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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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shoplifting, robbery, you ran away from the orphanage five times, six times, all hope is on you, completely wild guys, god forgive me, what did you want from me, a miracle, naughty people, on the day of remembrance and sorrow of modern times... . ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and gorlovka in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american haimers with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. su was also hit a massive blow to the belgorod region. a civilian was killed and another was injured. from the scene of the shelling, alexander korobov. today. since the very morning, the belgorod region
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has been under attack from the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, there were casualties in the village of soltykova , belgorod region, as a result of an attack by neo-nazis, an employee of an agricultural enterprise was killed, one of the ammunition hit the building, there was a person in it, and the doctors who arrived at the scene could no longer help him. border settlements are being attacked by uavs. they drop various explosive substances, use fpv versions and use them to hit residents' houses and cars. two people were injured, they were hospitalized and received all the necessary medical care. serious damage was caused to residential buildings and transport. social institutions also came under fire. in the village of ustenka, belgorod district, the enemy attacked the post office at night, it was completely... burned down, and in
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fact, incendiary bombs were dropped on it ammunition, nothing intact was left here, the building itself was also badly damaged, it was quite loud today in belgorod itself, the air raid signal sounded almost all day, the enemy tried several times to attack the city with missiles, presumably they were fired from a kaimars launcher, our air defense system worked, they shot down everything air targets, there was minor damage in the private sector, shrapnel... lightly cut roofs, hit several cars, no residents were injured, the threat of shelling in the region still remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons and drones on ukrainian energy facilities that supplied military enterprises. all targets were hit, attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were successfully repulsed, zelensky’s formation was lost even more. other guns,
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air defense systems shot down 48 combat drones. about the situation on the front line pavel prokopenko. the first salvo is always sighting, as they say here, you need to probe the target, then it is adjusted. the gunner is working, in his in the arsenal there is a bead, a panorama and bubbles, all this is a means of guidance, we aim for 2-3 minutes, well, it depends on the terrain, how you need to place the car level so that the bubbles are all evenly aligned, well, in itself it’s not a difficult task, the main thing is quickly aim, don’t triple, that’s all, unlike other artillery, hail often works in open areas, this is the specificity of aiming and firing up to 200
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missiles a day, jet fighters of the center group of forces work without days off and lunch breaks, hail covers an area of ​​several football fields, the scale is visible from the air, missiles fall in a given square with geometric precision, enemy equipment, tanks, self-propelled guns were hidden in a forest belt among abandoned houses, we call the target fat, first of all they will dig through it than some other target , they destroyed the d30, they destroyed the batteries, there were kamaz trucks and...
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hanging like a talisman, constantly with us on missions, working the same way as us, a new target was received, the crew was sent to work, avdeevskoe direction. on the day of memory and mourning, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the grave unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the ceremony was attended by the minister of defense, veterans of the great patriotic war, and unit commanders. the memory of the fallen heroes was honored with a minute of silence.
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the memorial ceremony at the kremlin walls was also attended by members of the board of the ministry of defense, including first minister leonid gornin, as well as deputy ministers anna tseveleva and pavel frodkov. a company of honor guards marched solemnly in front of the memorial. and at the end of the ceremony, after a minute of silence and a march of the honor guard company, vladimir putin and defense minister andrei belousov separately laid red carnations on each stele on the alley of cities of heroes and cities of military glory
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near the kremlin wall. commemorative events took place not only throughout russia, but also in many other countries. stanislav bervay talks about this. a minute of silence took place at the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation, in which a huge number of people took part. today a minute of silence was announced and here, not far from rzhev, we are in the zubtsovsky district. today the search engines buried the remains of nineteen red army soldiers who were raised from the fields of war, in general a huge amount of work was done here, not far from orzhev, zubtsovsky. area in the rzhevsky district, it is search engines that carry out, about a thousand fighters are raised every year, they try to establish names, water data, unfortunately, time does not spare anyone and it is not always possible to establish a name, probably
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some of the most difficult work was carried out, forests are flooded, rivers spilled, swamps were flooded, i had to work mainly with probes, so the result, of course, is the correct result. the farther we go, the fewer remains of soviet soldiers we find, well, my father went through the war, the independence of our homeland is a moment of silence, the most important thing in life is the memory of our parents, of all the soldiers who died, events dedicated to the day of remembrance and sorrow are taking place indeed, all over russia the day before in varzhevo, at the memorial to the soviet army, the war took place. a requiem concert, as well as the opening of a photo exhibition about the history of the creation of this unique monument, as well as about those heroes who during the great years patriotic war defended their homeland on this land. this exhibition was organized by the russian military historical society, so we managed to talk with a member
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of the federation council committee on international affairs, it turns out that the stand has a photo of his father, you don’t stay when you see his photo as a young man, then now...
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a just russia for the truth , the head of the party faction in the state duma, sergei mironov , laid flowers at the monument to podolsk cadets; the ceremony was attended by the deputy chairman of the moscow regional duma, chairman of the council of the regional branch and the moscow region. it is worth saying that mourning events take place not only on the territory of the russian federation, they also take place... in mexico, azerbaijan, armenia, and kazakhstan. indeed, last night, thousands and thousands of people came out in various capitals with candles in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war. stanislav bernvad, evgeniy turchak, artyom ryzhikov. news. magate inspectors were informed of a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces on energodar. the day before, ukrainian drones attacked blow to the only supply.
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in order to deprive the kiev regime of the opportunity to carry out such attacks.
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vladimir zelensky gave the command to rake all men from the streets in order to send them to the front; the venkoms act in large groups to stop attempts at resistance. in these footage , a man and a baby were tied up, former pentagon adviser, colonel douglas mcgregor, wrote on social networks, and i quote: zelenska’s gestapo kidnaps a man holding a child in his arms to send him to war. it's horrible. in fact. the west, with the help of zelensky, is trying destroy as many ukrainians as possible. natalya goncharova talks about this. the situation in ukraine is heating up. the new york times emphasizes that tens of thousands of men are evading the draft. the article publishes stories of residents of lvov and kiev who stopped going out into the streets in order to avoid getting to the military commissars. there are many groups on social networks where they share information about security forces’ ambushes. i'm afraid that i won't get enough military training either.
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that this war will not end on the battlefield. we said from the very beginning that the best option is the beginning of the peace process under the auspices of the un. french political scientist sebastien basois agrees with this. in an article for ikos, he emphasizes that conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector can only be resolved through diplomacy. but the united states and its allies are preparing new provocations. the estonian authorities are strengthening the group in case of clashes with russia, reports le figaro. natalya goncharova, lead. israeli air force fighters attacked hezbollah targets in southern lebanon, the idf said. also, the army
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of the jewish state fired at the areas neighboring country. about 100,000 lebanese were forced to flee their homes due to the shelling. according to cnn, the united states promised israel support in the event of a full-scale war with lebanon, but is not going to send troops. kuwait called on its citizens to urgently leave beirut due to the sharp escalation of the situation. national airline of arabic. yemen's houthis said they launched another missile attack on the us aircraft carrier dwight esenhaur in the red sea. an operation was carried out to destroy an american aircraft carrier eisinhaur, located north of the red sea, using a number of ballistic and corlat missiles. and the operation successfully achieved its goals. this is the cessation
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of aggression and the lifting of the blockade on the palestinian people in the gaza strip, the armed forces of yemen will not hesitate to strike. this is not the first such statement by the houthis, perhaps a coincidence, but the pentagon decided to remove this ship from the red sea, and another american ship, theodore ruzvi, should come from the pacific ocean. a powerful downpour with large hail hit umsk, some streets turned into rivers, the entrances of several residential buildings were flooded, hail destroyed garden plants, and the bad weather will continue to linger. heavy rain and wind gusts up to 25 m/s cannot be ruled out. ufa was also hit by heavy rain and hail. many streets and underground parking lots were flooded. according to eyewitnesses, at the airport of the bashkir capital , part of the runway was also under water. in some hypermarkets, the roofs failed and puddles formed right in the shopping area.
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well, there was a real blizzard in tyumen. but instead of. snow, poplar fluff, well, it’s quite clear what song became a hit with motorists in this city, poplar bul, shara july, the wind blows into the sky, but you don’t believe it, visibility on the roads for some time dropped to almost zero, jokes and there are a lot of enthusiastic comments on social networks, but downy snowdrifts cause serious problems, many complain of allergies, and in addition, down can cause problems. to fires, ukrainian propagandists are reaching a new level of turning shame into victory, they are editing videos from the special operation zone like this in a way to hide the monstrous losses of the whole, although it turns out frankly careless, as with attempts to sweep under the carpet a terrible economic crisis in the rear,
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we will tell you more about everything right now in the stopfake program on russia 24. so, let's start with an interesting video, the meaning of which radically changes, depending on which version you look at, in particular the ukrainian one, published for a public audience with half a million subscribers, allegedly, the guys from the national guard covered the location of our military in a face-planting on the territory the northern groupings of troops inflicted significant damage on the kharkov region, although for some reason there is no evidence of successful fire defeats here, and they cut off the video in the most interesting place, but it doesn’t matter. since a complete record of the means of objective control was published by a telegram channel older than edde, the picture here is clearly not in favor of the militants. a russian reconnaissance drone delicately directs artillery at enemy positions, which leads to the destruction of several enemy personnel, and then those who survived and retreated fpv drones are approaching a car hidden in the bushes. the results are more than eloquent.
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these characters with blue belts on their sleeves have already won theirs and will not return home alive. however, the information dumps are unlikely to remember them, since according to the official training manual of the regime, the russians are near kharkov. quote: a bad streak has begun, and the predators are winning non-stop. when there are no visible victories, when there are no serious advances, they create such local stories that we went in a separate direction, there we defeated the orcs, look, these are the shots, this is the first moment, the second point is working for a western audience, that is, there... they love beautiful pictures, meat storms, because this is a civilization that also grew up in hollywood. the third point is working for advertising, and this is earning money, they are very cynical about it, there is nothing extra here, it’s just business, they don’t care whether it’s a lie or the truth, they cut it, edited it, put it on. continuing the topic, there is another remarkable
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case related to the third separate assault brigade, that is, the renamed terrorist azov, its units allegedly after... having carried out successful actions, this is again the official temnik, and so popular among viewers of the telethon that , out of an excess of feelings, some enthusiasts dedicated a new comic book to the nazis with the pretentious title i'm going to storm, on the cover there is a picture of a superhero with a huge with a sword, which one must assume, washes away with blood an unpleasant aftertaste, either from the adventures in mariupol azovst. either from the shameful flight from near avdeevka, but in fact the brilliant operation of the so-called attack aircraft ended before it really began, as soon as they just approach the front line where...... the russians have targeted every meter, we see a typical situation for this war, yes, in the conditions of such total dominance of reconnaissance means over the
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battlefield, the slightest attempts to advance in the form of the same small groups, immediately encounter massive attacks from artillery from, in general, these drones. pv drones, uh, well, the question here is which side will have an advantage in these, in these types of weapons. in short, comics won’t help the matter, apparently, so through the veil of lies, sometimes the complaints of the notorious azov residents about the acute shortage of manpower and main equipment still make their way through, but desperate calls to western sponsors to give at least something modern still remain unheard, a vivid example sweden, whose authorities decided to give zelensky an armored personnel carrier. bv-302. propagandists, of course, offer to rejoice, but time-tested machines, but behind a simple metaphor it is difficult to hide banal old age and wear and tear. cars rolled off assembly lines back in the sixties
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of the last century. their characteristics match. with a mass of 14 tons, the engine provides a ratio of 19 horsepower per ton, which is extremely low for a vehicle without normal armor. even the frontal part of the pbb can withstand, at best, a hit from a twenty-millimeter projectile, but is powerless against caliber guns. 30 mm, which is equipped on almost all russian light armored vehicles. the shved's speed is also low by today's standards, 66 km/h, and the fuel in the tanks lasts for a maximum of 300 km. finally, the weapon generally ancient. these are spanish aircraft installations and were developed, please note, before the second world war. their magazines are loaded with only 10 armor-piercing shells, so you won’t be able to shoot at will. what happens when a country joins nato? it needs to be re-equipped, it... needs to be prepared in accordance with nato standards, that is, for this it is necessary, at a minimum, to supply modern equipment, it is necessary to supply modern weapons, what to do with the old one, not just write it off, yes,
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that is, this is not beneficial to anyone , from this it is necessary to create a fairly serious information fund, for example, to supply weapons to ukraine, which zelensky’s armed forces did, they, of course, say that sweden supplies reliable, proven weapons that have been tested for years, which are capable... puts it so to speak competition with russian weapons. further to the fake narratives in the rear of square, more precisely in its energy sector, which promise to save not much with the marshal’s new plan at the expense of europe and america, the foreign agent voice of america writes about this, the same the one who just a couple of months ago was telling stories about the reliability of the ukrainian energy system, but it seems he has changed his shoes. at the same time, the ukrainian media are still in no hurry to acknowledge the problem; on the contrary, they are bragging about the problem. in the absence of traditional generation, the country has switched to solar and is ready to export some surplus to an eu state. in general, in words, there is plenty of electricity, but as
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always, details matter. this is a question of foreign investment, in the given conditions in which ukraine is located, well, their likelihood very doubtful. here this is another fantasy, in general, uh, well, this is some kind of neurotic desire to get rid of... the energy that was the concept that was created in the soviet union, and to get rid of it without transforming this energy, yes into something more new, modern, radically changing the approach in general, well, against this background, you can talk about solar energy, which they will also export, and in general, what kind of energy surplus can we talk about? speech if the relevant ukrainian departments are constantly tightening shutdown schedules. lights and leave citizens without electricity not from 6:00 pm, as promised, from 2:00 pm. but it can be worse, as, for example, in kharkov, where the time of blackouts depends on the region; in mnemyshlskoye the situation
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is relatively gentle, there is no light from 5 to 8 in the morning, interruptions are allowed from 8 to 9. residents of the center, in particular nezalezhnosti avenue, are forced to put up with outages in the more inconvenient slot from 8 to 11 o’clock, but the population of slobodskoye is especially unlucky in the area they cut off power from 200 to 23.00, leaving people without evening leisure. as for kiev, khreshchatyk guarantees a stable supply of electricity in short intervals between 7 and 8 a.m. from 4 to 5 p.m., from 9 a.m. to noon from 6 to 9 p.m., there will be no guaranteed electricity. well, in dnepropetrovsk, on the street of the idol of the ukronazis stepan bandera, there are mandatory two-time shutdowns for 3 hours in the morning and afternoon. but there is an object that will never be shut down. but what is this what kind of objects are they, i wonder? look, these are defense industry facilities, where they produce shells, what is used for war, and what is used for the front. i am sure zelensky lives with the light, ermak lives with
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the light. everyone there, these guards and others who sit on television, they also live with light, but without light, these are grandmothers, these are high-rise buildings and so on, if you want to live with light, go to the front, there you will have a diesel generator, then your light bulb will be on, but the energy is okay, after all, it’s not the first time to lie about her condition to the bank gang, but reading about cheap food products is much unusual, and yet the unian agency seriously reports that a lot of things on the shelves are super. now they are giving away almost for nothing, while another resource of a similar nature, essentially denies inflation, also focuses on the downright universal availability of food products, although some people have a fundamentally different opinion on this matter, there’s no way you can complain about the kremlin misinformation, because a ukrainian woman went to the store, i came home on vacation from canada, i’ve been here for 2 weeks now and i’m still in shock, why? and because food prices are more expensive than in
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canada, somewhere at this point i... knew that i needed to shell out half of what i had collected, because i wouldn’t have enough money, the prices for an ordinary piece of cheese were at 300-400 hryvnia, which is a thin salmon steak, almost 370 hryvnia, what do you think, how much should a ukrainian earn on average in order to afford normal food? ukraine has been striving to join the european union for so long, of course, the prices that are now in european union, they should smoothly move to ukraine, that is, citizens of ukraine should realize that you were in a hurry to join the european union, here is welcom, as they say, welcome, the more bloggers a... who can really understand something, be aware of critical thinking, will come to ukraine, the more of this kind of internet streams about the truth, at truthful prices as well, the more the ukrainians themselves will know what hole they have fallen into. the cost of education in ukraine is best illustrated by dry figures, which there’s no need to even comment further. by and large , only the introduction became cheaper compared to last year, and its average cost fell from 113 hryvnia per half liter to 109, but with a snack it is more difficult. famous
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ukrainian lard. over the same period the price jumped by almost 25%. chicken meat has risen in price by approximately 20 from 138 hryvnia to 164 per kilogram. a kilo of potatoes in the twenty-third could be afforded for 9 hryvnia, and this summer you will have to pay as much as 33. therefore, the face is 260 percent height. if we talk about fruits, then the most affordable apples have added almost 16 hryvnia to their last year price tag. even bread, which ukraine, well, it seems... produces with a solid reserve, selling millions of tons of grain abroad, is systematically growing in price, and this country, let me remind you, until relatively recently was considered a guarantor of food stability, not only for its own citizens, but for europe. the work schedule of these enterprises itself becomes very complicated. of course, there is a shortage of manpower, people many, in general, are simply hiding from going out into the streets, the economy.
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which is now based only on war, it leads to the fact that the country’s leadership, in general, is in no hurry to abandon this economic base, it brings colossal destruction to the future of the country, but at the moment this scheme is working, so they are holding on to it. another resonant topic has been promoted in recent days by the knowledgeable tsn tv channel, which frightened the citizens of ukraine with the fact that they will not be able to marry, neither. buy an apartment, or go to a notary without registering with the tcc. of course, such prospects will shock any hooligan, but soon the head of the ministry of justice of the junta, malyuska, came out with an explanation, who , on the one hand, hastened to brand this news as a russian information and psychological operation, on the other hand, he admitted that restrictions on the use of administrative services are indeed implied, but categorically refused to specify which ones specifically. , maybe simply because they will affect registration
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marriages in real estate transactions. but they became known about them earlier than kiev wanted, the media specifically throw in these kinds of narratives in order to test the response, see how citizens react, and if citizens splash out a negative reaction about these events and, so to speak, new decisions in the media, then of course they are trying to somehow replay the situation, and it is precisely at this moment that those very talking heads appear, representatives of the authorities who say that no, no, a little bit so, everything will be a little different, but i repeat, they will in no way be able to tell the truth that in reality government services for men of advanced age will be prohibited if you do not transfer information about yourself to the tsk. well, those who still manage to avoid the attention of the tskashniks have little room for maneuver. for example, you can go to the boryspil museum, where, unlike other public places, military commissars don’t visit much.


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