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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the honor of andrei rublev returned to the trinity sergius lavra; it was temporarily located in the cathedral of christ the savior. the move to the shrine was timed to coincide with the holiday of trinity, which orthodox christians celebrate today. the solemn service in honor of this event was led by patriarch kiril of moscow of all russia. now about the actions of our military on the front line, the sappers of the southern group of troops are neutralizing the mines of the territory from which the nationalists were driven out. the roads there are literally crammed with explosives. russian won 262 gold medals the national team at the brix games, having previously led the overall medal standings of the tournament ahead of schedule. the athletes received 50 of them on the final tenth day of the competition. in terms of the number of awards of the highest standard, the belarusian team is in second place, china closes the top three. now
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there is a short advertisement, then the broadcast will continue with the final broadcast of the program by the duty department. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. investing with sber is simple: receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. white friday with cashback discounts dazzlingly profitable 4k tcl tv for only 33.999. mvid is the leading expert on white technology. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. turns out. under 20, i was thinking about opening
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outbreak of botulism, why is this disease dangerous and who will have to answer? tambov syndrome alexey ovchinnikov. why does the former regional minister of health end up in the hospital every time he is detained? holidays with consequences. in the city of aleksandrov, vladimir region, aggressive thugs beat up a serviceman who was on leave. why are the alleged culprits still at large, and is it true that their identities cannot be established?
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contractors, who in turn transferred contributions to pivkin. earlier , searches were carried out in his office and home; security forces confiscated the necessary documents and memory cards. investigators are looking into circumstances of mass poisoning. in russia, there is the largest outbreak of botulism in
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the last 30 years; this is a serious disease that is associated with damage to the nervous system. the reason was ready-made salads with tuna beans. there are hundreds of victims. where they ordered food, who had already been detained in a high-profile case, and what kind of barrels of poison were found at the factory - fyodor eliseev found out. in this short video from a hospital ward, kazan resident alexandra khavronina, she pronounces every word with difficulty, part of her face is paralyzed, one cannot open eye, this is the third day in the hospital, check, thirty-third artillery brigade. well, yes, you did it. alexandra demonstrates the consequences of batulism, a terrible infectious disease that affects the nervous system. after treatment, the woman gets better every day, but there is still a long way to go until complete recovery. on the fifth day in the hospital, alexandra felt better, but her speech
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was still slurred. tadam, today both my eyes are open. alexandra khavronina, one of those who was poisoned, now notorious. with alata lobio total more than 300 people were hospitalized in the country in tatarstan, the nizhny novgorod region, the moscow region and the capital, many ended up in intensive care. in the salad, experts discovered a deadly and invisible poison secreted by the bacterium clastridium betulinum. local kitchen was involved in production and sales. this is a popular food delivery service, better known as neighborhood kitchen. it turned out that toxic microorganisms got into the salad along with beans supplied by the company. in the production and warehouses of companies involved in mass poisoning, they were searched. employees of the central office of the investigative committee took over the investigation of the case; the general director of the lokal kitchen ngo anton lozin, the head of the quality department elena mashkova, as well as the commercial director of the company
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that produced sovonka beans, vladimir shin, were detained. the capital's moscow court sent them under house arrest. but the cook who directly prepared the beans is now in pre-trial detention. he was detained at zhukovsky airport while trying. leave the country, as the investigation believes, at the direction of the actual head of the savonka company vladimir shin, normatov prepared the beans and packaged them in vacuum packaging for subsequent storage and transportation to the local kitchen company warehouse. the beans were produced in balashikha near moscow in gross violation of sanitary standards. workers without medical certificates stored non-sterile products in vacuum packaging for a long time at inappropriate temperatures, and used imported water that was stored outside. now the production premises have been sealed, the raw materials have been confiscated, but what we saw outside is shocking: the territory the enterprise looks more like a landfill. bunches of food that are already covered with mold are standing right on the street, construction waste is everywhere. there are dozens of bunches of them at the exit, these are canned cucumbers, foam,
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the corresponding smell, rot and rotten meat, here are interesting samples, they have already... even lost their color, bags of salt, which has really become stone, but it has become stone due to the fact that it constantly gets wet, even this coating does not save it, as a result of checks and searches almost confiscated...
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which is engaged in canning in the krasnodar region. we have a procedure for accepting products in accordance with the guest. our laboratory takes a certain amount of raw materials and conducts appropriate analyzes and samples, according to which we receive a conclusion and have the right to produce. after laboratory tests , the peas are unloaded into receiving baths, from where the raw materials go to the sink, here various impurities are separated from the product, then preliminary heat treatment occurs, the so-called blanching or scalding. then the peas go to an inspection belt, where workers manually remove any remaining impurities. afterwards, the peas are scattered into tin cans, which have also undergone processing and are rolled up with lids, then the cans are sent to an autoclave, where they are processed at temperatures above 120°.
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restaurateur andrey griznov is sure that a kitchen under the control of a decent chef is not capable of harming people, only fresh products are used, everything is from under the knife, what can’t be said about companies that prepare delicious food? well, there are employees there, so some do production, others do delivery,
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others do sales, and do very little, who is in their system, after the largest outbreak of botulism in the last 30 years, retail chains organized control over suppliers of ready-made food and canned food, some began to more carefully check products in independent laboratories, someone sent their specialists to inspect production, in the state duma they started talking about the possible lifting of the moratorium on unscheduled inspections of food producing enterprises, punitive policy. state, both within the framework of administrative and criminal legislation, is a strong deterrent, especially for those for whom profit comes first, and for the sake of profit they are ready to turn a blind eye to many things, but in the meantime , unscrupulous manufacturers turn a blind eye to numerous violations, dozens of people like alexandra khavronina, she is trying to relearn how to open them, recovery for those who have recovered from batuulism can take up to six months, experts advise...
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citizenship and even fight for the donbass. home declare a desire to accept the russian as a result, many prisoners increasingly do not want to. did the kiev regime really not need them? we visited correctional institutions in the tula, konstram and smolensk regions and saw everything with our own eyes. our special report. choose such a lucky one, ukrainian military prisoners in one of the russian
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detention centers in the smolensk region are smiling and joking, it’s the perfect excuse not to eat, denis probably received a letter from his wife from ukraine, he shares his joy with everyone, honey, i miss you very much, i love you very much, it’s morally easier when you know that letters are coming, even if... someone didn’t receive it, then when a friend receives a letter, and you’re happy and happy for him just like him, these people did not want to kill civilians in donbass, voluntarily laid down their arms and remained alive. many say that they did not even have time to receive a baptism of fire, they surrendered as soon as they were forcibly mobilized, officially all have temporary status, detained for opposing a special military operation, and are being held in russian correctional institutions. beds, a table, benches, bedside tables, this is where the daily life of those detained for opposing a special military operation takes place. in this cell,
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which is equipped according to the standards of a pre-trial detention center, there are 15 people, so everything ends immediately according to need.
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this is what the process of eating for lunch looks like : soup for the first time, rice porridge for the second, also salad, bread and compote, everything according to the norms, soup 500 g per person, rice - 220 g per person, well, roughly speaking 90, the menu is different for everyone day of the week, all spanish institutions where those detained for
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opposing a special military operation are kept have their own bakeries, baking tens of kilograms of bread per day. it is served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. libraries with literature for all tastes, relaxation rooms where you can watch tv, play board games, and also a bath and laundry facility. here in this room there is everything you need, a towel, and here is the washing room itself, the regime of walks according to the schedule, detained for opposition special military operation have the opportunity to walk on the territory of the institution and... return to the cells. all prisoners undergo regular medical examinations, receive primary care and bandages on site. it will get better, everything will be fine. this device, a fluorograph, allows you to quickly and efficiently take pictures and check patients for their health status. the medical unit of this correctional institution in the kostorama region is equipped with
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the latest technology, there is even a dental office. if necessary, patients are transported to district and regional hospitals. the kiev regime abandoned us like cannon fodder. first of all, zelensky changes azov soldiers, volunteer battalions, ordinary contract soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, as you can see. no one needs it, neither zelensky nor his subordinates. konstantin is 27 years old, has served under contract in the marine corps since 2020, has been in captivity for more than two years, speaks for himself, and has felt all the cynicism of ukrainian politics. in our unit it happened that people were simply
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taken out by kamaz trucks and buried, without even telling their relatives. this was reported as unknown missing, the government of ukraine never took an interest in my fate, so i decided, made a decision, to accept the citizenship of the russian federation, so that in the future i would not return to ukraine and not carry out orders to shell civilians. konstantin understands well what he is talking about, the decision is balanced and thoughtful. his family in donbass and konstantin’s example are far from the only one; alexander also wants to become a citizen of russia, even join the ranks of participants in a special operation, fight on the russian side, for peace above. agreed in the whole cell, eight of us, to accept citizenship of the russian federation, i am ready
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to take up arms so that the blood of our brothers is not shed, our country simply killed us, they simply drove us out into the field and threw us like cannon fodder. aren't you afraid that your decision to accept russian citizenship will be condemned there in kiev?
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it was necessary to send orders again, that is , militants, thugs, meanwhile the number of captured ukrainians continues to grow, entire units surrender, even in armored vehicles, these shots were filmed in the avdeevka direction, then the platoon commander said, that his command refused to evacuate, threatened with violence in case of surrender, they were ready to shoot at their own people, wait, so the men we take here are wounded, many of those who survived... are now afraid of exchange and they themselves do not want to return to ukraine, after all, the returning men are thrown back into the trenches. i am not beneficial to ukraine, if they do
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accuse me, they will say: we accused you, be so kind as to serve, yes, in the rear or even on the front line, but i am sort of afraid of this myself. dmitry selyutin, sanitary instructor, served in the armed forces of ukraine, the hereditary speaks to himself medic, surrendered on april 12, 2022. i refuse to go back because i am sure that i will be sent back to the front, i will be sent back to the trenches, but i don’t want that, i’ve had enough, we were thrown into the embrasure once, where is the guarantee, that they would not abandon us, for the second time, in mariupol we were betrayed by the command, the brigade commander, colonel boronyuk deserted, the commander of the thirty-sixth brigade.
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russian correctional institutions eventually became a kind of refuge for ukrainian military personnel; many of the detainees give testimonies to investigators and help in uncovering war crimes of the kiev regime against civilians in donbass, even. the current situation for prisoners is much better than what could have been on the front line, they say that ukraine is increasingly reminiscent of a concentration camp, with barbed wire and mines on the border, their own people shoot at their own people, and those who try to escape or are not ready to kill are finished off on the field battle wounded, so surrender remains the only right decision. andrey evlev, mikhail verdiev, ivan paevsky, lyubov lomanova, khlimat kuchmezova, conductor, duty department. the accounts chamber helped return over 26 billion rubles to the budget and identified almost 5
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violations, most of them related to government procurement. the new head of the accounts chamber, boris kovalchuk, spoke about this. on wednesday, he made a report at the federation council on the results of the department’s work over the past year. i will note the main ones: 772 violations in the implementation of government regulations. procurement, 448 violations regarding improper implementation of government tasks and functions, 411 facts violations in the field of management and disposal of state property, the amount of identified violations also increased, it amounted to 2.1 trillion rubles. and here is some more important figure from the accounts chamber: based on the results of work in 2023, 132 cases of administrative law were initiated...
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about other notable legal events of the past week in a brief review by denis novozhilov. on monday it became known about the detention of a fugitive official of the russian ministry of agriculture, who had been wanted for 12 years. oleg danskikh was caught by operatives, when leaving a store in the istra urban district of the moscow region. investigators believe. that he was involved in the theft of more than 2 billion rubles allocated for the construction of a distillery, elevator and dairy farm. while donskikh was hiding from law enforcement officers, his accomplices, businessmen from the lipetsk region, had already received real prison sentences. on tuesday in the ryazan region , eight people were killed and 13 more were injured as a result of a massive road accident. the accident occurred on the m5 ural highway. the driver of the minibus drove into
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the oncoming lane, where he collided with passenger cars... it is known that the bus was used for regular intercity transportation. at the time of the accident, the cabin was mostly filled with shift workers who were traveling from syzron to moscow. investigators are now looking into the cause of the accident. according to one version, the person responsible for the accident may have fallen asleep at the wheel. on wednesday, the rector of the state university, dmitry yandovitsky, was arrested in voronezh and is accused of paying a bribe to award a doctorate to his wife. according to investigators, he paid. 6000 rub. to the chairman of the dissertation council, the mediator was head of the department of economics of organizational management, yuri tryashchevsky. the court sent him under house arrest. on thursday , novosibirsk security forces published footage of the arrest of a former employee of the state research center for virology and biotechnology vector. artyom kobzev and his accomplices are suspected of fraud of 6 million rubles. and receiving bribes. as we found out.
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kobzif also allegedly received bribes for assisting companies in purchasing packaging for medical waste. on friday in khantemansiysk , the state prosecutor requested a life sentence for former head of the control and audit office. department of the ministry of finance of russia pakhmao, yuri chekin. the investigation considers him to be the mastermind behind the murder of district prosecutor yuri bederin, as well as the organizer of several other crimes. the jury has already found the former auditor guilty. now the judge must set a term. denis novozhilov, lead. duty department. actor mikhail efremov was offered to go to a special military operation zone in exchange for parole.
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they came up with such an initiative. representatives of one of public organizations. previously, the actor had already asked to be released from the colony, but the request was rejected allegedly due to a violation of the regime. let me remind you that mikhail efremov caused a fatal accident in moscow. the court sentenced the actor to eight years in prison, but then the term was reduced to 7.5 years. a fist fight near a nightclub in the city of aleksandrov, vladimir region, aggressive hammers beat a serviceman who came on leave. according to the victim's wife. she herself had to establish the identities of the participants in the fight, so why have the attackers still not punished when law enforcement agencies take this matter seriously. from the vladimir region, investigation by ekaterina likhomanova. the central square of the city of alexandrov, vladimir region. surprisingly, there is a loud party going on right in front of the local police station and courthouse. vacationers do not deny themselves anything, tinted cars,
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loud music and alcohol. residents of the city claim that they see such a picture every weekday evening. on weekends , entertainment lovers move to a hot spot called fest. the club, to put it mildly, does not look particularly presentable, a shabby porch, such banners, but there is nowhere to go, this is the only such establishment in aleksandrov. but knowledgeable people do not advise coming here, it’s too unsafe a vacation. yes, fights happen there every day, every saturday. alexander levin, who first decided to relax in this club with his wife, was personally convinced of this. alexander the sapper, in these photos he is covered in blood and with bruises on his face. in 2 years of service you have not there were not a single injury, it was worth going to the club, with the family, to relax and a whole list. yes, that's how it all worked out. surveillance camera footage shows alexander. the footage clearly shows how a serviceman is professionally thrown to the ground.


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