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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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in russia, june 22 is a day of remembrance and mourning, the anniversary of the start of the great patriotic war. in 1941, at 40 in the morning, the troops of nazi germany invaded the territory of the soviet union. a fierce bloody war began, which lasted 1418 days, ending with the complete defeat of nazi germany and the countries that supported it. soviet.
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never forget, with these words today , both citizens and guests of the city of rzhev came to the memorial, the rzhev memorial, the war of the soviet union in order to become participants in the requiem concert at the foot of of this very memorial, a sight that captures the soul, today front-line songs and front-line poems were heard, people remembered their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, we talked with a woman. who told us
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the most amazing story: her father, in the forty -first year, on june 22, after the treacherous attack of nazi germany on the soviet union, immediately went to the front as a volunteer, he was 18 years old and went through the entire war, ended it in berlin, signing on the reichstag, all his life he recalled june 22 , 1941, as the most tragic day in his life, he said that on that... day he turned from a boy into a man, today there were a lot of words about those who in the first days of the war stood up to defend our homeland from the nazi invaders, everyone noted that this day must be remembered , it must not be forgotten, this is our history, our integral part, this is our great grief, but by gathering, uniting, we were able to come to victory, let's listen to what... people told today,
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people told today at the urzhev memorial. this is the biggest tragic day, it seems to me, for the whole world, not only for our russia, it is for everyone, and it must not be forgotten, we must always remember, we ourselves remember, we are our children, that we remembered, so many people died, but we won, this is a very terrible date, that is, when the soviet the union united completely, all the people rallied against one single enemy, who very, very much spoiled our lives, that is, do you think there were many dead?
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did not leave anyone indifferent, well, it’s worth saying that today is the event on the eve of june 22, today there were events all over russia, the candle of memory was lit first in the far east, then it began to move to eastern siberia, western siberia, and in irkutsk thousands of candles were lit in memory of those who went to the front of the great patriotic war from this city, as well as in memory of those who all these...
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years, 919 such machines were assembled in irkutsk, and it’s worth saying that events to perpetuate the memory began not only in the russian federation. soldiers of the soviet army who laid down their lives on the first day of the war, and this is a huge number of people, for the border today also honors the memory, in kyrgyzstan, a candle of memory also lit up, in baku, this is azerbaijan, there, too, thousands of candles lit up, fulfilling one word, we remember, this is probably the most important and important thing that we must carry throughout our lives, remember that the feats that our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers accomplished, who laid down their lives so that we could live, are an eternal memory to our heroes. yes, indeed, the main thing to remember,
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thanks to stanislav berwalt, about the requimi concert at the rzhesky memorial to the soviet soldier. ukrainian troops struck the only remaining substitution. as a result of the drone attack , the city's second substation was partially damaged, this is the only substation that supplies the city with electricity after the luch substation was destroyed on june 19. no one was hurt, part of the city is now without power and water, specialists are working to eliminate
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the consequences of the shelling. the russian army liberated the village of zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. over the course of a week, 14 group strikes were carried out with precision weapons. and drones by military facilities, deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as airfields and electrical substations that supply the military industry. all targets hit. successfully repelled 66 attacks by kiev militants. zelensky’s formation lost almost 14,000 soldiers and mercenary officers in a week. seven tanks and 59 other armored vehicles, as well as 202 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down almost 400 combat drones. supplying the army with high-tech weapons is a priority for the state. russia will continue to improve its armed forces for ensuring the sovereignty and security of the country. vladimir putin pointed this out in the kremlin at a meeting with graduates of military universities.
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andrey grigoriev will tell you what problems remain to be solved. supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace is named after the highest russian military order of st. george the victorious; the names of its gentlemen are engraved everywhere, a symbol of the country's military glory. the legendary ones were tempered in difficult battles traditions of our military school, those qualities were formed that have always distinguished our soldiers from privates to marshals. this is love for the motherland, unparalleled perseverance and courage. in a few days we will... celebrate a significant, memorable date of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. we recently talked about this with the president of belarus. you know that this daring, large-scale operation was called bagration, in honor of our outstanding
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commander, the hero of the suur campaigns of the patriotic war of 1812. thanks to the road was opened for the courage and bravery of our soldiers and commanders. towards the liberation of europe from nazism, a decisive step has been taken towards a great victory. now russia faces an equally large-scale challenge; we have to confront almost the entire western world, which does not want to listen to our initiatives. recently, at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs, i outlined our vision of work to create equal and indivisible security in eurasia. we are ready for a broad international discussion of these key, vital issues. like with ours colleagues in the shanghai cooperation organization of the cis, euroses, brix, and other international associations, european nato states, including, of course, when they
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are ready for this. while we are not ready, we have to act relying on the military-industrial complex, and specifically on graduates of military universities. i am confident that you will work promptly. and competently in all assigned areas, choosing a difficult path for yourself, continuing the work of your predecessors always at all stages in your future career you will be... sincere patriots of your homeland. in his memoirs , georgy konstantinovich zhukov emphasized: for me, the main thing was serving my homeland, my people. and with a clear conscience i can say that i did everything to fulfill this duty. you have to defend the rights and freedoms of russian citizens. active assistance to our military personnel in conducting a special military operation remains a priority.
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bosses at all levels increases many times over. comrade officers, the troops will require maximum dedication from you, courage to make decisions, composure , integrity, knowledge gained in academies and schools. introduce special operations experience and advanced methods of warfare into operational combat training. there are many here who have already participated in hostilities and have gone on to further education.
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we count on you, the people of russia are closely watching every step of our army on the line of combat contact. i just heard the report of the chief of the general staff, i want to convey congratulations on his behalf and on everyone’s behalf your comrades in arms who are fulfilling their duty to their homeland on the line of combat contact. at the exit from the kremlin , participants talk about their impressions. i think it’s everyone’s dream to be in the st. george hall of the kremlin.
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vladimir zelensky demands that the ukrainian armed forces go on the offensive in the near future. on the eve of the nato summit, he needs to show that the kiev troops are at least capable of something, otherwise support may fall even further. there are no more people willing to die for zelensky, as ukrainians are trying to avoid being sent to front, learned evgenia petrukhina. who are these people in camouflage uniforms, the employees of the shopping center, the personal security of people's deputy tishchenko, ermak's godfather, this question is now similar. one of the most dangerous for the fighters of the terrorist battalion is the kraken, because the camouflaged ones attacked one of them,
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oh-oh-oh, that’s who was attacked by dmitry pavlov, his son’s call sign. there is information that he is a friend of that same chile, the commander of the kraken special forces, an organization banned in russia. so my son was walking around dnepropetrovsk with a stroller, and judging by these shots, he got into a verbal altercation with people's deputy tishchenko, who for some reason decided that... from this comrade, but is he registered? i suspect that there might be some kind of personal conflict here, maybe this fighter once spoke out something about tishchenko somewhere, maybe his friend’s group spoke out, maybe this is a business dispute, because it’s clear that krakin protects a certain type of business on the peaceful
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territory of ukraine, people's deputy tishchenko will really need serious security, because... krakin's fighters are guys, which means they are ideologically very sharp, these are people who protect their business, these are people who protect their own, they will take revenge, that’s for sure. it turns out that in ukraine, one after another, so-called traffic ulcers are appearing. among the seemingly pro-ukrainian neo-nazis, everyone is lining their own pockets, like, for example, the head of the recruitment center in krivoy rog. he gave out fake ids for bribes. no good, but at whose expense did he regulate the statistics? at the expense of those who walked past tsk for bread? this is the situation in lutsk, where a guy drove away military commissars by spraying them in the face gas canister, they somehow immediately lost the desire to issue a summons, which cannot be said about the tskashniks in rovny, who shot at the hood of the car, trying in any way to pull the drivers out of the car
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in order to forcibly mobilize them into the armed forces of ukraine, you serve ukraine, but not you, and i'm not from ukraine? if they need to turn off the electricity in an entire building or pretend there is a fire and turn on the fire alarm in the offices, they will turn on the fire alarm and turn off the electricity. in kiev, there are cases when driving up to an office building, include fire alarm and catch those who run out into the street. and this man tried to escape to slovakia, disguised himself, found glasses and clothes. the checkered bag, in general, was copied by the image of his own grandmother, but the border guards did not appreciate the humor of the ingenuity of the odessa resident, the plan was foiled, but it is possible that others dressed in ukrainak will take revenge for the caught odessa resident, for example, like this, in one of the courtyards someone accidentally set fire to a car with ssu license plates, or maybe it was this man, here it’s nothing
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but an irony of fate in ukrainian, who returned from the front, a mobilized dry worker found out that his wife had been building for a long time... i immediately realized that he was taking a grenade out of his pocket and saying: there’s nothing to lose. the only thing that ukraine is tired of is simply meat assaults, throwing positions in a ratio of 10 to one or five to one, positions on the line of combat contact, and for this, unfortunately, a lot of meat is needed; they do not perceive the mobilized as soldiers, they
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perceive them simply as , say, bodies with which you can cover up some kind of bald spot. well, on the line of combat contact, there is only one way out, surrender in batches, call the volga, walk with your hands raised towards the position of the russian army, from there you can see much better the black hearse of the kiev regime, which is getting closer and closer to the bank, but even along the way, it will not pick up the sushniks thrown for slaughter. evgenia petrukhina, ivan kuznetsov, olga alvukhina, news. meanwhile, a bust of a nazi was erected in romania. to general georgy manolio, representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova said that this was a provocation against the memory of those who fought the criminals of the third reich. but this one the general in 1941 took part in the invasion of the soviet union, then in the siege of sevastopol, and was responsible for many atrocities. hitler presented manolev with the highest nazi award - the knight's cross. in the entire history
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of the reich, only 48 foreigners received it. this order is now displayed on the monument to a war criminal. the potential of the far east and the arctic is very large, so over the past 5 years , the development of deposits and the construction of mining and processing plants began, which had been waiting for their turn for decades, for example, udakan was discovered back in forty in the ninth year, and the bayem ore zone in the seventy-second, there are still many such world-class projects on which work is currently underway, which will give great impetus to the development of the regions, alexander said on the air of the program. for example, on average, the salaries of residents of the priority development territory are more than 40% higher than the average russian salaries, this
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is due to the fact that a whole set of government benefits gives investors the opportunity to pay people more, but investors also create new enterprises, new enterprises, which means new technology, high labor productivity, high output per person and high salaries, here the facts speak eloquently. and any words, in the preferential regimes of the far east and the arctic there are already almost 3,600 investment projects, that is, 3,600 companies believed in these territories, believed in the support measures that the state gives them, and investment projects worth 9.6 trillion rubles were launched. this year, i think we will reach the 10 trillion mark, with 97 projects worth more than 10 billion rubles each.
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in a corruption scheme, people who sold exams, they created fake pages on social networks, vkontakte, instagram, etc. and wrote to people who needed it, set a time and place,
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transferred funds, promised that the exam would be passed almost immediately, even in some situations they said that there was no need to come in and answer something like that. in the educational institution , searches were carried out at the home addresses of the detainees, equipment and documents were confiscated from them, graduates spoke about the schemes that were carried out in the educational institution, and in terms of pricing, the scheme was as follows: there were always two or three people on the course, they very often hung out at the last detentions, looked for guys who had deadlines and offered to buy exams. prices varied from department to department, mostly prices were about 30-80 thousand. at the department of biochemistry there was a particularly dishonest head who took 2000 rubles. for the exam, she simply embezzled the money and dumped the guys who paid, some for...
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over 200 mayors and vice-mayors from china, turkey, iran, india, brazil, morocco and indonesia. even on the sidelines, representatives of their countries talked about how important it is to direct
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common efforts to create a comfortable life in their cities. when the brix countries decide something, it affects the whole world. discussions between our national leaders lead to important decisions, but they do not materialize on their own, so it is important to structure our interaction. african countries want to adopt russia’s experience related to technology, artificial intelligence, the issue of disposal of household solids is interesting waste and development of public spaces. during the forum, dozens of agreements were signed that regulate cooperation in the exchange of knowledge among specialists and the development of tourism between countries. russia will share its extensive experience in economics, education and culture with brazil, south africa and ethiopia. our country today has a lot to share. but at the same time, we are always open to dialogue, we are not afraid to learn, we want to see what has already been developed, but from today’s agreements, of course, we expect new tourist flows and
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new... dark ones after the signing of agreements, joint projects, exchange of experience, establishment of contacts, the quality of life of millions of people depends on such friendly communication at the round table, and it is no coincidence that the venue for the first forum of cities of the brics countries was chosen the capital of tatarstan, a republic that unites religions , where they cherish interethnic and interfaith harmony and are proud of their industrial potential. today, cities are increasingly becoming engines of economic growth and innovation.
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its creation is an obvious question, municipalities and friendly countries should have their own voice in the international arena; this is not only a new political platform, but an alternative to western pressure. brix is ​​not just a group, it is the future of the world, an organization that creates a new world agenda, based on sustainable development and the exchange of unique experience in all areas, and even if representatives of twenty countries speak different languages, but today unanimously, friendly countries should have your own voice on the international stage, while... maintaining a respectful attitude towards everyone's traditions and culture. ilsur medshin became the chairman of the association. 200 participants voted unanimously. the association includes cities and municipalities that are home to 2.5 billion people on the planet. meetings will be held twice a year. the next meeting will be held in brazil next year. elmira isnogilova, vladimir yurkov, lead kazan. hungarian authorities accused brussels and washington of not
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pushing. from budapest to berlin it takes just over an hour by plane, but from the point of view given the political distance separating hungary and germany, orban's visit to scholz is something like a flight to mars. according to the good tradition of bilateral relations, the results of such voyages are leaked to the media in the form of leaks, no press conferences. but the federal chancellor cannot provide tribunals.
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between trump and the united states' european allies, whom the republican candidate continues to scare with the fact that the biden administration and the president himself are doing everything wrong. one of biden’s mistakes, he said: “ukraine will be in nato." it seems to me that this guy will start a war, he says the opposite of
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what i think needs to be said. he says crazy things, how much sincere disagreement there is, and what can be attributed to the election criticism of his opponent, it will become clear if trump’s comeback is all- will happen, but in europe they seem to take his words at face value and are trying to play out the situation so that he does not have the opportunity to play it back. the british guardian does not rule out that in a hurry , ukraine and its supporters may make a mess. they are seeking a firmer promise from the white house to admit the country to nato for the anniversary. 75 july summit in washington. their desire is understandable, but it is a dangerous idea that would commit the united states to long-term defense of ukraine while creating a serious vulnerability for nato. as a result, the alliance will be weaker, not stronger, than it is today. nato membership is also not the best option for ukraine. for the same purpose.


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