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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in general, a challenge has been issued to management task, i looked at the letter that came from intelligence, a very serious letter, the first time i saw one of special importance, sheet a4, 4.5 written by hand and typewritten there literally, that is, such a secrecy regime, because it was about encrypting the source of information, in particular ames , who reported that there was a mole in the second main directorate, that is, there was a traitor, well, there began and there were certain signs. according to
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which we started working in the kgb , we were worried about spy dust, that was the name of the secret drug rubin, it a special substance with which it was possible to track... the movement of employees of the enemy station in moscow, it was used to treat cars and those places where an agent or resident could potentially visit, it was impossible to wash off this reagent, outdoor surveillance made it possible to identify meeting points with agents, search bookmarks, hiding places, it was this drug that the traitor handed over to the americans, rubin looked like an ordinary aerozone, threw in the bulletin of the second main information directorate as a recruiting tool... the dream of any intelligence service is to get an employee in not fucking counterintelligence is the ultimate dream, so the americans fell for it, before that there was tolkachev, before that there was polikov, they disappeared from
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view, but they still didn’t know how it ended, they were just arrested, not yet convicted, and it was kept secret . major terekhov with his partner. spent several months in one of mead's departments, looking through hundreds of personal files from the list of people who traveled to ireland for a certain period. what is it to look for in your ranks? this is very difficult, because, firstly, it becomes obvious, because still counterintelligence officers, we are all of the same level of training. thank god that the person we were looking for turned out to be not an employee of the second main directorate, but an employee. moscow department, well, of course, it doesn’t overflow, it doesn’t beg, this is the tragedy of this case, because all the same, an employee of a state security agency, a counterintelligence officer, even if of the moscow department, this is a tragedy for the family, this is a tragedy for the daughter, for the wife, but nevertheless
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it is a fact. the traitor turned out to be kgb officer, counterintelligence officer sergei vorontsov. americans they gave him the pseudonym cole, which is in english. means hood. it took more than six months to find the mole, he was exposed, and a career cia employee, a certain sellers, was taken into account on personal grounds. the difference between an agent and an intelligence officer under diplomatic cover is enormous. the price is life. recruited cia agent sergei varantsov was sentenced to capital punishment, an employee of the central intelligence agency, expelled from the ussr. spies always use various methods in their activities. this footage was filmed at a cia museum where the artifacts used are on display. exposition located at the george w. bush intelligence center, it contains 3,500 exhibits, from an a12 aircraft to
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declassified cru documents on the history of various operations. this is disguise. some form of protection, in the spy museum we call a mask: a 5-second mask. you can change your ethnicity, you can change your gender, you can change your nationality, you can actually become a different person. when you get out of the car, you should be sure that the mask fits you well without looking in the mirror. for a mask like this, speed is important. if you had to sit and fiddle with this thing, if you needed a mirror, the point of this mask is lost. the specific mask we are talking about will only suit one person. the first thing we do is take a cast of the face. if you've been to a dentist and ever had an impression taken, it's the same thing. we have never used human hair, we have always used synthetics. synthetic hair,
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it will not be damaged. basically, you can wear a mask during heavy rain and your hair will still be fine. masks more than once they took it off at the moment of danger, crumpled it, removed the armpit. therefore, one of their early developments was
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to create a modern version of strykaza. the first specimen weighed about one gram and could fly a couple of hundred yards, with a flight time of about one minute. was only the first representative of a very successful generation of microdrones, the development of which continues to this day. tisin's camera could fit into a cigarette pack. the camera was a matchbox, it was just a box with a camera inside, but it looked like like a matchbox. i liked the cameras, the pens, the troppel. they were given only to the most experienced agents and those with the best access to information. these cameras were constructed by hand. troppel was the smallest in the cia's arsenal. this camera could penetrate places that were inaccessible to anything else, and collected simply amazing information for the agency.
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loie wolfe, an investigative journalist, has devoted his entire professional career to exposing american intelligence agencies. the main function of the cia is covert operations, interference, elections throughout peace, buying election results for big money, and also paramilitary operations. and the list is very long, starting. us government agencies. in 1953 , the united states gave them powers in different years, the cia created the prolog research corporation and one of the... characters was mykola lebed, the former head of the
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security service of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. the americans were not embarrassed by the fact that he was the organizer of the murders and genocide of russians, poles, and jews. no, the end justifies the means. this one here organization, researched at the center, he was preparing and distributing all kinds of brochures that in...
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very alarming things could happen. he himself is in europe and he revealed information that he had actually warned russia that something military might happen. it is clear that there is close cooperation between the us and zelensky, the cia and zelensky. there are thousands of operatives on the ground, agents in the cia, although they officially say: no, we don’t have anyone
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on the ground, no military, no cia employees, but in fact they do. and this is well known, operations carried out by the tsuru under a false flag, especially now, always raise many questions, and it is difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, but it is possible if you dig hard. there is an organization called the national endowment for democracy, but that name no longer fits it. this organization operates in more than 70 countries. including us allies. the goal of the foundation is to export democracy. the founder of this foundation for the support of democracy said: “ today we are doing openly what the cia used to do secretly.” democrat, hater russia, former us deputy secretary of state victoria,
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said this very recently. and as i already said in kiev 3 weeks ago, this is additional.
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naval base. the end justifies the means; nothing is prohibited for management. cia operatives can do whatever they want, their students in the sbu and gur of ukraine blow up and kill. and these killers are under the patronage of the washington elite. national interest is part of the cia charter, and it is a very loose concept. it may include. yourself everything, any illegal actions, not to mention the moral side. the united states has a doctrine of american superiority, which states: “we, the united states, are better than stronger.” this is taught in universities, in churches, in military schools. the united states has the right to interfere in
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whatever it wants to protect itself, but we also supposedly have the right to dictate to others. the cia actively participated in work on the territory of the soviet union to collapse the economy and create a whole network of agents of influence. this.
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china, especially important is the fact that russia and china is officially considered allies. the standard procedure for a cia operation to overthrow a regime is for the us to put someone in place. there is a difference between the ultimate goal of the work of
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the us central intelligence agency and the russian foreign intelligence service. in my opinion, the fundamental difference is the fact that the central intelligence agency is not in the full sense. intelligence organization, it was created to conduct secret operations, these operations were sometimes very uncivilized in nature, when the intelligence service supported harsh political regimes, in some cases even such outright terrorists. the activities of our organization, our service are aimed exclusively at... protecting the interests of the russian state and citizens of our country, our task is to
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identify and prevent the entire range of external threats in relation to our state and our citizens, the foreign intelligence service is part state mechanism, and we carry out activities on... the circuit aimed at ensuring that to form fair, equal international relations that would take into account the interests of all states; our activities are aimed at strengthening international stability and international security. my obediences are gray, they are over, and these are all, forgive me, lord, this is all hope, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself
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will be saved, how much i save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what you wanted from me, a miracle, halay-mahalai, maybe he would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, without let’s figure out our demonstration,
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for us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history, family, strong relationships,
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we admire how the country is blossoming , there are still more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country stronger at the russia exhibition.
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day of remembrance and sorrow, exactly 83 years ago the great patriotic war began. in moscow, at the victory museum , 1,418 candles were lit in memory of the victims, corresponding to the number of days of the great patriotic war. our correspondent will tell you what events took place in brest. the russian army launched a massive attack on energy facilities in ukraine. explosions were heard in the dnepropetrovsk, khmelnytsky and lvov regions. also in ivano-frankivsk region it was
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hit. location in the armed forces of ukraine. unfriendly welcome in china. the prime minister of the people's republic of china canceled his meeting with the vice-chancellor of germany, who had already arrived in beijing. sources close to the chinese authorities hinted to journalists that beijing was not interested in the topics announced for discussion. the war is diplomatic. the united states is closing the russian visa center with branches in washington and new york and depriving russian diplomats. privileges at the russian embassy assured that, despite the increased workload, they will continue to provide the necessary legal and consular support. today is a day of memory and mourning in russia. on this day in 1941, the great patriotic war began. all over the country , those who died defending their homeland are remembered.


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