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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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demanded a ransom of $120 million in cryptocurrency. kiril, you claim that your partner, marat sabirov, entered into correspondence with the criminals and paid them a ransom of $120 million. everything that happened next is just guesswork for me. and where did these cryptocurrencies come from? there weren't any dollars there, huh? is this a cryptocurrency? is this 120 million cryptocurrencies? yes, how much is this in foreign currency? well, this is approximately?
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i know that everyone is happy with what i do, who could you cross paths with? how do i know who wanted to kidnap you? it’s also not clear, i know well, how can i know this, that is, you are like a walking wallet, and for many you were, i am not a walking wallet. in a conversation with us , daroni called the finika company unique, and his business ideas revolutionary, these statements are very different from the version of the republican ministry of internal affairs, policeman. we are sure that
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the uniqueness of the pyramid of finik lies only in the fact that in its scale it surpassed even the famous mmm. anyone who wanted to become a member of finik could register, replenish their crypto wallet and participate in this activity, respectively, and residents non-cis countries also had access and could also register in the finik platform. legally, the finik company did not exist. clients entered into contracts with the company digital, which was allegedly registered in st. lucia. this is an offshore island state in the caribbean sea. the money was completely transferred to an unknown individual, in most cases without receipts. once again, they simply brought cash and gave it to the so -called minials. after which the clients went home and waited for super profits. and such a dubious financial scheme,
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russia, therefore, has been covered, we need to go to kazakhstan, we all know that in kazakhstan now a criminal case is also possible, the agreement that was signed. the site said that digital is a platform with the opportunity to join various gaming programs that simulate situations related to the purchase of real estate, cars, repayment of debt obligations in investments, but for some reason this wording did not frighten investors, and you wrote there that it supposedly even some kind of game, not a game, game mechanisms simulating purchases, gaming? mechanisms simulating purchases, this is
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a clause, a clause of the polish agreement that if you, for example, invest in cryptocurrency in order to get an exit - income equal to buying a car, that this is not buying a car, because everyone knows how they like to abuse the law, people , which are there, yeah, buying a car, and where is my buying a car, this is not a site for buying cars, it was a platform for working with cryptocurrencies, with cryptocurrencies, yes, what did you tell people in the hall who came and wanted to become members of the date? i came up with a website i came up with an idea where you can earn money for yourself using cryptocurrency assets, yeah, i’m not involving anyone in this, moreover, i warn you that what i’m telling you now. this is kind of a tour of how i do it, how i live and how i like it, if you like it you can see how it works, if you don't like it, just know that it exists, i think that if i have now plunged you into the world of cryptocurrency, you definitely seem like a smart person, in some kind of crypto-currency trap, so there are different
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areas in life in which you are not smart, huh, for example, i am not smart in the area of ​​some kind of dark side of the moon, let’s call it betrayal, among other things? “kiriul doronin’s fantasies about passive income seemed very convincing to many, after each of his speeches there were more and more investors, and this is not surprising, because doronin had a powerful gift of persuasion, however, this only worked for an unprepared audience. her level of economic education is low. i analyzed his vocabulary, spent content analysis, as he says, he says, like..."
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further, that's all, that previous master class that he took earlier, in fact, he is like that, i would say, in my opinion, not like that he’s already a creative person, he’s a product of the master classes he once took, now doronin insists that he didn’t invite anyone into the pyramid, saying that after his training conferences, people themselves decided to invest money, and the so-called stars helped them in this dates, the people who entered the game first and allegedly got rich, the dressed-up millionaires were ordinary barkers, and the so-called people who were you there , a golden star, a tenth there, and so on, who these people were, these are marketing playful nicknames, well, something like experience,
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yeah, well, that is, you came up with them so yes, well, not that i came up with it, that is, we had to somehow call the level of experience of the company, that is, the company, or rather, use the systems and what they were called, well, something like the fourth. potential clients were shown all the attributes of a luxurious life, an elite real estate, expensive cars, travel. one of the stars of finik, anna serikova, even organized costume balls in her honor, here is a fragment of one. from television plays, we have a moscow office on the 55th floor here in moscow, i have 45 offices in russia that are engaged in this activity, in general i have a huge team, 17,500 people, and welcome to my team, i want a million people , team, everyone is happy, everyone
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is rich and everyone is doing their favorite things, and the money is for the pseudo-millionaire anna serikova graduated from a technical school with a degree in seamstress, and introduced herself as an investment expert and asked to call herself tiffany, apparently in honor of the famous jewelry brand. another fenikov star of the tenth level, liliya nurieva, said that she is a successful entrepreneur and has her own thriving real estate agency. good afternoon, i would like to introduce myself, my name is lilia anreeva, i am the founder of the real estate law company. i met the finika company, and this video will be aimed at presentation of this company. according to victims of the pyramid,
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nuriev’s doroninsky star actively invited gullible people from her agency to join finik. this is how her subordinate venera khrapova, a real estate specialist, fell into her trap. i went to the phoenix company for index one, that is, for 20 thousand dollars, at first there were dividends, they were in bitcoin, some amounts were withdrawn there, while they were withdrawing, of course, and bitcoin fell a little, that is, i managed to withdraw 578 thousand rubles to present day having invested 1.580, i currently left 1.51.00 in the finik company. liliya nurieva did a good job of processing the population of the republic of tatarstan. some victims
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said that nuriyeva allegedly possessed the magical gift of persuasion. the date star worked for the daronin empire. her task was to find clients, help them fill out documents and take money from banks, even those who were denied loans. but the bottom line is that we have been in the real estate market for 10 years, and we work with everyone. television russia 24, what question are you asking? we
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we are looking for lilia nurieva, is she not there? the victim venera zakirazyanova could not find mrs. nuriyeva. we talked about it at the beginning of the program. i went to a person, someone i trust, she is a real authority for me, and i think that if she speaks, then this is how it should be. well, don't believe those people who say give us your money. times or three times more, well, all this is nonsense, there is a million and a half and you will get two there , this is generally just some kind of nonsense, the main task is to lure money out of people, yes, absolutely right, and now i understand this for sure, that the one who managed to get ahead of himself, so they got into the first carriage, got it, these are the people who are the so-called tenth stars, asterisks are also scammers, i think so, i don't think so, i'm sure yes, because accomplices, perhaps? they were all at one. venera zakirzyanova, like thousands of victims
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of finik’s financial pyramid, filed a statement with the main investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of tatarstan. the girl demands that not only the main four swindlers: kirill doronin, zygmunt zygmuntovich, edward and marat sabirov, but also the so-called phoenician stars. their role is criminal activity and must be determined.
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kirill doronin’s other accomplice, dina gabdulina, a millionaire from kazan who reached the status of vice-president of finik, also failed to avoid arrest; the woman advertised an allegedly successful financial organization through. videos on social networks, according to some estimates, was able to attract more than 100 thousand investors, which is tens of millions of rubles, daronin constantly defended her boss on the internet, today kiril gave us such information that guys, i feel sorry for those people who still say that fini is a pyramid, dina gabdulina had her own telegram channel, to thousands of subscribers, she talked about what something...
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during the next interrogation at the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for the republic of tatarstan, he was detained
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by court decision 37 and arrested. perhaps other accomplices of the leader of the financial pyramid, finik kirill doronin, will appear in the high-profile criminal case. but if he is arrested, then he
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his inner circle fled abroad long ago. the russian ministry of internal affairs is looking. zygmunt ziguntovich, edward sabirov and marat sabirov. for now, doronin alone has to answer for everyone. he still considers himself innocent and claims that date is not a pyramid. no, not one meeting where i say: guys, everyone is behind me. there is not a single meeting, guys, now you will get so rich, you will all go nuts. there is not a single meeting where i would say at least one such thesis. i said everywhere that it is risky, there are no guarantees.
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how, that is, this is the last money you can’t never invest in your life, this is an investment, that is, this is a high-volume, high-risk investment, if we were the creator of a pyramid, then we would collapse in a year and a half, what is the success, why did we work for 3 years, because trading works, generates income, the system works 3 years, i am going to prove that i did not steal, most importantly, not a single law and still does not violate the fact that the date is a specially created project. many experts said that in order to collect as much money as possible, blogger andrei was one of the first to talk about the imminent fall of the pyramid alistarov. doronin came up with this scheme in order to very competently cash out funds, because when you withdraw them from russia in cryptocurrency, it is almost impossible to trace the path of these funds, and it is also unrealistic to arrest them in some way, well, that is they
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offer you that you can buy a loan in just 3 months, you can get a better apartment, so you sell it, invest now and... take it, finik traders, if they existed at all, simply could not provide a return of 5% per day, they believe experts on cryptocurrency, and daronin’s stories about the automatic profit generation system are nothing more than fiction. by decision of the leadership of the russian ministry of internal affairs, a high-profile criminal case regarding financial
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here, let's say, a social orientation, and somehow it was captivating, they convinced me to take out 2 million on credit, well, they gave me 840 thousand, well, i
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have to pay off my loan, i took it for 20 years to pay off the loan for 20 years, olga medvedeva from novokuznetsk joined finika with her husband in april 2021, the couple wanted to buy a car, for a long time...
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before giving their hard-earned money to strangers people need to think carefully so as not to bite their elbows later.
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in the fall of 2022, in the leningrad region , operatives detained a financial pyramid star.
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nurieva fully admitted her guilt and went to prison for 4 and a half years. perhaps, very soon, other alleged scammers will follow her example, including the probable organizer of the pyramid, kirill doronin. the investigation has been completed, finik’s case is being considered in the akhitovsky district court of kazan. surprisingly, instead.
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as for doronin's accomplices, edward and marat sabirov, as well as zygmunt zegmunovich, they are still in the united arab emirates, despite the international search and the demands of the russian prosecutor general's office for extradition, lawyers, the founders of finik, successfully continue to find loopholes in local legislation. we saw the high-profile criminal case of the finik financial pyramid, which collapsed in kazan. this was our investigation from different regions of the country. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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pray black, throwing the gang is also a sin, it’s time i’ll pay, i’ll water from here, i’m alone, so let’s sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, take it, i’ve been living in a bad way, there’s someone else who ’ll do this to whom, naughty people, it’s evening.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changes entire locations, making it easy to make a deepfake.
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on the day of memory and mourning, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the ceremony was attended by the minister of defense, veterans of the great patriotic war, and unit commanders. the memory of the fallen heroes was honored with a minute silence.


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