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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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next, eduard petrov’s investigation into the financial pyramid date, the founders of which were accused of fraud. damage more than 200 million rubles. more about this after the advertisement. investing with sber is simple: receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. did you want to open a deposit at 18%? it turns out that you can under 20. have you thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can do different ones at once. for money, your own market. it turns out that open a deposit with
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we open the way to business, sberbusiness. the criminal quartet from kazakhstan fooled everyone country, gullible citizens gave their savings to swindlers, as a result they were left broke, the largest financial pyramid in russia, finik, collapsed. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. i took out a loan from a bank.
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guilty or not, i absolutely do not agree with anything, i do not admit guilt in the incriminated act, anyone who wanted to become participants in finik could register, top up their crypto wallet and participate in this activity. doronin came up with this scheme in order to be very intelligent about the availability funds, they opened new offices in order to cover the debt to the previous one. investors, well, don’t believe those people who say that give us your money, there’s a million and a half, and you’ll get two or three times more, well, all this is nonsense, in general it’s just some kind of nonsense, there were four of them, they filled
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the halls with thousands of people, told them how to earn huge money without leaving the couch, and assured that they had come up with a unique scheme for automated profit generation. but actually the company the date turned out to be an ordinary pyramid, and its creators were liars who made hundreds of thousands of people believe in a beautiful fairy tale about easy money, why people voluntarily gave their hard-earned money, that it was hypnosis or ordinary human greed, how the date financial pyramid worked and who was at the helm, criminals schemes, we took it upon ourselves... and conducted our investigation.
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many citizens fell for these commercials, they were shot beautifully and expensively, the show did its job, the finika company began actively attracting money in the summer of 2019, their partner, that’s what the leaders called those who brought cash to the pyramid, the pheniceans promised a huge income. per month, and people believed them, first in kazan, then throughout russia, but in june 2021, payments to depositors abruptly stopped, everything came to its logical conclusion, the pyramid
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collapsed, leaving a thousand people without a means of subsistence.
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a single mother from kazan decided to join the happy owners of apartments and cars; former journalist albina dunaeva asked not to be shown. her face, she's ashamed in front of friends, a woman is raising two children, paying a mortgage, and now she has a loan hanging on her, 2 million rubles. she took the money at a substantial interest rate specifically to invest in finik, and she did this deliberately. before taking the trial, albina went to the company’s office three times and listened to lectures on how finik’s brilliant traders would increase her income. journalist dunaeva was greatly influenced by theatrical performances with the participation of the founders of the financial pyramid. for example, they approached me in such a way that they said that you have children, you are raising them alone, it’s hard for you, but you must be a good mother, you must pay attention to your children, and for
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this you need income, they knew that i had no money, they told me how to get a loan, where go, you take out a loan, yes, i do, so you decided that day to go and get the money. it’s surprising that this bank gave me a loan at that time, i was unemployed, the bank approved a loan for me, a million and 600, well, 1,900 in total , it turned out, this is together with insurance, more than a million, almost 2 million, a stranger, without even asking for documents and not taking the receipts, and after some time
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20,000 digits appeared in her personal account on the finik website, that was the name of the electronic currency, which was supposed to increase daily, and then it could be exchanged for rubles again, but albina dunaeva never managed to receive dividends, 1,600 she lost .000. forever, another investor, venera zakerzyanova, also forked out 20 thousand dollars, a resident of kazan managed to receive payments a couple of times, she was brought into the pyramid by an acquaintance, former boss liliya nurieva, who venus once worked in a real estate agency, when she advertised all this so brightly that she had solved all the problems, closed all her loans, that
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she had bought a car, that she had bought real estate there in turkey, i think, well, if she that person who has 15 years of experience, everything is in order in the head, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, she, she is a classic entrepreneur, as she said, that’s all, here the heat worked, yes, i’m with you i agree, there is stupidity here, and some kind of, well, risks, risks, yes, they are they said there were risks. i understand all this, yes, when you invest in investments, they are there, but these were not risks, these are really scams, they just stole money, it’s just a very shame in front of your loved ones, who, for whatever reason, deceived you, well, me they deceived me, well , i wanted to do the best thing for them, venus gave the money to a certain trader, she also didn’t take a receipt, now the deceived woman thinks that she got off easy, because she only lost a million, did without
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loans, but was among the victims of finik there are also those who not only got into debt, but also sold their only real estate. mother of three children elizaveta sin from yuzhno-sakhalinsk sold her apartment and invested all the money in finik. there were a lot of people who, you know, well, in reality, they bought apartments, bought cars, their lives changed, and it wasn’t like i was there, something fell from the sky, and i thought, well, maybe i’ll just get lucky. and that’s why i... also invested a total of 7.5 million in the fenikov company, it
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was money from the sale of an apartment, i had my own savings and also a loan for 1.5 million. after the pyramid collapsed, elizabeth was left homeless and in huge debts. vinnik was given money by people with different incomes, some gave extra, some gave the last, but most of the victims took out bank loans. so, what kind of company is this, where people from all over the country took their savings, and how the scammers managed to swindle tens of thousands.
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until recently, the four founders of the investment firm did not at all look like financial tycoons. executive director of finik, edward sabirov, authoritative in certain circles businessman, co-founder of a large construction company. and finally, marat sabirov, edward’s namesake, a computer engineer, was involved in
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technical support, and now let’s talk about everything in order. for now we are slowly entering lynch mode, continuing the working meeting, we owe it to you for your interest, thank you very much for your attention, we still have awards and work to do on business, yes, that is, how a business is built within the system. talking head and face of the finika company kirill doronin. he was born in kazan, since childhood he was interested in psychology and training in self-development. i tried several times to start my own business, but did not
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achieve much success. in search of a gold mine, he helped recruit staff in restaurants. was engaged in the production of gel candles, in 2010 daronin suddenly became an expert in getting rid of loans and even published a book on how to quickly pay off debts. it turned out that the topic worries many. realizing this, doronin opened the win level company. hello, my name is daronin kirill, i am the founder of level, the best russian network company in the world. daronin called partners, talked about how the company supposedly generates regular passive income. after some time, doronin opened another company - escalate. the escalat company is the largest operator of credit lawyers in the russian federation; we relieve people from problems with loans through bankruptcy procedures and the financial protection program. when people
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began to massively write statements to the police, daronin announced that he had been betrayed by his partners. the escalat company ceased its work in 2017, but a criminal case against nadoronin was not opened then, in fact, he got away with it, 2 years later he returned to business with a new project, finika, the site itself has existed since about the eighteenth year, it started with the finikaru site, active investments that are high-risk, but at the same time manageable from the point of view of a certain mathematical model, we got carried away from the end, since may, or rather 1919, or rather, not since may, since may 1919 it has become more scalable, before that we worked with our own money since 1880.
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doronin finnik's right hand became zigmund zigmuntovich, the young man was only 22 years, but he already considered himself an experienced entrepreneur. 14 years old, just fun radio, it wasn’t my sister who told me about the existence of the aliexpress website, you probably know it 100%, she said that, roughly speaking, there are goods in the store for 100 rubles. here they are on aliexpress for 30 rubles. first. the investment i asked for was 3,700 rubles from my sister. after graduating from school, zygmunt went to college in kazan, managed to work as a car wash and sales manager, grew strawberries, met doronin while participating in an educational project, an older comrade invited him to finik.
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another organizer of the company, edward sabirov, daronin called him the main trader of the company. hello everyone, my name is edward sabirov, i have been trading for 12 years and... what can i say about this, it is very hemorrhoids, seriously being a trader, it is very hemorrhoids, these are stressful, constantly stressful situations, and you are constantly. must learn something new. edward sabirov has extensive experience in entrepreneurship. even before phoenix, several large companies were registered on it. rumor has it that
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edward had serious connections with some influential officials and security forces. and this is marat sabirov, edward’s namesake. daroni called marat a crypto trading genius. hello everyone, i’m marad soberov, today i ’ll tell you a little about the fnk token, why we launched it, why. started, why did they start this game, before becoming an expert in cryptocurrency, marat managed to work as a minibus driver, and then became interested in
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business courses, it was marat sabirov who worked on creating the company’s own cryptocurrency. doronin, zegmantovich and two the sabirovs traveled to russian cities. and numbers. transactions were carried out in cryptocurrency, for the rest there were simpler programs, for example, buying a car or apartment for 35%
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of their cost. the apartment costs 6 million. the company's contract offer is the final amount, it's 2,100,000. further. 120 days pass. and you receive 6 million in your electronic account. in fact, you are a so- called investor. they earned money differently, for each new client they paid a percentage, the more you bring, the more you earn, as in the classic financial pyramids from the nineties, mmm, vlastelina, charabank, hoper invest, here are their old commercials, then people believed and took the money to the scammers, you will become a participant in the super lottery, raffling off 10,000 cars, how many ran there, i was worried.
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this is alice, she spends her vacation on the volga, in the company of mosquitoes. and this is alice’s partner, she spends her vacation wherever she wants with whoever she wants. good luck to all! but this is the real scheme of the fabulous earnings of swindlers from finik. contribution minimum 200,000 rubles or 3,000 dollars, starts a personal account on the finik website and is waiting for the money to turn into digital numbers,
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an internal pseudo-currency invented by daronin and his friends. and watches his savings grow. if desired, the delusional digital numbers could be withdrawn, that is, cashed out, but the company’s specialists strongly recommended not to do this, they say. money must work, sit at home and wait for profit. it is unknown how long the criminal quartet would have operated if the central bank specialists had not paid attention to finik. the company's actions showed signs of a financial pyramid scheme. the tatarstan police began an investigation, a criminal case was opened, the first searches took place in finik’s offices, and the republican ministry of internal affairs
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sounded the alarm. and warned citizens jointly with the results of work with the fsb and the prosecutor's office of initiating a criminal case on the finik pyramid, we see that all the signs of a pyramid are there, today the investigative part is the main one of the investigative department, the case is being investigated, well, the topic is quite new, because we are practically for the first time, not only we, for the first time in russia, are investigating a case where - all transactions are carried out in cryptocurrency, however after that... the pyramid worked for another six months, and then clients had problems with withdrawing funds, the site did not work, or the accounts were blocked. meanwhile, kirill doronin left for turkey, and when he returned, he said via social networks that he had once again been betrayed by his business partners. i now have a situation over the last 2 weeks, precisely since the second day, when i have no connection. other
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teachers, today for me it looks like i was essentially kicked out of the company. in a couple of days, doronin’s partners, zygmuntovich and two sabirovs recorded a response video message. in it they told how kirill, while in turkey , asked to transfer him a large sum of money. he gets in touch and says that right now he can’t solve some abstract problem...
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they were put on the international wanted list and arrested in absentia. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application.
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i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out it’s possible at 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out, you can go to different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, real hunting - when the spoils are almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, 100 lotto, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all the payments and
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transfers, no commission, open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. oh, if only my dream would come true. what kind of life would come yes. if the dream came true, what a life. start a wonderful life with a sber prime subscription, get more cashback for purchases, and also access to movies and music. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. does your business need acceleration? urgently. use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open a current account on and your business will receive turnover


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