, we are working under the leadership of our president, the development of the far east has been a priority for more than 10 years, of course, the number one answer to the shortage of personnel in the economy as a whole is technology. we are building state-of-the-art enterprises, and i will give an example of the gas chemical enterprises that are being created today in the amur region; tens of thousands of people are needed to build them. but to work for them you need, for example, 2.0 people, 20 years ago such an enterprise required 10 or more thousand people in order for it to function, that is , labor productivity grows, sometimes grows several times and even multiples, so the solution is to build powerful,
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modern enterprises, where a small number of people can produce a large economic product, and mass employment is a small medium business is a service sector. this is the same tourism that for the far east and the arctic in general can become a powerful driver of not only economic growth, but also make a large number of people fall in love with it. and you know, about this development of the north, the far east, it is no secret that in the soviet union, during the active development of these territories, salaries were five to six times higher than the national average, but is there an understanding that now such an approach will not work or or is it still clear that wages in these regions should be significantly higher than in other ordinary, so to speak, regions of our country, or do you not adhere to such a policy? we are certainly doing everything possible to ensure that people in the far
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east and north improve their well-being, including through higher wages, because the price of all goods, naturally, in remote areas is higher. and what is called 1.0 rubles in central russia is not the same as 1.0 rubles. in kamchatka. however, the economy must be competitive, and the combination of modern production, enterprises that, thanks to modern technologies, thanks to working with unique resources that only we have, and other countries do not have, or have few of them, can afford to pay higher salaries, so we... can have prosperous, highly paid specialists in the far east, in the north, without disrupting the economy to such an extent that it ceases to be sustainable, for example, on average, salaries for residents of territories with advanced development are
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more than 40% exceed the average russian salary, this is due to the fact that a whole set of government benefits gives investors the opportunity to pay people more, but investors also create... less competitiveness, as it were, but with on the other hand, high automation, everything
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else, it bears fruit, this is how to attract business, i think that the facts here speak more eloquently than any words, in the preferential regimes of the far east and the arctic there are already almost 3,600 investment projects, that is, 3,600 companies have believed in these territories
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need to be closer to the final markets, they need to be closer to those ports that make it possible to import what is needed for production and export their products, and this is the northern sea route, these are the ports of the far east, and the main markets are definitely the asia-pacific region. based on the combination of these factors, and, of course, thanks, nevertheless, it must be recognized, to the serious wealth of the subsoil of the far east and the arctic, i believe that the investment potential, despite the serious pace that has already been gained, is far from being exhausted, and we we agreed that we will raise the goal of attracting investment, we have lived for many years with a target of 10.5 trillion rubles by the thirtieth year, i think that by the eastern economic forum of this...
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over the past 5 years, the far east has begun development of deposits and construction of mining and processing plants on projects that have been waiting for their day for decades, decades. for example, udakan was discovered in 1949, the baimskaya ore zone in 1972, and the malmyzhskoye deposit in early 2000, but also more than 20 years ago. ozernovskoye field. waited decades and so on. i have listed everything for you, this is not an exhaustive list of world-class projects, these
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are the most modern technologies, and this is a significant share in the relevant niches of the world markets, and in the niche, all experts agree that today non-ferrous metals, copper, gold, uh, rare earth metals continue to be very attractive, with a trend towards rising prices. not a single project has stumbled over the past few years. after all, a business that knows what it is fighting for, and the very creators i’m talking about, people who live their projects, this is more than just a thirst for profit, these are people who are truly proud of how they implement investment projects, i heard a lot of stories about how imports were replaced, well sorry for such a verb, you can probably already say in russian, it appeared, deservedly, can be used. and software, put into operation, launched the most complex
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equipment complexes, carried out repairs, that is , the qualifications and quality of our brains, our programmers, our engineers, our metallurgists, there is no doubt, relying precisely on this resource, on the creative courage of the far eastern, northern , people, we... will be able to implement these projects, we will continue to develop our richest mineral resources to improve the well-being of the entire country. but what about climate problems? after all, the region is not easy, to put it mildly.
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and i think that such a novel could probably be studied at school and given to people, well, at least as an after-school reading for people, where they talk about that cohort of people, they talk about geologists and so on, who they went not only for the long northern ruble, but basically they went as well, a kind of missionaries in the good sense of the word,
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who worked for the country and so on, so i think this side of the issue, the humanitarian and cultural one, is also necessary... and we got exactly to the point, what is it that distinguishes a creator from an ordinary entrepreneur, an entrepreneur wants to find gold in order to place shares on the stock exchange, in order to sell these shares and get money and etc. the creator wants to prove his scientific hypothesis in kuvaev’s novel, that there is not only tin there, that there is gold there. kotku village is a pivek, and risking their lives in pursuit, in proving their scientific hypothesis, together with their team, in general, commits a feat thanks to which our country has vast and rich deposits, an entire gold-bearing province was discovered, respectively, this is the north of magadan, this is
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chukotka, in general, i am sure that similar cases occurred not only in novels, but many, many times in life. not only in the metallurgical and mining industries, this does not negate the motivator of profit, you need to be effective, you need to be profitable, but i believe that real courage, real interest, it is more important than just the hunt for profit, and i am happy that practically every day of my work, traveling around the far east, the arctic, i meet people for whom the main motivator is professionalism, this is quality, this is the love for their work, which they...
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in korea, they never settled down on the air of western tv channels . speculation about the agreement signed between moscow and pyongyang continues on both sides of the ocean. the
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deeper, pressing problem for south korea and the world is, what is putin giving to kimjong-neung? it is unlikely that kim only agreed to food and fuel. and what is it could threaten the states? it seems that the principle of strategic uncertainty, with which the west is trying to keep the tension of its partners. now turned against him. what does it mean? this means that, say, north korea launches a missile against the united states, and then the united states retaliates in some way and russia attacks the united states. the us senate was simply horrified by just one photo. this photo isn't just outrageous, it's deeply frightening because it signals collaboration. not only against ukraine, but also against the united states. we don't even have to go into the classified briefings we've received to tell you how scary it is. the idea is that russia will provide its nuclear
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expertise to north korea. at the diplomatic level, pyongyang's regional neighbors and us allies became nervous. they are primarily concerned about the american nuclear umbrella: will it end up full of holes? if an emergency arises, the us president will have to consider more than just nuclear weapons. korea, but also russian nuclear weapons. thus, we can predict a situation in which the us extended deterrence weakens. all of this will likely be discussed by us president biden, japanese prime minister kishida and the south korean president at next month's summit. partners in the region are looking to the united states to recommit to the nuclear umbrella it provides to asian allies. the japanese today expanded sanctions against russian companies individuals. this is how tokyo reacts.
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may be transferred to ukraine. putin already has large amounts of weapons, which said while in vietnam that this would be a big mistake for seoul, before that south korea.
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and the ambassador, who was brought to the attention of the siul's dissatisfaction with the pact signed between moscow and pyongyang, the south korean yonhab agency even cites an article of the agreement that causes special awe. article four of the treaty is seen as guaranteeing automatic military intervention if any country is attacked, a provision that restores the cold war alliance 28 years after their treaty mutual defense was abolished in...
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structures, primarily in order to ensure hegemony. nato wants to privatize all security mechanisms in the asia-pacific region, which the alliance calls the indo-pacific region, creating there fours, threes, and others, structures of a small configuration, the so-called structures that are the embryos of the military.
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designated clearly, unambiguously, definitively, as the territory of the russian federation in our constitution, must be completely freed from foreign troops. and troops, and instructors, mercenaries, and of course , weapons. moscow's position is clear, well-reasoned and, most importantly, based on realities, not desires. the border of the ninety-first year, according to lavrov, which kiev passionately wants to return, were possible only then in
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february 2014 if the radicals, with the support of the west, had not disrupted the agreements reached, but the west now has a new headache. how would you characterize the relationship between russia and vietnam and how does it differ from the relationship between russia and north korea? strategic partnership is the highest the level that vietnam sets in international relations. and such an agreement was signed with moscow. the white house , when asked by journalists how to approach this, reminds us what washington has. there is also such an agreement with hanoi, biden personally sought it, while still vice president under obama, when he achieved it, he called it historic, and now the white house, apparently, does not quite understand which agreement is a priority for hanoi. the assistant secretary of state for regional affairs, daniel crittenbring, is flying to vietnam for clarification. diplomatic failure you can’t blame this on your predecessors in the presidency, although attempts are being made. the british guardian, for example, believes that
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trump is to blame. that moscow and pyongyang are now allies. donald trump's disastrous courtship of mr kim. it is quite predictable that by organizing a summit for kim without any realistic strategy for improving relations in the long term, the then president ensured that mr. kim abandoned improving relations with the united states and began to look for something else. something the other is a relationship of equal partners without the pressure of blackmail, something that has always distinguished russian diplomacy.
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as a matter of priority, we will increase the supply of various types of unmanned aircraft systems, armored vehicles and high-precision weapons, strike aircraft, enemy detection and counter-battery systems to the troops on the front line, and we will work on other modern high-tech weapons and equipment that are now being mass-produced. our plans include further development of nuclear power. as a guarantee of strategic deterrence in maintaining the balance of power in the world. recently, at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs, i outlined our vision of work to create equal and indivisible security in eurasia. we are ready for a broad international discussion of these key, vital issues. both with our colleagues in the shanghai cooperation organization of the cis, euroses, brix, and other international
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associations. active assistance to our military personnel in carrying out special military operation, primarily in ensuring law and order, legality and peaceful life of people in liberated areas, in investigating the crimes of neo-nazi punitive forces who must answer for their atrocities, for crimes against civilians, for terrorist attacks.


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