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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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on the day of remembrance and mourning, modern ukrainian nazis shelled the donetsk town in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american haymars with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. in so they also launched a massive attack on the belgorod region. died
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they could not help him, border settlements are being attacked with the help of uavs, various explosives are being dropped, they use fpv versions and with their help they hit residential buildings and cars of residents, two people were injured, they were hospitalized, they were provided with all the necessary medical care, serious damage was caused to residential buildings and transport, and social institutions also came under fire. in
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the village of ustinka, belgorod district, the enemy attacked the post office at night, it completely burned down, in fact, incendiary ammunition was dropped on it, nothing was left intact, the building itself was also badly damaged, quite loudly today in the very in belgorod, an air raid alarm sounded almost all day, the enemy tried several times to attack the city with missiles, presumably fired from the khaimarsk missile launcher. our air defense system has worked, shot down all air targets, there is minor damage in the private sector, roofs were slightly cut by shrapnel, several cars were hit, no residents were injured, the threat of shelling in the region still remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army launched a group strike with high-precision weapons range and drones at ukrainian energy facilities that supplied.
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enterprises, all targets were hit, attacks of the armed forces of ukraine were successfully repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost more than 1,800 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank was destroyed, as well as, for the first time , a canadian armored car senator, 16 gunships and other guns were destroyed. about the situation on the front line pavel prokapenko. first. the post is always sighting, as they say here, you need to probe the target, then it is adjusted, the gunner works, in his arsenal there is a compass, a panorama and bubbles, that’s all this is a means of guidance, we aim within 2-3 minutes, well, it depends on the terrain, how you need to position the car exactly so that the bubbles are all evenly aligned, well, just like that, it’s not a difficult matter, the main thing is to aim quickly, not to trip, that’s all. unlike other artillery,
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hail often works in open areas, this is the specificity of firing. up to 200 missiles per day, jet fighters of the military center work seven days a week and without breaks for lunch, hail covers an area of ​​several football fields, the scale is visible from the air, here the missiles in a given square fall with geometric precision, in the forest belt among the abandoned houses there was hidden enemy equipment, tanks, self-propelled guns, we call the target a fat one, first of all they will dig through it... some other target, they also destroyed the d-30 , they destroyed batteries, there were kamaz trucks, and tanks, there was a lot of things, and also volley fire - this, of course, is support for our infantry, jet fighters and attack aircraft are not found on the battlefield, but they always keep in touch, and the guys, let’s say, were very happy that we have artillery, they are especially happy when the shooting goes straight to the target, it immediately causes a storm of emotions in them, the calculation of this installation from altai was once given to the guys by the inhabitants. like a talisman, constantly with
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us on tasks, it works, just like... a new goal is received, the crew goes to work. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead donetsk people's republic, avdeevsky direction. on the day of memory and mourning, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the ceremony was attended by the minister of defense, veterans great patriotic war, commander of units. minutes of silence were observed in memory of the fallen heroes.
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the memorial ceremony near the kremlin walls was also attended by members of the board of the ministry of defense, including first minister leonid gornin, as well as deputy ministers anna tseveleva and pavel frodkov. a company of honor guards marched solemnly in front of the memorial. and at the end of the ceremony, after a minute
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of silence and a march of the honor guard company, vladimir putin and defense minister andrei belousov separately laid red carnations, each of the steles on the alley of heroes and cities. military glory near the kremlin wall. commemorative events take place not only throughout russia, but also in many other countries. stanislav berwalt talks about this. a minute of silence event took place at the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation, in which a huge number of people took part. today a minute of silence was announced here, not far from rzhev, we are in the zubtsovsky district. today. search engines buried the remains of nineteen red army soldiers who were raised from the fields war, in general, a huge amount of work is carried out here, not far from orzhev, in the zubtsovsky district, in the rzhevsky district, it is search engines that carry out about a thousand fighters every year,
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they try to establish names, water data, unfortunately, time does not spare anyone and it is not always possible to establish a name, probably took place... varzheva, at the soviet army war memorial, there was a requi concert, as well as the opening of a photo exhibition about the history of the creation of this unique monument, as well as about those
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heroes who during the great patriotic war wars defended the homeland on this land. this exhibition was organized by the russian military historical society and we succeeded. lived until this moment, i am very glad that it was for him that it worked out, well, as part of the all-russian action candle of memory in the russian guard today, solemn mourning events were held with the participation of the leadership of the department, as well as an all-russian action, the first to remember, dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow ,
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today there are also young people who remember and remember the history of this terrible day, june 22, 1941, on the day and in particular... laid flowers at the monument to podolsk cadets; the ceremony was attended by the deputy chairman of the moscow regional duma, the chairman of the council of the regional branch and the moscow region. it is worth saying that mourning events take place not only on the territory of the russian federation, they take place in mexico, azerbaijan, armenia, and kazakhstan. indeed, last night, thousands and thousands of people came out in various capitals with candles in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war. stanislav bernva. vladimir zelensky gave
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the command is to rake all the men off the streets to send them to the front, and the military commissars act in large groups to stop attempts at resistance. in this footage , a man and a baby were restrained. former pentagon adviser, colonel douglas mcgregor wrote on social networks, i quote: zelensky’s gestapo kidnaps a man holding a child in his arms to send him to war, this is terrible. how does zelensky try to destroy as many ukrainians as possible? andrey grigoriev will tell you. 47 people lined up in a row, this is the result of a special operation by the sbu, which specifically the created telegram channel lured those who wanted to flee abroad. all of them will now join the armed forces of ukraine. these are dozens of people every day, and we are not talking about those who want, for example, to swim across the tisza, through the forest and mountains, these are only those who at checkpoints are trying to pass along the horseshoe...
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women driving large vehicles, lack of drivers public transport in the regions reaches at least 30%. constant campaigning in the media for lowering the conscription age to 18 years and mobilizing women. we all people are born for guilt, we are all born for war, since we were born at this time in this place. i believe that every citizen of every citizen of ukraine is obliged to accept this challenge. the recruitment procedures are becoming simpler every day, and electronic military service has already been introduced.
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by law they can help the police, in odessa they take a draft dodger straight from a verka serduchka concert, and this is the military registration and enlistment office, which then takes all the conscripts of the city. we have such a fence, we have arrested people, it’s more like a prison, where there is no food, no medicine, somewhere a man writhing on the floor with an epileptic attack and constant fights with staff and among themselves. guys, good, good, good, after this it becomes clear why during raids the streets of ukrainian cities are empty, also crowded. on the street, a large piece of material from the ukrainian telethon, about the difficult fate of military commissars, our colleague was
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attacked, our colleague was attacked by a citizen of ukraine, they used a gas canister, he received a burn to his eye, but the citizen was never found. in nikopol, the military commissars all killed him right on the street, he the daughter complains on social networks that none of the neighbors stood up. the killer knocked him down and started beating him hard, all the blows were to the head with his feet, the father was already unconscious. but he even jumped on his head, none of the neighbors came out. the correspondent spends the whole day with this pair of military commissars, but today the outfit returns without a catch, which means it will receive criticism. war with russia, which are constantly heard from politicians of the conservative party. opinion polls show that she will lose by a landslide in the early elections. and the leader of the reform party caused a real storm nigil farage. he honestly admitted that
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the west provoked the war in ukraine. he will tell you how the truth helps to collect votes. the ruling conservatives are still in power, but their pre-election performance leaves much to be desired, while farage and his party are confidently gaining points. far from being a fringe party this election, nigel farage's reform party is supported by many former tory voters, and some opinion polls show that around a third of voters we would like to see it as the main
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opposition force in parliament. if 20% are ready to vote for conservatives, then for the reform party. 21%. it is not a fact that these figures will materialize into parliamentary mandates for reformers. but in a recent interview , farage announced that in 2029 he plans to become prime minister of great britain. former stockbroker nigel farage has been a politician for more than 30 years. he speaks from the position of eurosceptics and calls for limiting migration, and is friends with former us president donald trump. maybe not doubt that opponents are using their criticism of western actions to the fullest against farage, but many of those who are going to vote for him think so. the government says that we are all here for ukraine, but this is not true. many people in my city do not support ukraine because we know that it is a corrupt country. putin is a good leader, he does everything right, putting
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the interests of his own people first. he wouldn’t have started this war, and it’s not even a war. if he wanted, he would destroy ukraine for... starmer went to kiev and promised further military assistance there. according to the polls, the laborites are confidently winning. prime minister rishi sunok is extremely unpopular. 75 do not approve of him . it is possible that sunok may ultimately lose even in his own constituency. the hopeless situation is causing scandals within the conservative party. two tory candidates were caught placing bets with bookmakers on
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the election date using inside information, which is a crime.
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they are not going to send. kuwait called on its citizens to urgently leave beirut. due to the sharp deterioration of the situation. the national carrier of the arab emirate has increased the number of seats on flights from lebanon. well, there were reports on social networks citing reuters that israel would allegedly attack lebanon within 48 hours. but the agency itself denied this. yemen's houthis said they launched another missile attack on the us aircraft carrier dwight. eisenhower in the red sea. an operation was carried out to destroy the american aircraft carrier esenhow, located north of the red sea, using a series.
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the houthis, perhaps a coincidence, but the pentagon decided to remove this ship from the red sea. another american aircraft carrier, theodore roosevelt, should come to replace it from the pacific ocean. a powerful downpour with a thunderstorm of hail hit ufa, some avenues turned into rivers, one of these was successfully overcome by an old lada, to the delight of the assembled public, it just floats, let's swim, swim, swim, well, who said that russian cars are bad? swam and you left, handsome, hurray, well done, well, this is what many streets and parking lots looked like, according to eyewitnesses, at the airport
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of the bashkir capital parts of the runway were under water, in some hypermarkets the roofs could not stand up, puddles formed there right in the shopping area zone, well, in tyumen there was a real blizzard, only instead of snow there was poplar fluff and... it’s quite clear what song became a hit with motorists in this city, visibility on the roads for some time dropped to almost zero, jokes and enthusiastic comments in there are a lot of social networks, but downy snowdrifts cause serious problems, many complain of allergies, and in addition, down can lead to fires. the icon of andrei rublev trinity was brought from the cathedral of christ the savior in trinity to the sergius lavra. the move of the 15th-century masterpieces was timed to coincide with the holiday of trinity, which orthodox christians
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celebrate today. about the return of the shrine, natalya solovyova. the event is large-scale, important and long-awaited. almost 100 years later. the trinity painted by andrei rublev returns home to the temple for which it was painted back in xv century.
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the one who prays for our land, prays forever and ever, is very happy about this event, one of the most famous windows in the world, the only brush by andrei rublev that has survived to this day, in the trinity it is being returned to the sergius lavra by order of the president from the tretyakov gallery, after restoration work in the center named after grobar, the masterpiece and relic was delivered as it was created by the great icon painter, egg tempera painted on a linden board, over the centuries the faces of angels and... believers of the father, son and holy spirit, in their cormin blue clothes were hidden under the darkened layer of alifa. the trinity of painting traditions established over centuries was written
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on top, only five times, until the restorers removed the alluvial image, revealing to the world the icon as rublev created it. for the first time since the 1917 revolution, she again takes her place in the trinity cathedral. happiness for all of us, the holy trinity returns to domsk. when they took it out of the lavra, when they closed the ritual, probably those evil people could not imagine that the time would come not only for the return of the holy icon to the place where it initially it was, but also in general a revival of faith in our people. if there had not been this revival of faith, then there would not have been this offering of the holy trinity. preserving this masterpiece today is task number one: the icon was delivered from the cathedral of christ the savior, where it had been since january on a special transport designed for transporting
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works of art, in its native... the final tenth day of the competition took place at the brix games. stas ridekultsev has all the details. games with an iron character, boxers knock out medals on the last day competitions. full stands support the russian fighters. games in kazan, even in boxing, are imbued with the flavor of tatarstan. ring girls bring out a sign with the round number not in swimsuits, as usual, in an elegant
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floor-length national dress. russian ilya popov and belarusian vadim volchok met in the final, a tense match in which popov had to lure his opponent out of defense in a playful manner, a beautiful fight and a well-deserved victory. the manner was as the opponent allowed us to do, we were preparing for this, that he would be so stubborn, tight on his feet, so it was necessary to play, in kazan it’s very nice that so many people come to boxing, even the preliminary fight i came out like that and i was blown away by...
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the spectators, the final match between the national teams of russia and kazakhstan gathers full stands of kazan basketball, the fact that it simply won’t happen became clear even after the console: computer football, the russians win 6:5, in real kazakhstan equalizes the score right away, the russian national team itself punishes the opponent for mistakes in defense. result 7:9 home team win
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bronze medal match: venezuela is stronger than brazil. i am sure that this format has a great future, it is a very interesting format, i think it will be very cool for the audience. thanks to the fans for filling the stands today, the atmosphere is great. the inimitable gymnast lala kromarenko delivered a spectacular highlight to the sports program of the brix games. phenomenal exercises with the ribbon made her a two-time champion of the games, the stands of the gymnastics palace were happy, just as bright, emotional and inspiring.
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