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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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order from pharmacies plus. i have a question for you: do you have a clear picture of your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term savings program in the npf-future. the main economic event of the week in our country is the sharp strengthening of the ruble. well, it would seem that this is good, but as they say, there are nuances. to begin with, i will still remind you what happened, you will now see dollar rates on the charts, at this moment somewhere behind... in
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at the beginning of the week, but the dollar exchange rate did not want to say on the moscow exchange, trading is not currently taking place on the moscow exchange, i will now explain a little later why, what happened, on the interbank market the rate fell to 80 rubles, almost to 80 rubles per dollar, and the yuan broke through the level of 11 rubles per dollar, this is the level of last summer, i remind you that in the summer of last year our ruble... in turnover fell sharply, fell above 100 rubles per dollar and above almost 14 rubles per yuan, then big questions arose as to why this is how our currency weakens, it seems that there were certain economic prerequisites for this, a decrease in the trade balance and so on, but now i will not go into the economic details of that time, then many people, including me , said that such a fall in the ruble was not justified from fundamentals. point of view
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is purely speculative, then the situation straightened out, including with the help of the central bank and the government financial authorities, the situation stabilized in the fall and we saw our ruble reach the level of 90, 88, 92 rubles per dollar and somewhere in the range of 11.12 rubles per yuan, and one could already rejoice, stability had been restored... until today, literally, i will remind you that on june 12, on russia day, we received a gift from abroad , an event happened because of which all the fuss, i mean that volatility, as economists say, that is, a sharp change in the quotes of one or another asset, this all happened exactly when trading began on the 13th, they were not carried out on the exchanges, let me remind you that half of the volume of currency trading so on...
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exchanges occur precisely on the interbank market, on any exchange, as a rule, with rare exceptions, such trading is not carried out, so, of course, when the news came that the americans were still introducing sanctions on our exchange, on the nsd on the rcc and so on, that is, this is a special institution of the exchange that deals with settlements, and accordingly this blocked the opportunity to trade dollars and euros on the moscow exchange, and here, of course,
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i will say, return to this level, which they were before the introduction of sanctions, but on the other hand sides, but there were, of course, on the one hand, and there were some reasons why such volatility arose, and several reasons, and first of all , this is a possible drop in demand for foreign currency, why, because in the conditions of these new sanctions it is not very clear how to calculations with which banks, which banks will continue to work with us, including foreign banks from friendly countries, because there
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we will talk now about the consequences of the events that i said, two more words literally, why this happened, and respectively, banks and speculators, and speculators are people, citizens who or organizations that trade on the stock exchange and take certain actions, they will object to us that we certainly have a freely-corrected currency, it is exchanged and the central bank should not to intervene and so on, this is also a controversial thesis that economists are now fighting against. there are many supporters who say that there is no need to make such sharp fluctuations and so on, and again we come to the point where the question arises: what kind of ruble do we need? do we need a ruble that dangles like this back and forth, or do we still need a ruble that will attract investments, that
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will allow us to make long-term plans, and so on, i asked exactly this question a year ago and earlier, and we have not yet received an answer we get. despite the fact that the central bank has stated many times that it is preparing for possible sanctions against our exchange, such a possibility, unfortunately, has existed since the end of the twenty-second year, it seems that our central bank has prepared, but 4% per day - this is preparation for such events, and 3 days the national currency fell in a row - the national currency grew, and i think that our regulators had the following logic: well, this is good, well, who will object, everything is growing? falls, but if it fell like that, well , then there would be a lot of skeptics, now everything is great, but - here we can talk for a long time about the dangers of sharp movements in the foreign exchange market, and the advantages of this or that regime of circulation of the national currency, there are examples when
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freely convertible currency attracts capital, but attracts investment, there are examples on the contrary, when this interferes and so further, but this is an academic question, a financial dispute.
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only 30% of the volume, 28 even, these are the volumes that, strictly speaking, occur in euros and dollars, and the rest in rubles in the currencies of friendly countries, that is , now we are not so dependent on the exchange rate of the dollar and euro, well, the americans should have early, so to speak, to introduce such sanctions, because now we have taken action from our financial authorities, here we need to praise them, they have done a great job. done so that you and i do not feel a shortage of imported goods and so on, and ending our conversation with you on this, but we all need to calm down, the situation is once again under control, and another thing is that in the medium term, in the long term, we
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still need to little by little keep in mind that what’s next is what we did americans on june 12, this is the penultimate step to disconnect us from the dollar system, they are... doing it gradually, smoothly, introducing additional sanctions, the europeans are already introducing the fourteenth package there and so on, but again this is a topic for a separate conversation, now i just summing it up, no need run. sell currency, there is no need to buy it, and i think that in the future we will return to this topic more than once, but for now, on to other topics, the west continues to whip up military hysteria, so mr. stoltenberg, who is resigning, stated that nato is considering the issue of bringing the alliance’s tactical nuclear forces to increased combat readiness, well... it should be noted that this is not within the authority of mr. stoltenberg, and he is clearly voicing someone’s
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hints, how can one understand such rhetoric? we will discuss with a professor, a researcher higher school of economics, leading researcher at moran, dmitry trenin, dmitry vitalievich, i welcome you, thank you for being with us regularly on friday evenings, we already miss you, we’re used to you, your authoritative opinion is extremely important, that’s how...
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united states, stationed, you have stationed in europe, so
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this is probably a response to some recent statements on our part, statements by the president, and those exercises, the second phase, that russia is conducting, so i think we have, and you in view of belarus's exercise with tactical nuclear weapons, the second stage of the exercise with non-strategic weapons. not the strategic nuclear forces that are taking place in belarus with the participation of belarusians, this is such a, well, let’s say, verbal intervention, that’s what i would call this statement. dmitry vitalievich, here is viktor orban’s statement, you know, it scares me a little, because in fact, either certain messages are conveyed through him, as it is now fashionable to say for us, or whether this is really so, i don’t understand how it is that's how... your assessment, but he essentially said today that nato was accepted, they
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these guys made the decision to enter ukraine, perform an operation, he only said that we got rid of this matter, we will not give money, weapons, and so on, that is , this is a resolved issue, well, there is only one resolved issue, as far as i understand, this is a question that hungary will not participate in any military expeditions on the territory of ukraine, that’s all. the rest, in my opinion, is still being discussed, i don’t know the secrets of nato, the secrets of the united states, maybe some decision has already been made, but if we assume that such a decision has been made, this an extremely dangerous step that directly leads to a clash between nato armed forces and the armed forces of the russian federation, and this has huge risks not only for us, but also...
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it is not excluded, yes, if you want peace, you need to prepare for war, especially today a significant day, unfortunately, sad for our country, june 21, it is still the last peaceful day, then there were theaters, school evenings and so on, it seems that this is the time - while several generations have passed, the west has forgotten that then provoked and aggression. against the soviet union led to huge casualties, that is, to a big war in europe, and it seems that nato has forgotten about this and is now ready to transform local problems, a local conflict into such a global one, and this is very sad, i really want to be wrong, but it seems to me that the solution accepted, and you know, there is one more point that still gives hope that this is still possible and not so,
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i mean, you know, i came across one article in bloomberg, and it... was written by an interesting a man who was generally global, was the editor-in-chief of handelсblad global, and wrote articles for economists and writes for other globalist publications, as you and i understand, but here is an article that, from his point of view, debunks the myth of the superiority of the united states and so on, and there are others signals that are different and others that say: that there is still an understanding, in any case, of the participation of specialists not only in one camp, but, so to speak, more sober ones, but already these ultra-globalists, who, some of them , in any case, which still says, to where are we going, what do we want as a result, a global nuclear conflict, you don’t see any such, maybe
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some other examples, where some kind of awareness is awakening that we still need to somehow negotiate with the russians, build on using ukraine to the maximum so that, well, today we are already talking about the strategic defeat of russia, as it was before, it is not going on, i think that the idea still remains, but they talk less, because the battlefield there is a different
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dynamic, and the main thing for those who the strategy is still... being implemented, this is to make maximum use of ukraine and other european countries to weaken russia, this is a war of attrition from their point of view, this is a war in which they, of course, do not feel sorry for the forces that they throw into the furnace, the main thing is that they inflict maximum damage on the russian federation, this, unfortunately, remains a strategy, and this is unlikely... since policy towards russia is a bipartisan policy, we see this clearly in the example of the american congress, well, in general, everything american, so-called
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the deep state, in principle , supports this policy, so no, i don’t see any glimpses there yet, well, with the exception of individual people who are either visible or maybe not so visible, there are certainly people in the united states who.. . looks at the situation soberly, but so far they are not determining the course of events on the american side. this is confirmation of your words about bipartisanship and the consensus that these two supposedly very different parties have in relation to our country, and even the day before, even on the 19th , trump’s ex-assistant called for the resumption of tests nuclear weapons, if trump comes to power, in general, this was done precisely to contain russia, so we have nothing to expect from trump, as i understand it. well, from trump, you see, what a problem, because president putin, in my opinion, very clearly defined the difference between trump and biden. biden, he
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said, is more convenient for us because he is more predictable, we know what steps trump and his administration will most likely take in a given situation, this helps us plan our policies. there is no such confidence, he is completely an unpredictable person, in addition, if trump becomes president, then part of the american bureaucracy, part of the deep state will work against him, they will try in every possible way to weaken him, including by provoking various kinds of crises, be it within the country and, most dangerously, in international arena, so what it calls...
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russia’s nuclear doctrine, or rather, clarification, nuclear, yes, that’s understandable, i understand, i understand, in fact we are talking about the fundamentals of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence, these fundamentals list conditions for the use of nuclear weapons in the russian federation, and among these conditions appears the existential one. or a threat, as written in the document, a threat to the very existence of the state, that is, the vice of using nuclear weapons, when this does not occur in
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response to a nuclear strike from the enemy or a strike on the critical infrastructure of the strategic forces of the russian federation, the first use of nuclear weapons is permitted in that case , if it is under threat.
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and, of course, it didn’t happen overnight, we were moving towards a new quality of relationship with korean people's republic
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throughout. the current situation in relations between russia and the korean people's democratic republic, it goes far beyond what was before, including what it provides, in accordance with the agreement that was signed by president putin and the leader of the dprk, kimjanin.
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the united states and generally the countries of northeast asia, japan, south korea, that russia is returning to this region as a serious player.
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after a short commercial our broadcast will continue program to conduct the duty unit, and i say goodbye to you, all the best,
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