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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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today is a day of memory and mourning in russia. on this day in 1941, the great patriotic war began. all over the country , those who died defending their homeland are remembered. and my colleague stanislav bernald will talk about memorable events. the rzhev memorial is already a legendary place; it is from here that mourning events dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow begin in the name of those who stood up on june 22 back in 1941. to defend their homeland from
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the nazi invaders, this is the biggest tragic day, it seems to me, for the whole world, not only for our russia, it for everyone, it must not be forgotten, we must always remember, we ourselves remember, and our children, that they remembered, so many people died, but we won, this is a very terrible date, that is, when the soviet union completely rallied, all the people rallied against... . one single enemy, who very, very much spoiled our lives, that is , many died, count how many millions, here millions died, these are terrible things, i don’t want this to happen again, there is a requiem concert in orzheva, where military songs were played. years performed by artists from all over russia, in in memory of those who stood up to defend our homeland on that terrible day 83 years ago, we are now next to this very talented monument, which reminds us of the price we paid. our
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soviet people, our soviet people, but we still won, when on june 22 i always remember that this is a mournful date, yes, but we still won, this is very important, but remember those who sacrificed himself so that we could live, we must always remember this day, and always sing these military songs, this very important, it is in our genetics. the code is laid down, these are the songs of victory that should be heard on days like these. actions for a candle of memory and a fiery picture of the war took place in moscow on the night of june 22. 1,418 candles, corresponding to the number of days of the great patriotic war , were lit in memory of the victims at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill , the image of a woman who defended the fatherland was laid out from lamps, and a fiery picture appeared at vdnkh. memory of fallen heroes within
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the forum of the russia exhibition. exactly at midnight , those gathered on the square in front of the victory museum honored the memory of the victims with a moment of silence, after which the war veterans lit a torch from the eternal flame and handed it over to the participants of the action. commemorative events were also held on the cathedral square of the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation. 90 military personnel with lit candles lined up on the cathedral square of the main temple of the armed forces in the form of the number 1418 and installed lamps along the perimeter of the museum, the road of memory. on the mamayev kurgan , hundreds of volgograd residents took part in the action: tomorrow there was a war. everyone holds lit candles in their hands as a symbol of memory. many could not hold back their tears. tears. honestly,
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especially when we went up here for the first time with a guide, everything she said struck me to the core, it’s imperative to tell how it was, how it’s happening now, and to be honest, i ’m very proud of these people who are here now , millions of candles of memory were lit in hundreds of cities of russia in the far east in siberia, in the russian north and in the caucasus in the vast...
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communications of the central military district in the samara region also took part in the all-russian candle of memory campaign. how was the commemorative event, how many were there? of people? hello, tatyana, starting from the night at saur grave, which during the great patriotic war was the dominant height, the all-russian action
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“fiery pictures of war” started. 800 candles were lit at the foot of the great mound. they were built in the image of a memorial for the defenders of donbass and everything. two words. donbass remembers. activists of various youth organizations of the donetsk republic spent 5 hours building a model of the work. and even the wind typical at this altitude could not interfere with the event. she symbolizes the identity of generations of the great patriotic war, the modern war and the fight against fascism throughout. poems from those years and military songs were sung; the performers were representatives of the public movement of the donetsk republic, victory volunteers, russian officers and heads of cities in the region. the main event of this night
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was the transfer of a candle of memory to the heroes of the donetsk people's republic from honored guests from moscow. they brought her here from moscow for that purpose. in order to pass the baton to the current generation, keep, protect, honor, respect. at the end of the concert program , all those present went upstairs to stella, each of them had a lighted candle and flowers in their hands. we remember that on june 22 at 4:00 am 1941, the fascist invaders acted treacherously and treacherously. attacked the soviet union, and even after 83 years, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. at this hour , a metronome was heard at the saur grave, marking the beginning of the great patriotic war. all event participants stood in a minute of silence to
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honor the memory of those heroes who gave their lives for the future of our country. donbass remembers its heroes. studio. daniil, thank you, it was daniil. there they remember the heroes who fell during the great patriotic war. and in moscow, the court sent two rosunimed students, who received credits for bribes, under house arrest. all the details of the scandalous story, releases of the duty department after the advertisement. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift. when opening your first brokerage account, deposit the best interest in the sberbank online application. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. to our elders
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was quickly connected, all this is free, with sber's support it's easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business, sber business, hello, the legal program vesti on duty is on the air, tatyana petrova is with you. loud arrest in samara taken into custody right at the workplace acting minister of transport and highways of the region ivan pivkin. according to state duma deputy alexander khenshtein, the pivkin case could become a real bomb, because it could be about the existence of a criminal corruption cartel in the region, when all tenders for road repairs and construction were distributed in advance to just a few contractors, who, in turn, paid fees that according to... according to the deputy , they were in the billions. about all the details that are known at this time, artyom morin. u
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the ministry of transport of the samara region is now calm. this morning there were a lot of police cars here. security forces detained ivan pivkin right in the office where the regional minister of transport and highways spent 12 years. the detention may be related to a case of abuse of power. according to some reports , ivan pivkin participated in a criminal cartel with the distribution of tenders for the repair and construction of roads. allegedly, all trades were distributed in advance in a circle. for the right to receive contracts, contractors were required to contribute large amounts of money to various funds, subsequently, money from these funds was withdrawn and appropriated, and used for other purposes. we are talking about huge sums, amounting to billions of rubles. ivan pivkin, one of the most criticized odious samara officials. his job.
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to the bridge under construction across the volga, which is part of the international transport route europe-western china. the timing of their elimination is still unknown. it is possible that questions to pivkin appeared after other high-profile arrests and arrests in the region. in november, the court arrested the acting minister construction of the region by mikhail oseev and former chairman of the government of the samara region viktor kudrishov. they are accused of violating the law during the construction of two metro stations in samara. in april , the head of samara's urban planning department, vasily chernov, and his brother were arrested on charges of accepting a bribe. evgeniy, a few weeks ago investigators conducted a search at the contractors of the ministry of transport of the samara region.
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searches were carried out in ivan pivkin’s office and home address. security forces seized documents, memory cards and everything that is of interest to the investigation. now the detainees are working as an investigator. artyom morin, daniil yakimov, lead: duty department. the former governor of the kirov region, nikita belykh, was released, they took him out secretly, so that he would not meet with the journalists who had been waiting for him all night. let me remind you. the former governor of the kirov region, nikita belykh, after serving his sentence and being released from a pre-trial detention center, the media reported, came to his mother in per, having previously thoroughly confused the trail of the journalists who were waiting for him at the walls of the regime
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institution. in the past, the head of the region with i was on short notice with the press, but this time i didn’t appreciate the attention of the media representatives, preferred to avoid uncomfortable questions and delegated the unpleasant mission to my representative. belykh’s lawyer came out of an expensive tinted foreign car to the journalists and gave a very lengthy explanation. nikita iyovich was released from pre-trial detention center 1 in the city of kirov, he is now free, he himself prepared a written statement for the press, who took him today? unfortunately, i can’t give any other comments, how he’s feeling, what plans he’s making, it’s all there written. the long wait for journalists ended quite unexpectedly, andrei grokhotov sent a written message from his client, in which the ex-governor says that he is already free, does not intend to communicate with journalists, and will now direct all his attention to his family, children and work. now journalists are trying to unravel the trick with the disappearance of mr. belykh from the territory of the kirovsky pre-trial detention center, because not at night
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, not in the morning hours, his appearance would not have gone unnoticed, the guard was changed periodically. started from the territory in the morning go out with official cars, and then with an escort. of course, one would think that some prisoners are entitled to a little more than others, for example, to leave the walls of a secure institution in a car that was previously allowed into the territory of the pre-trial detention center, but it is known that in the country the rules are the same for everyone, there is no such category as vip -prisoners or prisoners. in the past were officials, so the rules are equal for everyone, and they are officially and unofficially equal, and those people who believe that officials are for lattice are in some kind of super-free conditions , they are deeply mistaken. it is possible that nikita belykh, an equal among equals, disappeared from the detention center in one of the usual tinted foreign cars with moscow license plates; by the way, such tricks
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have already happened with some ordinary convicts, for example, the release of the former head of the anti-corruption headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs from a colony in the ryazan region. two trucks were blocked review by a correspondent, when two black foreign cars without license plates left the premises of the institution, probably in one of them to freedom, so the former general was eager. last year, after serving his sentence , the mysterious one disappeared from the tver colony and materialized in the wild, bypassing the cordon of journalists and the killer sasha soldat, aka alexander pustovalov. invisible to the press was zakhary kalashov, known in certain circles as shakro the young. in march. he also quietly passed the colony entrance in the krasnodar territory and soon celebrated his release in a restaurant. as for nikita belykh, his imprisonment lasted since 2016, when fsb officers detained then governor red-handed in an expensive moscow establishment. a scattering of crisp bills, several hundred thousand euros were a bribe from an entrepreneur. the businessman of the murdered people promised his
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protection. it was for this crime that the former governor served an eight-year sentence. served a term in a correctional colony in the ryazan region, worked as a librarian, stuffed soft toys, and made foam hearts. my colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program talked about the governor’s everyday life. you went to work voluntarily, you can do it yourself to say, of course, yes, no, well, in general, after staying for two years there in sizol, fortova damn wanted to work, you know, but this is not the entire track record of the former official, when he was serving his term for bribery, he was charged with articles of abuse of power. and exceeding them. in 2012 , 448 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget. for the construction of houses for teachers, doctors and cultural workers. the apartments in them were transferred to the kirov regional mortgage corporation. shortened to scream. then, allegedly belykh's pointer, krik entered into a loan agreement with another enterprise secured by apartments, after which krik loudly went bankrupt, the apartments
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were put up for auction. we sold these apartments at some point in time. it turned out that they began to demand that we move out, the only thing is that whoever could not stand this whole situation, someone took out a mortgage and moved out. in this case, belykh was released from punishment, although he was found guilty, the reason for the expiration of the statute of limitations, however, he still has to appear in court, the former governor wants appeal the decision, it is possible that there he will still explain to journalists how he quietly left the pre-trial detention center, unless, of course, the magic of disappearance spreads to the temple of themis. in these shots, schoolchildren are walking in the yard and filming themselves. at some point, a crowd of women pounces on them, not sober ladies, not the queen with her victims, trying to hit everyone who
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comes across a friend. the aggressors grabbed one girl with a death grip, grabbed her by the hair and began beating her with their hands and feet, sparing no effort. adult eyewitnesses of this the schoolgirls came to the rescue of the outrageous picture, but they also got it from the inadequate ladies. at the scene , police officers determined that a verbal conflict had arisen between the teenagers and a group of women, during which two teenagers born in 2008 were injured. now law enforcement officers are looking into this situation; the regional prosecutor's office has already begun an investigation. they threw an fsb officer overboard in kamchatka and handed down a harsh sentence to poachers who decided to get rid of eyewitnesses of their illegal fishing.
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the ukrf sentenced him to 12 years and 6 months in prison. it all happened in march 2022. a poacher was thrown over the side of a boat into the icy water of a border guard who was trying to draw up a report on illegal crab fishing. this story received wide attention largely thanks to footage from the chest video recorder of an employee of the russian fsb department for the eastern arctic region. at this point, the video operative came out of hiding, ran towards the poachers and jumped into their departing boat. standing!
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moved 20 m from the shore, part of the illegal they managed to throw the catch overboard, some remained in bags, the boat on which the possible poachers fled had no identifying signs, but law enforcement officers
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found the ship in a matter of days and detained the attacking officer. the persons on the ship refused to comply with the legal requirements for carrying out control and inspection activities and tried to escape in a motor boat. when employees of the border department stopped the illegal activities of the defendants, the last... actions of a group of people were used against one of them physical force, they threw the victim into cold water to a considerable depth. this is a verification of testimony on the spot of one of the probable poachers, the face is hidden by a computer retouch. the boat stood with its bow here, slightly on its side, with its bow in which direction, with its bow here, uh-huh, it jumped ashore, here approximately, that i was at the helm at that time. the illegal crab business is thriving in kamchatka. some of them are armed and go fishing on good high-speed vessels without registration
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numbers, so that they can escape at any time if nevertheless, they decide to stop, then, as a rule, they manage to get rid of the evidence , they throw the caught crabs into the ocean, they answer all questions the same way, what did they do, rode on a vagabond, just rode like that, as for the three men who... prison subsequent imprisonment with serving the first year of the guilty sentence of 12 years and 6 months in a high-security correctional colony with restriction of freedom for a period of 1 year, as well as 12 years of imprisonment. it is not yet known whether aggressive fishermen will appeal sentence, according to the law they have 15 days to do this. oleg posobin, dmitry manushev, conductor, duty department. taking a bribe to become a dentist, the butyrsky court of the capital chose a preventive measure for those who may be involved in a corruption scheme when taking exams.
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previously on this case. about thirty students and teachers of the moscow state medical and dental university were detained, what did the court decide and what is the price of knowledge in medical sciences? word maxim shevchenko. the butyrsky district court of moscow is very crowded suppression is immediately imposed on four young people who, it seems, unexpectedly for themselves, became involved in a criminal case of paying a bribe. we are talking about a large illegal scheme that has enveloped the capital's medical university, where the grades are in the transcripts.
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i sat for a while, supposedly a group of active students of the moscow state university of medicine and dentistry established informal contact with the teachers, and collected money from everyone who wanted to buy positive grades, although the system failed. after one of these transactions, the double-dealer who paid was not delivered test and his outraged parents wrote a statement to the police. this allegedly began the development of the case; about thirty people are involved in it. the scandal broke out during the summer session, when exams do not stop. difficult, yes, very difficult, very, today too, very, because medical, yesterday i didn’t sleep at all because of the preparation, yes, there are, of course, departments that are difficult, well, the subjects themselves are more in-depth and treat students as if to doctors in the future, so yes, it’s hard to have such cafes, but in principle. not
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i know, well, in other medical schools, from experience i can tell my comrades there who are also studying medicine, everything is approximately the same. rumor has it that for successfully passing the exam, future dentists, depending on the complexity of the subject, paid from 100 to 500,000 rubles. now the press service of the educational institution states that they are actively cooperating with the investigation. we, of course, are very concerned about what happened; we ourselves are in favor of cleaning up the ranks and really want to ensure that we don’t have such cases.
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today 18:15, don't miss the final episode our program, here are its main topics, the largest outbreak of batulism in the last 30 years, in several regions of russia, hundreds of people were poisoned by ready-made salads with beans and tuna, many victims ended up in intensive care. third day in the hospital, speech is already better, where did people order food, who has already been detained in a high-profile case, and that stash bags with poison were found at the factory? in this form they are simply stored right in the open air, moldy, in what conditions were the beans stored and how are retail chains and restaurants control their suppliers, whether to expect mass inspections of producers across the country after a wave of poisonings - fyodor eliseev found out. a haven for
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sales enthusiasts. love under the wing of a high-ranking criminal investigation officer, a former policeman was arrested in the nizhny novgorod region, how are you, don’t waste your time, who opened a chain of establishments where they provided sex services under the guise of massage, operatives discovered microphones that recorded everything that happened in this room, how the empire of depravity collapsed from nizhny novgorod region, report by andrey romanov. fistfight outside a nightclub. a resident of the city of alexandrov, vladimir region, ended up in the hospital after relaxing at a local establishment, and the aggressive thugs are on the loose. this throw on the asphalt, this blow , these finishing moves. why has no criminal case been opened yet, and what is known about the probable instigator of the brawl? why did you beat the man? this hasn’t happened, it’s not the first time i’ve heard this, is it true that i have to install it personally?


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