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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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on a modern day of remembrance and mourning. ukrainian nazis shelled donetsk and gorlovka in the dpr. three civilians were killed and four were injured. the kiev regime attacked civilians with missiles from american haimarc launchers with cluster warheads. most intercepted air defense systems, but the destructive elements damaged houses and cars. the suu also carried out a massive attack on the belgorod region. a civilian was killed and another was injured. from the scene of the shelling, alexander korobov. today.
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belgorod region from the very morning is being attacked by the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, there were casualties in the village of soltykova , belgorod region, as a result of an attack by neo-nazis, an employee of an agricultural enterprise was killed, one of the ammunition hit the building, there was a person in it, and those who arrived at the scene, the doctors could no longer help him. border settlements are being attacked by uavs. drop various explosives, use fpv versions and use them to hit residential buildings and residents' car. two people were injured, they were hospitalized and received all the necessary medical care. serious damage was caused to residential buildings and transport. social institutions also came under fire. in the village of ustinka , belgorod district, the enemy attacked the post office at night, it completely... burned down,
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in fact, incendiary ammunition was dropped on it, nothing was left intact, the building itself was also badly damaged, it’s quite loud today in belgorod itself, it sounds almost all day air raid signal, the enemy tried several times to attack the city with missiles, presumably they were fired from a haymars launcher, our air defense system worked, all air targets were shot down, there was minor damage in the private sector, shrapnel... lightly cut the roofs, hit several cars, none of the residents was not injured, the threat of shelling in the region still remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the russian army launched a group strike with long -range precision weapons and drones on targets energy sector of ukraine, which supplied military enterprises. all targets were hit, attacks in the su were successfully repulsed, zelensky’s formation was lost even more.
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the memorial ceremony near the kremlin walls was also attended by members of the board of the ministry of defense, including the first minister, lenid gornin, as well as deputy ministers and pavel frodkov. a ceremonial march before. in reality a company of honor guard passed through. and at the end of the ceremony, after a minute of silence and a march of the company of honorary koroul, vladimir putin and defense minister andrei belousov separately they laid red carnations on each of the steles on the alley of cities of heroes and cities of military glory near the kremlin wall. memorable.
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events took place not only throughout russia, but also in many other countries, stanislav bervait talks about this. a minute-long action took place at the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation. army, man, today a minute of silence was announced and here, not far from rzhev, we are in the zubtsovsky district, today search engines buried the remains of nineteen red soldiers who were raised from the fields of war, in general in which a huge number of people took part ; a huge amount of work was carried out here, not far from arzhev in the zubtsovsky district; in the rzhevsky district , it is search engines that carry out, about a thousand are raised annually.
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we work mainly with probes, so the result , of course, is the correct result, the further we go, the fewer remains of soviet soldiers we find, well, my father’s strength has passed. in the battles for the freedom and independence of our homeland, a minute of silence, the most important thing in life is the memory of our parents, of all the soldiers who died. remembrance day event and sorrows are indeed taking place throughout russia, the day before in varzhevo at the soviet army war memorial, a requiem concert was held, as well as the opening of a photo exhibition about the history of the creation of this unique monument, and also... about those heroes who defended during the great patriotic war homeland on this land. this exhibition was organized by the russian military historical society, so we managed to talk with a member of the federation council committee on international affairs, it turns out that the stand has photographs of his father,
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you don’t stay when you see him, a photograph young, then now at an advanced age, he was not able to visit due to health reasons. so to speak, a discovery, and i watched it on tv, and soon after about six months he passed away, but he lived to see this moment, i’m very glad that it was for him, that it worked out, well, as part of the all-russian memorial candle campaign solemn mourning events took place in the russian guard today with the participation of the department’s leadership, as well as an all-russian action dedicated to the first to remember day of remembrance and sorrow today. there are also young people who remember and remember the history of this terrible day on june 22, 1941 . on the day and hour of the beginning of the great patriotic war, the chairman of the a just russia for truth party, the head of the party faction in the state duma, sergei mironov,
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laid flowers at the monument to the podolsk cadets. the ceremony was attended by the deputy chairman of the moscow regional duma, the chairman of the council of the regional branch and the moscow region. to say that mourning events take place not only on territory of the russian federation, they take place in mexico, azerbaijan, armenia, kazakhstan, indeed, last night thousands and thousands of people came out in various capitals with candles in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war. stanislav bernvalt, evgeniy turchak, artyom ryzhikov, news!
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intelligence under deep cover, lived with her intelligence officer husband andrei bezrukov abroad for 25 years, in the usa her name was tracy lee en foley, husband donald howard heathfield. in appearance , it was an ordinary family that moved to the usa from toronto. they would still be serving their homeland today as illegal immigrants if the traitor alexander poteev had not handed them over. here is his photo. believes that the difference between cia and svr employees is significant. you see, every person in intelligence is a small cog, and a big deal depends on these small cogs, so everyone could, in their place, for example,
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see some kind of mobilization component in society, well, for example, observing objects, infrastructure, what - military enterprises, to see what is there... something is happening, something is changing, transmit this information, when information from each person, such an element in intelligence converges on our center, there you can get a big picture of what...
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the thoughts were readiness to go back, to return to their country , if there was such an order, we were helping a country that was going through a difficult period, it didn’t matter to us who was in power, what kind of political vicissitudes there were in our homeland, it was very important for us to continue to defend, probably sovereignty and some... tranquility for people who inhabited our native land,
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here even we were influenced by one person who, during our preparation, told us that remember that you will not work for a specific general secretary or leader of our country, you will work to protect your homeland, people, who are close to you, who inhabit our territory, this was based on... probably those motives that, in general, reassured us, showed us that we need to move on, on the contrary, there was a desire to help a country that was sick, probably yes, like a loved one, if there is a sick person in the family, we begin to treat him more attentively. elena stanislavovna knows where and how she trains cia employees, in which us universities, and most often recruits future spies, agents of influence and organizers. being in boston, among students,
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teachers and, well, let’s say, researchers at harvard university, it was clear that ideas were being formed there that would then be transmitted and broadcast to the us administration after some time, so, for example, note there that the americans were active at the beginning. in order to somehow strengthen the hegemonic position, the role of americans in
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other countries. recruitment is an important part of the cia, in the us of course the official part of the recruitment takes place on college campuses where they woo young students with the promise of an exciting career with the cia. and there's a place in virginia called camp peery where they train new recruits for various activities, be it paramilitary operations, be it lockpicking or assassinations electronic tracking systems, you drive for at least 40 or 50 miles along a fence that says do not cross. behind this fence is the american camp peary, and it goes on for about 25
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miles, it's so big, they even have an airfield there inside camp peary, and the men and women who go there are trained in each and every operation in the cia. this is what is called the secret service directorate, a very elite group. these famous shots from american action films about spies. intelligence to covert operations pumped from movie movie, this is some kind of advertising. the central intelligence agency, it...
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took me down the hall, and there were offices, then suddenly we came to this museum, there were three large rooms filled with glass cases, with objects that the cia had seized from east germany, from russia, that is, the soviet union, cuba, china and many other countries, and suddenly i entered this room with her, she led me, i found myself in front of a seven-foot statue.
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in the lesser world there are a dozen bases in germany, they no longer call it an occupation, but in essence that's what it all really is. the us has always been involved in elections in germany, as well as throughout europe, i would say in italy, france, switzerland and so on. but this statue, it sent a chill down my spine.
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usa in moscow james barry tricker born november 3, 1977, 46 years old, served. in central asia in dushamba and tashkent, then was transferred to the station in kiev, rose to the rank of head of the cia office in vilnius, was a cia resident in russia, studied and recruited former soviet citizens. after collapse of the soviet union, there was no soviet department, central euracia
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remained, which included our transcaucasian , baltic and... asian republics, russia was also there, and wherever the cia worked, they always, for example, had a soviet section, even in japan, here, for example, the largest units in america are washington and new york, in many cities there are also cia units, they are called bays, for example, if moscow, this is station, chief of station , that is, one could say the main station. let's say somewhere in yekaterinburg, vladivostok, kiev, like in soviet times, this is base, in washington and in new york, they made a station there, all because it is very large. about the past and present work of the american station in moscow, about how it recruits russian agents and what the danger of
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the current cia is for our country, as well as exclusive information that we managed. get information about a traitor who was captured just recently, in our second part of the historical investigation.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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one of the most difficult operations in intelligence is evading surveillance, the cia has always considered moscow.
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one of the ways is the so-called information mark, it can be a dash, a dot, any sign on the wall, on a lamppost, on an eastern pipe, in a word, wherever it is convenient, and this is done in such a way as not to attract attention, as if that’s all. happens naturally, the sign is placed, the recruited cia agent sees this mark and understands
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that: he either has a meeting with an agency operative, or this is a sign, take a spy bookmark from a hiding place. to arrange a tanik for a recruited agent, cia officers carried out and are carrying out a whole large-scale operation. for example, several cars must leave the embassy corner at the same time, driven by staff members of the american diplomatic mission, among them tsarushki under diplomatic cover. in this way, they pull them apart, that is, they separate the surveillance crews of the local special services and try to throw them off their tail. of course, this is a reconstruction and we can't show you all the details, but give we can get an idea of ​​how the operation occurs. the crew of our surveillance service is hanging on the tail of the american diplomatic vehicle. there are three
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people in the car.
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and then, when the car disappeared from sight for a few seconds, it appeared again, the same man had already neatly combed the seat. this helped our operatives not to miss the meeting between tserushnik and the recruited soviet citizen. understand that a substitution has occurred and ours tracked down the spy at a meeting with the traitor. thus, the soviet intelligence services managed to reach an entire intelligence network in moscow. this is how attentiveness is given.
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well, one day we received information that contact with her source from among russian citizens was possible. she left her home at about 8 o’clock in the morning, arrived for the operation in izmailovsky park, when they made contact, it was 20-30 something like that.
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upon transmission. izmailovsky park monday the twenty-ninth, the moment the second secretary of the us embassy was detained red-handed during the recruitment of alexander nekaev. the career of this pretty fat woman, professional intelligence officer libernight, has already been put to rest. a spy story with its complete exposure. they say that now cherry, waiting for deportation, is drowning his sorrows in wine, in russian. this means that documents, materials, and equipment were confiscated. prefers to remain silent, she still doesn’t know that the recording of the telephone conversation with the agent is also in the hands of russian counterintelligence officers: hello, hello, yes, yes, i’m listening to you, and this is natasha, yes, hello, i recognized you, i recognized you, okay, okay, do you have time tonight? there is, there is, natosha, there is, no...


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