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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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loud music and alcohol. residents of the city assure that such a picture is not observed every weekday evening. on weekends, entertainment lovers move to a hot spot called fest. the club, to put it mildly, does not look particularly presentable. a shabby porch, these are the banners, but there’s nowhere to go, this is the only establishment like this in aleksandrov. but knowledgeable people do not advise coming here, it’s too unsafe a vacation.
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falls already unconscious. doctors recorded a closed craniocerebral injury in alexander, numerous injuries to the bones of the face, contusion of the right eye, they beat him and he falls in this place, a rupture of the cornea and lacerations on his hands. the man spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital, but as the victim’s wife, marta, assures, she had to independently collect evidence and negotiate to obtain footage from surveillance cameras.
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within the framework of which medical appointments were requested for an administrative investigation, in documents for the appointment of a forensic medical examination. on june 18, after the applicant underwent medical treatment, documents necessary to establish the severity of the harm caused to the applicant’s health are provided. on june 19, 2024
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, a forensic medical examination is scheduled, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made. coincidence or not, the forensic medical examination was scheduled the next day after our request. programs. at this point, none of the attackers have even attempted to apologize to the levins. the family only receives threats. this story has already been noticed in the state duma. mp and journalist evgeny popov intends to prepare an appeal to the investigative committee and the prosecutor general's office. if this attack is really connected with the fact that the guy participated in a special military operation , fought, defended our interests, then this, of course, implies.
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before his release, he was in season number one, this was due to the trial of a new criminal case, but it ended this week. the seven-year sentence that belykh served for a bribe and the press was waiting for his escape from the government office in kirov. by according to the law, all convicts after release leave through one door, there should be no exceptions, but nikita belykh turned out to be invisible, his lawyer distributed leaflets, allegedly on behalf of the client , saying that he was already free and
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did not intend to communicate with journalists, they say , don’t wait, and later these shots appeared on the internet, showing white people with a bouquet of flowers. i've already stopped by to visit my mother. our film crew followed, belykh’s mother was taciturn. while he is not talking to anyone, he was with me, but now he has left. all. thank you. she didn’t really talk, that’s okay, she just kept to herself. by her own. so, hello, hello, now journalists are trying to unravel the trick with the disappearance of belykh from the territory of the kerovsky season, it is possible that he was taken out in one of the tinted foreign cars. with moscow numbers. mr. ovchinnikov's tampa syndrome, the former acting minister of health of the region alexey ovchinnikov suddenly fell ill again. this happened after he was detained on thursday in connection with illegal hunting. in he found himself at the center of the scandal back in february,
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when traffic police officers caught ovchinnikov with the carcass of a roe deer. then he did not mince words, but the tambov prosecutor’s office did not see the insult to government officials. so will the former official answer? if not for his words, then for his deeds, and vladimir bazov was really trying to delay the investigation. alexey ovchinnikov changed his business suit a long time ago, he lost his high position, and hiding from the investigation is apparently more convenient, but it was impossible to go unnoticed, the former temporary acting duties of the minister of health of the tambov region was detained in lipetsk on thursday and taken to his hometown. investigators have a lot of questions; ovchenikov is accused of illegal hunting, but the department is a person of interest.
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true, i was able to talk to the former minister only without a camera; in the intensive care unit, the use of technology is prohibited. in a cheerful voice, ovchinnikov said that he was not hiding from the investigation. we tried to communicate with ovchinnikov’s relatives. ovchinnikov lives in this apartment and despite on a day off in the morning, we were unable to find his relatives at home. apparently, they are worried about the health of the men and the whole family is on duty at the hospital. the neighbor admitted that she used to often meet the influential official, but for the last month and a half he had not been seen at all. enough for you, in any case , i saw it in march, i saw it in april.
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recently, ovchinnikov was wanted in a case of illegal vip hunting. his search was carried out by employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the tambov region under the leadership of police major general nikolai skokov, and criminal. the case is under the control of the deputy head of the russian ministry of internal affairs, alexander kravchenko. there were several defendants involved in the criminal case, one of whom was hiding from the investigation authorities. the investigation department of the regional department of internal affairs put this citizen on the wanted list. currently , the citizen is detained in accordance with article 91 of the code of criminal procedure of the russian federation and taken to the department of internal affairs of russia in the tambov region. in february, these footage with the participation of alexey ovchinnikov caused a wide public outcry. yes, i say, it’s swearing, these are the complaints, i’ll be honest, and so are you. traffic police officers stopped a car in which mr. ovchinnikov was in the passenger seat. apparently, he was in such a hurry about his ministerial business that he did not want to waste time communicating with the inspector.
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however, the inspectors were not at a loss and did their job with dignity, inspected the car, found a butchered carcass of a roe deer in the trunk, it was impossible to hunt for it at that moment, our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program found out where ovchinnikov allegedly could have shot a defenseless animal and visited these hunting grounds land. the land belongs to the community. khotnikov and the pervomayskaya fisherman, its chairman murat gabuev, a well-known entrepreneur in the region with strong connections in the regional government. the police, it seems, visited this base for the first time and found dozens more rogue carcasses. initially, investigators opened a criminal case for insulting government officials, but the prosecutor's office. region canceled it, not seeing anything illegal in ovchinnikov’s actions. it is possible that he is trying by all means to delay
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the investigation, because back in february, when only a scandal broke out, the official was still in the same hospital as now. all this time, the alleged poacher was unable to communicate with investigators, allegedly due to health problems, and then, it seems, decided to escape. for now, the former minister of health of the tambov region will be under a written undertaking not to leave, and this despite the fact that he has already tried to hide from the investigation once. news, duty department. we once again appeal to the head of the investigative committee of russia with a request to take control of the criminal case illegally is with the participation of alexey ovchinnikov, so that local, influential officials do not even have the thought of putting pressure on law enforcement agencies. a haven for connoisseurs of corrupt love under the wing of a high-ranking criminal investigation officer. in the nizhny novgorod region , a former policeman was arrested and accused of patronage. intimate salons, who opened a network of establishments where sex services were provided under the guise of massage, and how the end of
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illegal business came from the nizhny novgorod region , report by andrei romanov. under the bright rays of the sun, investigator kirill gadalov opens the door to the abode of joy. that’s what the owners called this brothel in the semi-basement among themselves. we are located in one of the service salons. a haven for connoisseurs of corrupt love has been organized in 2022. spouses sergei and anastasia rusakov. almost immediately, according to investigators , the now former deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the nizhny novgorod police headquarters, roman peskov, joined the criminal business. the lieutenant colonel allegedly provided patronage entrepreneur, did everything necessary so that his colleagues did not notice an intimate salon in the city center, where every day more than a dozen girls , under the guise of masseuses, actually provided intimate services to wealthy men. about four rooms in which intimate services were provided. in the advertisement , clients were promised an erotic massage, but
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how far the specialists could go depended on the thickness of the pleasure hunter’s wallet; they say that rich people came here, who could leave hundreds of thousands of rubles at the salon’s cash desk in a day, and the moneybags had no idea that their dirty secrets were being carefully recorded. most of the premises of the massage center are immersed in darkness and it was not without reason that investigators inspected them at the time of the arrest. even the wiring in this room, where the lighting remains, is clearly visible that the wires hang down, here, in this wiring, the investigators found microphones that recorded everything that happened in this room, and judging by the state of the mattress, there was a lot of hard work, now the investigators are busy, it began with the detention of the personnel of the owners of the sex empire, this is footage of a joint special operation of fsb employees of the management of their own... danger of the nizhny novgorod police headquarters, it took place simultaneously in two salons, which were allegedly
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owned by entrepreneurs rusakova and lieutenant colonel roman peskov. here the special forces break into the premises of the brothel, there are half-naked girls in the rooms. some masseuses, the security forces had to literally remove them from their clients, and in the office they detained the probable patron of this business. the official, using his official position, provided patronage for unimpeded activities. the next day, the company of the spouses anastasia and sergei was brought to court, and the same rusakovs; the court's decision about orestes caused bewilderment among the head of the enterprising family. we give joy to people, and they see us here, they paid taxes. officer roman peskov became friends with
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businessman sergei rusakov in 2013, then sent him purely in a friendly manner. to the colony, took part in the arrest of the entrepreneur, and accordingly, implemented their own operational material regarding him, after which our entrepreneur was prosecuted and convicted, after which they continued their friendly relations, when a close friend asked high-ranking police officer roman peskov to protect his brothels from encroachments by security forces, he allegedly not only agreed, but became an unofficial co-founder one of the establishments, he installed furniture in this salon, we accuse... a sum of money was received in the amount of about 100,000 rubles monthly, in total the partners opened two salon: aristocrat, which we examined as a co-investigator, and malina, not far from it, both establishments were located in the city center. here is another massage parlor that was allegedly patronized by former police officer roman peskov. the establishment is also not working,
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the video camera was torn off and the door was literally torn out by the roots. all that remains is advertising on the internet, on the website, in addition to the girls’ profiles, we see these photographs. we covered this obscene photo with computer retouching, but the exposed part of the body perfectly characterizes the situation that has developed in the life of the arrested officer peskov. responsibilities between the owners of the intimate empire were clearly divided; anastasia rusakova looked for lovers of love and controlled the administrators. her husband roman dealt with material matters.
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being a police officer, they decided to organize a sex empire. roman yanievich, have you used the services yourself? our questions remained unanswered; it is curious that a few months before the arrest, the former policeman divorced his wife, moved to his dacha and began a grandiose construction project there. plot, where, according to our information, roman peskov settled some time before his arrest, it looks deserted, but he is clearly being looked after, the grass in the enclosure is mowed, the dog is bored. it seems that the relatives of the former policeman regularly... come here, and how could it be otherwise that there is a large-scale construction going on on the territory, a bathhouse and a large house are ready, and here in the deserted area, most likely there will be some other building. roman peskov will not return to this site soon; he, like the companions of the rusakova wife, will wait for the investigation to be completed in the pre-trial detention center. intimate salons located in residential high-rise buildings, meanwhile, are empty. to the delight of people who for 2 years have been very tired
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of the ladies of easy virtue of their clients who came here for a specific massage. andrey romanov. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen. after all, you 're doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. what will yours be like? summer? now let's look at the megamarket. with
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for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value strong family relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming ahead of us. even more achievements! fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition!
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put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration, pray, black, throwing the gang is also a crap, it’s time to pay, i’ll shoot from here, if i go alone, i’ll quickly get burned, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, it’s easy for him, he didn’t do anything bad , there’s more... what will it do to anyone, naughty ones, it’s evening with you.
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a cyclone with tropical downpours, bad weather came to the urals, in one of the districts of yekaterinburg, trams stopped in ufa airport. the runway has gone under water, when can we expect clarity? fierce fighting in the kharkov region, russian su-34s strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. this is the first combat use of such ammunition. footage from the collision line in the report by evgeniy poddubny. philippine military of the disputed reef, chinese guards board enemy boats . the us immediately declares its side.'
12:00 pm
china. return to the monastery, the famous sea, a report from our correspondent from what does the new aggravation in south china entail? the brush of andrei rublev returned to the trinity sergius lavra. the move to the shrine was timed to coincide with the holiday of trinity, which orthodox christians celebrate today. closing the brix games on the tenth final day, our team won another 50 top awards. our sports correspondent in kazan will tell you about the main results. the ural region was hit by a cyclone with tropical downpours. a powerful storm hit yekaterinburg and flooded the streets. in one of the districts , trams stopped due to the fact that the tracks were in water. motorists practically swam across the flooded areas. water poured into...


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