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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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which is the truth, so to begin with, if you look at the last 40 years of american history, the one thing that keeps repeating itself is that so many things that were perceived not only as the truth, but as the absolute truth, turned out to be absolute lies, then, what got us into the war with vietnam, what got us into the war with vietnam, what got us into the war with vietnam, the tankin incident, which turned out to be a complete fabrication and a lie, 1964, what got us into the war with iraq, what's it all about? were so sure, it turned out to be an absolute lie, and what still drives me crazy and what is not talked about enough is when the new york post published this report based on documents from hunter biden's laptop regarding their dealings in ukraine in china, then the entire media said in unison that this russian disinformation, although this data was reliable and it had nothing to do with russia, it was not disinformation. so many times something was stated with such confidence that later turned out to be a lie. one more example.
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the question is how these documents got into wikileaks, and naturally, wikileaks claims that this has nothing to do with russia, maybe this is true, or maybe the russians did it through someone, an intermediary, yes, so, maybe wikileaks is telling the truth or believes that it is telling the truth, but this does not mean that russia it wasn't there, but the problem is that there are a lot of people who won't say this publicly, but they will tell it to you privately, and these are people. with connections that they categorically do not believe in russian involvement, for example, aranmate, one of the most informed people on this issue, but there is almost no evidence of russian involvement, exactly, for example, this company turned out to be a crowdstrike, a company that carries out propaganda for the democratic party, the fbi intends to hide a lot of key information, i’m not saying that it wasn’t the russians who hacked, but if after all that...
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evidence-based persecution that took over our entire politics, but what really worried me was the existing agenda of blaming russia for all the troubles to such an extent that americans again began to perceive russia as a mortal enemy, when even american diplomats could not communicate with russian diplomats in in washington, everyone was afraid to meet with the russians, as they would be called russian spies. you are talking about a country with the largest nuclear arsenal, and i am convinced that there is a direct connection between the lies. orasha gate
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by pushing this anti-russian narrative and what we are doing in ukraine. we are pushing the world towards nuclear war. even joe biden said that the world is now much closer to a nuclear disaster than during the cuban crisis in 1962. but for some reason we are willing to take this risk, which even joe biden calls a serious risk. nuclear war. scientists say: the doomsday clock is getting closer to midnight.
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goals when america will be a free and fair country again? i think there are a lot of encouraging signs, even if they seem to be negative, for example, i like the fact that americans hate and distrust the media much more than they do anyone else, maybe with the exception of pedophiles. i think this is well deserved. americans intuitively understand.
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releasing your show there is one of the few platforms that really wants preserve freedom of speech, and for me this is the main thing, since the opportunities that the internet provides to confront and callousness. destroy it or control it, that’s where all these inflated disinformation experts came from after the sixteenth, like these people understand disinformation, all these groups for detecting disinformation and further... censorship, all this is aimed at eliminating dissent on the internet, and the desire present political censorship under the guise of some kind of expertise or science, security measures, yes, security experts in online or experts on online disinformation, where did all these names come from, it's all
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fake, like this nina yankovic, an expert on online disinformation, have you heard her talk, would you trust this woman to evaluate the truth of anything? the first is the decision of the british people to leave the european union, which was a very serious event for this country. and then, a few months later, donald trump holds off a very traumatic victory for liberals over hillary clinton. it was a real trauma. psychologists they said that they had a wave of neurotic patients who could not come to terms with the reality of hillary clinton's loss, this was all, they, the western liberal elites, decided that they could no longer afford a free internet, since with a free internet they could not control , what people think and how they vote, and from there you
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can already trace the emergence of this well -funded disinformation industry that was created to control... information online, and for me, as long as there is a free internet, and you see this all over the western world, people will trust institutions of power less and less, and for me the decrease in trust in institutions of power is the most encouraging thing. glenn greenwald, thank you, yes, it was a pleasure talking to you, thank you. did you want to open a deposit at 18%? it turns out that you can get 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money you can have your own marketplace,
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picture of your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future, start with a long-term savings program in a non-state pension fund, the future! this is america program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. in the 2024 race for the white house, everything is unprecedented, everything is for the first time. the oldest candidates in american history, one of whom is awaiting his verdict, the son of another is recognized as a criminal, the first presidential debate has also never before been perceived as some kind of rubicon,
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so it’s a warm-up on the distant approaches, but now the situation is such that time is working against biden , will trump take advantage of this? in an environment where candidates are running headlong into spitefully, or, as the americans say, neck to neck, that is, when their ratings are almost equal, the amount collected comes first. whoever raises the most money, so biden ignored the so-called peace summit, which was being collected in switzerland; zelensky immediately flew to hollywood. the event in los angeles was supposed to be key in recent months in terms of raising money for biden's election campaign, at first everything was quite according to the script, but biden unexpectedly froze on stage and his former... boss barack obama had to
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to literally bring the forty-sixth president of the united states out of this stupor. in general, for the republican press, for conservatives, the event in hollywood, where they at least raised a lot of money, was a real gift in the media sense. for the third time this week, joe biden froze in public, the president staring at the crowd, forcing his former boss barack to stare. obama carefully ushered the old man off stage as if it was time for him to sleep, but the white house and democrats don't want you to believe your eyes and deny that our dear leader is sleeping in public. in action, how always, the white house press team was forced to step in, probably the most thankless job on the american political olympus, now these people, press secretary karine jeanpierre, her assistants, they need to find some new formulations every time. to justify or explain the ridiculous behavior of their boss, and because of this, each time these
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formulations, these justifications themselves look more and more ridiculous, these videos are cheap fakes made with malicious intent, the media have more than once caught republicans with misinformation, everything this suggests that they are desperate. republicans are desperate, this phrase probably should have offended donald trump personally, but he certainly doesn’t look desperate. a man on the contrary, full of strength, full of energy, he goes to the key state for this race, wisconsin, where he simply leaves no stone unturned from biden. biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. first he was wandering around europe at the g7 summit , looking like he didn't know where he was. now they blame artificial intelligence for everything, they say that the media manipulated, but first he had to be saved. obama had to take him off stage
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like a child. obama could have been softer, he could have told him: let's go, there was no need to grab his hand, but obama looked good on stage, and i think that was his goal. about obama is very accurate, if you remember the difficult relationship. between a former boss, a former subordinate, obama is the president, biden is the vice president, it is known that obama did not support the idea of ​​nominating biden for... the post of head of the white house, on the one hand, because he knew him very well price, on the other hand, apparently, because he also did not want to squander his own inheritance in this way, but obama, along with bill clinton, along with nancy pilosi and chuck schumer, who leads the senate majority of democrats, is part of the elite of the democratic
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party, is part of the number of people who can influence ... are waiting for biden to speak at the debate against trump on june 27, depending on the outcome of these debates, will somehow try to determine the future fate of the dim party's candidacy in ... these presidential elections. debate on cnn will be biden's last chance to convince voters he is qualified for the job. they deliberately decided to hold the debate early, and i think it will become clear to americans whether biden is ready for the next term or not,” said former bill clinton adviser mark pen. if joe fails in his first meeting with trump, or if his ratings continue to decline,
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liberal leaders will need to present a united front to force him to capitulate. may not pay attention to the problems that increasingly accompany the elderly in the history of the american president, plus, and they began to talk about this often, including specialists and doctors, there is a suspicion that biden’s difficulties are not only due to his age, perhaps there are also medical problems, no one knows what these problems are, because biden has never taken a cognitive test, but this... does not prevent conservatives, including those from the fox news channel, from building their concept, perhaps partly conspiratorial. this is all very serious, we see joe biden, the way he walks, the way he looks, the way he gets angry and the way he feels awkward. dementia is a serious problem, it's not funny. we are talking about the president of the united states, about the branch
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of government that is actually responsible for whether we go to war or not, and what weapons we use. it’s not enough for the president to just perform well in a debate or in an address about the state of affairs in the country, everyone will immediately say that he did a great job, an hour and a half, an hour, many people with dementia or alzheimer’s in the early stages can do this, they seem to look, the impression is that they are doing well, but they are not doing well at all, the presidency involves working around the clock, but there is another option, which the conservative press pays attention to, that all this, all this noise that has arisen around replacing biden and in general, this is his strange behavior, this is such a cunning tactic of the democrats, maybe biden, on the contrary , is trying to lull the attention of the republican party in this way, and then make an unexpected maneuver. biden is not as simple as he seems, he behaves like an idiot, outwardly looks more like a wax statue and walks
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like a robot, but he has an incredible ability to exceed expectations , get out, eat... this has political significance, it is not known exactly what tricks and manipulations are used by those around him in the process of preparing for the debate, but you can be absolutely sure , that on june 27 , a completely different joe will take to the podium than the one who was recently seen in europe, wandering around like a defective doll. in any case, everything will be decided by the debates, for which the most active preparations are currently underway. the candidates agreed to two commercial breaks during which. they will not be allowed to talk to staff, only the presenter will have a microphone on, no notes will be allowed, the stands will be designated by coin, and there will be no audience in the studio, so it will look and sound a little different than debates in the past, turning off the microphone is the idea of ​​the democratic team, who benefits from this, of course,
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biden, because trump can speak without getting tired, without a piece of paper, for hours, which he demonstrates at... at every rally of his he would definitely demonstrate at the debate in atlanta if he were given such an opportunity, but he won’t be. the big plus is that the microphones will only be turned on for those whose turn it is to speak. as we remember from the last two elections, donald trump is the king of interruptions. he loves to interrupt, joke, and throw barbs, so president biden will have the opportunity to make his position known without the risk of being interrupted. but trump has something to joke about, well, for example, about wrestling.
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everyone remembers the multiple corruption schemes involving both hunter biden and the border and burisma affairs and much more, but plus the incomes of biden and the biden family are growing steadily; they are, of course, much, much, much higher than the income of the ordinary american to whom the head of the white house is addressing. after leaving the vice presidency in 2017 , biden's net worth was $2.5 million over the years.
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organized in his honor, it is clear where, in general, such affection comes from, trump continues to exploit the image of a person who single-handedly fights the system. less than four
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years ago our borders were closed, inflation was not even close to what it is today, the world was at peace and america was stronger and more respected than ever. now because of joe biden, the world is on fire, everyone is laughing at us, the border is open, inflation is rampant, europe is in chaos. the middle east is imploding, iran is on the rise, china is on the march, the world's most incompetent and corrupt president is pushing us towards world war iii. the immediate and main test, as already mentioned, will be the debate here on june 27, but here’s the irony, even if america does not elect biden, who at the end of the second term she will be 86, then by the beginning of the term of the next us president in the white house she will still be the oldest. in american history the president, why? because trump, by the time of his potential inauguration in 2025 in january, will be 78
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years old, that is, only the same age as biden was during the inauguration in 2021 4 years ago. this was america, all the best to you.
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june 22 is a memorable date in russia, a day of memory and sorrow. on june 22, 1941, the great patriotic war began. there were 1418 fiery days and nights ahead, more than 26.5.
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the trinity was delivered from the cathedral of christ the savior in trinity to the sergeev lavra. the icon by andrei rublev was transported in a special van, which was accompanied by traffic police vehicles. the move is timed to coincide with tomorrow's trinity day. what does this mean for orthodox christians? attack of the armed forces of ukraine on the energy dar. the operation of the zaporozhye npp facilities was disrupted, the transformer was damaged. part of the city was without light and water, as was the situation at that moment. the russian military is striking. response on the energy infrastructure of ukraine, in addition, the ssu for the first time lost the canadian armored vehicle, senator. what else is known about the impacts? and a major fire in astana, a twenty-six-story building with offices and residential premises is burning, dozens of firefighters are on the scene. what information about evacuation? on the day of memory and mourning, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb
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of the unknown soldier in aleksandrovsko. in the garden , the ceremony was attended by the minister of defense, veterans of the great patriotic war, the russian armed forces, commanders of russian army units, and after the laying ceremony, the memory of the fallen heroes was honored with a minute of silence.


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