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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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complexes, pilots, repair and restoration team specialists, navy officers, representatives of the ministry of the navy, journalists, in the end, after the video distribution in the ussr, the second part of the american film ramb , numerous legends appeared about hundreds and thousands of soviet paratroopers who swarmed the vietnamese jungle, however these stories are not... documented; on the contrary, the military-scientific group of the ministry of defense, which was also called trophy hunters, experienced difficulties. often under convenient pretexts vietnamese representatives hid the crash sites of the planes and postponed the removal of the damaged equipment. it also happened that the chinese representatives were the first to arrive on the spot and had already managed to remove all the most valuable items. china put pressure on vietnam, because all the food aid went through it, without which... hanoi simply would not have survived, and
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the vietnamese had to navigate between two forces. in addition to military assistance, the ussr offered assistance in the civilian sphere, for example, in personnel training. vietnamese students they began studying in the union back in the fifties . after the outbreak of the war , soviet engineers, doctors and civilian specialists went to vietnam. the soviet union helped build and restore about 300 enterprises, including the huaben hydroelectric power station and...
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“will it harm your relations with the americans? we asked an eminent vietnamese diplomat, vietnam has consistently pursued its independent foreign policy, the americans know this very well. and, by the way , last year
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us president joe biden himself state visit to vietnam for the first time. this is the first time the president of the united states has made a state visit to vietnam. it was decided to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership between vietnam and the united states. and i want this. will answer especially that it was this independent foreign policy of vietnam that brought and is bringing good results for our country, thereby creating and continuing to create favorable conditions for the successful development of the country at the present stage in a new difficult international situation. so we don't have
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fears, we have no reason to refuse to pursue such an independent policy; this is an important policy for us; on the contrary, we will globally develop relations with partners around the world, especially, first of all, with the russian federation, and the base in kamran is not will we return? i don’t think there’s another specter looming in russian-vietnamese relations besides washington: beijing. relations between vietnam and china are not easy historically; now the prc is so strong that all neighbors are wary, almost each of them, vietnam is no exception, there is a contradiction with china in the south china sea, in vietnam it is called eastern, and russia is an increasingly close partner of china. china is
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our large neighbor, and china and russia are both major powers in the world, both both... countries are permanent, permanent members of the united nations security council, everyone knows this, so i think that the rapprochement of these states, i think that should be aimed at maintaining peace, stability, security, not only in region and throughout the world, this is firstly, and secondly... as for vietnam, both, russia and china, are comprehensive strategic partners of our country, we
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are developing relations with china and russia worldwide, suffice it to say that too last year. chinese president c. simpin is making a state visit to vietnam, this year today we are having a state visit by president putin to vietnam, this is fully consistent with the goals and interests of vietnam’s independent foreign policy. in addition, we understand that russia always stands for maintaining peace and stability in the region, and as for the situation in the eastern sea, the tension and
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situation there that has arisen recently, we hope that russia. will advocate the maintenance of peace, stability, free navigation, free air traffic in the eastern sea, in accordance with international law, we will provide, especially the un convention on the law of the sea, adopted in 1900 82, so we think that the employee...
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it began suddenly and also unexpectedly ended. each side explains this differently. vietnam gained independence from chinese rule only in the 20th century ad. but relations remained strained until a joint struggle against european colonial rule began. then the countries were united by communist ideology. beijing helped vietnam, first fight against the french occupation, and then in the vietnam war. china's relationship with its neighbor began to change. the sino-soviet split largely determined beijing's policies. relationships between moscow and hanoi were only strengthening. at the end of the seventy-eighth year, an agreement on mutual military assistance was signed. the ussr received military
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bases in vietnam, and hanoi began to make territorial claims to china and refused to demand that chinese citizens who found themselves on vietnamese territory. from chinese citizenship. in the north of the country , a purge of the chinese who had lived there for centuries began. china turned towards the united states. in january 1979, deng xiaoping made his first visit to washington, where he declared that china should be taught a lesson vietnam, trying to enlist american support against the ussr. early in the morning in february 1979, chinese troops launched an attack on northern vietnam. in 3 days they advanced only 15 km. the vietnamese were outnumbered by half, although they were extremely combat-ready, retaining the experience of the vietnam war. by the beginning of march, the prc army managed to capture several cities. hanoi announced general mobilization, but then china announced the end of the operation and began to withdraw troops. the official reason for the operation
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was considered to be the need to protect the chinese citizens in northern vietnam who came under repression. but the eviction of the chinese began much earlier, and not only in... the north, and they fled not to the prc, to malaysia, thailand and hong kong. according to the vietnamese version, beijing feared the creation of a so-called soviet security belt around china in the fall. cambodia, which chose china as its only ally, was overthrown by vietnamese troops. beijing was very concerned about the situation and decided to carry out a military operation. estimates vary, although both sides declared victory. asia is very interesting, but america has its own intrigue after advertising about the election campaign in the usa.
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this coming thursday, all of america, and a large part of the world, will be glued to the screens; the first debate of the main contenders for the presidency of the united states, joseph biden and donald trump, has been announced. debates in american companies are always a climax, but such intrigue as now can only be found in history. one applicant literally loses. paralympic
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selection, simple, just guess about the november result. in the usa there is a man who is believed to never make mistakes. historian alan lichtman, a professor at the american university in washington, has accurately predicted the winner of nine out of ten presidential elections since '84. the only miss was in 2000, when george w. bush became president rather than al gore, but there was actually a winner in the end determined by the supreme court. lichtman is sure that gore’s victory was simply stolen. my system is not surveys and ratings, because they are not forecasts, but snapshots of reality; they have no scientific or predictive value. the prediction is based on an analysis of data from every us presidential election from 1860,
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when lincoln was elected, to 1980, when reagan won. i developed this system in the eighty-first year, together with the world's leading scientist in the field of earthquake forecasting, vladimir keilis borok. we used his method of identifying seismic patterns to see which geophysical processes lead to stability. on the contrary, american elections are essentially a referendum for or against the party that controls the white house, the party was deprived of the power of the earthquake. after analyzing 120 years of american history, we have developed a system of 13 question keys, each requiring a yes or no answer, they reflect the potential assessment of the actions of the party in power. any six negative answer keys - earthquake, the party that controls the white house,
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tests, the ussr and the us relied entirely on his expertise to set standards for...
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in december 2006, with his help, he predicted the beginning of rising unemployment in the us, followed by recession and global economic a crisis. the method is still used today to predict economic downturns, peaks in unemployment, and rising homicide rates.
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lichtman met keilis borok, a member of not only the soviet but also the american academy of sciences.
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there was electricity, radio, television, women did not have the right to vote, most african americans remained slaves, automobiles did not yet exist, airplanes did not yet exist,
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immigrants from eastern europe, latin america and asia did not arrive, which means that the system was able to withstand the grandiose.
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final forecast, but a lot must go wrong for biden so that he loses. at this point, biden is definitely missing just two keys: congressional mandates, because democrats lost seats in the 2022 midterm elections for the house of representatives, and charisma, because biden is no fdr or reagan. four key questions, the answers to which have not yet been determined and which need to be closely watched, will there be a third party? will social protests break out and will there be successes or failures in foreign and military policy? lichtman believes that for accurate
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forecasting, it is least important to assess the personal qualities of candidates. i don't look at a company as a personality conflict, i look at it in terms of whether candidates have the ability to clear a very high bar for a candidate with a set of characteristics that would be inspiring. for an entire generation, it is impossible, like donald trump, to constantly appeal only to his target audience, a narrow part of the american electorate. the secret is to find an approach to as broad a mass as possible. ronald reagan won elections by huge margins twice. trump has not won a majority in two elections in a row, if you count the popular vote. it is interesting that lichtman dismisses talk of external intervention, which is now so popular around the world, and teaches.
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goodbye, all my obediences, they are over, not all of them, forgive me, lord, all my hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience. you will be saved yourself, just save from others, there are no former disobedient people, what did you want from me, miracle, plow, mahala, the demonstrator would
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know how to put this together in 5 seconds, without let’s sort out our demonstration, malya, black, throwing the gang into the cage too, it’s time to pay.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch. in
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the application or on the website, with us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family and strong relationships and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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in russia, june 22 is a day of memory and sorrow, the anniversary of the beginning. in 1941 at 40 am, nazi german troops invaded the territory of the soviet union. a fierce bloody war began, which ended with the complete defeat of nazi germany and the countries that supported it. the soviet union made the greatest contribution to the victory and suffered the greatest losses. more than 27 million soviet citizens died on the battlefields in captivity and occupation.


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