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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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inspections of manufacturers throughout the country - found out fyodor eliseev. a haven for connoisseurs of corrupt love under the wing of a high-ranking criminal investigation officer. a former policeman was arrested in the nizhny novgorod region. how are you feeling? who opened a chain of establishments where they provided sex services under the guise of massage? the investigators discovered microphones that recorded everything that happened in this room. how the empire of depravity collapsed. reporting from the nizhny novgorod region by andrey romanov. fistfight outside a nightclub. a resident of the city of alexandrov, vladimir region, ended up in the hospital after relaxing at a local establishment, and the aggressive thugs are on the loose. this throw on the asphalt, this blow , these finishing moves. why a criminal case has not yet been initiated, and what is known about the probable instigator of the brawl. why did you beat the man? this isn't the first time i've heard of this, is it true that i should install it?
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the mystery of the missing malaysian boeing may be solved. seismologists will help find a passenger liner with hundreds of passengers that disappeared into the sky without a trace 10 years ago. the fact is that the energy of a heavy aircraft falling is similar to a small earthquake. and on that fateful day , the scientists’ sensors really worked, and ekaterina likhomanova gave new hope to find the malaysian boeing. in these images, the wide-body boeing, which was one of 227 passengers and 12
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crew members when it disappeared in march 2014, disappeared from radar after 40 minutes. if there is compelling evidence in the case that warrants re-examination, we would certainly be happy to reopen because i don't think that's the issue tactical or technical problem, it is a matter that affects life. and it seems that such evidence has emerged from a group of researchers from the city of cardiff that wales has proposed a new look at the emergency. in the event of a crash, the two-hundred-ton plane would inevitably collide with the waters of the indian ocean. the fall of such a heavy object at a speed of 200 m/s was considered by search engines to release the same amount of kinetic energy as would be released during a small earthquake. this means that we need to check the data of seismologists, surprisingly, but it’s similar.
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was recorded at namysi luin stations in australia during the period when the planes could have crashed. the underwater microphones that recorded the anomaly were installed to detect any violations of the nuclear test ban treaty. operational stations are located just tens of minutes away from the last radar contact of the aircraft. for relatives of the passengers of the disappeared air giant, hope flared up with renewed vigor. i hope they can resume their search as soon as possible to find our my son's relatives. 10 years have passed. today there are dozens of versions of the accident. it was established that after disappearing from radar, the plane remained in the air for several hours. according to some experts, this may mean that the pilots deliberately made the plane invisible by turning off the transponders. but for what purpose such an operation was carried out, one can only guess. it is possible that there was an attempted theft. aircraft,
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a study of the boeing itself would clarify a lot, but so far search engines have only been able to detect several of its fragments, and they were found at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from each other. scientists initially greeted this news with optimism and carefully studied the map of underwater currents, trying to understand where all the fragments could still be a single whole, but a fiasco awaited them in this direction. the search continued on a huge one. in the ocean, the territory either expanded to 6000 km, or narrowed to 80, but they could not last forever, to the great disappointment of people who did not wait for their relatives from the flight, the operation was stopped when the money to finance the search work dried up, it is possible that huge amounts of money were wasted; the key to solving the mystery all this time was in the laboratory at cape luin, be that as it may, in the near future an attempt will be made to give the mysterious story another chance. ekaterina likhomanova,
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duty officer. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. investing with sber is simple: get three sber shares in gift when opening your first brokerage account; best interest rate in the sberbank online application. hair lacking vitality ? gliskur - exceptional moisturizing, fills the hair with the power of hyaluronic acid. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair, instead of scissors. try gliskur - exceptional hydration is dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online, special conditions, special relationship gacm8 -
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continue our release. the novosibirsk court chose a preventive measure for the former employee center for virology and biotechnology vector to artyom kobzev. let me remind you that he is suspected of fraud on a particularly large scale. were sent under house arrest (report by ksenia klimina). the colored thread on the wrist did not seem to bring good luck to the owner. recently, artyom kobzev’s hands have been handcuffed every now and then. ex-employee of the scientific center vector.
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a decent person, he is very responsible, he sat at work until 8:00 pm every day, worked even when he was sick, came to work, worried about what kind of work it was my. the investigation has a different version. kobzev allegedly organized a fraudulent scheme and entered into contracts for the collection and transportation of hazardous medical waste at a reduced cost. these services were to be provided by various individual entrepreneurs registered in the names of kobzev’s relatives. in fact, the work was carried out by vector employees. in addition, in the period from 2022 to 2024, the defendant in the case received a bribe from his acquaintance, the head of a limited liability company, and organized it.
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one of the individual entrepreneurs was registered for her. you’re not hot, standing with your shirt pulled over your head plaid shirt. i managed to get dressed and even pack my things in case she was sent to a pre-trial detention center, but kobzeva was ultimately
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luckier than her husband, after the meeting there was a touching meeting with her mother-in-law, the couple would spend the next 2 months separated, artyom kobzev in a pre-trial detention center, elena kobzeva under house arrest. it is worth noting that this is not the first corruption story in the vector scientific center for virology and biotechnology. vaccines against coronavirus, epivac corona and epivaccoron, and pcr tests for detecting covid were developed here. was fired last year general director rinat maksyutov. the reason is a conflict of interest, violation of the anti-corruption law. it didn’t come to a criminal case then, unlike the kobzevs. by the way, they resigned from the vector even before their arrest. ksenia, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, news. duty department, novosibirs. local university.
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the criminal could not be found for many years. during this time, he managed to make a career as an official. and now, finally, he found himself in the dock. galina hungureeva has details. short, thin build, but not less, in shackles, accompanied by strong guards. the trial began in the kalmansky district court of the altai territory. altai state university in his hands. he committed the murder of a polytechnic institute student. a series of high-profile disappearances of young girls in barnaul occurred in 2000. all sorts of reasons were not given, from involvement in a sect to being sold into a sex trafficking ring. first in june yulia tekhtiekova disappeared, a month later in july liliana vaznyuk, 3 days later olga shmakova, in august
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angela burdakova and ksenia kergizova, everyone were from 15 to 17 years old, they came to submit documents to the barnaul technical university, and there their trace was lost. photos were used for orientation at one time. suspicion immediately fell among university employees, but the version was not confirmed; in the fall, investigators found the first evidence, a bag with women’s things and a notebook missing. and ksenia kergizova. later, in the area of ​​the village of buranovo , the bodies of girls who had disappeared from the polytechnic began to be found. after hiding the corpse, measures were taken to conceal, in principle, all traces committed a crime by burning personal belongings and documents. that is, despite this, where on the fire pit where the remains will be found. suspects were detained in this case, but the real killer could not be found for 23 years. until the investigators pulled the murder materials from the dusty shelves. girls in 1989, the trail led operatives to vitaly manishin, who had already managed to make
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a career in the administration of the kalman district, the former official was detained at his home. we are employees of the criminal investigation department, employees of the investigative committee, now if you follow the order, your home will be searched, okay? as manishin admitted during the investigative experiment, he presented himself to the applicants as a well-connected person who could solve the problem with admission, then he put them in a car, took them to the area, raped and strangled their bodies. details that only the killer himself could describe became key evidence of manishin’s guilt. moreover, the remains of other missing women were found nearby. in total, the defendant is charged with 11 counts. the terms of his detention were extended by 6 months from the moment the criminal case is brought to court. during
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the trial, as during interrogations and during investigative actions, manishin is extremely restrained in showing emotions and reticence. while the case is being considered in court, the probable killer is placed in pre-trial detention. in the near future, the case of the bloody rector will be put to rest. galina khungureeva, mikhail shirin, khalemat kuchmezova, lead the duty department. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered an investigation into the fact that a child was injured in one of the trampoline centers in moscow. a six year old girl during training on a trampoline, in one of the capital's gyms, she complained of back pain. but the coach advised the child not to complain. completed the lesson, and a few days later the girls were diagnosed with a compression fracture of the spine. the topic will be continued by ekaterina likhomanova. in the video , a six-year-old pupil of the capital's gymnastics center is actively performing various elements, but one incorrect movement made the schoolgirl's back hurt, it became difficult to breathe, and a few days later alena pomytkina was prescribed bed rest
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for the whole summer. the coach says: it’s okay, just anoint her with this ointment, not just a coach, but olympic medalist in trampoline jumping vera belyankina, the girl’s mother is perplexed how a specialist of such a level could ignore the child’s complaints of severe pain, as a result, now little alena there is a long rehabilitation ahead; she suffered a compression fracture of the spine. such a situation and such silence on all sides, somehow deserted, heartless, in the very center they are sure that the girl received the injury in another place and refuse to accept themselves responsibility, because that day, despite the fall, the schoolgirl continued to study, then she continues, she also jumps and does the same elements that she did literally 30 seconds ago, uh-huh, she studies,
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she practices, she did the whole training session, jumping on trampolines really quite unsafe. before going out on the trampoline, warm up, we warm up the chest, spine, chest, and also the belt. knee joint and ankle joint, because all this will interact with us now when jumping the trampoline is only allowed onto the trampoline after we are under the careful supervision of the trainer, the point of departure and push from the trampoline is the center, that is , if we stand on the side, the trampoline will constantly throw us back to the center, so we jump to the center, now we turn around to face me, we just start swinging the net
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up and down to get used to how it squeezes us, as a beginner i can absolutely say that on such a trampoline... jumping is quite difficult, i have to use mats like these, they are just for beginners in order to minimize any injuries, trampoline injuries are very extensive, you can get broken legs and arms, head and necks, a blow and a spine, as was the case with six-year-old alena, maybe there was some or...
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a child, we have been in a brace for a year, we have been on bed rest for 4 months, while alena is recovering, her parents intend to seek justice and compensation. the center's management stated that the pupil's family is demanding a million rubles from them. they plan to go to court. the very same the coach, olympic medalist in trampolining vera belyayankina, never got in touch with the girl’s parents and even stopped coaching, allegedly due to depression . ekaterina lekhomanova, alexander bikarevich, don’t miss eduard petrov’s investigation into the disgusting four from finik this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. there were four of them, they gathered thousands of people in the halls, told how to earn huge
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money without leaving the couch, they offer you that you can buy a loan in just 3 months, you can get a better apartment if it really worked, then in 5 years he could have gotten on the forbes list, is it hypnosis or normal? human greed, they knew that i had no money, they told me how to get a loan, i’m just very ashamed in front of my loved ones, you were deceived, i thought, well , maybe you’ll be lucky, who was at the helm, criminal schemes, as with payments now, kirill , you are surprised that you were detained, of course, he needs to transfer money, all the money that was for trading on cryptocurrency, then what to represent absolutely everything, we took on this case and conducted their investigation. regional legal acts allowing the euthanasia of non-dangerous stray animals contradict federal legislation
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and the principles of humanity. this position was voiced by a representative of the prosecutor general’s office of russia during a meeting of the constitutional court. semi-president of the prosecutor general in the constitutional court vyacheslav rosinsky noted that now regional authorities have the right to independently determine the procedure for treating stray animals. their euthanasia, according to... has become a source of legal conflicts, how to overcome the situation legal uncertainty, vlada egorova examined. the look pierces to the depths of the soul, and there are hundreds of them in this buryat animal shelter, of course there are not enough kind hands for everyone, and the maintenance costs a pretty penny. as a result, some deputies took it upon themselves to decide the fate of these homeless people. they couldn’t come up with anything more humane than to kill them. the period is 30 days, if during this time the four-legged animal does not have an owner, on the thirty-first day its life will end.
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so what happens, would it be more humane to euthanize them? rather, it’s simpler and more profitable, that’s what it is savings, there is no need for microchipping, no sterilization, and shelter workers don’t have to deal with violent guests; for reference , regions spend hundreds of thousands of rubles of budget money on catching stray animals and keeping them in nurseries. according to activists, the norms of the law that essentially allow the killing of viable animals 30 days after their capture are unlawful; the supreme court of the russian federation completely doubted it. these rules of the constitution and turned to the constitutional court for clarification. the fact is that federal law determines the procedure for treating stray animals, albeit with some reservations. the procedure
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for carrying out activities related to the treatment of animals without owners is established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the russian federation, in accordance with methodological guidelines approved by the government of the russian federation, unless otherwise established by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the russian federation. so the deputies in buryat decided to interpret this norm. what is called for yourself, although federal law does not directly allow euthanasia, except in cases where the animal is seriously ill or experiences unbearable suffering. regions must necessarily adhere to the program of trapping, sterilization, vaccination , return to the environment, and therefore, by adopting a regulatory legal act at the local level, that is, at the level of the subject of the federation, they must fully comply with this program, and the adoption of euthanasia of animals is already is beyond the scope of this program. according to the buryat law, animals can be kept simply because they are aggressive when caught or refuse to eat. according to the prosecutor general's office, no one has given such a right to the regions; on the contrary, federal law prohibits cruelty
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to animals. this is how technology is regulated, which has nothing in common with the requirements of federal law. i believe that the constitutional court has good arguments for recognizing the contested norms as inconsistent with the constitution of the russian federation. the authors of the law on the responsible treatment of animals assure during its development, they laid down the principles of a humane attitude towards our smaller brothers, and the regions in this sense can only complement them, but not come up with others, and even so sophisticated ones. it is important to understand that the two most important, most basic principles, they are spelled out in the federal law, they will remain unchanged, these are its humanistic component and the inadmissibility of cruelty to animals, which, according to experts, went beyond what is permitted in samara, and the deputies established there. ban on feeding stray animals in public places, and for its violation there is a fine. according to social activists, this is the same euthanasia, only delayed. according to the methods that have already been adopted by the veterinary department,
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any animal is allowed. slaughter, but hidden, we advocated the repeal of this law, since it is contrary to federal law, and it is aimed at dehumanizing people. the samara court postponed the case, but buryat legislators are awaiting a decision from the constitutional court, which will not only put an end to the story of homeless animals in the republic, but will create a precedent for other regions. remains just hope that homeless animals will retain the right to life. vlad egorova. dmitry shevelev, artyom morin. vesti is the duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news in the telegram channels of vesti dezhurnaya part. honest detective, sign up. also our investigations and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. tatyana petrova was in the studio. don't miss our final episode today at 18:15. see you. gray are my obediences, they
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it’s all over, not alone, forgive me, lord, all hope is on you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what did you want from me? miracle, halay, mahalay, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demo, malya, black, throwing the gang is also a crap, it’s time to pay, you’re the only one who hurts, so let’s sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, take it! liggin,
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he ran into me badly, there’s still someone who will do this to whom, disobedient people, i sat down with you.
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june 22 is a memorable date for russia, remembrance day and grief june 22, 1941.
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remembrance day from courbet - the anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. it claimed the lives of more than 27 million soviet citizens. commemorative events and promotions are taking place throughout the country. so in the donetsk people's republic , people gathered at the kurgan at the saur mogila memorial complex. 8.00 candles were lit in memory of the victims. poems from those tragic years and war songs were sung. the main symbol of the night was the transfer of a candle of memory
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to the defenders of donbass from the delegation. guests of honor from.


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