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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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what happened in the capital the other day, many still remember, it’s some kind of horror, what ’s happening, it’s, ah, cars, such downpours with such wind, as weather forecasters say , there hasn’t been a century and a half in the region, trees were uprooted , heavy metal roofs were blown off houses like sheets of paper, tornadoes, real tornadoes could be seen right in the city, hundreds of car owners are now counting the damage, many cars can no longer be restored after falling trees. and in moscow they continue to investigate the case on a massive scale poisoning more than 100 people ended up in hospital beds after eating the popular bean dish. many required the help of resuscitators, their condition was so severe. residents of neighboring regions suffered; they also used delivery services and ordered the same salad. investigators managed to trace the entire chain in the shortest possible time, starting from the workshops where they were prepared. poisoned
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food, what happened in catering kitchens, why beans suddenly became deadly, i conducted my gastronomic investigation our irina baranova. for 2 days we could not determine what it was, and then on the second day she began to feel suffocated. diana’s daughter, after studying at the university, habitually ordered food through a delivery service, the next morning she felt a severe headache and dizziness, now without an iv device... she cannot breathe, i want to convey my deep gratitude to all the doctors who are now saving my child. the doctors save igor’s wife, the family used the same delivery service, the order included the same lobio bean salad as the student vera. u she was dizzy, she couldn’t raise her arms, you look into her eyes, they were cloudy, well, in general, that is, they seemed to be squinting. third day in the hospital. but here it’s already better, only on
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the fifth day in the hospital, a resident of kazan was able to open two eyes at the same time, her facial muscles were paralyzed, she was diagnosed with batulism. over the past week, a dangerous infection after eating beans has infected more than 300 people. a total of 2.0 toxic salads seasoned with garlic were sold in the moscow region, kazan and nizhny novgorod. after the first victims, doctors knew there would be more. literally the very next day, to me. one of the most powerful natural poisons. these bacteria can be contained in any canned food, even homemade, if the rules of preparation or storage are violated. the enterprise did not have a centralized water supply; imported water used for cooking was stored on the street, next to a household waste dump. about where and how to cook. some of
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the dishes that distributors then offer in beautiful packaging can be judged by these videos of random witnesses: cockroaches are all the rest, look what is happening here, cockroaches, stench, dirt, meat that rots wherever it gets before cooking, samples from products, often taken by rats scurrying around everywhere, the people who work in such industries are often illegal migrants who have not even heard of health records, in similar conditions , a citizen of tajikistan, karim narmatov, lived and canned beans. was on russian territory illegally; now he has been arrested and sent to a pre-trial detention center while trying to escape from the country. violations of mandatory requirements identified sanitary and epidemiological legislation. the necessary examinations have been assigned to the products seized in all these regions. to date , employees of the rospotrebnadzor department have seized 200 tons of dangerous products throughout russia. the production facility where poisonous salads were prepared for muscovites is located on the northern outskirts of the capital. bailiffs.
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the workshop was sealed for 90 days, the execution of the court decision will be monitored during this entire time by a well-known food delivery service, kitchens in the area, the products were supplied by the local kitchen company, its warehouse was searched, products, documentation and even computers were seized. general director anton lozin, head of the company’s quality department elena mashkova and vladimir shin, owner of a bean processing plant, were detained. enterprises independently set the shelf life of a non-sterile product to two. months at temperatures from +2 to +25°, which ultimately led to the accumulation of a large amount of botelotoxin in the products. while the investigation is ongoing, rospotrebnadzor employees strongly recommend prepare lobio by first soaking the bean grains and opening them until ready in your own kitchen. irina baranova, maxim aparina, ilona agasieva, olga gribina, a week in the city. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead. ours are very short. advertising, but
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this week in the city, the main story that happened nearby, in moscow, is that dozens of apartments, which after the death of their owners by law should have become state-owned, turned out to be... registered to members of a gang of so-called black realtors. the capital's real estate market is teeming with swindlers of all kinds, but the scale of the activities of this group is truly amazing; all the leaders of the organized crime group were finally detained, despite the fact that they operated with impunity for almost 15 years, stealing apartments from people on the waiting list. bribe officials, a network of their lawyers, many dummies, cunning fraudulent schemes. the case has everything. the swindlers, with the help of accomplices from government agencies, came up with ideas for dead townspeople. non-existent relatives and transferred apartments to them, and then to themselves. now, as the classics put it, everyone will sit down. the capital’s scammers are perhaps the most sophisticated in the country;
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they come up with new ways of relatively honest, completely dishonest, and simply criminal ways of taking money from the population almost every week. next step: call famous, public people, introduce themselves as editors of a popular internet encyclopedia and offer to make changes to an article about them. it would seem, well, in this scheme, where is the catch, how can you lose your savings? the current criminal combination was analyzed by alexey kmor. vladimir shcherbakov is used to calls from journalists and... on the phone. he was not surprised by the video call from the wikipedia editor. the girl introduced herself as olga and said that she wanted to make changes to the article about the actor. i once came across that on the internet some the articles there somehow come out with errors, some information is incorrect, i would like to correct it. that's what they bought me on. at first, the interview usually consisted of questions about choosing a profession, entering college, working in cinema and theater, but then the editor made an offer, captivating in its unexpectedness, to install the application. which will allow vladimir to edit his wikipedia page himself, you just need to follow the link, i
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followed her recommendations step by step, uh, in the course of which windows arose, popped up, there is a danger, you - iphone or android, i say android, it’s like a conflict - the laws of chinese and russian, don’t pay attention to it, it’s okay, to activate the application vladimir received an sms code, and as soon as the program started working, his phone came out from under control, the scammers sent...
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on the phone, you need to enter them, well, i might have screwed up further, but the first, the first program that came, open, open on the phone, it was a banking application, get remote access to someone else's device, it’s easy to take over personal data or redirect the victim to the desired site - it specialists say, they thus install a program for managing remote access and begin to delve into the mobile device, that is, the person begins to see how he has...
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but most importantly, scammers steal all your data, bank card details, passport, codes and passwords from state portals, there is only one guaranteed method of protection, never click on suspicious links, well, wikipedia articles without any applications and programs and this is how anyone can edit, say the real editors of the portal, one of the main principles of this kind of volunteerism. you see something wrong, well, click on the edit button and fix it yourself, for this you do not
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need to install any other special applications, however, wikipedia itself also has a lot of questions, roskomnadzor has more than once fined the internet encyclopedia for violating the principles of objectivity. alexey knor, valery kupre, andrey yurchuk, oleg dobin, a week in the city. one of the villages near moscow turned into a real hippodrome on there are herds in the streets, and in the river there are the products of their vital activity. the district has been forced to be neighbors for 15 years, they contacted the police, even tried to sue
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, all without success, all their complaints about flies, the stench of this many-year-old pile of manure remained unheard, how many horses do you have that keep silent, realizing that there is a stranger groom near the fence, trying to snatch no one makes the camera out of the hands of the operator, hands, hands, hands, that residents’ complaints about animal owners are justified, we were convinced from our own experience, almost getting caught under the horse
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i was born here, and this is the first time i’ve seen this in the navosa, at this time the riders are returning from a walk, dismounted, trying to justify themselves, well, i’m helping here, that means you’re working, well, well, how can i work for free, our film crew listened to exactly the same excuses here in 2008, supposedly money has nothing to do with it, the horses are kept by enthusiasts, we are not millionaires, sorry damn it, but according to local residents then and now they organize horseback riding here, the cost per hour is from 2000 rubles.
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residents continue to talk about the unbearable neighborhood, it turns out that not only walking, but also driving a car around the village is also inconvenient, you have to weave in horse traffic jams, the ponies are generally rodent, they don’t care what you’re on or how you walk, holy shit, the banks of the yushenko river , which flows next to the stables, turned into a slimy slurry, at our request. the local administration responded that they were aware of the situation, but believed that it was too early to panic. a preventive conversation was held about compliance with fire safety standards, as well as proper maintenance of animals and timely removal of animal waste. an appeal was also sent to the territorial veterinary department number five.
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it is not reported who exactly the owners of the word plot are. the citizen of panami, who actively interfered with our work, initially introduced himself as a groom. then he said that the owner had to retreat, the police, by the way, never arrived; with every minute the owner, the groom, behaved more and more defiantly. whoever you want to call, listen, in the end, to avoid a fight, activists and our film crew had to; residents believe that the time for preventive conversations is over and are preparing an appeal to the prosecutor’s office. denis voskovsky, sergey evdakimov, lunava, alexander ovsyanikov, a week in the city. moscow may lose one of its most unusual libraries. chukovsky, the same legendary children's poet and writer in the middle of the last century, spent all his savings on it and personally took part in the construction, this building has been preserved, but now they are planning to bring the library to modern standards, usually this promised only good changes, but here is a special case, instead of a unique place with a unique atmosphere, you can accidentally build
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a soulless remake, but is it possible to find a compromise on how to get to this... the library was recognized by our alexander karpov, this is not a shed, this is not here is a cardboard for some house there, everyone who came out in defense of chukovsky’s beloved library in peredelkino, went to it since childhood, now they already take their children, some grandchildren, so we live here in the third generation, my mother went in the fifth, fifth generation, my mother went to chukovsky on his fire, yes, well, i went here when i was little to the library, my child, he sits, he comes here on all holidays, but what’s wrong with her, she’s in a terrible state, that’s the point, no, because an examination was carried out, the examination showed that the library is in working order, this is written in the documents, that is, it is in satisfactory condition, and no emergency repairs are required here, and how much money has been allocated, as far as we know, 16 million, serious sum for the library, the renovation became known after
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visit of officials who stated at a meeting with activists that the building would be dismantled to the foundation and rebuilt. and this unprepossessing house without a protected status is in fact korney ivanovich’s favorite creation, the writer’s gift to children, on whom, by the way, he spent all his royalties. the library is happiness, it’s pain, it’s the life of korni ivanovich, his whole life was serving children, before his death he bequeathed to his daughter: “lidochka,
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when i’m gone, don’t leave the care of the library.” well, this is the fifty-seventh year , the regional newspaper “znamya ilich”. statement from chukovsky k-i. in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the great october socialist revolution, i bring the address of the children's library i built to the dartsovo erispolkom.
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only there is not a line in it about the spirit of korney ivanovich, not about happy children , so formally with the renovation everything is according to the law, memories, and this is the main treasure of the library, not counting, of course, the office of chukovsky’s unique collection of 1400 books, that’s it's located here in the hallway. books, books that were sent at the request of korniy ivanovch chukovsky, authors from all over soviet union. there are books by kosil, rybakov and marshak here. now, according to the new layout, they are removing very, well, cabinets with valuable books, well, signed by writers who have been standing here for years, these shelves are simply removed, when asked where we can put them, well, wherever you want. it’s also a pity for the exhibition of children’s drawings, which i also came up with myself. in this reading room the so-called theater barrier was made, and there are photographs where the carnevan is captured near this theater barrier, that is, it is like a mini-theater, i know that
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it shouldn’t be there after the reconstruction, but most likely it will be removed, my phone rang, someone says elephant, where from the camel, what do you need, chocolate for whom, for my son, but send a lot, get like five. after a report in the vesti program, activists were asked to officially submit papers for the merger of the chukovsky library and museum, as a result of which it should acquire the status of a monument, and it will no longer be possible to simply dismantle it. repair will be possible only within the framework of the berisha scientific restoration. alexander karpov, pavel veterinsky, ilona agasieva, a week in the city. well, there are no obvious barmalei in this story, so we hope that everything will be fine. it's been a week in the city, we'll be back in exactly the same time. 7 days, see you.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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a cyclone with tropical downpours hit the urals. in yekaterinburg, roads and sidewalks were flooded, and trams stopped in one of the districts. water rushed into residential buildings. in the kurgan region, in addition to showers and thunderstorms, there was also hail; in ufa, part of the runway. despite the flooding, the air harbor is operating normally. the famous icon of the trinity, painted by andrei
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rublev, returned to the trinity sergius lavra; it was temporarily in the cathedral of christ the savior. the move to the shrine was timed to coincide with the holiday of trinity, which orthodox christians celebrate today. the solemn service in honor of this event was led by patriarch kiri of moscow of all russia. now about the actions of our military on the front line, sappers of the southern group of troops are neutralizing the mines of the territory from which the nationalists were driven out. the roads there are literally jam-packed. the russian team won 262 gold medals at the brix games, having previously topped the overall medal standings of the tournament ahead of schedule. the athletes received 50 of them on the final tenth day of the competition, according to the number of awards of the highest standard, with the national team in second place.


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