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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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clothing and other interesting trends from the very center of asia. an attempt was made on the life of opposition kazakh activist aidos sadykov in kiev. an unknown person shot him in the head as he approached to your home. the bullet hit his temple. doctors hospitalized saddykov in serious condition. in ukraine, sadykov has been in refugee status since 2014 and was put on the wanted list for inciting interethnic and social hatred. sadykov has a fairly typical opposition biography in his homeland; he participated in almost all protests against everything bad for everything good. he criticized first nazarbayev, then takaev. but the channel that sadykov and his wife ran from kiev is as revealing as possible. here is provocative, radical, marginal content, fake news, incitement to hatred. it is curious
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what topics the sadykovs consistently pumped up while in kiev, this included support for extremists in karakalpakstan during the events in uzbekistan and, in fact , coordination of radicals during the events. in january twenty-two in kazakhstan, sadykov’s wife immediately identified the culprits, saying it was all about professional activities, and just the day before they published a video in which they called takaev putin’s puppet. the only problem is that such insinuations and even worse, they have been voiced for the last 10 years, and interest in them has consistently declined, but ukrainian investigators have demonstrated miracles of efficiency and have already put them on the wanted list on suspicion of organizing a crime... the assassination of two citizens of kazakhstan with experience serving in law enforcement agencies of the republic. the administration of the president of kazakhstan responded to the accusation; during the award ceremony for those who especially distinguished themselves in the fight against floods, takaev commented on the incident in kiev. according to him, everything disagreements in kazakh society should be
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resolved exclusively in the legal field on the basis of current legislation. it is from this point of view that it is necessary to consider what happened in kiev in relation to a citizen of kazakhstan. takaev also said that kazakhstan has already made a request to ukraine about the incident through diplomatic channels, and law enforcement agencies have begun their investigation. an interesting coincidence: just recently, the main intelligence department of ukraine published the official trailer for butch’s film. proudly claims to be the first a feature film about war, made during the war. what's the point? i think there is no point in telling. the fact that kiev is now trying to convince people of the reality of the events in bucha with the help of a feature film speaks for itself. but something else is interesting. according to the plot, the main character of this picture is a citizen of kazakhstan who received political asylum in ukraine several years before the outbreak of hostilities. the european union is afraid and afraid of the re-export of sanctioned goods from
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kazakhstan to russia, this was stated by our old friend david osalevan, who he travels to asia, if not as a home, then as a way to go to work, however, why not? we are happy to receive guarantees that this will not happen and military products will not be transported to russia. the high priority sanctions list includes goods that can be used for military purposes. there are 50 items in total, including processors, transistors, radio navigation equipment,
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parts of airplanes, helicopters, drones and more. the eu representative stated that significant progress had been made between the parties since april '23. according to him words. the number of sanctioned items in the total volume of goods between russia and kazakhstan does not exceed 1%, and moreover, as salevan said, even if the situation worsens, brussels does not intend to introduce secondary sanctions against kazakhstan, however, he added that he does not exclude the possibility that washington may take similar measures. we’ll talk about what’s happening in kazakhstan and around it with a political scientist from astana, adil seifulin. tell me, has osalivan’s rhetoric just changed now? there is an absolute feeling that it has changed from threatening the one asking, and in general, how painful are the restrictions that the european union and its partners are imposing on russia now for kazakhstan? i would like to note several aspects: first, salevan is the eu’s special representative on sanctions and he
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works precisely with those countries that have not imposed sanctions against russia. kazakhstan is a strategic partner of the russian federation and there can be no talk of any sanctions. but at the same time we take into account that european. is the largest investor of direct investment in the economy of our country, largest trading partner, so of course salevan is visiting kazakhstan for the third time, as far as i know, over the past few years, this is by no means an audit, it’s more likely a comparison of watches, and talking about long-term cooperation, it should be noted, yes, only officials on economics they meet, that is , there can be no talk of any political statements, and as for the sanctions package, kazakhstan complies...
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that in kazakhstan there is the rule of law and law, so there should be no insinuations here perhaps the kazakh side is ready to provide any legal support to the ukrainian side in the investigation of this case, even if aidos sadykov and his wife natalie in kazakhstan have questions regarding their crimes that they committed here, they will most likely be returned upon return, but awaiting extradition court, but at the same time they are, in any case, our citizens, whoever is in favor of... this was done, well, probably by the one who benefits, who benefits from discrediting president tukaev. aido
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sadykov did not pose any threat or danger neither to the president nor to the current political system in our country. now his views have dropped, his channel is dying and he poses no danger. maybe, maybe, someone is simply getting rid of his illiquid, let’s say, unprofitable asset and trying to create in his person the image of a martyr for the future. political, opposition mythology. and to other events of the past week. we continue to monitor the central asian locust invasion. following kazakhstan and uzbekistan, hordes of pests reached kyrgyzstan. by according to the forecasts of the republican ministry of agriculture, voracious insects can destroy crops on an area of ​​more than 90,000 hectares; they have already taken up a number of crops, for example, beets and fodder alfalfa. however. the authorities promise to prevent the worst; bishkek has allocated about 33 million soms to fight the locusts.
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the money is spent on the purchase of pesticides and cultivation of land in the chui, talas and naryn regions. but in the turkestan region of kazakhstan, where saroncha previously multiplied on an unprecedented scale, the crisis is apparently already passed. according to local farmers, the pesticides have done their job and now all that remains is to clear the fields of the destroyed pest. it’s a pity, but you can’t bring back the bovine harvest, which he has already ruined. a story from shimkant: a man who had brutally abused six adopted children for several years was sent for compulsory treatment there. he beat me, locked me in sheds, and forced me to eat dog and cat meat. during the investigation, lukbek usmanov was diagnosed with schizophrenia. in addition, it turned out that back in the nineties he was found guilty of murder. a unique exhibition dedicated to the contribution of uzbeks to the great victory was opened in ilyinsky park in moscow. thanks to these exhibits, you can also learn about the natives of the republic. who heroically fought directly on the fronts of the great patriotic war, about how
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hundreds of industrial enterprises, as well as one and a half million civilian citizens of the ussr, were evacuated to uzbekistan. archaeologists, who with the onset of summer again took up excavations of the north kazakhstan settlement of ak-iri, first discovered the bones of calfs and foals. as scientists say, this find will add to the knowledge of the life of the ancient people who inhabited the region. in particular, there is already an assumption that they knew how to smoke meat. using special designs. they just got used to living according to the wrong time. this is how one of the developers of the law on changing clocks in kazakhstan responded to everyone who was dissatisfied, there are them. the petition to return the old time in new kazakhstan has received 50,000 signatures. people are unhappy that dawn in some regions now begins at 3:00 a.m. after changing the clocks, making it impossible to sleep. joke, the wrong country was called the land of the rising sun, it now becomes light in astana earlier than in tokyo, according to
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bulat nurkhazhaev, a specialist in the field of chronobiology and one of the authors of the clock change, in fact, ostana and almaata were simply returned to the natural time zone, well and in order for life to improve, it is suggested to start working earlier, but why can’t you sleep anyway when it’s so bright? in general, the whole world does this from time to time, i must say, no matter how you set a sentry... someone will still be dissatisfied with the deal, therefore, this is one of those questions that does not have a final or correct solution, now if we return to the fact that in kazakhstan, they had three time zones there, and two time zones, now they have switched to one time zone, but why is this will lead, which means the east of the country there , the east kazakhstan region, for example, will begin to - live - somewhat ahead of solar time, this will lead to the fact that summer evenings... will become shorter, that is, it will get dark earlier in the summer, for example, but there is such experience , for example, china, it is one and a half times wider,
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roughly speaking, that is, it is more scattered in longitude than kazakhstan, and there is also one time zone, in fact, this means how to set the clock hands, what time zone to set, this is decided by each state, based on the mass, mass - factors, including economic, historical and cultural, and so on and so forth, that’s it... about the translation and about time zones, about changing the hands to summer/winter time, and people’s health issues play a big role, but at the same time i must say, i didn’t find not a single convincing one scientific work with convincing medical statistics, which would somehow show that living an hour, two, ahead, behind
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standard time, or moving the hands of the clock, that this somehow statistically significantly affects health, health. population, there are no such jobs, you know. germany plans to deport afghans through uzbekistan, at least, the german publication spiegel writes about this, citing a source who claims that after a recent attack by a refugee on a policeman, the german authorities have figured out how to get rid of dangerous visitors, allegedly through uzbekistan. the trick is that berlin doesn’t want it directly. this means recognizing the taliban as a party to the negotiations, but the germans do not want to shake hands with them, but with someone else’s hands, please, so it’s okay to go through uzbekistan. it is supposed to persuade tashkent to get involved in this adventure through an agreement on labor migration, a quid pro quo; in return, the german authorities must commit to accepting labor migrants from uzbekistan. however,
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officials do not confirm this information, which, although probably not the main thing in this news is that it’s more about ourselves. germans about their relationship, solve our own problem for us, because we consider someone there not to shake hands. and one more news about migration, illegal and unsuccessful in jizaki, uzbekistan, a man promised to transport his client illegally to the united states, for only 14 thousand dollars. but, apparently, the portal was defective instead of the usa, the client went. to south africa, well, as they say, he sent it in three letters, but not the right ones. it’s funny that the traveler’s family contacted the authorities only after the master i asked them for another 7,000 magical movements to correct the situation. however, they joke online that they didn’t contact us right away, because the tourist had been in the country for at least a week and thought that he was in california. and to other news. the kazakh police are checking
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retail outlets for illegal sales of vapes and other types of electronic cigarettes. the law banning them is official. came into force, of course, law enforcement agencies are not under any illusions, because even if such a product really disappeared from store shelves, it is still possible to purchase it online is not difficult, but in any case, parliamentarians are sure that now smoking gadgets have become much less accessible, especially since they cannot be imported from abroad, but violators face a prison sentence. we then talked about the opportunity to negotiate during these six months and sell our products. we emphasize this law once again. that it aims to take systemic measures to combat the smoking of these vapes, electronic cigarettes, liquids, and flavorings for them among young people and teenagers. detained in moscow a migrant from tajikistan who attacked a parishioner of one of the orthodox churches and also defiantly blew out church candles. according to the investigative committee, the visitor
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acted deliberately with the aim of insulting the feelings of believers, and has already become a defendant in a criminal case under the relevant article. the famous russian boxer , wba world super champion dmitry bivol, tried on the chipken cap and embroidered robe in his historical homeland in kyrgyzstan, where he came to open a training hall named after him. let me remind you that the athlete was born in takmak chui region, moved to st. petersburg as a teenager. and a spectacular video for fast and furious fans: the first official drift championship of the republic, held under the auspices of the local motorsport federation, has ended in uzbekistan. participants of the competition. the request to show your face turned into an unexpected discovery for the police in tashkent. near one of the madrassas, patrol officers noticed a girl with her face completely covered,
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which violates the requirements of the new law on clothing that allows identification . it turned out that he was hiding under the niqab man, it turned out that the young man often walked around the city in a burqa or a hijab, let me remind you that according to the new law in uzbekistan , wearing clothes that make it difficult to identify a person is prohibited in public places, primarily this applies to religious items of clothing. more recently, the new norm began to be applied everywhere, not only to men who are prone to cross-dressing in andejan, a girl was fined for wearing a burqa, this is when absolutely... every part of the body is covered, now this is a general trend for all countries of central asia in tajikistan has adopted amendments to the law on the regulation of traditions and rituals, according to which it is prohibited not only to wear, but also... to import into the country clothes alien to the national culture, namely hijabs and niqabs. similar restrictions are being discussed in kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. however, in kazakhstan there is also a scandal with dressing up,
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although not due to the presence, on the contrary, to the lack of clothing in certain places. kazakh blogger alisher sultanbeg ulys danced in high heels in a vest with a national ornament in yurt, called it dance under shinyrak. the video caused a flurry of comments. mostly negative. the ministry of culture of kazakhstan has already responded to the public outcry; they stated that such videos can cause damage to cultural and national identity, and are therefore unacceptable. a russian swimmer conquered lake balkhazh in kazakhstan. she swam across it from dawn to dusk. a distance of 41 km took her 15 hours and 55 minutes: varvara ivleva, not a professional swimmer, she is a doctor by profession, learned to swim in just 5 years ago, but how. balkhazh is an absolutely
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unique natural object. and not only because it is the largest lake in kazakhstan and among the twenty largest in the world, with an area of ​​more than 18,000 km. the fact is that the lake is divided by a narrow peninsula into two parts with different chemical characteristics of the water. in the western part it is almost fresh. here in the eastern salty. varvara became the first woman to swim through the balkhazh, although attempts had been made before. it seems to me that we need something in life, besides work, personal there life, all sorts of problems, having something that you really love, well, i’m a mess, i love swimming. that's all for now, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself.
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