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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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colony, but then the term was reduced to 7.5 years. a fist fight near a nightclub in the city of aleksandrov, vladimir region, aggressive thugs beat up a serviceman who came on leave. according to the victim’s wife, she herself had to establish the identities of the participants in the fight. so why are the attackers still not punished when law enforcement agencies take this case seriously? investigation from the vladimir region. catherine. the central square of the city of alexandrov, vladimir region. surprisingly, it's just the opposite the local police department and court are hosting a noisy party. vacationers do not deny themselves anything, tinted cars, loud music and alcohol. residents of the city claim that they see such a picture every weekday evening. on weekends, entertainment lovers move to a hot spot called fest. to put it mildly, it looks.
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especially presentable, a shabby porch, these are the banners, but there’s nowhere to go, this is the only such establishment in aleksandrov, but knowledgeable people do not advise coming here, it’s too unsafe rest, but fights happen there every day, every saturday, or rather. alexander levin, who for the first time decided to relax in this club with his wife, was personally convinced of this. alexander is a sapper, in these photos he is covered in blood and has bruises on his face. during 2 years of service you did not have a single injury. it was worth going to a club with my family, relaxing and a whole list, yes, so it all worked out, in the recordings from surveillance cameras alexander, the footage clearly shows how a serviceman is professionally thrown to the ground with all his might, a passage to the legs, here this throw on the asphalt, these blows, these finishing moves, one of the witnesses to this fight was alexander’s wife, marta, this is where the whole fight takes place. already a lot, right here in this very place,
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yes, they beat him, throw him to the ground, with their feet, hands, and from here more people fly up from the crowd, start beating him, and he falls, right here in this place, already falling unconscious. doctors recorded a closed craniocerebral injury in alexander, numerous facial bone injuries, a contusion of the right eye, and a rupture. corneas and lacerations on the hands. the man spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital, but as the victim’s wife martha assures, she had to independently collect evidence, negotiate to obtain recordings from cctv cameras, and establish the identities of the aggressive thugs. so far we have managed to identify one of them, and this is not just a local hooligan, an athlete who was professionally involved in fighting without rules. meet nikita, did nikita mix up the knots that night?
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she is being refused, where are the police officers, where are their requests, all this has been done to them, this is all, well much simpler, they have all the powers, it would seem that the police in this city should definitely know how to work quickly and identify criminals. alexandrov is a city with a rich history, including criminal history. at one time it was even called the capital of the so -called 101 km. drug-addicted muscovites and women of easy virtue were sent here. and this is what the residents of aleksandrov say. when criminals were exiled, where they were exiled, 101 km from moscow, this is us, our whole city has the same mentality, ala the nineties. in the directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the vladimir region assured our program that they were understanding the circumstances of the high-profile brawl, and this is what we were able to establish. the applicant’s husband explained that on the night of may 12, he went to a nightclub with his wife and her friend . at about 3:00 a.m., the man left the club on the street, where he had a verbal conflict with young people unknown to him.
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circumstances of the incident, all participants in the conflict have been identified. on may 22, based on the results of the inspection, a decision was made to initiate a case of an administrative offense and the appointment of an administrative investigation, within the framework of which medical documents were requested to order a forensic medical examination. on june 18, after the applicant underwent medical treatment, the documents necessary to establish the severity of the harm caused to the applicant’s health were provided. july 19. a forensic medical examination is scheduled for 2024, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made. coincidence or not, the forensic medical examination was scheduled the next day after our request programs. at this point, none of the participants in the attack have even attempted
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to apologize to the levins. the family only receives threats. this story has already been noticed in the state duma. deputy and journalist evgeny popov intends to prepare an appeal to the investigative committee and the prosecutor general's office. if this attack is really connected with the fact that the guy participated in a special military operation, fought, defended our interests, then this, of course, implies more stringent administrative criminal measures, hooligan - this is one thing, a hate crime against a certain group of citizens is completely different, after the attack alexander levin began to see worse, in addition to two weeks in the hospital, three more went to...
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they wonder how the former governor of the kirov region nikita belykh got out of isolator, and before his release he was in pre-trial detention center number one, this was due to the trial in a new criminal case, but this week the eight-year sentence that belykh served for a bribe ended and the press was waiting for his evasion from the government institutions in kirov. according to the law, after release, all convicts leave through one door; there should be no exceptions, but nikita belykh turned out to be invisible. his lawyer distributed leaflets, allegedly on behalf of. the client with the words that he was already free and did not intend to communicate with journalists, they say, don’t wait, and later these shots appeared on the internet, showing white people with a bouquet of flowers, he had already stopped by to visit his mother, our film crew followed , the whites' mother was
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taciturn until he was with anyone talking, he was with me, now he’s gone, that’s it, thank you, she doesn’t really talk... it’s nothing so closed in itself, hello, hello, now journalists are trying to unravel the trick with the disappearance of whites from the territory of the kerovsky season, it’s possible, that he was taken out in one of the tinted foreign cars with moscow license plates. tambov syndrome of mr. ovchinnikov, the former acting minister of health of the region alexey ovchinnikov suddenly fell ill again. this happened after his detained on charges of illegal hunting. he found himself at the center of a scandal back in february, when traffic police officers caught ovchinnikov with the carcass of an asuli. then he did not mince words, but the tambov prosecutor’s office did not see the insult to government officials. so will the former official be held accountable, if not for his words, then for his deeds, and is he really trying to delay the investigation? vladimir
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bazov sorted it out. alexey ovchinnikov long ago changed his business suit to a sports suit. he lost his high position, and it’s apparently more convenient to hide from the investigation, but to stay unnoticed, the former acting minister of health of the tambov region was detained in lipetsk on thursday and taken to his hometown. investigators have a lot of questions. ovchenikov is accused of illegal hunting, but in the department the person involved in the scandalous story suddenly became ill and his heart failed him. alexey ovchinnikov is now here in the tambov regional hospital. coincidence or not, this is where he began his career as a surgeon before becoming an official. and now former subordinates. carefully protects him from the attention of law enforcement media. we managed to visit alexey ovchinnikov to inquire about his well-being. true,
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i was able to talk to the former minister only without a camera ; the use of technology in the intensive care unit is prohibited. the cheerful voices said that he was not hiding from the investigation. tried to communicate with ovchinnikov’s relatives. ovchinnikov lives in this apartment and, despite the day off in the morning, we were not able to find his relatives at home. apparently, everyone is worried about the man’s health the family is on duty at the hospital. the neighbor admitted that she used to often meet the influential official, but for the last month and a half he had not been seen at all. yes, that's enough for you, in any case, i saw it in march, i saw it in april. recently, ovchinnikov was wanted in a case of illegal vip hunting; his search was carried out by employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the tambov region under the leadership of police major general nikolai skok. and the criminal case is under the control of deputy head of the russian ministry of internal affairs alexander kravchenko. in a criminal case
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there were several defendants, one of whom was hiding from the investigation authorities. this citizen was put on the wanted list by the investigation department of the regional department of internal affairs. currently, the citizen is detained in accordance with article 91 of the code of criminal procedure of the russian federation and taken to the department of internal affairs of russia in the tambov region. in february, these footage with the participation of alexey ovchinnikov caused a wide public outcry. yes, i say this with obscenities. such. i’ll be honest, and you too, traffic police officers stopped a car in which mr. ovchinnikov was in the passenger seat, apparently he was in such a hurry to get on with his business ministerial affairs, that he did not want to waste time communicating with inspectors. the entrance played its main trump card, the id. i didn’t look where you work. however, the inspectors were not at a loss and did their job with dignity, inspected the car, and found kasulya’s butchered carcass in the trunk.
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its chairman is murat gabuev, a well-known entrepreneur in the region with strong connections in the regional government. this appears to be the first time the police have visited this base. found dozens more kasuls. initially, investigators a criminal case was also opened for insulting government officials, but the regional prosecutor's office canceled it, not seeing anything illegal in ovchinnikov's actions. it is possible that he is trying by all means to delay the investigation, because back in february, when the scandal just broke out, the official was still in the same hospital as now. all this time, the alleged poacher could not communicate with the trail. tambov region will
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be under a written undertaking not to leave, and this despite the fact that he already tried once hide from investigation. vladimir bazov, lead, duty department. we once again appeal to the head of the investigative committee of russia with a request to take control of the criminal case of illegal hunting with the participation of alexey ovchinnikov, so that local influential officials do not even have the thought of putting pressure on law enforcement agencies. a haven for connoisseurs of corrupt love under the wing of a high-ranking criminal investigation officer, a former policeman was arrested in the nizhny novgorod region and accused of patronizing sex salons. who opened a network of establishments where sex services were provided under the guise of massage and how the illegal business came to an end, andrei romanov’s report from the nizhny novgorod region. under the rays of the bright sun, investigator kirill godalov opens. the door to the abode of joy, as the owners called this brothel in the semi-basement among themselves. we are in
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one of the salons showing the topics of services. a haven for connoisseurs of corrupt love was organized in 2022 by the spouses sergei and anastasia rusakov, almost immediately, according to investigators , now he joined the criminal business former deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the nizhny novgorod police headquarters, roman peskov. the lieutenant colonel allegedly provided patronage to entrepreneurs, did everything unnecessary so that his colleagues would not notice an intimate salon in the city center, where every day more than a dozen girls, under the guise of masseuses, actually provided intimate services to wealthy men, about four rooms in which intimate services, such as a jacuzzi and the bed itself on which they provide. in advertising clients were promised an erotic massage, but how far the specialists could go depended on the thickness of the wallet, the pleasure hunter, they say, rich people came here, who could leave hundreds at the salon’s cash desk in a day. rubles, and the moneybags had no idea that their dirty secrets were being carefully recorded. most of the premises
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of the massage center are immersed in darkness, and it is not without reason that at the time of the arrest the operatives even examined the wiring in this room, where the lighting remained, it is clearly visible that the wires are hanging down, here, here in this wiring, the investigators discovered microphones that recorded everything that happened in this room, judging by the state... the mattress, very intense work was going on here. now the work is in full swing for investigators, it began with the detention of the personnel of the owners of the sex empire. this is footage of a joint special operation by fsb officers. of the internal security directorate of the nizhny novgorod police headquarters, it took place simultaneously in two salons, which were allegedly owned by the entrepreneur rusakova and lieutenant colonel roman peskov, here special forces burst into the premises of the brothel, there were half-naked girls in the rooms, the security forces literally had to remove some of the masseuses from their clients, and in the office they detained the probable patron of this
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business. the official, using his official position, provided unhindered patronage. activities of these establishments, two of the detainees are businessmen, the third is an employee of the criminal department of the nizhny novgorod police. now all three defendants in the criminal case of roman peskov have already been fired from the police, immediately after his arrest he was arrested. in court , the former police officer smiled and complained to reporters that he did not know how to choose friends. contacted the wrong company. the next day, the same company of spouses anastasia and sergei rusakov was brought to court. the court's decision about orestes caused bewilderment in...
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policeman roman peskov, who was assigned to protect his brothels from encroachments by security forces, allegedly not only agreed, but became an unofficial co-founder of one of the establishments, he installed furniture in this salon, the accused received a sum of money in the amount of about 100,000 rubles monthly. in total, the partners opened two salons. the aristocrat who was examined by co-investigators and raspberries, not far from him, both establishments were located in the city center. here is another massage parlor that was allegedly patronized by former police officer roman peskov. the establishment is also not working, the video camera was torn off and the door handle was literally torn out by the roots. all that remains is advertising on the internet. on the site, in addition to the girls’ profiles, we see the following photographs. we they covered this obscene photo with computer
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retouching, but the exposed part of the body perfectly characterizes the situation that... they were shining before the next interrogation at the investigative committee, seeing the camera, the former policeman quickened his pace, here, how are you in the mood, don’t waste your time, why? tell me why you, being a police officer, decided to organize a sex empire. roman janich, have you used the services yourself? our questions remained unanswered; it is curious that
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a few months before the arrest, the former policeman divorced his wife and moved to the dacha began a grandiose construction project there. the area where, according to our information, roman peskov settled some time before his arrest, looks deserted, but he is clearly being looked after, the grass is mowed in the enclosure, the dog is bored, it seems that the relatives of the former policeman regularly come here, and how could it be otherwise? large-scale construction is underway in the territory, a bathhouse and a large house are ready, and here in the deserted area there will most likely be another building. roman peskov will not return to this site soon; he, like the companions of rusakov’s wife, will wait completion of investigation
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which would have made it possible to improve living conditions, but in fact they were left on the street. i'm selling this apartment to buy a better one. my apartment is very good, two-room, with a very good european-quality renovation. i put it up and found clients on the first day. it turns out at that time for 17,800, the money ran out, naturally, i couldn’t rent an apartment in moscow anymore, they call the victims, but they don’t call me. larisa hopes that the scammers who convinced her to sell her apartment will receive the punishment they deserve. initially to many it seemed that the story of deceiving people who themselves brought money to the crooks
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would not reach the court at all. but as soon as employees of the investigative department of the russian ministry of internal affairs got down to business, influential phenicians, one after another, went under arrest. dozens of people were detained, including the organizers. on monday in kazan, the court will begin to consider the merits of the criminal case against the founder of finik. doronin and his accomplices. let me remind you that the pyramid, which is called the second largest after the notorious mmm, was created in 2018 year. the main office was in kazan. branches operated in more than 70 regions of russia. experienced scammers offered their clients not just to invest money, but to convert it into their own cryptocurrency. the so-called dates. the pyramid grew and eventually collapsed. the damage is at least 5 billion rubles. officially. there were 10,000 victims, there were about a million clients in total, who will return the money to them and what does the organizer of the cunning scheme, kirill doronin, say in his defense.
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don't miss the curious details of a large-scale scam in the film the hateful four date. the investigation of eduard petrov will continue to be broadcast legally on the russia 24 tv channel. and that’s all for us, follow the legal news, even on weekends in telegram channels to conduct duty and an honest detective, stay on... on the russia 24 channel. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone. and i decided, the hotel is in the lighthouse. it’s good that my friends helped with the renovation, with the opening of the sber business, in sber me
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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next, watch the investigation by eduard petrov
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about how the creators of the financial pyramid. niku deceived their clients. damage - more than 200 million rubles. watch this now. a criminal quartet from kazan fooled the whole country, gullible citizens gave their savings to the swindlers, and as a result they were left broke. in russia the largest finik financial pyramid. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. i took out a loan from the bank and added 1.5.80 thousand of my own.


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