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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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they called on the cia to take more decisive action, to take off the gloves, so to speak. as soon as the terrorist attacks of september 11 happened, they began to do whatever they wanted, whatever they wanted, everything, be it murder, torture or kidnapping, they did it to women and children, they did it to them in ways that were still unimaginable for a couple days before september 11, 2001 . after these events, the organization changed forever. a person could be captured
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anywhere, put on a plane, transferred to any of the us satellite countries, be it in central america, for example, or in europe, latvia, lithuania, estonia, poland, ukraine, all were happy to host the police officers with the kidnapped person. yes, the cia sent prisoners to thirds of the country to make their jobs easier. to keep their hands clean. the united states likes to say that it is a law-abiding country, a nation governed by the rule of law. and this is not at all true. the legislation clearly states: you cannot torture people, you cannot kill them, without giving them the opportunity to explain themselves. is not it? there must be an opportunity to explain your actions to a jury. you can't have them lock them in foreign underground bunkers and pretend that these prisons do not exist. from
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the very beginning, i believed that these were war crimes, crimes against humanity. these actions were not only inconsistent with the american approach, they were un-american.
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the agency has always relied on traitors, and they succeeded. the main thing in working with agents is to find the achilles heel in a person; as a rule, money and incriminating evidence were used. love affair,
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ideological instability was less common, but it is not at all possible that material dependence, it all depends on the person, someone loves the ringing of gold, someone... is a champion of an idea , and so on, creating conditions when he must meet halfway is compromising him at work, using tomochats, these are relatives and so on, these are naturally honey traps, so we call them, this is a woman, this is wine, this is money. sergei terikhov, a veteran of counterintelligence, at one time exposed a traitor recruited by the cia in moscow. yes, 1984 was, in general, a challenge. to the leadership, a task was set, i looked at the letter that came from intelligence, a very serious letter, the first time i saw one of particular importance, and sheet 4, 4/5, was written by hand and typewritten there literally, that is
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, it is so secretive, because the speech went to encrypt the source of information, in particular ames, who reported that there was a mole in the second main department. that is, there is a traitor, well, there began and there were certain signs according to which we began to work, the kgb became worried because of the espionage dust, that was the name of the secret drug rubin, this is a special substance with which it was possible to track the movement of employees of the enemy station in moscow, it was used to treat cars and those places where an agent or resident could potentially visit, it was impossible to wash off this reagent, this made it possible to detect ...
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because, firstly, this becomes obvious, because after all, counterintelligence officers, we are all of the same level of training, thank god that the person we were looking for turned out to be not an employee of the second chief management, an employee of the moscow department, but this of course does not exuberantly, does not
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beg, this is the tragedy of this case, because all the same, an employee of a state security agency, an employee of counterintelligence, even if of the moscow department, this is a tragedy. he was exposed, a career cia employee, a certain sellers was taken on personal grounds, the difference between an agent and an intelligence officer under... diplomatic cover is enormous. the price is life. recruited cia agent sergei varantsov was sentenced to maximum punishment. a cia employee selers, expelled from the ussr.
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spies always use various methods in their activities. this footage was filmed at a cia museum where the artifacts used are on display. the exhibit is located at the george w. bush intelligence center. contains 3,500 exhibits, from the a12 aircraft to declassified cru documents on the history of various operations. masking is a form of protection. and in the spy museum we call the mask: the 5- second mask. you can change your ethnicity, you can change your gender, change your nationality, you can actually become a different person. when you get out of the car, you should be sure that the mask fits you well without looking in the mirror. for a mask like this, speed is important. if you had to sit and fiddle with this thing, if you needed a mirror, the point of this mask would be lost. the specific mask we are talking about will only suit one
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person. the first thing we do is take a cast of the face. if you've been to the dentist and ever had an impression taken, this too most. we have never used human hair. we've always used synthetic, synthetic hair, it won't damage, basically you can wear a mask in heavy rain and your hair will still be fine. the masks were taken off more than once in moments.
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the dragonfly was introduced as a stable platform about 3 inches long that could fly in a wide range of conditions and was strong enough to carry a set of sensors, so one of their early designs was to create a modern version of the dragonfly. the first specimen weighed about 1 g and could fly a couple hundred yards. the flight time was about one minute, but it was only the first of a very successful generation of microdrones, the development of which continues to this day. tisin's camera could fit in a cigarette pack, the camera was a matchbox, it was just a box with a camera inside, but it looked like a matchbox. i loved the tropy pen cameras. they were given only to the most experienced agents and those with the best access to information.
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when he began to feel that for them, for counterintelligence is already working for him, he
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burned this money, and then burned it, without regret, there he had a scandal with his wife, that’s how he was freed from evidence, loie wolf, an investigative journalist, devoted his entire professional career to exposing the american intelligence services. the main function of the cia is covert operations, interference, elections around the world, buying election results for a lot of money and also paramilitary operations. and the list is very long, starting, of course, after the end of the second world war. cia led there are a lot of nazis in the usa as part of operation paperclip, as it was called.
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murder and genocide of russians, poles, jews, no, the end justifies the means, this organization, a research center, he was engaged in the preparation and distribution of all kinds of brochures that formed such a bandera, neo-nazi identity, among those who collaborated with the americans, there were also individuals , well, for example , stetsko together with... the ponombaders in munich , with the help of the us intelligence services, they created
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an anti-bolshevik bloc, led and carried out various sabotage operations on the territory of the soviet union, it must be said that with the support of american intelligence services , about 14 thousand different actions were carried out, well, mostly on the territory of western ukraine, in the 10 years after the end of world war ii. today, the cia is actively working in ukraine; since 2014, they have managed to subjugate all the special services of this country. the sbu, the main intelligence directorate, even the police, everywhere at the head of their departments are cia influence agents. operations, which are being carried out today against russia are taking place under a foreign flag. the cia likes to hire people, so to speak, from the private sector so that it is impossible to find ends. yes, they
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hire people from the private sector. there are also people who are being trained by the cia at the los alams national laboratory at camp peary, training as assassins. we recorded this interview in america 10 days before the terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 , 2024. we asked if the cia is sharing information today with russian intelligence agencies that something might happen in moscow, is it worth it?
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there are thousands of operatives on the ground, cia agents, although they officially say, no, we have no one on the ground, no military, no cia employees, but in fact they are, and this is well known, operations carried out by the tsuru under a false flag , especially now, always raise a lot of questions, and it’s difficult to get to the truth, but it’s possible if you’re strong enough. there is an organization called the national endowment for democracy, but that name no longer fits it. this organization operates in more than 70 countries, including us allies. the goal of the foundation is to export democracy. the founder of this foundation for the support
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of democracy said: today we are doing openly what the cia did before. democrat, russia hater, former us deputy secretary of state victoria said just recently, and as i said in kiev 3 weeks ago, this additional funding will ensure that putin will have to deal with some unpleasant surprises this year. april 4, 2024, in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson, member of the us congress,
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include everything, any illegal actions, not to mention the moral side. this is a very flexible concept, it can . the united states has a doctrine of american
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superiority, which says: we are better than the united states , stronger, this is taught in universities, churches, military schools. the united states has the right to intervene in whatever it wants to protect itself. but we also supposedly have the right to dictate to other countries to govern their people, this is our american rule. by the end of the eighties, the c.i.a. actively participated in the work on the territory of the soviet union to collapse the economy and create a whole network of agents of influence. this operation led to the collapse of the ussr; it was pressure throughout the court, as they say in tennis. i will suggest that some functions
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of the soviet economy were weakened by the actions of the cia. this includes an embargo on the export of grain and oil, and other sanctions. but the cold war is not over. i guess there is a cold war going on with china now. that one is especially important. it is a fact that russia and china are officially considered allies. standard procedure the cia operation to overthrow the regime is that the united states puts someone in place of the overthrown leader in a given country, that is, the cia recruits someone and puts them in power, be it in russia, latin america, africa or ukraine. this is how it is done. have you noticed an unusual tattoo on louis wolfe’s arm? this is the seal of the cia, this is the eagle - the word abolish,
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close, complete. why did you decide to do it? it is impossible to reform the cia; they resist any idea of ​​their exercise. there is a difference between the ultimate goal of work central intelligence agency. us russian foreign intelligence service. in my opinion, the fundamental difference is the fact that the central intelligence agency is not in the full sense of an intelligence organization. it was created to conduct covert operations. these operations were sometimes very uncivilized in nature, when... the intelligence service supported tough political regimes, in some cases even such outright terrorists. the activities
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of our organization, our service, are aimed exclusively at protecting the interests of the russian states and citizens of our country. our task is to identify and prevent the entire complex. external threats in relation to our state to our citizens, the foreign intelligence service is part of the state mechanism, and we carry out activities on the external contour, aimed at forming fair, equal international relations that would take into account the interests of all states, our activities are aimed. .. to strengthen international stability and international security. with us, if
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sport, then with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday. we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs.
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documentaries, watch, watch on an app or website, shoplifting, robbery, gas, you five times fled from an orphanage, six, to those who got away from the hands, all hope, completely wild guys,
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to use artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that what could this happen to me, with the suggestion of the americans, of course ukraine is very active, you can’t think of anything new, it’s new in technology. it is not intelligence services that compete with each other, it is the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end after all, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy.
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on the day of remembrance and mourning, modern ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and... cleverly in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american hymers missiles with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. su also launched a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian was killed and another was injured. from the scene of the shelling alexander korobov. today.


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