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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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boiling steel and waterfalls of sparks at the production of rusatom's mechanical engineering division, from rivers of liquid metal, the contours of the nuclear power plant of the future appear. scientific and technological foundation. its creation was laid 70 years ago in obninsk at the first nuclear power plant, the leading figure of soviet science, whose discoveries changed humanity’s understanding of the possibilities of nuclear energy. low-power nuclear power plants, which are being approached by the development of modern nuclear energy, are also a legacy of the obninsk npp. the first afm in russia will be in yakutia, here in kolpino casts steel for billets from which the ritm 200n reactor plant is created. initially, ritm 200 is a nuclear
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installation for russian nuclear icebreakers of the 22-220 series. the reactor showed excellent performance in the extreme north. rhythm 200n, which will be installed at the first low- power nuclear power plant in yakutia, is its ground-based version, hence the letter n in the name. this is what the evolution of peaceful atom technology looks like. this project is special for us, because rosatom did it before. with a large nuclear power plant, they made floating nuclear power plants and this is the next evolution of our history, that is, we are going to the land-based part, a small nuclear power plant is much cheaper than a traditional one, a large one, it is built much faster and can be created for specific tasks. in yakutia, a future low-power nuclear power plant will provide energy for several industrial enterprises and gold ore and tin deposits at once. the steel for its nuclear reactor is generally the same as for large serial nuclear power plants, but with some modifications. for smm in this
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direction, we can say that the requirements they remain the same in a large reactor, but at the same time they are additional, because the operating conditions are often more severe, this is a harsh climate, this is a greater impact - specifically on the reactor vessel itself, that is, we can say that despite the fact that this is the the same steel, for us it is completely new, this is a completely new technology, more modern, more advanced, ingots, as in the table-smelting shop they call already cast blanks, they must undergo certification, this is a special examination so that the metal meets all the requirements to create a small nuclear power plant. one of the elements of the reactor vessel, the shell, is already being prepared for transportation. work on the project is progressing right on time; the cream for two shells and the back end of the reactor plant, whose mass ranges from 35 to 190 tons, has already been cast. the idea of ​​compact nuclear reactors for nuclear icebreakers and submarines grew out of the innovative solutions of soviet scientists who created the first one. founder of the domestic
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nuclear fleet anatoly alexandrov, chief designer of the obnensk npp reactor nikolay dalezhal, scientific director of the nuclear power plant in obnensk dmitry blakhintsev, inventor of those. after successful tests of the soviet atomic bomb in semipalatinsk, when it became clear that nuclear parity with the united states of america had been achieved, and research could continue to develop the peaceful atom. uranium is a graphite water-cooled reactor with a capacity of 5 megatons for the obnensk npp, called am in the documents. there were two options
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for decoding: a peaceful atom, because before it nuclear reactors were used only to produce weapons-grade plutonium, a sea atom, because in parallel with the installation for... in obnensk, work was underway on the manufacture of a nuclear reactor for the first nuclear submarine in the ussr . the sketch and technical design were ready in the spring of fifty-four. however , the reactor turned out to be too large; as a result , the nuclear installation for the nuclear submarine was constructed in leningrad, and on june 26, 1954, the obninsk nuclear power plant supplied current to the moscow power system. the foreign press called it the beginning of a new one. energy era of mankind, soon dozens went to the declassified station foreign delegations, but the fact that the world’s first nuclear power plant also became a kind of university for the crews of soviet submariners was kept a closely guarded secret.
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a training center for training submariners was created in ovnensk; they served as trainees. at the world's first nuclear power plant, because the principle of reactor control is the same, this is k-3, leninsky komsomol, the first soviet nuclear submarine, the nuclear reactor for which was created on the basis of developments in obninsk, it was launched on... in 1957 , and already 5 years later became legendary when her the crew made the famous passage under the ice of the arctic ocean. a unique nuclear submarine with a unique crew, for example, the commander of the propulsion division
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rudakov could, after reading the editorial of the pravda newspaper, repeat it word for word. after the first soviet nuclear submarine conquered the north pole, yuri gagarin himself came to meet the team. the photo was taken here. cabin, the entire historical interior, chair, instruments, sensors are preserved here. and when he was invited, to this console, and he sat down on one of these two chairs, looked around, and he said the following words: fellow submariners, you have three to four times more instruments, switches, sensors than in my east, you are real cosmonauts, then he corrected himself and said, guide... cosmonauts. the launch of the obnensk npp marked the beginning of the rise of nuclear technology. the first power units of the bilibino and beloyarsk nuclear power plants were built , with significantly more powerful nuclear installations. and the design of fuel elements, fuel rods, which are still used in water-water reactors of nuclear
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power plants around the world, is still very similar to the one invented for the obnensk nuclear power plant by vladimir malykh from kurchatov’s nuclear team. fast neutron nuclear reactors with sodium. an impetus was given to soviet leadership in nuclear technology, and the foundations were laid for today’s modern development of both russian nuclear engineering and, in general, our leadership in the global nuclear technology market; we can recycle fissile materials and spent fuel. slow and fast reactors, thus providing not only a completely different economics of working with fuel, but also a completely different environmental level of this project, virtually reducing the disposal of spent nuclear fuel to zero. now
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the first russian serial project of the fast neutron reactor bn-1200m is on its way. its core was assembled on a unique... nuclear fuel cycle, modeling such reactors is a complex process, this requires unique systems, such as large physical stands, which are available at the institute of physics and energy, the first model experiments were carried out to obtain neutronic characteristics of the future reactor. now the obnensk npp is a museum, just updated.
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the legend station continues to live as the embodiment of the history of the nuclear industry in russia and the world. as a starting point, the beginning of the creation of peaceful nuclear energy, thanks to which nuclear icebreakers and submarines, modern nuclear power plants and many promising technologies that promised humanity a safe energy future appeared.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture in pursuit of views. change entire locations, easy to do, traduire. we will expose all fakes. the renovation program in moscow has already been running for 7 years. during this time , more than 130,000 people exchanged old housing for new free of charge. 26... thousand are filling out the necessary documents right now, how is this process going? today we will visit construction sites and
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visit novoselov. now this small window is the kitchen, the next window is grandma and grandpa’s, the next window is our room. anastasia moved into this five-story panel building with her parents when she was 11 years old. the muscovite grew up, had her own children, lived together as a large family, and in january they moved into a house... as part of a renovation program, just 100 meters from here. they miss the old apartment, but of course the conditions in the new building are completely different. well , our big advantage is that the yard is closed, there are no cars in it, that is, you don’t have to worry that your child on a scooter, even driving around this area, will get run over or something bad will happen to him. everything is in sight, and children are in sight, it has become very safe. underground parking, wide halls, separate room for bicycles and strollers. the apartment itself is more spacious than before, and now there is a balcony, my daughters have
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additional space for studying, they finally have two large desks, because before that they had just tiny tables, which were very uncomfortable, alena had a small desk completely, now they have tables, our kitchen has become much larger, the kitchen is twice as large as our old one, we have one room that is much larger than in the old apartment, that is, in mine...
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plus underground parking (182 apartments) it is assumed that residents of the shchukin district will begin to move here under the renovation program in the fall, some floors are almost ready, we are in a typical... two-room apartment, please note, there is a kitchen with access to the balcony, the rooms are spacious, correct geometric shape, and i also ask you to pay attention, here is a two-room apartment, well, there is also a bath, with a toilet and an additional bathroom, this one, yes, there is a wall behind us, there are eight
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apartments on the floor, but the doors are similar to the entrance to the corridor is twice as large, and what is this? a strange door to the apartment, behind this door there is engineering equipment, here you can shut off the heating system, water supply, metering devices will also be installed here, this is convenient, without access to the apartment, in the event of an emergency , the company manager can turn off the heating or water supply, and you can also take instrument metering readings without access to the apartment, it is comfortable in new buildings and for people with disabilities, there are two peepholes on the front door, so that it is convenient and apartments for such citizens are special, for example, sockets are located slightly lower than usual, and there are ramps and tactile signs. a person in a wheelchair. we are located in an apartment for people with limited mobility, the apartment has been thoroughly finished, there are enlarged doorways,
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a guest bathroom, the main bathroom with an increased area is equipped with special handrails. this is marina roshcha, the building is almost ready to move in, there are 286 apartments, there is ideal transport accessibility, there is not even 100 m to the mcd station for sound the train did not interfere with the residents ; noise barriers will be installed. another nuance: the project involves the construction of an underground shelter. at the time of some kind of air alarm and so on, people, local people, respectively. can go down to an underground bunker and hide there from unfavorable situations. the first floors of all buildings are non-residential; utility services, security posts or libraries are located there. most of the space is occupied by business. in order to create comfortable conditions, we must be at the forefront
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floors of convenience stores, social infrastructure, hairdressers. mugs, the placement of commercial premises on the first floors of renovation buildings contributes to the development of small businesses and, of course, creates new jobs. businesses understand the advantages of such placement: space is in high demand. the first non-residential floors themselves have good characteristics in terms of the prospects for their use, since the ceiling height is 4.5 m, the entrance is from the ground level, they... have a separate entrance, in the commissioned houses more than 1,200 premises have already been put into operation, and 50% of which are used by organizations for the convenience of residents. this boxing school is located on the first floor of a new building in kuzminki. adult children also come here to work out; there is enough space even for group
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training, and there is room to lay out equipment. and the location is very cool, a youth home. a lot of families with children took part in vogson, won the auction, made renovations, opened and have been working for more than six months, so i recommend everyone, in fact, to pay attention to the houses for renovation, and there the areas are large, comfortable, large windows, the whole room visible from both sides, or here are yet another new residents, a family coffee shop, the space has become a place of attraction for... residents of the entire house. neighbors spend their free time here, drink coffee and play board games. the premises made it possible to realize all the owners’ ideas. initially, only one floor was planned, but we managed to agree, and we made this wonderful two-story coffee shop. on the second floor we have movie nights, downstairs, in addition to the fact that you can take orders, you can
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leave your children in such a wonderful little room. this is for the youngest visitors, especially here. we have a stove and a table for drawing, where a child can either create something and then hang it in our coffee shop. this is the ukhtomsky casino district. here, under the renovation program, a total of about 6,000 muscovites are going to be resettled from old housing to new housing, some of them have already moved into these new buildings. at the same time , social infrastructure is developing. a new educational building is currently being built in the immediate vicinity of the microdistrict. this is individual project: in one wing there will be a kindergarten for 225 places, in the other - a school for 550, so that the flows do not intersect, each department has its own entrance, let's go first to the section for kids. you and i are in one of the nine group groups, right now in the locker room area, where the children will change clothes, get into the main area, there is a buffet area
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where food is heated and brought out for children to eat, a large self-service area, the main area where children learn and play. , and there is a bedroom area with convertible cribs that are separated from the main area transformable partition. in the other wing of the building there is a school department - five floors, all in accordance with the moscow standard, there will be spaces for recreation, laboratories, medical and engineering offices. well, judging by the height of the ceilings, there will be a gym here , probably not entirely true, this is our modern it training ground with a robotics class, you correctly noted, large ceilings of more than 10 m, they are needed so that our students in this room learned to develop control of quadcopters. the windows will be protected with a special mesh to so that the quadcopter does not break the light structure. transformable partitions will allow you to divide the space into several
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offices. a library center will be set up on the fifth floor. the school will also have rooms for individual study. and this is the assembly hall, there will be a stage with modern audio equipment, led spotlights, curtains and backstage. and here there will be a podium, but not.
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specialized specialists, there will also be medical assistance from general practitioners, placed, functional and radiation diagnostics. in the main part of the building there will be four floors, the hospital will be able to accommodate 325 children per shift, monolithic work has already been completed in the offices of general practitioners. the rough finishing is being completed and the radiology diagnostic room is being prepared. here we see an additional foundation, this is the foundation for x-ray equipment. you may notice that the walls are already finished with barite plaster; this is a type of plaster that is used in rooms where it is important to provide additional protection from radiation. it is also worth noting that this plaster is an alternative to lead screen. window openings will be protected by x-ray protective shutters, which will allow us to provide complete coverage.
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work to widen the roadway, install sidewalks so that people can walk to public transport stops, and this passage will be illuminated with new lighting poles so that people can come to their homes conveniently and comfortably, courtyards are not left unattended, landscaping is a must part of the work, there is a lot of greenery near the entrances, for example, 55 trees and 175 shrubs were planted next to this house... there is modern outdoor furniture everywhere, and we are located in the center of the courtyard, which means there are two gazebos for relaxation with a polycarbonate coating, tables, benches for relaxation,
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a children's play area , sports equipment for sports, landscaping, schools, clinics and opportunities for small children. business. renovation is not just new houses instead of old ones, programs. on the scale of entire neighborhoods rather than individual houses. in our country, if it’s a sport, then... with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install. we open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like
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the wild west, then... there is one, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, we tensed up inside america, beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american highmores launchers with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. the su also carried out a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian was killed and another was injured. from place shelling alexander korobov. today.


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