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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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opened an account in one click, helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sbera’s support it’s easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business, sberbusiness, hello! again, to understand this complicated story, our film crew met with kiril doronin, he was in pre-trial detention and agreed to tell who was to blame for the fact that his company finika failed. in the conversation , the organizer of the financial pyramid tried to shift all the blame onto his business partners, saying that they, the conspirators, were to blame for everything. you we're surprised that you were detained, of course. why?
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because the phoenix platform works without failures, without interruptions, payments for almost 3 years. who are your business partners and why do you think they are to blame for the failure of your whole idea? these partners, that is, specifically marat, specifically edward and sigmund, were involved in the management of this valuable asset, and after their disappearance they began.
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dollars and this is a cryptocurrency this is 120 million cryptocurrencies yes and this is how much in currency well this is approximately a tezora so approximately 120 million dollars approximately one to one the numbers that sounded there, i can just say he gave away this cryptocurrency that you had, no, this is what was required, but the morat is from what accounts where did it come from ? i don’t know, i don’t have the information, they tried to get access somewhere from my phone . kirill doronin constantly
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emphasized his innocence; he is the real victim. unknown criminals allegedly lured him into a trap and beat him. they took two mobile phones and stole a huge amount of dollars, how it really happened, no one knows, there is only a story doronin detective story, who do you think could be behind your kidnapping, i am an entrepreneur, i do what i know for sure, that i don’t deceive anyone, i know for sure that i don’t owe anyone, i know for sure that everyone is happy with it , what am i doing, to whom could you cross the road, i don’t know where?
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was registered in saint lucia, an offshore island state in the caribbean sea. the money was completely transferred to an unknown individual, in most cases without receipts. once again, they simply brought cash and gave it to the so-called minial, after
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why clients went home and waited for super profits. and such a dubious financial scheme worked flawlessly. they opened for an office in order to... cover - that means pay off the debt to previous investors, that is, kazan has been covered, we need to go, that means we need to pay off the shuttles, tatarstan has been covered, we have to go to samara, that means samara has been covered, we need to, that means , go, devastate nizhny novgorod there, russia, therefore, has been captured, we need to go to kazakhstan, we all know that in kazakhstan now there is also a criminal case against the agreements that were signed investors on the site, it was said that digital is a platform. with the opportunity to join various gaming programs that simulate situations related to the purchase of real estate, cars, repayment of debt obligations and investing, but for some reason this wording did not frighten investors, and you wrote there that this is supposedly even
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some kind of game, not a game , game mechanisms that simulate purchases, game mechanisms that simulate purchases, an agreement that if you, for example, invest in cryptocurrency in order to receive an income equal to buying a car, that this is not buying a car, because everyone knows how they like to abuse the law, people who are there, yeah, buying a car, and where is my buying a car, this is not a site for buying cars, it was a platform for working with crypto, with cryptocurrencies, yes, what did you tell people in the hall who came and wanted to become members of finik, i came up with a website, i came up with an idea when it’s possible... that what i’m telling now is a kind of excursion into how i do it, how i live and how i like it, if you like it, you can see how it works, if you don't like it, just
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know that it exists, i think that if i plunge you into the world of cryptocurrency now, you definitely seem like a smart person, some kind of trap, so there are different areas in life in which you are not smart. my level of economic education is low, i analyzed his vocabulary, conducted a content analysis, as he speaks, he speaks like a business coach, this is not economics at all, he deals with pure psychology, i must admit that now we have economists disappeared somewhere, any economist who comes to us begins to mainly deal with
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motivation for selling, this is not economics at all, so i came to the conclusion that his vocabulary is weak, like an economist, he just picked up all sorts of psychological terms, he is my colleague, basically, i'm a psychologist. took place earlier, in fact, he is, i would say, in my opinion, not such a creative person, he is a product of those master classes that he once took, now doronin insists that he did not invite anyone to the pyramid, supposedly after it training conferences, people themselves decided to invest money, and the so-called phoenix stars helped them in this, people who entered the game first and allegedly got rich, dressed up millionaires were about...
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potential clients were shown all the attributes of a luxurious life: luxury real estate, expensive cars , trips. one of finik's stars, anna serikova, even organized costume balls in her honor. here is a fragment of one of the teleplays. from moscow, i have 40 departments across russia that are engaged in this activity, in general i have
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i have a huge team, 17,500 people, and welcome to my team, i want a million people on the team, everyone is happy, everyone is rich and everyone is doing their favorite things, and others’ money is for living. pseudo-millionaire anna serikova graduated from a technical school with a specialty in shviya, while introducing herself as an investment expert. asked to call herself nothing other than tiffany, apparently in honor of the famous jewelry brand. another fenikov star of the tenth level , lilia nurieva, said that she is a successful entrepreneur of her own thriving real estate agency. good afternoon, i would like to introduce myself, my name is yulia anreeva, i. i met the finika company, and this video will be
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aimed at the presentation of this company, according to the victims of the pyramid, doronin’s star nureyev actively invited gullible people from her agency to join finika, so her subordinate venera khrapova, a specialist, fell into her trap on real estate. finika did not give any agreements, the only thing there is, as it is now. all electronically, we checked some boxes, i took out a loan from the bank, added 1.5 80 of my own, entered the phoenix company on index-1, that is, for 20.00 dollars, at first there were dividends, they were in bitcoin, some the amounts were withdrawn there, while they were being withdrawn, of course , bitcoin was falling a little, that is, i managed to withdraw 578 thousand rubles as of today.
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or three times more, well, all this is nonsense, this is generally just some kind of nonsense, the main task is to lure money out of people, yes, absolutely right, and now i understand it for sure, that the one, who managed to get ahead, so they got into the first carriage, they got it, these are the people who are the so -called tenth stars, asterisks are also scammers, i think so, i don’t think so,
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i’m sure yes, because accomplices, probably, they were all at the same time, venera zayanova, like thousands...
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another accomplice of kirill doronin, dina gabdulina, could not avoid detention . a millionaire from kazan reached the status of vice-president of finik, the woman advertised an allegedly successful financial organization through videos on social networks. according to some estimates.
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she told subscribers about some kind of purity of internal vibrations and meditation. this is how a business woman relieved stress; in these shots, during another spiritual practice, gabdulina is being whipped with brooms by men to the sound of a tambourine. in the fall of 2021, the beautiful life of stars fenik dina gabdulina and lilia nurieva ended. now they are in season. during the next interrogation at the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for the republic of tatarstan , 37-year-old ilgis shakirov was detained. according to investigators, he held a high position in a financial pyramid. he was accused of he fraudulently drew gullible citizens into a criminal scheme. in front of our film crew, shakir behaved arrogantly and impudently. i
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want to upset you a little without comment. you can take pictures of everything, goodbye, but you have a great opportunity to answer, that’s all over, people took out multimillion-dollar loans, gave away all their savings, and i see that you’re smiling, this makes you happy, you understand how much people were generally harmed, i recommend that you do not waste your time, i already said it once, no comments, all questions are for the investigation, but we want to talk to you, please, guys, be responsible for your actions vip. the phoenicians didn’t really want to, they hoped that they wouldn’t come for them. ilgis shakirov, like his associates nurieva and gabdulina, was arrested following a court decision. perhaps
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other accomplices of the leader of the financial pyramid, finik kiril doronin, will appear in the high-profile criminal case. but if he is arrested, then his close circle has long fled abroad. the russian ministry of internal affairs is looking for zygmunt zigmuntovich, edward sabirov and marat sabirov. bye for everyone has to answer to daronin alone. he still considers himself innocent and claims that date is not a pyramid. there is not a single meeting where i say, guys, everything is behind me. there is not a single meeting, guys, now you will get so rich, you will all go nuts. there is not a single meeting where i would say at least one such thesis, everywhere i said it is risky, there are no guarantees, but there is an opportunity, the opportunity can be used based on your level of risk, as you are. you look at this life, are you ready to risk something, there are no loans, sales of cars, apartments, in life there were no questions from the stage, we very often at these meetings had an hour, an hour and a half
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of questions and answers, questions were asked from the audience, so i sold an apartment, i’m going to buy cryptocurrency with it and place it on the phoenix platform, i say fool, fool, well, that is, this is the last money you can never invest in your life. that is, this is a high-risk investment, a high-risk asset, if we were the creator of the pyramid, then we would have collapsed in a year and a half, what is the success then, why did we work for 3 years, because trading works and generates income, the system has been working flawlessly for 3 years, i am going to prove that i did not steal, the most important thing is that we have not violated any law and have not yet violated the fact that dates are a project specially created to collect as much money as possible, many experts said: one of the first to talk about the imminent fall of the pyramid was blogger andrei alistarov. doronin came up with this scheme in order to cash out funds very competently, because when
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you withdraw them from russia in cryptocurrency, it is almost impossible to trace the path of this money. and it’s also unrealistic to arrest them somehow, so how? that is, they offer you that you can buy a loan in just 3 months, you can get a better apartment, so you sell it, invest it now and take it. date traders, if they ever existed? they simply could not provide a return of 5% per day, cryptocurrency experts say, and daronin’s stories about the automatic profit generation system are nothing more than fiction. by decision of the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs russia, the high-profile criminal case about finik’s financial pyramid has been transferred to the central office of the department. investigation department. there are a lot of victims; in almost every region there are hundreds of defrauded payers. deputy minister of internal affairs
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of the russian federation, head of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, lieutenant general of justice, sergei lebedev decided to transfer the criminal case against the founder of the financial pyramid fenik to the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. another the victim, vasily guzanov, he is from nizhny novgorod, mortgaged the apartment and took a loan of 84,000 rubles to invest in finik. he will have to pay for his mistake for a very long time. i believed the promises, believed their plans for the 25 years ahead, many claimed that they were building some kind of food production plant.
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that i am now chatting against pyramids, there is a lot of evidence that this is really a pyramid, when olga came to her senses, it was no longer possible to withdraw money from the date,
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here are the disgusting four scammers from kazan remained with its own people, and those who fled abroad, those who are in pre-trial detention, will probably never be in poverty. the vast majority of victims are those who have a low income and a difficult financial situation in life. pyramids like finika sell hope to gullible citizens and do it very successfully. people see how their friends earn money and want the same. now those who suffered at the hands of the disgusting four face a very difficult path. they need to prove to the court, without papers or receipts, that they really voluntarily gave up multimillion-dollar sums into the hands of accomplices
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of kirill doronin and company. their replacements were promised fabulous earnings, but in the end they were deceived. you can only protect yourself from such situations by increasing your level of financial literacy. a basic check of the organization on the central bank website would have saved thousands of victims from falling into the web of scammers. in this program we explained what the financial pyramid of finik from kazan is. before. how to give your hard-earned money to strangers, you need to carefully think about it so you don’t bite your fingers later.
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in the fall of 2022, in the leningrad region , operatives detained finik financial pyramid star anna serikova, nicknamed
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tiffany. she hid from the investigation for more than a year, now serikova is still in pre-trial detention, but another star liliya nurieva listened to the court verdict on may 17, 2024. i understand that human stupidity and greed have no limits, but nuriyeva fully admitted everything that happened. and went to a colony for 4 years, perhaps very soon, others will follow her example alleged scammers, including the probable organizer of the pyramid, kirill doronin. the investigation has been completed, finik’s case is being considered in the akhitovsky district court of kazan. surprisingly, instead of the previously stated 10 thousand victims. now there are only
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161 of them, the damage has also decreased to 209 million rubles. as for the accomplices of doronin, edward and marat sabirov, as well as zygmunt zygmuntovich, they are still in the united arab emirates, despite the international search and the demands of the russian prosecutor general's office for extradition, lawyers, telefinika successfully continues to find loopholes in local legislation. this is how we saw the high-profile criminal case of the finik financial pyramid, which collapsed in kazan. this was our investigation from different regions of the country. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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today is a day of memory and mourning in russia. on this day in 1941, the great patriotic war began. all over the country , those who died defending their homeland are remembered. and my colleague stanislav bernwalt will talk about memorable events. rzhe memorial - already legendary place. it is from here that mourning events dedicated to the day of remembrance and sorrow begin. in the name of those far away in 1941, i stood up on june 22.


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