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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in russia june 22nd is the day. memory and sorrow, anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. in 1941, at 4 in the morning, the troops of nazi germany invaded the territory of the soviet union. a fierce bloody war began, which ended with the complete defeat of nazi germany and the countries that supported it. the soviet union made the greatest contribution to the victory and suffered the greatest losses. more than 27 million soviet citizens died on the battlefields, in captivity and occupation. in moscow, on poklonnaya hill, near
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the victory museum, veterans, honored guests volunteers lit candles to honor the memory of those killed. on the facade of the main building of the museum , 1,418 virtual lights were displayed according to the number of days of the great patriotic war. on cathedral square of the main temple of the russian armed forces , more than 300 military personnel of the moscow district with lit candles lined up in the form of the number 1418. they installed lamps along the perimeter of the memory road museum complex. commemorative events are held throughout russia, as well as in other countries. stanislav berwald will tell you all the details. this is the day we shouldn't never forget. with these words, today both citizens and guests of the city of rzhev came to the memorial, the rzhev memorial, the war of the soviet union in order to become participants in the requim concert at the foot.
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of this very memorial, a sight that captures the soul, today front-line songs and front-line poems were heard, people remembered their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, we talked with a woman who told us an amazing story, her father in the forty -first year on june 22 after the treacherous attack nazi germany to soviet the union immediately went to the front as volunteers, he was 18 years old and went through... the whole war ended in berlin, signing on the reichstag, all his life he remembered june 22 , 1941, as the most tragic day in his life, he said that that day he turned from a boy into a man, today there were a lot of words about those who, in the first days of the war, stood up to defend our homeland from the nazi invaders, everyone noted that this...
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completely all people rallied against one single enemy, which very, very much spoiled our lives, that is there are many dead, count how many millions, millions would have died here with care, these are terrible things, i don’t want this to happen again, the trequiem concert began, of course, with the anthem of the russian federation, followed by a minute of silence in memory of those who died in the fields the battles of the great patriotic war, well, it ended with an equally significant and well-known song to everyone, based on the verses of rasul gamzatov, cranes, on stage.
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a hologram that left no one indifferent, today events were held throughout russia, the memory candle was lit first in the far east, then began to shift to eastern siberia, western siberia, in irkutsk , thousands of candles were lit in memory of those who went to the front of the great patriotic war from this city, as well as in memory of those who, all these years, years of war, the most difficult years of the war brought our common life closer.
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artyom rizhikov, hosted by rzhef. ukrainian troops hit the only remaining substation in the city of energodar. it's called rainbow. before this, zelensky’s formations destroyed the luch substation. now there is light only in the fifth and sixth microdistricts of the city. kyiv
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militants continue to send drones. magate ceo rafael grossi said that attacks on substations directly affect the safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. here's what the city mayor said. another attack in the ssu on a city infrastructure facility was completed, ensuring the life of the energy supply; as a result of the drone attack, the second city substation was partially damaged, this is the only substation that supplies the city with electricity after the luch substation was destroyed on june 19. no harm done, part of the city is now without electricity and water; specialists are working to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. army. liberated the village of zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. over the course of a week, 14 group strikes were carried out with high-precision weapons and drones on military installations, military bases, as well as on airfields and electrical substations that supply the military industry. all targets hit. they successfully repulsed 66 attacks
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by kiev militants; zelensky’s formation lost almost 14,000 soldiers and mercenary officers in a week. seven tanks were destroyed and 59 other armored vehicles, as well. 202 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems. air defense forces shot down almost 400 combat drones, 55 american hymers shells, eight french hamer guided bombs, and six unmanned boats were destroyed near crimea. supplying the army with high-tech weapons is a priority for the state. russia will continue to improve its armed forces to ensure the country's sovereignty and security. vladimir putin pointed this out in the kremlin.
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naturally, when they are ready for this. we are not ready yet, we have to act based on the military-industrial complex, and specifically on graduates of military universities. i am confident that you will work promptly and competently in all assigned
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areas, having chosen a difficult path for yourself, continuing the work of your predecessors, always at all stages of your future career, you will be sincere patriots. homeland in his memoirs, georgy konstantinovich zhukov emphasized: for me the main thing was serving the homeland, my people, with a clear conscience i can say:
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they teach already taking into account the experience of the northern military district, on in simulators, perhaps for the first time, they are practicing repelling attacks from sea drones, repelling attacks from seagoing unmanned boats , the interaction of drones of various types, and now all this knowledge is successfully used on the battlefield by the russian military... employees. thanks to their courage, dedication and professional work, we have
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the initiative along the entire front line, consistently reducing the enemy’s combat potential. in these difficult conditions, the personal responsibility of commanders at all levels increases many times over. comrades officers, in the troops you will be required to have maximum dedication, courage to make decisions, composure, integrity, and knowledge. and does not stop senseless attempts to inflict strategic defeat on russia, this does not
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happen. the whole country is now working for the military industry, and the supreme commander hopes that this will soon significantly affect the situation at the front. we really count on you. the people of russia are closely watching every step of our army on the line of combat contact. i have just heard the report of the chief of the general staff, i would like to convey congratulations. on his behalf and on all your comrades who are fulfilling their duty to their homeland on the line of combat contact. at the exit from the kremlin , participants talk about their impressions. i think it’s everyone’s dream to be in the st. george hall of the kremlin. today it came true for us. the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces gave us his parting instructions, which we will certainly carry out. after a vacation, it turns out, a short one. departing for a special military operation zone. and i hope that the knowledge i have acquired will be useful. after
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short vacations, most of today's graduates will soon go to the special military operation zone. andrey grigoriev, polina gomzikova, yana streblyanskaya, kirill malikov, news. in romania, a bust of the nazi, general gheorghe manoliu, was erected. the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, said that this is a provocation against the memory of those who fought the criminals of the third reich. this general took part in the invasion in '41. the soviet union, then the siege of sevastopol, was responsible for many atrocities. hitler handed manolio received the nazis' highest award, the knight's cross. in the entire history of the reich , only 48 foreigners received it. this order is now displayed on the monument to a war criminal. a farewell ceremony was held at the victory museum in moscow for five red army soldiers who died during the great patriotic war. they went to the front in 1941 and died in the smolinsk region. they have been on the list of missing people for more than 80 years. without a trace. in the spring, searchers discovered the remains, established names and found descendants. the relatives who came to
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say goodbye were given soldier medallions, personal belongings of soldiers and red army medals. the ministry of defense has published declassified documents about the heroic actions of the red army in the first days of the war. on the new multimedia portal it was called “that longest day of the year.” here are archival materials describing and analyzing the military actions of commanders. testimonies of german captured generals, personal files of soviet pilots who were the first to ram the nazis, operational reports from headquarters. the potential of the far east and the arctic is very large, so over the last...
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about twenty students and teachers have been detained here over the past few days. makhach bulbov covers his face from the camera, turns away from the dock, and is suspected of bribery. investigators believe that the student was selling exams at a medical university in the capital. he is not authorized to give any testimony and somehow we are not ready for this. all questions to
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investigators. three more defendants in the criminal case, racha sargsyan, khalil babayev and muslim. were detained, students of the russian university of medicine are also suspected of participation in a corruption scheme. people who sold exams, they created fake pages on social networks, vkontakte, instagram, etc. and wrote to people who needed it, set a time and place for the transfer of funds, promised that the exam would be passed almost immediately, even in some situations they said that there was no need to come in and answer anything like that. searches were carried out at the educational institution at the home addresses of the detainees, equipment and... documents were confiscated, and graduates spoke about the schemes which were carried out in the educational institution and prices. the scheme was as follows: there were always two or three people on the course, they very often hung out at the last detentions, looked for guys who had deadlines and offered to buy exams. prices varied from department to department, mostly prices were about 30-80
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thousand. at the department of biochemistry there was a particularly dishonest head who took 2000 rubles for... she simply embezzled the money and kicked out the guys who paid, some of them were thrown out because of this, now she seems to be in charge there daughter, the fact that at the university they took exams and received tests for money is proven by the messages of students in telegram chats, you have to pay for the sessions, otherwise you won’t pass, but, no, but they are trying to get money, yes, one prepotsha created her own group paid, and refused to teach others if they didn’t pay, it’s better to bribe her right away, if possible, than to go through the trouble of filling out notebooks in vain. four suspects from the courtroom were placed under house arrest for 2 months, that is, until august 18, while the investigation continued. margarita semenyuk, oleg ivanov, anton solovyov, news. the hungarian authorities accused brussels and washington of pushing the european union towards war with russia. prime minister orban is going to chancellor schultz to discuss the situation and what to hope for,
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mikhail antonov found out. from budapest to berlin by plane it’s a little over an hour, but from the point of view of political distance. dividing hungary and germany, orban's visit to scholz is something like a flight to mars. according to the good tradition of bilateral relations, the results of such voyages are leaked to the media in the form of leaks, no press conferences. but not can the federal chancellor give a platform to a politician with these views. the european train is heading towards war, i can pull the stop valves, the hungarians will be able to get off it. if the stars align well, you will be able to convince the driver and he won’t go any further. who? at the moment, the stars are not aligning, so hungary’s non-participation in nato’s military adventures is the maximum that orban bargained for his country in exchange for silence and support for the candidacy of mark ryuta. outgoing and incoming prime minister of the netherlands nato secretary general instead of stoltenberg. consensus within the alliance regarding rutta has thus been achieved. but it took a long time, but
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i'm honored that it happened. why did you want this job? well, it’s not that i was initially looking for it, but you know, given what happened in ukraine, the instability in the world, you can’t ignore it, and of course, this is incredibly interesting work.
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a firm promise to admit the country to nato at the 75th july anniversary summit in washington, their desire is understandable, but this is a dangerous idea, which would commit the united states to long-term defense of ukraine, while creating a serious vulnerability for nato. as a result, the alliance will be weaker, not stronger, than it is today. nato membership is also not the best option for ukraine. for the same purpose, to insure against trump, they are increasing the pumping of weapons into ukraine. white.
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has changed and, apparently, will continue to change. at the nato summit in washington they plan to announce the creation of a special military mission of the alliance in ukraine. in part, brussels thus intends to simply legalize its mercenary instructors who have long been active in the ranks of ukrainian formations, but perhaps we are talking about expanding the contingent. only before the summit , parliamentary elections will take place in france, after which macron, as the author of the idea, may find it more difficult to talk about sending western troops.
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but even if it succeeds, although i don't understand how to achieve it, there will still be a price to pay for it that is simply not worth it. the task of confronting the germans with the price they pay for the government’s anti-russian policy is not getting any easier. main the mouthpieces of propaganda became red-hot. at the beginning of may, the plant of the arms concern diehl, which produces pvst complexes, burned in berlin. deputy editor-in-chief of the tabloid bild paul ronsheimer has finally matured. for blaming russia. the russian state may be responsible for the fire at the german arms concern diehl. according to my information, foreign intelligence
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informed the german services. about the presence of specific data on russian involvement. the most remarkable thing about this is that literally the night before the following news was on the evening news: information. the cause of the fire was apparently a technical malfunction. experts from the insurance company came to this conclusion. but who needs insurance company experts? if there is a bilt newspaper, there is its deputy editor-in-chief, mr. ronsheimer, and he is not the only one who brings russophobia to the masses. there is evidence of this. that russia is deliberately committing acts of sabotage on eu territory should concern us. critical infrastructure must be better protected in germany. about the protection of critical infrastructure it sounds it’s a bit strange, after the explosions of the northern currents and a year and a half of frankly helpless attempts to build some kind of plausible version of what happened. by the way, the newspaper handelсblad obtained documents confirming information that, as minister of finance in the merkel government, olaf scholz did everything possible.
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lobbied for the project and even tried to pay off the attacks of the trump administration with a promise to invest a billion euros in the construction of infrastructure for receiving american lng. there was time, but it has passed forever. the fourteenth package of sanctions already presupposes refusal to purchase russian liquefied gas. we agreed on a great mood in brussels on this matter. i welcome the agreement on the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia. this is still a tough package. more deprives russia of access to key technologies, it deprives russia of further income from the sale of energy resources. in something very similar to the current maxim, ms. vonderlein accompanied each of the tens of thousands of sanctions imposed on russia. but the toughest of them invariably returned to the europeans as boomerangs, and although it was pointless ask not to cook the sanctioned pot again, there is no reason to think that this time things will go any differently. the fact is that
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at the end of this year. the contract for the supply of russian gas through the ukrainian pipeline system is expiring, and kiev is not going to renew it for the sake of the well-being of western consumers. for europe, this means a loss of approximately 42 million cubic meters of fuel per day. and if the situation is not somehow resolved, and here they are relying solely on the good will of russia, the europeans will face another energy shock. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin. germany.
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