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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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toast in all directions. putin was received very warmly in hanoi; military-technical cooperation, oil and gas projects, cooperation in the nuclear sector, and the promotion of humanitarian and tourist contacts were discussed. the united states, which has been courting vietnam for a long time and not without reciprocity, became jealous and expressed displeasure. will it harm your relations with the americans? - we asked the eminent vietnamese diplomat, veong. fong. vietnam has consistently pursued its independent foreign policy. and americans know this very well. and by the way, in last year, us president joe biden himself took the government to vietnam for the first time. this is the first time the president of the united states has paid a state visit to vietnam, a decision has been made.
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the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between vietnam and the united states, and i want to note especially that it was this independent foreign policy of vietnam that brought and is bringing good results for our country, thereby creating and continues to create favorable ones. conditions for the successful development of the country at the present stage in new complex international situation, so we have no fear, we have no reason to refuse to pursue such an independent policy, so important politically for us; on the contrary, we will be a worldwide priority.
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develop relationships with partners all over the world, especially with the russian federation. will we not return the base in kamran? don't think. in addition to washington, another specter looms in russian-vietnamese relations - beijing. relations between vietnam and china are not easy historically, now the prc is so strong that all neighbors, almost everyone, are wary. of these, vietnam is no exception; there is a contradiction with china in the south china sea, in vietnam it is called the eastern sea, and russia is an increasingly close partner of china. china is our big neighbor, and china and russia are both major powers in the world, both, both countries are permanent members of the security council. "the united
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nations, everyone knows this, so i think that the rapprochement of these states, i think, should be aimed at maintaining peace, stability, security, not only region and throughout the world, this is firstly, and secondly, as for vietnam, both russia and..." and china are comprehensive strategic partners of our country, we are developing relations with china and russia worldwide, suffice it to say, that last year, too, chinese president qi chimping made a state visit to vietnam, and
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this year, today we have president putin’s state visit to vietnam, this is fully consistent with the goals and interests of vietnam’s independent foreign policy. russia always advocates maintenance. peace and stability in the region, and as for the situation there in the eastern sea, the tense situation there that has arisen recently, we hope that russia will always advocate maintaining peace, stability, free navigation, free air traffic. in the east sea, in accordance with
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international law, we will provide especially for the un conventions on the law of the sea. adopted in 1900 82, so we think that cooperation between russia and china cannot represent any the concern for us in general or the situation in the south china sea in particular is the first socialist. the name appeared by analogy with imperialist wars, but there is another one: strange war. it started suddenly and also ended unexpectedly. each side explains this differently.
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vietnam gained independence from chinese rule only in the 10th century ad, but relations remained strained until a joint struggle against european colonial rule began. then the countries were united by communist ideology. beijing helped vietnam fight first against the french occupation and then in the vietnam war. but after the victory and unification of north and south in 1976 , china’s attitude towards its neighbor began to change. the soviet-chinese split largely determined beijing's policy. relations between moscow and hanoi only strengthened. at the end of the seventy-eighth year, an agreement on mutual military assistance was signed. in the north of the country, a purge of chinese began, and they renounced chinese citizenship. on which they lived there for centuries. china has turned
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towards the usa. in january setogo, deng xiaoping made his first visit to washington, where he said that china should teach vietnam a lesson by trying to gain support. the vietnamese were outnumbered by half, although they were extremely combat-ready, retaining the experience of the vietnam war. by the beginning of march, the prc army managed to capture several cities. hanoi announced general mobilization, but then china announced the end of the operation and began to withdraw troops. an officer. the reason for the operation was considered to be the need to protect chinese citizens in northern vietnam who were caught under repression, but the eviction of the chinese began much earlier, and not only in the north, and they fled not to the prc, to malaysia, thailand and hong kong. according to the vietnamese version, beijing feared the creation of a so-called
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soviet security belt around china. in the fall of '78, the red kmer regime in cambodia, which chose china as its only ally, was... curtailed . estimates of it vary, although both were by vietnamese troops. beijing was very concerned about the situation and decided to carry out a military the parties declared their victory. asia is very interesting, but america has its own intrigue, after advertising about the election campaign in the united states. try more this summer, free delivery artful point in yandex food. clean water is a holy source that fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. what will your summer be like? now let's look
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do a lot with yandex food, try all the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new experiences. have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% at yandex food. 28 june parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, i have twenty nuggets.
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this coming thursday, all of america, and a large part of the world, will be glued to the screens, the first debate of the main contenders for the presidency of the united states, joseph biden and donald trump, has been announced. debates in american companies are always a climax, but you can’t look for such an intrigue in history now. one candidate is literally lost in the space of time, the other has a good chance of ending up
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behind bars 2 weeks after the verbal battle, a paralympic choice, simply, that's it guess about the november result. in the usa there is a man who is believed to never make mistakes. historian alan lichtman, a professor at the american university in washington, has accurately predicted the winner of nine out of ten presidential elections.
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tests, the ussr and the usa completely relied on his expert. to set standards for distinguishing between seismic signals coming from an underground nuclear explosion and earthquake aftershocks. using mathematical algorithms, for the first time in history he determined the patterns of seismic activity and, based on them, developed an effective method for predicting earthquakes. the essence of his method comes down to
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the analysis of a seismic chain, in which a series of small tremors in the region entails. reported that within 9 months in june 2003, for example, the keilis boroka group an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.4
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will occur in a five hundred kilometer area of ​​central california and in december an earthquake of magnitude. 5 points destroyed dozens of houses in pasa roblis. 40 people were injured. in july of the same year the group predicted at least a magnitude 7 earthquake in japan's northern islands, and on september 25, hakaido island experienced a magnitude 8.1 tremor. using keighley assembly algorithms , in 2010-2012, geophysicists predicted an earthquake in chile, japan and off the coast of sumatra. the scientist used his mathematical method not only in seismology. in december 2006, with his help, he predicted the beginning of an increase in unemployment in the united states, followed by a recession and a global economic crisis. the method is still used today to predict economic downturns and peaks. unemployment rate and rising murder rates.
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lichtman met keilis borok, a member of more than just. soviet but american academy of sciences in eighty-one, when he came on a business trip to california. the idea belonged to him. he said, in washington, i fell in love with politics, and i always wanted to use earthquake forecasting to test the outcome of elections. but i live in the soviet union, we have a supreme leader. and my head will be torn off if i do this. and you're an expert on american history. usa and we became the odd couple of american political analysis. the questions that forecasters answer are really simple. for example, after the last midterm elections, the ruling party has more seats in congress, through previous ones. is there intra-party
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competition for a candidate? is the economy in recession? during the current presidency, are there any serious military or foreign policy failures during the presidency, do rivals have charisma and are national heroes , and so on. the world is changing, american society is changing, does the model invented more than 40 years ago really work? every four years they tell me: it's time to modify the system. this is the first time we have had a black presidential candidate.
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the system has managed to withstand enormous changes in our society, demographics and economy. there is no point in playing with keys. alan lichtman is not yet ready to predict the result of this year, at the earliest in august. we constantly hear the majority saying that joe biden should not run for a second term and should give an opportunity to some young democrats go to the polls as if the democrats have a candidate who will fall out of the sky and win. all this survey chatter needs to be put in a pile and burned, surveys have no scientific value, they are just casts that do not reflect the real picture. if the democrats follow the advisers' lead. they will lose like they did in 2016. according to my system, their best chance of success is candidate biden. it immediately has two key advantages. he is running for a second
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term, which is always a head start. and there is no competition within the ruling party. second key. that is out of the remaining eleven, you must miss six to lose. and if biden is not nominated, then the democrats immediately throw away two keys. and your opponent only needs four.
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popular now all over the world, i don’t see any point in taking it into account in my forecasts. the keys are incredibly stable, they have given correct
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results for 40 years. no other system can even come close to the accuracy of the results. but i don't have a fortune teller's crystal ball, i'm a historian the clues are based on history there is always a chance that something will happen in the future so grandiose or catastrophic that it... there is only one problem: success from failure is increasingly difficult to distinguish, the complex world is nonlinear.
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in russia, june 22 is a day of memory and sorrow, the anniversary of the start of the great patriotic war. in 1941, at 4:00 am, nazi german troops invaded the soviet union. a fierce bloody war began, which lasted 1418 days and ended in complete defeat. nazi germany and the countries that supported it. the soviet union made the
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largest contribution to the victory. the biggest losses were deaths.


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