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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and gorlovka in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american haimers with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. su also launched a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian was killed and another was injured. from the scene of the shelling, alexander korobov. today.
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the belgorod region has been under attack from the armed forces since the morning formations of ukraine, unfortunately, were not without casualties in the village of soltykova , belgorod region, as a result of an attack by neo-nazis, an employee of an agricultural enterprise was killed, one of the ammunition hit the building, there was a person in it, and the doctors who arrived at the scene were no longer able to do anything to him could help. border settlements are being attacked by uavs. they drop various explosives, use fpv versions and use them to hit residents' houses and cars. two people received wounded, they were hospitalized, they were provided with all the necessary medical care. serious damage was caused to residential buildings and transport. social institutions also came under fire. in the village of ustinka , belgorod district, the enemy attacked the post office at night, it completely... burned down,
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in fact, incendiary ammunition was dropped on it, nothing was left intact, the building itself was also badly damaged, it’s quite loud today in belgorod itself, it sounds almost all day air raid signal, enemy several times tried to attack the city with missiles, presumably they were fired from a haymars launcher, our air defense system worked, all air targets were shot down, there was minor damage in the private sector, from shrapnel... the roof was slightly cut, several cars were hit, no residents were hurt, there is a threat of shelling in the region still persists. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army launched a group strike with long -range precision weapons and drones on ukrainian energy facilities that supplied the military enterprises. all targets were hit, attacks in the ssu were successfully repulsed. zelensky’s formation was lost even more.
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the memorial ceremony near the kremlin walls was also attended by members of the board of the ministry of defense, including the first minister, lenid gornin, as well as deputy ministers and pavel frodkov. a ceremonial march before. a company of honor guard passed by moreal. and at the end of the ceremony, after a minute of silence and the march of the honorary koroul’s rue, vladimir putin and defense minister andrei belousov separately laid red carnations on each of the steles on the alley cities of heroes and cities of military glory near the kremlin wall. memorable. events
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took place not only throughout russia, but also in many other countries, stanislav berwalt talks about this: at the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation, a one-minute action took place. armies that were raised from the people, today a minute of silence was announced and here, not far from rzhev, we are in the zubtsovsky district, today the search engines interred the remains of nineteen red soldiers in which a huge number of war fields took part, in general a huge amount of work here, not far from arzhev in the zubtsovsky district, in the rzhevsky district it is search engines that carry out searches, about a thousand are raised annually.
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we work mainly with probes, so the result , of course, is the correct result, the further we go, the fewer remains of soviet soldiers we find, well, my father passed through ilano. the most important thing in life is the memory of our parents, of all the soldiers who died. events dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow are actually taking place all over russia, the day before in varzhevo at the soviet army war memorial, a requiem concert was held, as well as an opening photo exhibitions about the history of the creation of this unique monument, and also... about those heroes who defended their homeland on this land during the great patriotic war. this exhibition was organized by the russian military historical society, so we managed to talk with a member of the federation council committee on international affairs, it turns out that the stand has photographs of his father, you can’t stay
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when you see his photograph as a young man, then now at an advanced age, he failed in due to health status already visit. so to say, a discovery, and i watched it on tv, and soon after about six months he passed away, but he lived to see this moment, i am very glad that it was for him, that it worked out, well, as part of the all-russian campaign, a candle of memory in today, the russian guard held solemn mourning events with the participation of the department’s leadership, as well as an all-russian action dedicated to the day of remembrance and sorrow today. young people also pass by, remembering the history of this terrible day, june 22, 1941 . on the day and hour of the beginning of the great patriotic war, chairman of the just russia for truth party, head of the party faction in the state duma sergei mironov,
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laid flowers at the monument to podolsk cadets. the ceremony was attended by the deputy chairman of the moscow regional duma, the chairman of the council of the regional branch and the moscow region. to say that mourning events take place not only on the territory of the russian federation, they take place in mexico, azerbaijan, armenia, kazakhstan, indeed, today is the past at night, thousands and thousands of people came out in various capitals with candles in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war. stanislav bernwalt, evgeny turchak, artyom ryzhikov, lead.
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what is it guys, what's the matter, guys,
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what's the matter, almost 80 years ago there is a secret war going on... moscow, washington, st. petersburg, new york and other cities of the world. spies, counterintelligence agents, agents are trying to obtain information and inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy. could be anything, street, bar, restaurant, hotel, apartment - this is a secret war, it can be much worse, ordinary, the central intelligence agency today in moscow lost its spy, he was captured in an instant, that’s what they call the transfer of information to their agent.
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the main enemy is not only the cia, for example, this is generally obvious, the united states of america, if we talk about the main enemy in the person of intelligence, there is such a us intelligence community, which includes various units of seventeen american departments, which. there is an intelligence unit, but it is undoubtedly the cia. self the central intelligence agency was born in 1947 under the national security act of the united states of america. after world war ii, the cia retained elements of so -called strategic service operations. they were engaged in secret activities, the purpose of which was to overthrow governments and influence them. the cia has evolved from a collecting organization. the main function of the cia
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is covert operations, interference, elections around the world, buying election results for a lot of money and also paramilitary operations. russians should know a few things about the cia. it's a big, slow, clunky bureaucracy.
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the summer of 1945 had not yet died down with the salvos of the great patriotic war, but the special services of the united states of america had already begun. to create conditions for carrying out subversive operations against the soviet union, for these purposes they recruited a contingent from among, first of all , nationalists, representatives of various diasporas of the soviet union, and most of all, of course, among them were ukrainian nationalists, banderaites, former nazi supporters. in july 1945, the first meetings of the organization took place in
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the united states of america; great britain will provide support to the ukrainian organization. states of america in the fight against nazism, against hitler's germany, and here already... the allies are preparing such a stab in the back,
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and in these actions is participating, well, the former commander of the allied expeditionary force in europe, and the future, he is also the future president of the united states of america . in august 1945, the americans dropped two atomic bombs destroyed japan, destroyed the cities of jeroshima and... gosaki about the creation of super weapons in the usa, soviet intelligence reported to joseph stalin 4 years before this terrible tragedy and proposed a plan on how to get all the materials of american developments, already in the spring of 1942 , soviet nuclear scientists began to create an atomic bomb.
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in march 1946, former british prime minister winston churchill declared an anglo-saxon cold war on the soviet union at fulton college. from stetin on the baltic. central and eastern europe. warsaw, berlin, prague, vienna, budapest, belgrade, bucharest, sofia. all of these
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famous cities and the populations in their areas found themselves within what... what i call the soviet sphere, all of them in one form or another subject not only to soviet influence, but also to the significant and increasing control of moscow. after world war ii, the united states, with the support of great britain, tried to force the main victor of the victory, the soviet union, to integrate into the global pax americana system. the basis of this american world was supposed to be dollar, more precisely 35 dollars, with which the united states proposed to replace one troy ounce of pure gold, the main means of payment for all trade transactions in the world. this happened in july 1944 at the british conference.
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soviet. signed the agreement, but in december 1945 refused to ratify it, that is, it became the main obstacle to the global hegemony of the united states. from that moment on, a secret war against the ussr began. they perceived threats from the soviet union. this is not just a political opponent, but geopolitical rival and competitor. and this very worried the american leadership. the history of the founding of the cia is very interesting, its creation did not actually go according to plan, the agency was established as part of the national security act of 1947, according to which the
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national security council was also created in order to obtain the approval of the fbi for its creation.
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in 1951, with the participation of the central intelligence agency, the so -called american committee for the liberation of the peoples of russia was created, which after some time established, as you remember, radio free europe, one of the main mouthpieces of such vicious anti-soviet propaganda. listen, listen. today a new liberation radio station begins its broadcasts by representatives of russian anti-communist groups, a coordination center has been created. it was the americans and
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the british who coordinated the supply of ammunition to the bandera underground in western ukraine. the soviet government managed to stop the terror instigated by tsuruyami 6 only in the mid-sixties. it was a long time ago, in general somewhere before sixty years ago, our overall losses were quite large, about 25 thousand people each, our troops, but they were outnumbered by these opponents, those who were hiding in bunkers, there were significantly more of them, but they were there, we had to open these caches , what was there in these caches, nationalist literature inserted from the west in particular, well-functioning communication systems, all this went through lyunkhin. who was in the zone of occupation of american troops, covering them too, creating some opportunities for them, there was a clear organizational
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communication network functioning, from point to point, point, we intercepted these connections, naturally, through our agents, tracked them. from its very foundation, under the leadership of alain dalis, tseiro used two main methods in her work to displace undesirable regimes, the first is the inculcation of propaganda ideas, democracy and freedom. underneath these loud slogans were hidden the specific political goals of the united states: to bring this or that state under its control. for this same purpose another technique was also used: recruitment of traitors among the elite of the victim state. a striking example of an operation to demolish legitimate power was guatemala in 1954. this was one of the cia's first experiments. by regime change. guatemala is a small central american state on the isthmus between north and south america with a population of 3.5 million people
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in 1954. today the population of this country exceeds 19 million people. in the middle of the last century, guatemala was an agricultural country and grew tropical fruits. banana plantations accounted for more than half of all farmland. bananas and coffee were the main export income. in 1950 , jacoba arbins was elected president of guatimala by popular vote. during his leadership of the country, arbins systematically carried out reforms. but his decision to nationalize was a mistake.
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in march 1953, soviet leader joseph stalin died. guatemala was the only central american country to offer its condolences to the soviet people. a gesture of respect from this small country and recognition of the merits of the soviet generalissimo. went unnoticed in washington. guatemala was considered a pro-soviet country, and
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this was one of the reasons why the operation was a success. the white house gave the go-ahead to tser. in the early morning of june 18, 1954 , in the skies over glatemalo. a c-47 plane appeared in city. having made a circle, he dropped a thousand leaflets on the city calling on the country's president armens to resign. a few hours later, the same plane began dropping not leaflets, but molotov cocktails and grenades to sow panic among the city’s population. a year before the invasion of guatemala in november 1953, the cro created the voice of liberation radio station. this technique. by the way, the americans will use it in all countries against which they carried out subversive activities. at this radio station , instead of journalists, cia officers worked,
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who called for an unconstitutional... which broadcasts on the shortwave frequency 6.360 khz from a secret place in the republic, listen to us and you will learn the truth about the political situation in which guatemala is located. we blame jacob arbenz and his a group of traitors for selling their homeland to their masters from the soviet union. after 10 days it was all over. arbins was
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forced to resign. a pro-american government reigned in temali. glorious victory is a painting by the great mexican muralist diego rivera about how the cia organized and financed an armed coup in guatemala. this was done primarily in the interests of the united fruit company, for which it was important to preserve the comprador banana plant in guatemala. republic. in the center of the picture is us secretary of state john foster dalis. the brother of alain dales, the director of the cia, shakes hands with the servile bowing to the leader of the junta, colonel castil armas, who has a wad of dollars in his pocket, the head allen dales and the us ambassador to guatemala john purifoy distribute money to the commanders of armed mercenaries, and the indigenous people work like slaves for loading united company ships with bananas.
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angola, mozambique, kenya and tanzania, all over look what happened in places like africa, where they ended their lives with a bullet in the back of the head life, charismatic african leaders. in general, yes, this has happened in dozens of countries since 1948. ex.
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as soon as the terrorist attacks of september 11 happened, they began to do whatever they wanted, whatever they wanted, everything, be it murder, torture or kidnapping, they did it to women and children, they did it to them in ways that were still unimaginable for a couple days before september 11, 2001 . after these events, the organization changed forever.


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